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Trump the Criminal!

This nation is considered to be currently the greatest in the world. If you look at the wide open Mexican border you will see people from all over the world trying to illegally enter our nation. We shouldn’t we be proud of our nation and want to make it even better.

This nation is considered to be currently the greatest in the world. If you look at the wide open Mexican border you will see people from all over the world trying to illegally enter our nation. We shouldn’t we be proud of our nation and want to make it even better.
Wide open borders? You are insane!
Of course the globalists want to see our nation lose status so they can push their One World Government Ideas. Trump set them back a decade. That’s fine with me as I have no desire to live under the thumb of some world wide government. When is comes to government bigger is definitely not better.
More horseshit. Having a gobal economic perspective is just understanding the reality of the modern world. That one world government stuff is just QAnon crazy shit.
More horseshit. Having a gobal economic perspective is just understanding the reality of the modern world. That one world government stuff is just QAnon crazy shit.
The concept of a Global Government predates QAnon by quite a bit. Also note we are not talking about globalization here.


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glob·al·i·za·tion | \ ˌglō-bə-lə-ˈzā-shən \

Definition of globalization​

: the act or process of globalizing : the state of being globalizedespecially : the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets

World government or global government, sometimes called one-worldism[1] or cosmocracy,[2] is the concept of a single political authority for all humanity.[3] It generally entails some form of government through a single state or polity with jurisdiction over the entire world.[3]This government could come into existence through violent and compulsory world domination,[4]or through peaceful and voluntary supranational union.[5] World government is conceived in a variety of forms, which reflects its wide array of proponents, ranging from ancient kings and Enlightenment philosophers, to religious utopians and secular humanists.[3]

Here’s a rather lengthy background for Global or World Government

World Government​

First published Mon Dec 4, 2006; substantive revision Tue Jan 5, 2021
“World government” refers to the idea of all humankind united under one common political authority. Proposals for a unified global political authority have existed since ancient times—in the ambition of kings, popes and emperors, and the dreams of poets and philosophers. Recently, some have argued that a world government is already here, or nascent in contemporary conditions of capitalist globalization. There is much debate about whether global institutional developments towards a world state are inevitable or contingent, stable or subject to reversal, and whether unifying economic and political developments are to be desired or feared, justified or illegitimate, actively promoted or resisted.

What do the voters want. Most voters-both right and left want stability, prosperity, peace and sanity. If you call that wimpy then there is something seriously wrong with you. In any case, they know that Trump is not the one to deliver on any of that.
As far as prosperity Trump did deliver but along came the pandemic which largely ruined everything. Of course liberals blame Trump for EVERYTHING so obviously the pandemic was caused by Trump.

How many wars did Trump start? None. Of course you will point out the BLM riots. Now that Trump is out of office the riots have stopped. Is Biden responsible or are the liberals just not financing more riots. Cops are still killing unarmed black men.

Sanity? Joe Biden has serious mental issues as he is obviously in the early and perhaps mid stages of dementia. Currently Joe is OK as long as he sticks with reading the teleprompter but he often goes off on his own and ends up creating major problems. Joe may well screw up and end up getting us into a nuclear war with Russia.
Many in the Republican party are not fond of Trump whether or not they will admit it. Trumps support is confined to his shrinking base. His political future is not bright

Who cares. They are all political class pricks. They don't care about anything but money and power.

Fuck 'em.
As far as prosperity Trump did deliver but along came the pandemic which largely ruined everything. Of course liberals blame Trump for EVERYTHING so obviously the pandemic was caused by Trump.

How many wars did Trump start? None. Of course you will point out the BLM riots. Now that Trump is out of office the riots have stopped. Is Biden responsible or are the liberals just not financing more riots. Cops are still killing unarmed black men.

