Trump Tells Senators: My Three Oldest Children Were All Unmasked By Obama and His Minions On Inauguration Day

What does he deserve, Coyote. Tell us what he is guilty of other than not doing things as you Dems prefer. Show us evidence.
I will start out easy, ONE at a time, rather than exposing that massive list.
We are talking about his entire career.
Pre-President and current So-Called Status.

Let's start with this.

#1...Trump University.
Guilty or Not Guilty?
Defend Him on this.
Please Try, or just say, YUP, trump conned the public by using his Fraud business of Trump University.
So, when an American sends and receives calls from Russian intelligence operatives that we are rightfully monitoring, somehow it's wrong to listen?
You freaks are such CNN liar clowns.
View attachment 338410
You did not answer the question. If we are spying on a previously known Kremlin operative and Don Jr. calls up for a chat are we supposed to just not hear what he has to say? The entire "Obama spied on me" bullshit is because a lot of communication to/from Trump tower was being swept up in our rightful surveillance of Russian espionage.
You can read what was said but the ID of the US citizen has to be asked to prevent violating their constitutional rights because the spying was done without a warrant.
This is getting ridiculous....its time to grill the FISA judges....If I hear one more RINO never Trumper say this is bad but....I will lose my mind....this whole thing stinks worse than Watergate....and because Obama is black I guess we are going to have to suck it up.....well bullshit to that.....
It is sickening what they have subjected he and his family to, because they don’t like his policies. God forbid, someone gets in office the right doesn’t like and subjected their family to such harassment. It would be front line news forever and a day
Democrats are assholes. Every last one of them.
The stupid is just amazing.

"Unmasking" means "Identifying".

Supposedly, Trump and his kook brigades are upset because Trump's children were identified as being Trump's children.

And this thread is an example why most people correctly classify Trump cultists as butthurt imbeciles.
Trumpsters will believe anything Lord Drumpster-Fire tweets.

By the way, Trump unmasked 27,000 names in his first two years.
You’ll believe any lie the left feeds you, yet when facts are set in front of you, you deny them if they aren’t to your liking.
The America hating Left love their Gestapo tactics.
It’s sickening and repulsive. When Nixon screwed up he got what he deserved. Any politician using public office for their own malfeasance deserves to be punished, I don’t care where they sit. is...I hope Trump gets what he deserves.
Another 8 years since you guys stole his first 4?
"Unmasking" is a term the intelligence community uses which refers to revealing the identity of someone on a monitored communication.
The coup conspirators were spying on minor children of the President.

so are you a liar saying they were spying on the minor children when there is only one of those...
The OP tweet specifically referred to “my three oldest children” ya, he Is lying. But they will circle the wagons and defend the lie.
So, when an American sends and receives calls from Russian intelligence operatives that we are rightfully monitoring, somehow it's wrong to listen?
You freaks are such CNN liar clowns.
View attachment 338410
You did not answer the question. If we are spying on a previously known Kremlin operative and Don Jr. calls up for a chat are we supposed to just not hear what he has to say? The entire "Obama spied on me" bullshit is because a lot of communication to/from Trump tower was being swept up in our rightful surveillance of Russian espionage.
You can read what was said but the ID of the US citizen has to be asked to prevent violating their constitutional rights because the spying was done without a warrant.
Did you miss the point? The point is: Don't talk to shady Russians when you are already trying to convince America that you are not a Russian stooge.
So, when an American sends and receives calls from Russian intelligence operatives that we are rightfully monitoring, somehow it's wrong to listen?
You freaks are such CNN liar clowns.
View attachment 338410
You did not answer the question. If we are spying on a previously known Kremlin operative and Don Jr. calls up for a chat are we supposed to just not hear what he has to say? The entire "Obama spied on me" bullshit is because a lot of communication to/from Trump tower was being swept up in our rightful surveillance of Russian espionage.
You can read what was said but the ID of the US citizen has to be asked to prevent violating their constitutional rights because the spying was done without a warrant.
It was done with a warrant.
The stupid is just amazing.

"Unmasking" means "Identifying".

Supposedly, Trump and his kook brigades are upset because Trump's children were identified as being Trump's children.

And this thread is an example why most people correctly classify Trump cultists as butthurt imbeciles.
What is it about civil rights that you don't get?....
Do you think yourself cute? Unmasked, illegally so, then leaked to the filth of the democratic party's propaganda machine! The only thing I hate more then you democrats are your Chinese masters, and not by fucking much....

Careful. You might choke on all that hate.

And for what? Your masters wouldn't care if you dropped dead. They feed you propaganda to keep you hysterical and obedient. They have plenty more Useful Idiots where you come from.

And what's with the "Democrats love the Chinese" stupitidy? Even for you, it's stupid, and that's saying something. Laughing at your drooling conspiracy babbling about China does not mean someone is serving China. It just means someone isn't a cult imbecile.
Trumpsters will believe anything Lord Drumpster-Fire tweets.

By the way, Trump unmasked 27,000 names in his first two years.

Link to your fantasy please!

...In addition, unmasking is not an unusual request; it occurred roughly 27,000 times during the first two years of Trump’s administration.

In ... unmasking requests INCREASED during Trumps first few years...

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