trump the Socialist

Nope you said specific families. Our taxes also pay for the military and healthcare for the elderly.

Mr. and Mrs. Gator benefit from the tax cuts, they specifically (at least not yet) have not felt the impact of higher national debt. Ultimately they may but to date they have not. I agree it needs to be addressed asap.

I said the average family, not specific.

We all feel the impact of the higher national debt every time we pay our taxes, the Govt just does a good job of hiding the pain so we do not stop the flow of money

No we do not feel it. So every time the Gov't spends more on military we feel it too? Stop your nonsense. You're digging a giant hole for yourself.

Whether you feel it or not, you are still be hurt by it. We are paying more in taxes than we need to be because of it, that is a simple fact.
Who is “we”? I am not

So, you do not pay taxes. Why does that not surprise me about you.
I am not getting billed for the debt. You are? My taxes are same whether the debt is $23trn or $1
II'm pretty sure I pay my way more than you.

Stop using liberal arguments to promote right wing causes.

Sorry've already exposed yourself...NOBODY paying and paving their own way begs for others to be robbed for their own personal gain.

Let me repeat myself. Stop using liberal arguments to promote right wing causes.

When you tell people that the 'General Welfare' clause of the Constitution can be used to justify corporate welfare you are doing just that.


  1. affecting or concerning all or most people, places, or things; widespread.
  2. the general public.

Yep, you're using a left wing argument for right wing causes. I don't know how many times I need to say this.

Yep, that's your desperate beggar spin...go with it.
Good luck selling productive contributors on your "left wing argument" bullshit...Nobody sane believes they benefit by paying ShaQuita to have more babies for us to feed or by providing healthcare for Mexico's citizens...Again however, we all know we benefit by investing in job creators, our food sources, infrastructure, the military...etc etc.
Good luck with your shameless begging coalition.

You're not even listening to anything I'm saying.
Yep and those stoners and dark people you love and want to expand on who don't contribute have done nothing but benefit from the accrued debt. It's strange that you refuse to acknowledge the dangerous cycle you perpetuate.

the few stoners I know are all making 6 digits easily. The dark people I know are all hard working, employed people just trying to provide for their families like the rest of us.

haha...weird...of course you have a "I know this one guy" story..You always allow the two percentile to define the 98%.
It's how you always justify your ignorance. Meanwhile the data and statistics are everywhere and they always destroy your "one guy" theory...haha
NOBODY cares about national debt these days...we've carried a massive debt load for decades now and none of you can tell anybody how their lives and or quality of life is or has been impacted by it...You, Golfing Gator g5000 and other self proclaimed fiscally responsible fence sitters have reduced the debt to nothing more than a boogeyman talking point used by fence sitters.
I suggest you figure out a way to articulate how impactful the national debt is on the average citizen or stop with the boogeyman bullshit and stay credible.

Servicing just the interest on the debt cost each family in the US more than $3000 per year, which is more than what they got back from Trump's tax cuts.

And that number will continue to get exponentially bigger. Within a decade that number will be more than $6600 per family.

Except each family doesn't directly pay for the debt but directly benefits from the tax cuts. Your conflation is false.

sure they do, they are paying that much more in taxes than they would need to be paying thanks to the debt.

What? If someone has an AGI of $100k, they are paying less under DJT than they did under BHO regardless of the nation's debt burden.

Yes, which is one of the reasons that the debt is ballooning, dumbass!
Actually our revenue is higher year over year we need to curb expenses. You should not be calling anyone a dumbass.
I am not getting billed for the debt. You are? My taxes are same whether the debt is $23trn or $1

taxes could be lower without paying for the debt, why is this so very hard for you to grasp?
Oh you trust the Govt to lower taxes. Silly me. I do Not.

Hey, look on the bright side you do not have to pretend to care about the debt any more, you have blown that story out of the water!

This was a win for you!
Servicing just the interest on the debt cost each family in the US more than $3000 per year, which is more than what they got back from Trump's tax cuts.

And that number will continue to get exponentially bigger. Within a decade that number will be more than $6600 per family.

Except each family doesn't directly pay for the debt but directly benefits from the tax cuts. Your conflation is false.

sure they do, they are paying that much more in taxes than they would need to be paying thanks to the debt.

What? If someone has an AGI of $100k, they are paying less under DJT than they did under BHO regardless of the nation's debt burden.

Yes, which is one of the reasons that the debt is ballooning, dumbass!
Actually our revenue is higher year over year we need to curb expenses. You should not be calling anyone a dumbass.

Yes, revenue grew after the tax cuts (12 it shrunk in the 1st 12 months) but it grew at a much slower rate than it had been growing at prior to the tax the cuts did add to the debt
He was also taking credit for an economy that was being significantly helped by (a) exploded government spending and (b) half a TRILLION poured into short term lending markets by the NY Fed.

Two things that these same people would have loudly condemned just four years ago.

