Trump, the 14th and barring from office

The fucking law was linked in post 249, tell the class you really aren't that fucking stupid and are just trolling your own thread at this point.

Thanks for that.
I wasn't aware.
The law supports but does not conflict with the OP.
You keep ignorantly referencing a clause that states have no juridiction over.

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

Since Congress has passed no laws regarding enforcement of the 14th the power falls to the states.
Just because you ignorant commies wish it to be so, doesn't make it so. Go back and have an adult read and explain post 219, perhaps you get it the next time.

Apparently, you're asserting that the author of A. 14 thought that according to Sec. 5 Congress has to pass specific legislation banning a person from holding office, by a majority vote, but that according to Sec. 3 Congress would remove that by a 2/3 majority vote in both houses.

Do you realize how stupid that is? (Probably not).

There have been plenty of times that the courts have determined that a person was barred according to A. 14 Sec. 3, without Congressional legislation. So, your argument is bunk.

But keep on grasping at straws if it makes you happy!

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

Since Congress has passed no laws regarding enforcement of the 14th the power falls to the states.
Youre right Congress delegates insurrections on federal property. Congress passed a law at the signing of the 14th amendment.
Those who copped beg to differ.
As does anyone with two eyes.

Literally nobody has been charged with insurrection

Oh I know I know “but they don’t need to be charged, we can just assume it and that makes it so”

Your version of justice is scary…
Literally nobody has been charged with insurrection

Oh I know I know “but they don’t need to be charged, we can just assume it and that makes it so”

Your version of justice is scary…
They don't realize that their version was one of the major factors that started the American Revolution.
Literally nobody has been charged with insurrection

Oh I know I know “but they don’t need to be charged, we can just assume it and that makes it so”

Your version of justice is scary
Only to insurrectionists and their henchmen.
Try not posting like a dick, As you say, the Amendment is silent. So, it could require a conviction. It could require an act of Congress. You don't know. And you won't know until the Supreme Court tells us what it requires.

So, it could require a conviction. It could require an act of Congress.

It never has before. Though with this court, so willing to throw out standing law, who knows what they'll decide.
Because there were acts of congress and Presidential proclamations identifying these folks as as insurrectionists.

Uh, world's shittiest lawyer... we have a presidential proclamation now that J6 was an insurrection.
Nope. Only the trial judge decided it was an insurrection. Appeals court made no independent determination.


You really are the world's shittiest lawyer.

Numbnuts, if the Colorado Supreme Court didn't recognize it was an insurrection, how did they determine he's ineligible for public office??
And it was all done unconstitutionally. Only congress was given the power to enforce the 14th, all of it. And it was specified in the 14th that it would be done through legislation at the federal level. I have yet to find where congress delegated that power to anyone. Feel free to point where my reasoning is flawed.


And all 8 just accepted that without challenging it. Or any of the other hundreds of people who chose not to run because they too knew they would be denied a seat in public office.

Or ... you're just a desperate nutcase.
See post 215 before you make yourself look more ignorant. BTW, all criminal laws require conviction for there to be consequences.

This is where you lose again ... this is not a criminal case.
Cool opinion bro, Section 5 of the 14th clearly states that nothing in the amendment is self executing, all portions require acts from congress. And I think that's exactly what the supreme court will determine.

Section 5 Enforcement​

The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

No Amendment states it's self-executing.

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