Trump tells North Korea to trust US Promises as He Breaks a Huge One

What you're saying is Trump should be required to stay in a deal (with which he had nothing to do), even though that deal is helping a terrorist nation acquire nuclear weapons. Just how stupid can you be?

Did FauxNoose feed you this line because I swear their propoganda froths these same bullchit lies.

This coming from a guy that uses a left wing propaganda op-ed to make an argument.

Really stupid comment coming from you.
The hate rage of Alt Right blinds them to the growing anti Trump resistance, now a majority in the country, a continually growing majority.

I hate to break this to you, Shaky Jake but you progressives are in deep shit the way things are going right now! The economy is doing great...unemployment is at record low levels...the Fed likes what they're seeing so much they've increased interest rates four times since Trump was elected...North Korea just released 3 American hostages and is talking about ratcheting down their nuclear program...and now Trump is holding the Iranian's feet to the fire to get a REAL deal to stop their nuclear program.

Why would ANYONE vote for one of you...when Trump is getting so much done? Duh?
The Obama-recovery economy is doing fine, yes, Oldstyle.

The Jan 2017 4.8 is now 3.9 because of the Obama-recovery, yes, Oldstyle

The interest rate hikes are because of the continuing Obama-recovery, yes, Oldstyle.

The Koreans, scared of Trump's erratic idiocy, indeed, are working for a deal between themselves, Oldstyle.

Then why is Trump's overall averages continues to fail with the American people, Oldystyle. Yes?
The Obama-recovery economy is doing fine, yes, Oldstyle.

The Jan 2017 4.8 is now 3.9 because of the Obama-recovery, yes, Oldstyle

The interest rate hikes are because of the continuing Obama-recovery, yes, Oldstyle.

The Koreans, scared of Trump's erratic idiocy, indeed, are working for a deal between themselves, Oldstyle.

Then why is Trump's overall averages continues to fail with the American people, Oldystyle. Yes?

The economy is doing fine because the Trump Administration cut regulations and gave Americans a tax cut. Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a major recession since the Great Depression! The only thing that kept it from being even worse was the Democrats getting their asses handed to them in the first mid term elections so Barry the Clueless couldn't go ahead with the Cap & Trade legislation he was pushing! His numbers would have been a complete disaster if it wasn't for the energy boom...something that was driven by fracking...which Barry the Clueless of course was against!
As for poll numbers? Are you REALLY stupid enough to listen to the same idiots who told you Hillary was going to win in a landslide when they tell you Trump is unpopular?
The Obama-recovery economy is doing fine, yes, Oldstyle.

The Jan 2017 4.8 is now 3.9 because of the Obama-recovery, yes, Oldstyle

The interest rate hikes are because of the continuing Obama-recovery, yes, Oldstyle.

The Koreans, scared of Trump's erratic idiocy, indeed, are working for a deal between themselves, Oldstyle.

Then why is Trump's overall averages continues to fail with the American people, Oldystyle. Yes?

The economy is doing fine because the Trump Administration cut regulations and gave Americans a tax cut. Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a major recession since the Great Depression! The only thing that kept it from being even worse was the Democrats getting their asses handed to them in the first mid term elections so Barry the Clueless couldn't go ahead with the Cap & Trade legislation he was pushing! His numbers would have been a complete disaster if it wasn't for the energy boom...something that was driven by fracking...which Barry the Clueless of course was against!
You cannot quantify Trump's admin actions at all, so we chock up the economic revival and renewal to Obama.

Just tough for you to watch your guy Donald tumble and bumble about.
Then don't talk about his popularity, because he isn't, Oldstyle, in real America.
This moment perfectly illustrated the absurdity of Trump's decision to violate the Iran nuclear deal.

While announcing his decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, Trump claimed he was demonstrating the trustworthiness of the United States.

During his speech at the White House Tuesday afternoon, Trump also announced that his administration was imposing sanctions on Iran that had been waived as part of the agreement.

“Today’s action sends a critical message: The United States no longer makes empty threats,” he said after detailing those actions.

