Trump: The Only Good Democrat is a Dead Democrat

Not sure he is a danger to short term national security, but he is nuts. Not eccentric, as I am no psychologist, but just plain nuts.
that's right--you are no psychologist---and you are nuts

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that's right--you are nuts
Opinions vary. Better luck on you next post. :cool:
you fkd up!!!!! hahahahah
that's right--it's only your opinion--hahahhahahahh
And you were providing indisputable facts? Hahahaha!
Trump himself didn't actually say this, BUT !

"On May 27, 2020, U.S. President Donald Trump retweeted a video posted to Twitter by the group “Cowboys for Trump” in which the group’s leader, Cuoy Griffin, a commissioner for Otero County in New Mexico, stated, “I’ve come to a place where I’ve come to the conclusion that the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat.”

Trump, a Republican, retweeted the video and added the comment, “Thank you Cowboys. See you in New Mexico!”

I have no idea if Trump took the time to listen to the video he reposted. If he did, then he needs to be condemned harshly for it. This is unacceptable and dangerous for the president of the United States to tie himself to such comments.

if you don't think conservatives have a right so say things like "the only good democrat is a dead democrat" then you are way too liberal and need to be banished from the conservatively correct christian club.

"a right to say" ? Where did I claim ANYONE didn't have a right to say this, or anything else ?
O already sailed that boat. Sorry, gp.
There's only been one Trump (so far)
Obama lied in the same way all politicians lie, but Trump lies when the truth sounds better:

The Most Mendacious President in U.S. History

"The fact remains, however, that Trump’s breathtaking dishonesty is and ought to be a national debate in its own right.

"In a provocative new essay, Trump’s onetime ghostwriter Tony Schwartz—who wrote Trump’s best-selling 1987 book, 'The Art of the Deal,' but has since turned on him—argues that the Presidency has transformed Trump from an attention-seeking narcissist, who spent decades lying about his golf trophies, his sex life, and his real-estate properties, into an ends-justify-the-means ruler who has increasingly and ominously escalated his lies and extreme behavior."

Obama...we're bringing a gun to the knife fight....
O already sailed that boat. Sorry, gp.
Well that's a lie.

.....bring a gun to a knife fight.....yep O said it.
Yeah yeah, you twits always have that one Obama misquote that you think makes all tRump's lies and incitements to violence and hate speech ok.

Well you're wrong. One out of context quote from president Obama does NOT excuse the unstoppable torrent of hateful bullshit that flows from tRump's oral anus.

Naw, can't let you slide on that one. Libs were the party of slavery and segregation and still continue their contempt for minorities today.
So, you've never heard of the 1960s??
Trump himself didn't actually say this, BUT !

"On May 27, 2020, U.S. President Donald Trump retweeted a video posted to Twitter by the group “Cowboys for Trump” in which the group’s leader, Cuoy Griffin, a commissioner for Otero County in New Mexico, stated, “I’ve come to a place where I’ve come to the conclusion that the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat.”

Trump, a Republican, retweeted the video and added the comment, “Thank you Cowboys. See you in New Mexico!”

I have no idea if Trump took the time to listen to the video he reposted. If he did, then he needs to be condemned harshly for it. This is unacceptable and dangerous for the president of the United States to tie himself to such comments.
I don't think it's that bad. He isn't calling for Democrats to be killed. He's just saying they suck. Maybe not smart politically

Look, we can't get to the point that we are PUBLICLY suggesting we would be better off if the other side was dead. Regardless of my personal feelings about Democrats, we can't have the president agreeing with such comments publicly. The next time a situation like Gabby Giffords comes along, we'll have the left claiming it's due to the atmosphere Trump has created, or Republicans in general have created.

And also, how does these sort of comments 'grow' support for Trump. This is his MASSIVE failure since he's been in the White House. He has had opportunity after opportunity to increase his base since becoming president, and instead, he's slowly bleeding off his base.

Remember, the only way Trump can win is to snake his way through a narrow electoral path. Instead of working to get closer to being able to actually win the popular vote as well, he's done just the opposite with petty crap like this.
Trump himself didn't actually say this, BUT !