Sanity? Joe Biden has serious mental issues as he is obviously in the early and perhaps mid stages of dementia. Currently Joe is OK as long as he sticks with reading the teleprompter but he often goes off on his own and ends up creating major problems. Joe may well screw up and end up getting us into a nuclear war with Russia.
On the economy, Trump was riding the coat tails of Obama's recovery. Before the pandemic he screwed a lot of middle income people with chump change tax cuts and ran up the debt with tax cuts to the wealthy. He hurt many business and industries with his tariffs and lied about Mexico paying for it. Fewer people had affordable health care because he discouraged enrollment and undermined the ACA

Biden has not started any wars either. I will admit that his remark about Putin staying in power was a bit over the top, but he is a passionate guy, He actually cars about what's happening. Trump does not give a shit about anything or anybody but himself. And Trump would never have stood up to Putin and united NATO the way that President Biden has. Trump undermined NATO and kissed up to Putin

Funny thing is, everything that you so about Biden actually is true of Trump. The only difference i that Trump never stays on script. Shit is does not have a script. He knows all too well his list of made up grievances and conspiracies and makes an ass of himself every time. He never talks about his plans for helping Americans is he regains office. Just grievances, blame and bullshit. Anything to rile up his shrinking base which will not be enough
The concept of a Global Government predates QAnon by quite a bit. Also note we are not talking about globalization here.


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glob·al·i·za·tion | \ ˌglō-bə-lə-ˈzā-shən \

Definition of globalization​

: the act or process of globalizing : the state of being globalizedespecially : the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets

World government or global government, sometimes called one-worldism[1] or cosmocracy,[2] is the concept of a single political authority for all humanity.[3] It generally entails some form of government through a single state or polity with jurisdiction over the entire world.[3]This government could come into existence through violent and compulsory world domination,[4]or through peaceful and voluntary supranational union.[5] World government is conceived in a variety of forms, which reflects its wide array of proponents, ranging from ancient kings and Enlightenment philosophers, to religious utopians and secular humanists.[3]

Here’s a rather lengthy background for Global or World Government

World Government​

First published Mon Dec 4, 2006; substantive revision Tue Jan 5, 2021
“World government” refers to the idea of all humankind united under one common political authority. Proposals for a unified global political authority have existed since ancient times—in the ambition of kings, popes and emperors, and the dreams of poets and philosophers. Recently, some have argued that a world government is already here, or nascent in contemporary conditions of capitalist globalization. There is much debate about whether global institutional developments towards a world state are inevitable or contingent, stable or subject to reversal, and whether unifying economic and political developments are to be desired or feared, justified or illegitimate, actively promoted or resisted.

Thank you for clarifying that. I do not, nor does any other liberals/ progressives/Democrats that I know subscribe to a One World Government yes we are constantly accused of doing so when we promote a globalized economy . Why is that ?>
Thank you for clarifying that. I do not, nor does any other liberals/ progressives/Democrats that I know subscribe to a One World Government yes we are constantly accused of doing so when we promote a globalized economy . Why is that ?>
Some Republicans are for a One World Government too.

I imagine if space aliens were to contact us they would say we need a One World Government to stop us from destroying our planet and our civilization. The One World Government would have all the nukes.

My problem is the further government is from the people it governs the more corrupt it always seems to become. The corruption level of a One World Government would be astronomical. Also high level governments often believe in “one size fits all” approaches. Unfortunately it’s rare for one size to fit all.
Some Republicans are for a One World Government too.

I imagine if space aliens were to contact us they would say we need a One World Government to stop us from destroying our planet and our civilization. The One World Government would have all the nukes.

My problem is the further government is from the people it governs the more corrupt it always seems to become. The corruption level of a One World Government would be astronomical. Also high level governments often believe in “one size fits all” approaches. Unfortunately it’s rare for one size to fit all.

One thing that I am certain of is, if any extraterrestrial life has the intelligence to get here, they will not put up with our primitive behavior and odd superstations. They may however, offer to save us from our selves

