Trump tells North Korea to trust US Promises as He Breaks a Huge One

Actually Trump fulfilled a (campaign) promise to withdraw from the worst treaty in history with Iran. The puzzling thing is why the hell the crazy angry left is defending the freaking extortion scheme. Hatred will do strange things to you.
Explain to me how the crazy right think economic sanctions work when we are the only ones applying them. They can do buisness with the rest of the world. All we have manged to do is send gas prices thru the roof and we get nothing in return. Wait till you see waht happens at the pump!

Gas prices have gone thru the roof? When did that happen? The US is producing enough oil at the moment that the mullahs in Iran CAN'T hurt our economy by withholding their oil. That's due to fracking by the way...something that you liberals fought tooth and nail to prevent!
It is coming worse than it already has. By the way it takes time for policy to hit the street. It wil get worse than it already is. That being said average gas price Jan 4th 2016 was $1.99 today $2.81. Yes gas is almost to where it was in the bush days.

It's coming? I thought you claimed it was already "thru the roof"? For you to posit that $2.81 is a price that's thru the roof is laughable! When it was over $4 a gallon it was through the roof! And price increases at the pump take place much quicker than price need to get another talking look like an idiot with this one!
We are three forths of the way there and will be back there inside of two years. So go get bent! Compared to what it was it is thru the roof today!
when did obama make it an official deal from the entire US?

oh - he didn't.

now if you push this, then you're saying you're good with trump making solo deals with any country he chooses, correct? cut out senate/congress and processes cause he finds them to be getting in his way?

careful what you bitch about.
So Kim cannot trust any deal Trump makes. Fair enough. I'm sure he knew that anyway but it's useful to have it publicly confirmed.

Since Trump hasn't reneged on any deal that HE'S made your claim that he can't be trusted is rather amusing. All he's done is inform the world that he isn't bound by the awful deals that Barry made.
Actually Trump fulfilled a (campaign) promise to withdraw from the worst treaty in history with Iran. The puzzling thing is why the hell the crazy angry left is defending the freaking extortion scheme. Hatred will do strange things to you.
Explain to me how the crazy right think economic sanctions work when we are the only ones applying them. They can do buisness with the rest of the world. All we have manged to do is send gas prices thru the roof and we get nothing in return. Wait till you see waht happens at the pump!

Gas prices have gone thru the roof? When did that happen? The US is producing enough oil at the moment that the mullahs in Iran CAN'T hurt our economy by withholding their oil. That's due to fracking by the way...something that you liberals fought tooth and nail to prevent!
It is coming worse than it already has. By the way it takes time for policy to hit the street. It wil get worse than it already is. That being said average gas price Jan 4th 2016 was $1.99 today $2.81. Yes gas is almost to where it was in the bush days.

It's coming? I thought you claimed it was already "thru the roof"? For you to posit that $2.81 is a price that's thru the roof is laughable! When it was over $4 a gallon it was through the roof! And price increases at the pump take place much quicker than price need to get another talking look like an idiot with this one!
We are three forths of the way there and will be back there inside of two years. So go get bent! Compared to what it was it is thru the roof today!

Get bent? That's your comeback? Too funny...
Explain to me how the crazy right think economic sanctions work when we are the only ones applying them. They can do buisness with the rest of the world. All we have manged to do is send gas prices thru the roof and we get nothing in return. Wait till you see waht happens at the pump!

Gas prices have gone thru the roof? When did that happen? The US is producing enough oil at the moment that the mullahs in Iran CAN'T hurt our economy by withholding their oil. That's due to fracking by the way...something that you liberals fought tooth and nail to prevent!
It is coming worse than it already has. By the way it takes time for policy to hit the street. It wil get worse than it already is. That being said average gas price Jan 4th 2016 was $1.99 today $2.81. Yes gas is almost to where it was in the bush days.

It's coming? I thought you claimed it was already "thru the roof"? For you to posit that $2.81 is a price that's thru the roof is laughable! When it was over $4 a gallon it was through the roof! And price increases at the pump take place much quicker than price need to get another talking look like an idiot with this one!
We are three forths of the way there and will be back there inside of two years. So go get bent! Compared to what it was it is thru the roof today!

Get bent? That's your comeback? Too funny...
33% rise in two years. Thgat is very significant.By the way Trump just puled out of agreement. This is not a microwave oven we are dealing with the effect's of policy are not happening over night. You nare obviously to stupid to recognize this fact and in turn to stupid to even talk to further.
when did obama make it an official deal from the entire US?

oh - he didn't.

now if you push this, then you're saying you're good with trump making solo deals with any country he chooses, correct? cut out senate/congress and processes cause he finds them to be getting in his way?

careful what you bitch about.
So Kim cannot trust any deal Trump makes. Fair enough. I'm sure he knew that anyway but it's useful to have it publicly confirmed.
do you trust kim?

the US is notorious for changing deals when we change our admins. this is partly why we need to go through congress to make it official, not some president EO or the like. i'd not trust us if that's what you're asking. but it's not trump i'd not trust, it's our overall system and when our own presidents refuse to go through it because they find it "cumbersome"