Republicans only care about the debt when a Democrat is in the White House

True, so how do you fix that issue?
By growing the economy at a higher rate than the debt is growing. The absolute size of the debt is less important than the cost of servicing it. By concentrating on economic growth, interest rates will stay low and just as a rich person can afford to carry more debt than a poor person can, the larger the GDP the more debt the US can afford to carry. An added benefit is that economic growth benefits all Americans.

Until we have a recession and have to pay for all the debt that we accumulated during boom times. Then we're screwed.

Or do you believe that we'll never ever have another recession?
We will never pay the debt. We will just continue to refinance it.
The Military, a socialist institution.
Infrastructure, paid for in a socialistic way.
Our food sources, managed by a socialist government inspectors.
Commerce, managed by socialistic rules.

None of these things you describe is Socialism
The Military, a socialist institution.
Infrastructure, paid for in a socialistic way.
Our food sources, managed by a socialist government inspectors.
Commerce, managed by socialistic rules.

None of these things you describe is Socialism

Socialism is one of those things that only exist in the text books, there has never been a Socialist country
He was also taking credit for an economy that was being significantly helped by (a) exploded government spending and (b) half a TRILLION poured into short term lending markets by the NY Fed.

Two things that these same people would have loudly condemned just four years ago.

Republicans only care about the debt when a Democrat is in the White House

True, so how do you fix that issue?
By growing the economy at a higher rate than the debt is growing. The absolute size of the debt is less important than the cost of servicing it. By concentrating on economic growth, interest rates will stay low and just as a rich person can afford to carry more debt than a poor person can, the larger the GDP the more debt the US can afford to carry. An added benefit is that economic growth benefits all Americans.

Until we have a recession and have to pay for all the debt that we accumulated during boom times. Then we're screwed.

Or do you believe that we'll never ever have another recession?

during the last recession our deficit almost tripled in one year....just imagine if they happened with the next one, we would be adding almost 4 trillion to the debt in one year. That would really boost the cost to service the debt.
Yes, the size of th debt would go up, but if interest rates are near zero, the cost of servicing the debt will be near zero.
Republicans only care about the debt when a Democrat is in the White House

True, so how do you fix that issue?
By growing the economy at a higher rate than the debt is growing. The absolute size of the debt is less important than the cost of servicing it. By concentrating on economic growth, interest rates will stay low and just as a rich person can afford to carry more debt than a poor person can, the larger the GDP the more debt the US can afford to carry. An added benefit is that economic growth benefits all Americans.

Until we have a recession and have to pay for all the debt that we accumulated during boom times. Then we're screwed.

Or do you believe that we'll never ever have another recession?

during the last recession our deficit almost tripled in one year....just imagine if they happened with the next one, we would be adding almost 4 trillion to the debt in one year. That would really boost the cost to service the debt.
Yes, the size of th debt would go up, but if interest rates are near zero, the cost of servicing the debt will be near zero.

sooner or later the rates have to come up...if the economy recovers that is. I guess we could just stay in a perpetual state of recession so as to not have to pay for the debt....seems a bad plan though
First he socialized the losses of the coal industry facing environmental damage.

Then he socialized the losses of farms due to his trade policies.

Now he is socializing the potential losses due to the coronavirus for airlines, travel agencies and cruise ships.

That is not how capitalism works conservatives.

It's only socialism if it helps people in need, not businesses.

First he socialized the losses of the coal industry facing environmental damage.

Then he socialized the losses of farms due to his trade policies.

Now he is socializing the potential losses due to the coronavirus for airlines, travel agencies and cruise ships.

That is not how capitalism works conservatives.
He was also taking credit for an economy that was being significantly helped by (a) exploded government spending and (b) half a TRILLION poured into short term lending markets by the NY Fed.

Two things that these same people would have loudly condemned just four years ago.

No matter how hard you try you'll never get good real productive Americans to embrace INVESTING in ShaQuita, Guadalupe and their litters of filth...Sorry guys, but we like ROi...we take great pride in investing in the military, infrastructure, our food sources, commerce and job creators....You know...the GENERAL WELFARE of our nation just as the founders intended.

The Military, a socialist institution.
Infrastructure, paid for in a socialistic way.
Our food sources, managed by a socialist government inspectors.
Commerce, managed by socialistic rules.

Job creators, lobby government to pay no taxes for the infrastructure, food sources and commerce that they hope to use for their personal success.

You might need to brush-up on your comprehension skills a bit and research "socialism" once again bud.
Our framers intended for us to use public investments for the sake of the GENERAL WELFARE. You didn't know that?

Our "framers" in you mind intended to the government to guard business against corporate losses?

What did we pay Ford for the Edisel?
True, so how do you fix that issue?
By growing the economy at a higher rate than the debt is growing. The absolute size of the debt is less important than the cost of servicing it. By concentrating on economic growth, interest rates will stay low and just as a rich person can afford to carry more debt than a poor person can, the larger the GDP the more debt the US can afford to carry. An added benefit is that economic growth benefits all Americans.

Until we have a recession and have to pay for all the debt that we accumulated during boom times. Then we're screwed.