"On May 27, 2020, U.S. President Donald Trump retweeted a video posted to Twitter by the group “Cowboys for Trump” in which the group’s leader, Cuoy Griffin, a commissioner for Otero County in New Mexico, stated, “I’ve come to a place where I’ve come to the conclusion that the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat.”

Trump, a Republican, retweeted the video and added the comment, “Thank you Cowboys. See you in New Mexico!”

I have no idea if Trump took the time to listen to the video he reposted. If he did, then he needs to be condemned harshly for it. This is unacceptable and dangerous for the president of the United States to tie himself to such comments.
I don't think it's that bad. He isn't calling for Democrats to be killed. He's just saying they suck. Maybe not smart politically

Look, we can't get to the point that we are PUBLICLY suggesting we would be better off if the other side was dead. Regardless of my personal feelings about Democrats, we can't have the president agreeing with such comments publicly. The next time a situation like Gabby Giffords comes along, we'll have the left claiming it's due to the atmosphere Trump has created, or Republicans in general have created.

And also, how does these sort of comments 'grow' support for Trump. This is his MASSIVE failure since he's been in the White House. He has had opportunity after opportunity to increase his base since becoming president, and instead, he's slowly bleeding off his base.

Remember, the only way Trump can win is to snake his way through a narrow electoral path. Instead of working to get closer to being able to actually win the popular vote as well, he's done just the opposite with petty crap like this.
You missed it Drifter. A bunch of those people are already here. One of the reasons I carry is, I don't want to die by mistaken identity. Some of them are nuts and will turn on their friends in a heartbeat. Kind of like Dingos once they are stirred up.
Look, we can't get to the point that we are PUBLICLY suggesting we would be better off if the other side was dead.
Can't we say we'd be better off if there were no Democrats? If they all became constitutional conservatives? There are no good Democrats. Period.

Sure, and IMO we would be MUCH better off if the left didn't exist.
But the president going along with a comment suggesting we'd be better off if Democrats were dead, is not acceptable. This is the president !! The president shouldn't be engaging in language like this.
And by the way, I'm not in any way saying he doesn't have the RIGHT to say it, I'm saying this isn't the words a president should be using. This is not the way you lead.
Is Trump the most mendacious POTUS in history?
Yes, he is, and he's also the most dangerous.

The Most Mendacious President in U.S. History

"On Sunday, on Tuesday, and again on Wednesday, President Donald Trump accused the TV talk-show host Joe Scarborough of murder.

"On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, he attacked the integrity of America’s forthcoming 'rigged' election.

"When he woke up on Wednesday, he alleged that the Obama Administration had 'spied, in an unprecedented manner, on the Trump Campaign, and beyond, and even on the United States Senate.'

"By midnight Wednesday, a few hours after the number of U.S. deaths in the coronavirus pandemic officially exceeded a hundred thousand, the President of the United States retweeted a video that says, 'the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat.'"

Link removed

"The book is not just a compendium of the President’s tens of thousands of falsehoods, misleading claims, and lies during the first three years of his Presidency; it’s also an effort to catalogue and explain the different pathologies at work in his systematic misrepresentations to the American people.

"The untruths told by the President have increased in seriousness and volume, the Post found: an average of six per day in 2017 turned to nearly sixteen per day in 2018, which then increased to more than twenty-two per day in 2019—and that was before this crazy 2020 of the impeachment trial, the pandemic, the economic crisis, and Trump’s reëlection campaign."

Misinformation, disinformation, and blatant lies have always been keys to Trump's success.

Since he "won" the most powerful office in the world, they have metastasized into genuine threats to national security.

Now, as he struggles to manage the convergence of a national pandemic and economic collapse while running for reelection, his desperation to distract from his many failings only exacerbate the many divisions in an already sundered republic.

Too much winning?
View attachment 342920
There is your solution for your TDS.
Here's a better solution for the MAGA Virus.
View attachment 343487
Will you SOB like a snowflake?

Get it ready for November, you gonna need it.
Yeah, very good point. It's the intelligent ones who are the most dangerous. It does help that he's essentially a cartoon character.
A cartoon character with an unprecedented history of consorting with gangsters and other assorted low-lifes who would have buried the political careers of any other politician.

