Trump Thinks He's King

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything
Trump is not a King.
A King would do stuff like illegally use the IRS, NSA, FBI and the DOJ as his political weapons
He meant that the president's authority is total with respect to the case they are discussing, not in absolute sense. That is a fact.
He was absolutely 100% WRONG even in THIS instance.

He does NOT have "absolute authority" in this...

And who knows what he "meant". All we have are HIS words

There are certain things the president has authority over. Sadly you fake media article by "crooksandliars" (trustworthy publication no doubt) has trouble understanding this.
Stop pretending you wouldn’t whine like a bitch if Obama said this instead.

Sure we would. In fact we did. Fact is you didn't. Obama himself said he didn't have constitutional authority to over-write congress, and implement DACA.

Then he did it.

Where were you when he did that? Were you on here, saying Obama was abusing his authority? Which by the way, he was.
Were you on here complaining he was acting like a dictator? Nope?

Then shut it. You disqualify yourself. Have a nice day.
You’re adorable. If this was so illegal, where were all the conservative court rulings overwhelming it? Why didn’t the SC even touch it?

Oh, so Trump can do whatever he wants, and if the courts don't overturn it or something, then you're good?

Ok, then shut it, until the courts rule.

Again, you just disqualified yourself from the discussion. You are dismissed.

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything
Covid Donald wants to reopen the economy even though he has thoroughly failed to institute a track and trace program yet.
I see you are a typical liberal who doesn't care if we end up in a recession. This week would have been a perfect time to reopen the economy.
He reminds me so much of Obama. Just isnt as subtle about his desire for abuse of power.
You‘re delusional.
I just have a memory. You are old as shit. You wouldnt understand.
No you are just some dumb ass who hasn‘t a clue. A dope who thinks he is smarter than he actually is.
Obama threatened a pen. He even acknowledged the dream act was unconstitutional but did it anyway because people failed to act.
You are in over your head here, hack
Yeah, let me try to understand your insipid commentary. Trump’s assertion that he has total authority over the states is acceptable to you because in your small mind you think Obama felt the same way? can’t make this up.

View attachment 323488
If any of you partisans woukd read, I didnt defend him. I blasted him. I just said it was no different from others.
Y'all are sad lol

it was a false equivalency, TN.
Of COURSE you would say that. Damn cultists..
"Obama was more subtle than Trump so he is a dictator waaahhhh"
Grow up playtime. Seriously

Progs will grow up just as soon as you grow the fuck up.
Capiche? :)
Leftist democrats are not progressive. They are regressive trying to take us back to the 12th century.
PARTISANS need to grow up. Your cultist mentality is deranged.

If he were a king.............all the Media's heads and reporters would be beheaded

If he were a God........he'd shoot fire balls from his ass and burn all the liberal opposition from the face of the earth.

You guys get back to me when that happens.............LOL

he thought he could have FCC licenses revoked because ' they ' were being mean to him. that's dictatorship 101.



The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything
If Trump had a "D" after his name he could be king and Democrats would cheer.

Not just king.....look at the dunce they anointed as 'god.'
Yep, and by nominating an obviously senile demented Biden, democrats have proven that all they care about is party loyalty, not about competence.
Media whines about TRUMP not forcing states to shut down, and now they are whining about him saying he has the authority to force states to open...
He reminds me so much of Obama. Just isnt as subtle about his desire for abuse of power.
You‘re delusional.
I just have a memory. You are old as shit. You wouldnt understand.
No you are just some dumb ass who hasn‘t a clue. A dope who thinks he is smarter than he actually is.
Obama threatened a pen. He even acknowledged the dream act was unconstitutional but did it anyway because people failed to act.
You are in over your head here, hack
Yeah, let me try to understand your insipid commentary. Trump’s assertion that he has total authority over the states is acceptable to you because in your small mind you think Obama felt the same way? can’t make this up.

View attachment 323488
If any of you partisans woukd read, I didnt defend him. I blasted him. I just said it was no different from others.
Y'all are sad lol

it was a false equivalency, TN.
Of COURSE you would say that. Damn cultists..
"Obama was more subtle than Trump so he is a dictator waaahhhh"
Grow up playtime. Seriously

Progs will grow up just as soon as you grow the fuck up.
Capiche? :)
Leftist democrats are not progressive. They are regressive trying to take us back to the 12th century.
PARTISANS need to grow up. Your cultist mentality is deranged.

View attachment 323662
Projection? Freedom is progressive. Regressive illiberals, aka democrats, want to take us back to no freedom and servitude to the state.
That isnt projection. Thats reality.
If he were a king.............all the Media's heads and reporters would be beheaded

If he were a God........he'd shoot fire balls from his ass and burn all the liberal opposition from the face of the earth.

You guys get back to me when that happens.............LOL

he thought he could have FCC licenses revoked because ' they ' were being mean to him. that's dictatorship 101.

View attachment 323666

When he was a newbie, Obama asked if he could shut down ... was it Limbaugh? Some assturd on the radio who was twisting facts to all get out. The only thing is, Donald never got over it. Some of the press is being as negative as a hypercritical mother-in-law. You see what you're looking for. The conservative press is being defensive and going too far.