“When I make promises, I keep them,” he continued. “In fact, at this very moment, Secretary [of State Mike] Pompeo is on his way to North Korea in preparation for my upcoming meeting with Kim Jong Un. Plans are being made, relationships are building.”

He added that “with the help of China, South Korea, and Japan, a future of great prosperity and security can be achieved for everyone.”

But those declarations ring hollow coming on the heels of the withdrawal announcement.

Trump’s violation of the Iran deal threatens the ability of the United States to be trusted when it seeks agreements from other countries.

As President Obama, who brokered the historic deal, noted immediately following Trump’s speech, “The consistent flouting of agreements that our country is a party to risks eroding America’s credibility.”

Yet while Trump was in the middle of breaking a multilateral nuclear agreement that the other parties were all complying with, he promised to bring “prosperity and security” to North and South Korea with a multilateral nuclear deal.

And the possibility of the U.S. pulling out of any potential North Korea deal must already be on Kim Jong Un’s mind. Newly appointed national security adviser John Bolton was instrumental in doing just that during the George W. Bush administration.

And Trump’s own North Korea policy was a reckless mess before all of this, thanks to his various Twitter threats.

But it was particularly strange for Trump to stake his claim to trustworthiness on the fact that he is violating exactly the sort of deal he expects North Korea to enter into.

Filthy Don makes all used-car salesmen look honest. And still no sanctions on Russia.:113:
Move to Iran if you love it so much dickhead. I thought all you crybaby liberals were moving to Canada anyway?
Then don't talk about his popularity, because he isn't, Oldstyle, in real America.
Donald Trump is very popular with working class average Americans. Campus and media elites don’t get it. President Trump is a man of the people.
The Obama-recovery economy is doing fine, yes, Oldstyle.

The Jan 2017 4.8 is now 3.9 because of the Obama-recovery, yes, Oldstyle

The interest rate hikes are because of the continuing Obama-recovery, yes, Oldstyle.

The Koreans, scared of Trump's erratic idiocy, indeed, are working for a deal between themselves, Oldstyle.

Then why is Trump's overall averages continues to fail with the American people, Oldystyle. Yes?

The economy is doing fine because the Trump Administration cut regulations and gave Americans a tax cut. Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a major recession since the Great Depression! The only thing that kept it from being even worse was the Democrats getting their asses handed to them in the first mid term elections so Barry the Clueless couldn't go ahead with the Cap & Trade legislation he was pushing! His numbers would have been a complete disaster if it wasn't for the energy boom...something that was driven by fracking...which Barry the Clueless of course was against!
You cannot quantify Trump's admin actions at all, so we chock up the economic revival and renewal to Obama.

Just tough for you to watch your guy Donald tumble and bumble about.

We can "quantify" Barry's Administration's actions! Barack Obama's policies extended a bad recession into The Great Recession. Instead of pushing for things to make the economy stronger he pushed an agenda that began with the Affordable Care Act...something that hurt job creation and then proposed Cap & Trade legislation that would have increased the cost of doing business for American businesses...something else that would have severely affected job creation. He also pushed an anti carbon fuel agenda against oil and coal producers that he admitted was designed to raise the cost of energy here in the US. The energy boom and the jobs that resulted from it were DESPITE Obama...not because of him! He was anti fracking and used the Gulf oil spill to shut down drilling operations even of shallow water drilling that had an almost perfect safety record. The reason we're experiencing an economic "revival" is that a GOP led Congress blocked Barack Obama's anti job agenda for his second term and then Donald Trump was elected and ushered in a business friendly administration that doesn't consider the Private Sector to be the enemy.
Thank you for admitting that you can't quantify Trump's economic impact for good on the recovery.

We certainly will and can condemn the GOP Congress that could not over come Obama's supposed policies that supposedly extended a bad agenda that extended the Recession.

The GOP from 1994 to the great electoral disaster of 2018 that sweeps them out of office for a long time will be paralleled in significance in the history books of the GOP electoral disasters from 1930 through 1936.

Just so sad be a far right Pub.
Thank you for admitting that you can't quantify Trump's economic impact for good on the recovery.