I wonder how his sycophants will fare in future campaigns if the full extent of Trump's criminality emerges after he leaves "public service"?


"No previous United States president has had anything close to Donald J. Trump’s record of repeated social and business dealings with mobsters, swindlers, and other crooks.

"Investigative reporter Wayne Barrett wrote that Trump didn’t just do business with mobbed-up concrete companies in Manhattan in his early career.

"He likely met personally with 'Fat Tony' Salerno at the townhouse of notorious New York fixer Roy Cohn.

"There were witnesses to the meeting, one of whom kept detailed notes on all of Cohn’s contacts."

Trump Crime Family | One Percent Takers -- The Site that Exposes the Greed and Taking by America's Richest One Percent and Reveals How Ordinary Americans are Fighting Back . . . . . . . . . .
"Fact checkers" at the Washington Post?! Seriously?! The only "fact checking" the Washington Post does is to make sure no relevant, meaningful facts accidentally get included in their "articles" (read: propaganda pieces).
Prostitution is the classic expression of global capitalism. Human brands like Trump are pimps masquerading as prophets in order to debase and degrade billions of impoverished human beings to service the cruel and lascivious demands of gluttonous corporate elites. The Washington Post celebrates the economic plunder and will go to any length to ensure capitalism is never blamed for any of its many internal contradictions, but it does so without resorting to the sort of pathological lying that Trump has built his entire adult life around.

Anyone who condemns one while celebrating the other isn't being real.
What do you imagine that proves? When has anyone in this whole sorry mess been demonstrated to be a white supremacist?
Do you boogaloo, Loon?

What part of right-wing, racist gun-pussies are you unfamiliar with?


Boogaloo movement - Wikipedia

"The Boogaloo movement, members of which are often referred to as Boogaloo boys or Boogaloo bois, is a loosely organized American far-right extremist movement.[3][4][5]

"Members of the boogaloo movement say they are preparing for a coming second American Civil War, which they call the 'boogaloo'.[3][6]:eek:

"Members use the term to refer to violent uprisings against the federal government or left-wing political opponents, often anticipated to follow government confiscation of firearms."
The "outside extremists" fomenting trouble in Minneapolis are Antifa and BLM members. There isn't a shred of evidence that any right wingers are involved. None
Who told you that, Don the Con?

Outsiders, extremists are among those fomenting violence in Twin Cities

"Bridget Schumann was out for a run near Calhoun Square in south Minneapolis on Friday night when she saw a truck that was being driven aggressively, honking and intimidating other drivers.

"The truck had a big white sticker on the back of the cab with the OK sign symbol associated with white supremacists.

"'There were two men in the driver and passenger seat and they were wearing camo bulletproof vests and they were armed,' she said.

"Schumann watched them get out of the truck and walk around in an apartment building parking garage like they were looking for something. She saw them scream at a woman leaving the garage. After they saw Schumann again, she got scared and called her boyfriend to pick her up."
"I am the law and order candidate." — Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, July 21, 2016.

"This American carnage stops right here and stops right now." — President Trump, Jan. 20, 2017.

Financial Lynching Must Be Part of the National Debate

"As we watched the dangerous scenes of protesters interacting with riot police and the ransacking of banks and businesses in cities across the United States this past weekend, a warning from the 19th century abolitionist, Frederick Douglass, came to mind:

"'Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.'"
This insurrection has been planned for a long time. It only needed an excuse. Trump needs to call out the active duty military. The Pentagon says its ready. Invoke the Insurrection Act and start winning this urban warfare.
Trump has been part of a Wall Street insurrection for his entire life.
It's time to prosecute the speculators (no military needed)

Helicopter Money for Wall Street

When will you stop pretending the rich are in this with you?
This insurrection has been planned for a long time. It only needed an excuse. Trump needs to call out the active duty military. The Pentagon says its ready. Invoke the Insurrection Act and start winning this urban warfare.
Trump has been part of a Wall Street insurrection for his entire life.
It's time to prosecute the speculators (no military needed)

Helicopter Money for Wall Street

When will you stop pretending the rich are in this with you?
No one rich ever put a gun to my head and stole my car. I'm not watching rich people burn neighborhoods down.

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