Scenario: We are contacted by an alien life form-far more wise and advanced than we- and offered the chance to achieve universal peace and prosperity, if we agree to a few conditions. This is not in the form of a threat. If we decline, they will go on their way and we will be left as we are and they will not give us another chance for 10,000 years. At the same time, if we accept, we will be bound by their conditions for 10,000 years, enough time for us to evolve into a peaceful species. If asked to, they would leave sooner but there would be consequences- We will suddenly be left once again to our own devices and chaos will surly prevail.
The conditions:
1. All religious expression and thought of religion-yes thought- will be abolished. They have developed a drug to cleanse the mind of all such primitive thought patterns which, they know, causes so much strife in our world. Houses of worship will become centers for performing arts, or museums funded by the government. Some will be converted to housing.
or, if that is too hard to swallow we might negotiate this:
Religious expression, prayer, and instruction will be allowed in private homes, and places of worship only. Public meetings will no longer be opened with a prayer for any faith and witnesses will no longer take an oath on a holy book in court. Government officials will be sworn in on the constitution and pledge to uphold it as the highest law of the land.
Proselytizing in public, lobbying politicians or in any way trying to influence the government to adopt an agenda based on religious doctrine is prohibited. Any proposed legislation, and all court decisions must clearly state a secular purpose and rational. Separation of church and state- from the United States to Saudi Arabia and other theocracies will be absolute.
Tax exemptions for religious institutions will be strictly limited to money spent on charitable causes. Preaching and teaching mythology is not charitable work. Any individual, religious institution found to be in violation of these standards will be required to take a medication that the aliens developed that will eradicate all thought of religion and clens the mind of such primetime thought patterns. If an entire sec is found guilty of multiple violations their houses of worship will become centers for performing arts, or museums funded by the government. Some will be converted to housing.

2.All weapons of all kind must be destroyed. Militaries will be for use in natural disaster types of emergencies only.

3.Hording of wealth is strictly prohibited. Everyone need not be equal in this respect and there will still be private property, but disparity will be very limited

4.Capitalism will be allowed, but business will be strictly regulated to ensure that people are put before profit, and that the environment is protected.

5.All forms of discrimination against any group based on race, creed ,gender, national origen , gender identity, or sexual orientation will be strictly prohibited. They don’t have a pill for that, we’ll just have to get over it.

6.Necessities of life-food, shelter, medicine and clothing-will be recognized as universal human rights and will not be rationed based on a person’s ability to pay.

7.Nations will retain their autonomy, culture and language but be must be organized into a federation of cooperative states who share all natural resources. National leaders will be selected by direct elections in all countries but the Supreme Council of Extra Planetary rulers will have the power to impeach and remove from office, anyone who violates or undermines any of these conditions. Strict term limits will be established and two members of the same family cannot hold high office within 20 years of one another.

8.All creatures of the earth and the earth herself will be treated with respect and care. The systematic destruction of the planet and it’s life forms in the name of profit, power or sport will end.

9.Capital punishment and most prison terms will be abolished worldwide. Minor offenses will be treated as behavioral health and educational issues with the emphasis on rehabilitation. Serious crimes such as violent offenses, hate crimes and white collar theft will be dealt with as described in # 10 below.

10.While these aliens will be inconspicuous in our daily lives-they may even live among us in human form- they will be vigilant, and take action when needed. Anyone not complying with these conditions-or who commits a serious crime- will be banished to a distant war like planet where many live under Spartan conditions and subject to a small wealthy ruling class( which they will not be part of) and the rule is survival of the fittest-in other words, much like earth is now, but much, much worse

Wow! We are talking felony here!

But then again, this is a judge talking, someone expert on the law, a member of the same fraternity of judges who refused Trump's efforts to steal the 2020 election through the courts. Therefore his Cult members will disavow this judge's expert opinion. Bigly!!!
One thing that I am certain of is, if any extraterrestrial life has the intelligence to get here, they will not put up with our primitive behavior and odd superstations. They may however, offer to save us from our selves

Scenario: We are contacted by an alien life form-far more wise and advanced than we- and offered the chance to achieve universal peace and prosperity, if we agree to a few conditions. This is not in the form of a threat. If we decline, they will go on their way and we will be left as we are and they will not give us another chance for 10,000 years. At the same time, if we accept, we will be bound by their conditions for 10,000 years, enough time for us to evolve into a peaceful species. If asked to, they would leave sooner but there would be consequences- We will suddenly be left once again to our own devices and chaos will surly prevail.
The conditions:
1. All religious expression and thought of religion-yes thought- will be abolished. They have developed a drug to cleanse the mind of all such primitive thought patterns which, they know, causes so much strife in our world. Houses of worship will become centers for performing arts, or museums funded by the government. Some will be converted to housing.
or, if that is too hard to swallow we might negotiate this:
Religious expression, prayer, and instruction will be allowed in private homes, and places of worship only. Public meetings will no longer be opened with a prayer for any faith and witnesses will no longer take an oath on a holy book in court. Government officials will be sworn in on the constitution and pledge to uphold it as the highest law of the land.
Proselytizing in public, lobbying politicians or in any way trying to influence the government to adopt an agenda based on religious doctrine is prohibited. Any proposed legislation, and all court decisions must clearly state a secular purpose and rational. Separation of church and state- from the United States to Saudi Arabia and other theocracies will be absolute.
Tax exemptions for religious institutions will be strictly limited to money spent on charitable causes. Preaching and teaching mythology is not charitable work. Any individual, religious institution found to be in violation of these standards will be required to take a medication that the aliens developed that will eradicate all thought of religion and clens the mind of such primetime thought patterns. If an entire sec is found guilty of multiple violations their houses of worship will become centers for performing arts, or museums funded by the government. Some will be converted to housing.

