Trump Thinks He's King

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything
If Trump had a "D" after his name he could be king and Democrats would cheer.

Not just king.....look at the dunce they anointed as 'god.'
Yep, and by nominating an obviously senile demented Biden, democrats have proven that all they care about is party loyalty, not about competence.
View attachment 323671
Funny, except that you could definitely put an elephant there just as truthfully.

Don't be silly.

1. Here's a major Democrat admitting the truth:
"Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’

Got any quotes of Republicans agreeing to kill Americans to increase the party's power?

"Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats And Illegal Immigration

To the surprise of absolutely no one, a leaked document from the Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund shows what most of us have always known, but what Democrats like to pretend isn’t their reality.

Namely, the memo, in great detail, maps out how Democrats are relying on illegal immigration to prop up their political future."

Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats and Illegal Immigration

Got any Republican memos claiming to need the illegal alien vote?

Or any Republican President telling illegals 'when you vote, you're a citizen yourself.'
Oh give it a rest. They passed the damned thing and wrote a new bill for their agenda that will never be passed by a Republican Senate.

NO ONE up in D.C. is going to do anything about illegal immigration. They are making too much money by hiring them. That is your party, too.

Pretty vapid defense of your party.

On the bright side, that's pretty much any of you apparatchiks are able to do.
It's not my party.

And I see you have no defense.

Defense of what.....putting you in your place???

OK.....I admit, taking advantage of your.....'disability' a form of humor noire......

....but, heck, you've earned it. Just think of me as Karma.
more nonsense from you

Both examples I provided of the Democrats were documented.....and you didn't deny either, so it was hardly nonsense.

See ya'
PC what would you have said if Obama said he had complete authority ???

I'd have pointed to the Constitution....

"Mr. Trump and all other officers and legislators and judges of the federal and state governments are bound by oath to the Constitution. Yet that same parchment absolutely forbids the states, without the consent of Congress, from entering into “any agreement or compact with another state”

That is American bedrock. It’s right up there with the prohibition on states granting titles of nobility, say, or keeping ships of war in time of peace. One doesn’t have to be a Civil War buff to see that states forming compacts or agreements with other states smacks of a challenge to federal authority, no matter how un-total a president’s authority might be."

But then Hussein would have said "I have a pen and a phone,".....and you'd have agreed with him.
PC I'm pointing to the constitution too The TENTH amendment
PreambleArticle IArticle IIArticle IIIArticle IVArticle VArticle VIArticle VIIAmendment IAmendment IIAmendment IIIAmendment IVAmendment VAmendment VIAmendment VIIAmendment VIIIAmendment IXAmendment XAmendment XIAmendment XIIAmendment XIIIAmendment XIVAmendment XVAmendment XVIAmendment XVIIAmendment XVIIIAmendment XIXAmendment XXAmendment XXIAmendment XXIIAmendment XXIIIAmendment XXIVAmendment XXVAmendment XXVIAmendment XXVII
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
PC I'm pointing to the constitution too The TENTH amendment
PreambleArticle IArticle IIArticle IIIArticle IVArticle VArticle VIArticle VIIAmendment IAmendment IIAmendment IIIAmendment IVAmendment VAmendment VIAmendment VIIAmendment VIIIAmendment IXAmendment XAmendment XIAmendment XIIAmendment XIIIAmendment XIVAmendment XVAmendment XVIAmendment XVIIAmendment XVIIIAmendment XIXAmendment XXAmendment XXIAmendment XXIIAmendment XXIIIAmendment XXIVAmendment XXVAmendment XXVIAmendment XXVII
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
And because no power was delegated to the United States to regulate firearms, and in fact, there is an amendment specifically forbidding Congress from infringing on said rights, all federal firearm laws are unconstitutional and should be stricken immediately?


The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything
If Trump had a "D" after his name he could be king and Democrats would cheer.

Not just king.....look at the dunce they anointed as 'god.'
Yep, and by nominating an obviously senile demented Biden, democrats have proven that all they care about is party loyalty, not about competence.
View attachment 323671
Funny, except that you could definitely put an elephant there just as truthfully.

Don't be silly.