Or do you believe that we'll never ever have another recession?

during the last recession our deficit almost tripled in one year....just imagine if they happened with the next one, we would be adding almost 4 trillion to the debt in one year. That would really boost the cost to service the debt.
Yes, the size of th debt would go up, but if interest rates are near zero, the cost of servicing the debt will be near zero.

sooner or later the rates have to come up...if the economy recovers that is. I guess we could just stay in a perpetual state of recession so as to not have to pay for the debt....seems a bad plan though
Interest rates will only go up in response to inflation. Inflation occurs when demand exceeds production, so as long as the economy continues to grow fast enough, we are unlikely to see inflation.
First he socialized the losses of the coal industry facing environmental damage.

Then he socialized the losses of farms due to his trade policies.

Now he is socializing the potential losses due to the coronavirus for airlines, travel agencies and cruise ships.

That is not how capitalism works conservatives.

It's only socialism if it helps people in need, not businesses.

First he socialized the losses of the coal industry facing environmental damage.

Then he socialized the losses of farms due to his trade policies.

Now he is socializing the potential losses due to the coronavirus for airlines, travel agencies and cruise ships.

That is not how capitalism works conservatives.
He was also taking credit for an economy that was being significantly helped by (a) exploded government spending and (b) half a TRILLION poured into short term lending markets by the NY Fed.

Two things that these same people would have loudly condemned just four years ago.

No matter how hard you try you'll never get good real productive Americans to embrace INVESTING in ShaQuita, Guadalupe and their litters of filth...Sorry guys, but we like ROi...we take great pride in investing in the military, infrastructure, our food sources, commerce and job creators....You know...the GENERAL WELFARE of our nation just as the founders intended.

The Military, a socialist institution.
Infrastructure, paid for in a socialistic way.
Our food sources, managed by a socialist government inspectors.
Commerce, managed by socialistic rules.

Job creators, lobby government to pay no taxes for the infrastructure, food sources and commerce that they hope to use for their personal success.

So is socialism good or not? I'm getting confused. Its seems like leftists, even in this very thread, complain all of the time about those institutions you list as "socialist" being shit.

Liberals don't complain about public needs and financing them.

Conservative do.

That was the point.
Servicing just the interest on the debt cost each family in the US more than $3000 per year, which is more than what they got back from Trump's tax cuts.

And that number will continue to get exponentially bigger. Within a decade that number will be more than $6600 per family.

Except each family doesn't directly pay for the debt but directly benefits from the tax cuts. Your conflation is false.

sure they do, they are paying that much more in taxes than they would need to be paying thanks to the debt.

What? If someone has an AGI of $100k, they are paying less under DJT than they did under BHO regardless of the nation's debt burden.

yet they are still paying more than they would with no debt. Come on now, you are not normally this slow

WTF are you talking about? Explain how that person is paying more when the US debt is not their true obligation. Have you received a bill for $3k from the Gov't? LOL

You're making a fool out of yourself yet again. Not surprising.


How much does it cost us in dollars to finance the debt in each budget?
Except each family doesn't directly pay for the debt but directly benefits from the tax cuts. Your conflation is false.

sure they do, they are paying that much more in taxes than they would need to be paying thanks to the debt.

What? If someone has an AGI of $100k, they are paying less under DJT than they did under BHO regardless of the nation's debt burden.

yet they are still paying more than they would with no debt. Come on now, you are not normally this slow

WTF are you talking about? Explain how that person is paying more when the US debt is not their true obligation. Have you received a bill for $3k from the Gov't? LOL

You're making a fool out of yourself yet again. Not surprising.


How much does it cost us in dollars to finance the debt in each budget?
As long as the interest rate remains at near zero, the cost remains at near zero.
Except each family doesn't directly pay for the debt but directly benefits from the tax cuts. Your conflation is false.

sure they do, they are paying that much more in taxes than they would need to be paying thanks to the debt.

What? If someone has an AGI of $100k, they are paying less under DJT than they did under BHO regardless of the nation's debt burden.

yet they are still paying more than they would with no debt. Come on now, you are not normally this slow

WTF are you talking about? Explain how that person is paying more when the US debt is not their true obligation. Have you received a bill for $3k from the Gov't? LOL

You're making a fool out of yourself yet again. Not surprising.


How much does it cost us in dollars to finance the debt in each budget?

It's a measly 400 billion dollars. Or about ten percent of the budget.
sure they do, they are paying that much more in taxes than they would need to be paying thanks to the debt.

What? If someone has an AGI of $100k, they are paying less under DJT than they did under BHO regardless of the nation's debt burden.

yet they are still paying more than they would with no debt. Come on now, you are not normally this slow

WTF are you talking about? Explain how that person is paying more when the US debt is not their true obligation. Have you received a bill for $3k from the Gov't? LOL

You're making a fool out of yourself yet again. Not surprising.


How much does it cost us in dollars to finance the debt in each budget?
As long as the interest rate remains at near zero, the cost remains at near zero.

the current Fed rate is less than 1.25% and we will still pay more than 400 billion for it this year.

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