I miss the boring old news ala 1970. Tell me ALL the facts, not just the cherry picked ones that support your attitude. And then shut the fuck up and let me form my own opinion. Not even PBS is getting it right anymore. Although they're the closest I've found.
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The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything
If Trump had a "D" after his name he could be king and Democrats would cheer.

Not just king.....look at the dunce they anointed as 'god.'
Yep, and by nominating an obviously senile demented Biden, democrats have proven that all they care about is party loyalty, not about competence.
View attachment 323671
Funny, except that you could definitely put an elephant there just as truthfully.

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything
If Trump had a "D" after his name he could be king and Democrats would cheer.

Not just king.....look at the dunce they anointed as 'god.'
Yep, and by nominating an obviously senile demented Biden, democrats have proven that all they care about is party loyalty, not about competence.
View attachment 323671
Funny, except that you could definitely put an elephant there just as truthfully.

Don't be silly.

1. Here's a major Democrat admitting the truth:
"Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’

Got any quotes of Republicans agreeing to kill Americans to increase the party's power?

"Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats And Illegal Immigration

To the surprise of absolutely no one, a leaked document from the Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund shows what most of us have always known, but what Democrats like to pretend isn’t their reality.

Namely, the memo, in great detail, maps out how Democrats are relying on illegal immigration to prop up their political future."

Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats and Illegal Immigration

Got any Republican memos claiming to need the illegal alien vote?

Or any Republican President telling illegals 'when you vote, you're a citizen yourself.'
Lol you’re such an idiot. Bush and Trump signed for EO’s than Obama did. Obviously you didn’t whine about that. No one questions a president’s authority to sign EO’s. Trump wants “total authority” in reopening the economy yet his dumbass doesn’t have that power.

DACA went JUST a bit beyond an EO, Comrade Traitor.

Obama DID what Trump threatened - and you vermin praised him for it.

BTW, Trump could EASILY declare Martial Law and do exactly what he said, LEGALLY, unlike Obama, who bragged that he violated the Constitution. (and you loved him for it, party above all)
lol no it didn’t. You just whine because it doesn’t cater to your childish hardline views on immigration. Of course DACA is legal.

Actually STUPID, obama said it violated the Constitution, you drooling retard.

{Responding in October 2010 to demands that he implement immigration reforms unilaterally, Obama declared, "I am not king. I can't do these things just by myself." In March 2011, he said that with "respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case." In May 2011, he acknowledged that he couldn't "just bypass Congress and change the (immigration) law myself. ... That's not how a democracy works." }

He's alrea

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything
He's already caving!

It's especially difficult for the Impeached President, who wants so badly to be a dictator/monarch. He is so envious of Putin, Kim and others who are not restrained by a Constitution. Hell, even Republicans in Congress, with the exception of Liz Chaney, support his totalitarian aspirations. Thank goodness for our founding fathers who wrote a Constitution that anticipated the eventual ascension of dictator wannabes like Impeached President Trump!

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything
If Trump had a "D" after his name he could be king and Democrats would cheer.

Not just king.....look at the dunce they anointed as 'god.'
Yep, and by nominating an obviously senile demented Biden, democrats have proven that all they care about is party loyalty, not about competence.
View attachment 323671
Funny, except that you could definitely put an elephant there just as truthfully.

Don't be silly.

1. Here's a major Democrat admitting the truth:
"Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’

Got any quotes of Republicans agreeing to kill Americans to increase the party's power?

"Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats And Illegal Immigration

To the surprise of absolutely no one, a leaked document from the Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund shows what most of us have always known, but what Democrats like to pretend isn’t their reality.

Namely, the memo, in great detail, maps out how Democrats are relying on illegal immigration to prop up their political future."

Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats and Illegal Immigration

Got any Republican memos claiming to need the illegal alien vote?

Or any Republican President telling illegals 'when you vote, you're a citizen yourself.'
Oh give it a rest. They passed the damned thing and wrote a new bill for their agenda that will never be passed by a Republican Senate.

NO ONE up in D.C. is going to do anything about illegal immigration. They are making too much money by hiring them. That is your party, too.
He's alrea

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything
He's already caving!

It's especially difficult for the Impeached President, who wants so badly to be a dictator/monarch. He is so envious of Putin, Kim and others who are not restrained by a Constitution. Hell, even Republicans in Congress, with the exception of Liz Chaney, support his totalitarian aspirations. Thank goodness for our founding fathers who wrote a Constitution that anticipated the eventual ascension of dictator wannabes like Impeached President Trump!
At last he listened to part of his briefing! Good man!
{Responding in October 2010 to demands that he implement immigration reforms unilaterally, Obama declared, "I am not king. I can't do these things just by myself." In March 2011, he said that with "respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case." In May 2011, he acknowledged that he couldn't "just bypass Congress and change the (immigration) law myself. ... That's not how a democracy works." }
Put it in context ya lying shit

He DIDN'T change the law
He's alrea

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything
He's already caving!

It's especially difficult for the Impeached President, who wants so badly to be a dictator/monarch. He is so envious of Putin, Kim and others who are not restrained by a Constitution. Hell, even Republicans in Congress, with the exception of Liz Chaney, support his totalitarian aspirations. Thank goodness for our founding fathers who wrote a Constitution that anticipated the eventual ascension of dictator wannabes like Impeached President Trump!
Exonerated President Trump. Sorry, impeachment is no more an lifetime tag than being indicted is. Not guilty. Too bad, so sad.

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