1. Here's a major Democrat admitting the truth:
"Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’

Got any quotes of Republicans agreeing to kill Americans to increase the party's power?

"Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats And Illegal Immigration

To the surprise of absolutely no one, a leaked document from the Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund shows what most of us have always known, but what Democrats like to pretend isn’t their reality.

Namely, the memo, in great detail, maps out how Democrats are relying on illegal immigration to prop up their political future."

Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats and Illegal Immigration

Got any Republican memos claiming to need the illegal alien vote?

Or any Republican President telling illegals 'when you vote, you're a citizen yourself.'
Oh give it a rest. They passed the damned thing and wrote a new bill for their agenda that will never be passed by a Republican Senate.

NO ONE up in D.C. is going to do anything about illegal immigration. They are making too much money by hiring them. That is your party, too.

Pretty vapid defense of your party.

On the bright side, that's pretty much any of you apparatchiks are able to do.
It's not my party.

And I see you have no defense.

Defense of what.....putting you in your place???

OK.....I admit, taking advantage of your.....'disability' a form of humor noire......

....but, heck, you've earned it. Just think of me as Karma.
more nonsense from you

Both examples I provided of the Democrats were documented.....and you didn't deny either, so it was hardly nonsense.

See ya'
PC what would you have said if Obama said he had complete authority ???

I'd have pointed to the Constitution....

"Mr. Trump and all other officers and legislators and judges of the federal and state governments are bound by oath to the Constitution. Yet that same parchment absolutely forbids the states, without the consent of Congress, from entering into “any agreement or compact with another state”

That is American bedrock. It’s right up there with the prohibition on states granting titles of nobility, say, or keeping ships of war in time of peace. One doesn’t have to be a Civil War buff to see that states forming compacts or agreements with other states smacks of a challenge to federal authority, no matter how un-total a president’s authority might be."

But then Hussein would have said "I have a pen and a phone,".....and you'd have agreed with him.
PC I'm pointing to the constitution too The TENTH amendment
PreambleArticle IArticle IIArticle IIIArticle IVArticle VArticle VIArticle VIIAmendment IAmendment IIAmendment IIIAmendment IVAmendment VAmendment VIAmendment VIIAmendment VIIIAmendment IXAmendment XAmendment XIAmendment XIIAmendment XIIIAmendment XIVAmendment XVAmendment XVIAmendment XVIIAmendment XVIIIAmendment XIXAmendment XXAmendment XXIAmendment XXIIAmendment XXIIIAmendment XXIVAmendment XXVAmendment XXVIAmendment XXVII
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

What is your point?

What part of my post are you disagreeing with?
Both examples I provided of the Democrats were documented.....and you didn't deny either, so it was hardly nonsense.
I was replying to your insults. I did reply. Your examples are moldy oldies that have been whined about ad nauseum. And you STILL haven't admitted that your shit stinks just as much as ours.
Funny, except that you could definitely put an elephant there just as truthfully.

And yet again, you didn't dispute the truth of the examples I provided.'re learning.

Now you must learn to post without the vulgarity, as though you had proper upbringing.
Nah, I've said what I had to say a long ways back. The Republicans are just as guilty of what your amusing cartoon illustrates as the Democrats. That's all I wanted a reasonable response to. I didn't get it and I'm not shocked. Just reminds me of why I don't bother wasting my time with you.

"The Republicans are just as guilty of what your amusing cartoon illustrates as the Democrats. "

I just proved, with documentation, that that is false.

Some of us care not for truth, possibly due some cerebral ossification.

Raise your paw.
PC I'm pointing to the constitution too The TENTH amendment
PreambleArticle IArticle IIArticle IIIArticle IVArticle VArticle VIArticle VIIAmendment IAmendment IIAmendment IIIAmendment IVAmendment VAmendment VIAmendment VIIAmendment VIIIAmendment IXAmendment XAmendment XIAmendment XIIAmendment XIIIAmendment XIVAmendment XVAmendment XVIAmendment XVIIAmendment XVIIIAmendment XIXAmendment XXAmendment XXIAmendment XXIIAmendment XXIIIAmendment XXIVAmendment XXVAmendment XXVIAmendment XXVII
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
And because no power was delegated to the United States to regulate firearms, and in fact, there is an amendment specifically forbidding Congress from infringing on said rights, all federal firearm laws are unconstitutional and should be stricken immediately?