What ever agreement comes out of there is going to be worth less than the peice of toilet paper that I used this morning.
Trump has demonstrated that.
Kim has also, the reason we do not believe Kim is because we have a history of him bewing full of shit. Trump is creating a good history of it him self. The right will be quick to condem Kim for his shit but will give Trump a pass. I hate to say it but the lure of being a con man in todays age of fresh fish is becoming tough to resist.
Gas prices have gone thru the roof? When did that happen? The US is producing enough oil at the moment that the mullahs in Iran CAN'T hurt our economy by withholding their oil. That's due to fracking by the way...something that you liberals fought tooth and nail to prevent!
It is coming worse than it already has. By the way it takes time for policy to hit the street. It wil get worse than it already is. That being said average gas price Jan 4th 2016 was $1.99 today $2.81. Yes gas is almost to where it was in the bush days.

It's coming? I thought you claimed it was already "thru the roof"? For you to posit that $2.81 is a price that's thru the roof is laughable! When it was over $4 a gallon it was through the roof! And price increases at the pump take place much quicker than price need to get another talking look like an idiot with this one!
We are three forths of the way there and will be back there inside of two years. So go get bent! Compared to what it was it is thru the roof today!

Get bent? That's your comeback? Too funny...
33% rise in two years. Thgat is very significant.By the way Trump just puled out of agreement. This is not a microwave oven we are dealing with the effect's of policy are not happening over night. You nare obviously to stupid to recognize this fact and in turn to stupid to even talk to further.

Next time you accuse others of being "stupid" try and do it in a post that doesn't look like it was written by a fourth grader struggling with his words!

I'd stop talking to someone that was handing me my ass like you've had yours handed to you in this string! Run along,'re not ready to play with the grownups!
What promise did Trump break with Iran?

It's not about a promise that Trump broke, it's about a promise that the US broke. The USA is still the USA regardless of who's in charge.

Why would any other country in their right mind want to make a deal with the US when, come next election, everything they were promised could go up in smoke? No matter what you think of the Iran deal, moves like this hurt our credibility.

Why would we want to do deals that hurt the United States? So if one President makes a bad deal, then we need to honor it for decades? Times change, circumstances change.

During Trump's campaign he repeatedly stated that he would overturn the agreement. He gave 15 months for the European community to fix the deal and they did nothing.

Trump kept his promise, tried to work with other countries, no one made an effort.

He carried out what he said he would do and no one listened,

It won't hurt the US credibility, they know when Trump says this is not in our best interest, then he will fix it or end it.
when did obama make it an official deal from the entire US?

oh - he didn't.

now if you push this, then you're saying you're good with trump making solo deals with any country he chooses, correct? cut out senate/congress and processes cause he finds them to be getting in his way?

careful what you bitch about.
So Kim cannot trust any deal Trump makes. Fair enough. I'm sure he knew that anyway but it's useful to have it publicly confirmed.

Trump did what he said he would do three years ago while campaigning, seems to me Trump kept his word and you just don't like what he did.
Filthy Don credibility is worth shit. And because he has no plan B or plan C or a plan at all, he's stuck with only lies to get things done.

That doesn't work well with the world. :113:

Donald can still borrow money from Russian oligarchs .. outside of that, he couldn't get so much as a payday loan.
Somebody had to reverse the idiotic executive orders (or "policies" as you would call them) that idiot signed, and the only way to do that is signing EOs.

So, it takes 52 to eliminate 39???....................LOL

Trump has signed 52 executive orders – legal directives issued by the president rather than through Congress – since taking office, compared to Obama’s 39 orders by this point in his presidency.
Clear evidence Obama did not work as hard and President Trump.

Are you serious?

Trump has designated "Executive Time" from 8:00 to 11:00 in the Oval Office, but actually spends these hours in his residence watching television, making phone calls and tweeting.

Then according to Michael Wolff, if he's not traveling he's normally in bed watching Hannity with a cheeseburger by 6.

Of course on golf days there's another 4 hours in-between Fox-n-Friends and the cheeseburger. :eusa_dance:
Then according to Michael Wolff, if he's not traveling he's normally in bed watching Hannity with a cheeseburger by 6.

Of course on golf days there's another 4 hours in-between Fox-n-Friends and the cheeseburger.

One has to work really "hard" to be this svelte......

Cryin Chuck criticizes Trump for thanking Kim Jong-un for releasing American hostages. Schumer forgets that John Kerry and Barack Obama thanked Iran for releasing US sailors it took hostage.
What promise did Trump break with Iran?

It's not about a promise that Trump broke, it's about a promise that the US broke. The USA is still the USA regardless of who's in charge.

Why would any other country in their right mind want to make a deal with the US when, come next election, everything they were promised could go up in smoke? No matter what you think of the Iran deal, moves like this hurt our credibility.

That was a deal that Obama made...not the US Congress. It's why it's an agreement and not a treaty. As such Trump has zero obligation to honor a deal that was awful for our interests and should have never been signed.

Doesn't matter that it was Obama. Obama was representing the US when the deal was made. Therefore, backing out of the deal makes the US look bad.

We can try to renegotiate, but straight backing out of the deal ruins our credibility.

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