We certainly will and can condemn the GOP Congress that could not over come Obama's supposed policies that supposedly extended a bad agenda that extended the Recession.

The GOP from 1994 to the great electoral disaster of 2018 that sweeps them out of office for a long time will be paralleled in significance in the history books of the GOP electoral disasters from 1930 through 1936.

Just so sad be a far right Pub.

So Obama's push for Cap & Trade was "supposed"? His war against the fossil fuel industries was "supposed"? What's "sad", that you can't bring yourself to admit that Barry wasn't a good President when it came to economics and job creation. He was far more concerned with furthering his liberal agenda than he was about putting Americans who had lost their jobs back to work and millions of Americans burned up their lives savings waiting for HIM to do his job!
The great electoral disaster of 2018? You actually think that people are going to vote for you liberals with what's going on right now in the country, Jake? My business just had it's best year EVER this past year! Why would I even consider voting for the people who didn't make that happen?
The Constitution gives the President the power to commit the United States to treaties – but only with the advice and consent of two-thirds of the US Senate, and only if the agreement does not contravene the Constitution.

Obama skipped that part. So Trump flushed it down the toilet.

The lesson = if you want to make a lasting contribution as POTUS, pass laws through CONGRESS, not by executive diktat that can be erased with the stroke of a pen.

Why is Obamacare so hard to repeal? Because it went through CONGRESS.
This moment perfectly illustrated the absurdity of Trump's decision to violate the Iran nuclear deal.

While announcing his decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, Trump claimed he was demonstrating the trustworthiness of the United States.

During his speech at the White House Tuesday afternoon, Trump also announced that his administration was imposing sanctions on Iran that had been waived as part of the agreement.

“Today’s action sends a critical message: The United States no longer makes empty threats,” he said after detailing those actions.

“When I make promises, I keep them,” he continued. “In fact, at this very moment, Secretary [of State Mike] Pompeo is on his way to North Korea in preparation for my upcoming meeting with Kim Jong Un. Plans are being made, relationships are building.”

He added that “with the help of China, South Korea, and Japan, a future of great prosperity and security can be achieved for everyone.”

But those declarations ring hollow coming on the heels of the withdrawal announcement.

Trump’s violation of the Iran deal threatens the ability of the United States to be trusted when it seeks agreements from other countries.

As President Obama, who brokered the historic deal, noted immediately following Trump’s speech, “The consistent flouting of agreements that our country is a party to risks eroding America’s credibility.”

Yet while Trump was in the middle of breaking a multilateral nuclear agreement that the other parties were all complying with, he promised to bring “prosperity and security” to North and South Korea with a multilateral nuclear deal.

And the possibility of the U.S. pulling out of any potential North Korea deal must already be on Kim Jong Un’s mind. Newly appointed national security adviser John Bolton was instrumental in doing just that during the George W. Bush administration.

And Trump’s own North Korea policy was a reckless mess before all of this, thanks to his various Twitter threats.

But it was particularly strange for Trump to stake his claim to trustworthiness on the fact that he is violating exactly the sort of deal he expects North Korea to enter into.

Filthy Don makes all used-car salesmen look honest. And still no sanctions on Russia.:113:
Ya, he is a lot like my ex wife or soon to be ex. She cals me every now and then wanting to make a deal and I tell her no thanks. You screwed me over the last one thousand deals we made, I am going to be involved in no more deals.
Actually Trump fulfilled a (campaign) promise to withdraw from the worst treaty in history with Iran. The puzzling thing is why the hell the crazy angry left is defending the freaking extortion scheme. Hatred will do strange things to you.
The rage hate of the alt right is normal: blame everyone else for their own hate. Silly bullies who can't bully anyone.
Actually Trump fulfilled a (campaign) promise to withdraw from the worst treaty in history with Iran. The puzzling thing is why the hell the crazy angry left is defending the freaking extortion scheme. Hatred will do strange things to you.
Explain to me how the crazy right think economic sanctions work when we are the only ones applying them. They can do buisness with the rest of the world. All we have manged to do is send gas prices thru the roof and we get nothing in return. Wait till you see waht happens at the pump!

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