2.All weapons of all kind must be destroyed. Militaries will be for use in natural disaster types of emergencies only.

3.Hording of wealth is strictly prohibited. Everyone need not be equal in this respect and there will still be private property, but disparity will be very limited

4.Capitalism will be allowed, but business will be strictly regulated to ensure that people are put before profit, and that the environment is protected.

5.All forms of discrimination against any group based on race, creed ,gender, national origen , gender identity, or sexual orientation will be strictly prohibited. They don’t have a pill for that, we’ll just have to get over it.

6.Necessities of life-food, shelter, medicine and clothing-will be recognized as universal human rights and will not be rationed based on a person’s ability to pay.

7.Nations will retain their autonomy, culture and language but be must be organized into a federation of cooperative states who share all natural resources. National leaders will be selected by direct elections in all countries but the Supreme Council of Extra Planetary rulers will have the power to impeach and remove from office, anyone who violates or undermines any of these conditions. Strict term limits will be established and two members of the same family cannot hold high office within 20 years of one another.

8.All creatures of the earth and the earth herself will be treated with respect and care. The systematic destruction of the planet and it’s life forms in the name of profit, power or sport will end.

9.Capital punishment and most prison terms will be abolished worldwide. Minor offenses will be treated as behavioral health and educational issues with the emphasis on rehabilitation. Serious crimes such as violent offenses, hate crimes and white collar theft will be dealt with as described in # 10 below.

10.While these aliens will be inconspicuous in our daily lives-they may even live among us in human form- they will be vigilant, and take action when needed. Anyone not complying with these conditions-or who commits a serious crime- will be banished to a distant war like planet where many live under Spartan conditions and subject to a small wealthy ruling class( which they will not be part of) and the rule is survival of the fittest-in other words, much like earth is now, but much, much worse
It might be possible that such a meeting has occurred.

Across the world as a whole?
1.2B Hindus
0.5B Buddhists
1.9B Muslims
2.4B Christians
What numbers have these "dwindled" from?
But there is a trend. The day will come:

A cursory examination of religion polls and surveys shows that the growth of non-believers is increasing worldwide with few exceptions.

Those who respond to religion with indifference and rejection come in fourth place by rank behind Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Atheists far outnumber Mormons, Sikhs and Buddhists.[8]

“The nations with the highest degrees of organic atheism (that which emerges from within the citizenship) include most of the nations of Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, and Israel. However, atheism is virtually non-existent in most of Africa, South America, the Middle East, and Asia. Most nations characterized by high degrees of individual and societal security have the highest rates of organic atheism, and conversely, nations characterized by low degrees of individual and societal security have the lowest rates of organic atheism and the highest degrees of belief. High levels of organic atheism are strongly correlated with high levels of societal health, such as low poverty rates and strong gender equality. In many societies atheism is growing. However, throughout much of the rest of the world– particularly among the poorest nations with the highest birth rates – atheism is barely discernible.”[9]
Update!! More shit hitting the fan!

"The Trump administration left office without providing the State Department with an accounting of the gifts former President Donald J. Trump, former Vice President Mike Pence and other White House officials received from foreign governments in 2020, the department disclosed late Friday. The department said that as a result, it could not fully account for the gifts officials received, the latest example to emerge in recent months of how the Trump administration’s flouting of laws and norms about the day-to-day operations of government now makes it harder to determine whether anything improper took place," Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Michael Schmidt reported

Schmidt interviewed Richard Painter, who served as the chief ethics lawyer during the George Bush administration.

“It’s flagrant and it looks terrible,” he explained. “Either it was really stupid or really corrupt.”

Fuck you trump!


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