You're building scarecrows Not talking about your firearm fixation
It would be great if he declared himself king and started ordering Democrat executions.
Wheres oswald now that he's needed ?

"Wheres oswald now that he's needed ?"

Do you realize that the views of the current Democrat Party are more in line with Lee Harvey Oswald, than those of John Kennedy?

You know that.......don't you?

In fact, you just proved it.
the media and the Dems (i repeat myself) are taking something as consequential as a global pandemic and turning it into a political drama!
If he were a king.............all the Media's heads and reporters would be beheaded

If he were a God........he'd shoot fire balls from his ass and burn all the liberal opposition from the face of the earth.

You guys get back to me when that happens.............LOL

he thought he could have FCC licenses revoked because ' they ' were being mean to him. that's dictatorship 101.

View attachment 323666

Drunky makes herself look stupid again. Deliberately putting out phony stories and lies (as your beloved CNN and mSDNC have done countless times) is grounds for forfeiture of your broadcast license. So Trump is right and you are wrong. As usual.
How & when to modify physical distancing orders should & will be made by Governors

Federal guidelines will be very influential. But the Constitution & common sense dictates these decisions be made at the state level

Our federal system reserves the leading role over public health to state governors. States possess the ‘police power’ to regulate virtually all activity within their borders
They loved King O.
Another false equivalence based on a steaming pile of horseshit.

"Not only does the power Trump asserted have no basis in reality, experts said, but it’s also completely antithetical to the Constitution, the concept of federalism and separation of powers — whether during a time of emergency or not."
The Supreme Court routinely ruled Obama overstepped his Constitutional bounds.

Study: Obama Had Worst Record in Supreme Court in Modern History

Comparatively, Obama’s performance was "especially poor." "He prevailed in just 50.5 [percent] of his cases—a percentage slightly lower than the states’ win rate while Obama was in office (55.4 [percent])."

Noteworthy losses during Obama's presidency included the blocking of an executive action giving work permits to 5 million illegal immigrants, "effectively ending what Mr. Obama had hoped would become one of his central legacies," the New York Times reported.

The Court also handed a "humiliating" loss to Obama in his attempt to make recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board while the Senate was in session.

"Indeed the case was so clear-cut one can only conclude that the president didn’t care what the Constitution said," the Washington Post's Jennifer Rubin observed at the time.

Experts have argued that executive overreach by President Obama led to more losses in the High Court.

In the 2016 term, the Obama administration argued 10 cases that resulted in unanimous decisions against the government, meaning the president did not receive a vote from his own justices he appointed to the Court, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.

"[T]he reason this president has done so poorly at the high court is because he sees no limits on federal—especially prosecutorial—power and accords himself the ability to enact his own legislative agenda when Congress refuses to do so," wrote Ilya Shapiro, a senior fellow in Constitutional Studies at the Cato Institute.
Sorry pushed wrong button, We have a very political court, not so great at reading the constitution in a bipartisan manor.
If he were a king.............all the Media's heads and reporters would be beheaded

If he were a God........he'd shoot fire balls from his ass and burn all the liberal opposition from the face of the earth.

You guys get back to me when that happens.............LOL

he thought he could have FCC licenses revoked because ' they ' were being mean to him. that's dictatorship 101.

View attachment 323666

When he was a newbie, Obama asked if he could shut down ... was it Limbaugh? Some assturd on the radio who was twisting facts to all get out. The only thing is, Donald never got over it. Some of the press is being as negative as a hypercritical mother-in-law. You see what you're looking for. The conservative press is being defensive and going too far.

I miss the boring old news ala 1970. Tell me ALL the facts, not just the cherry picked ones that support your attitude. And then shut the fuck up and let me form my own opinion. Not even PBS is getting it right anymore. Although they're the closest I've found.

the news dept use to be separate from the rest of a network & not meant to turn a profit. the movie 'network' is closer to reality than fiction.
The man is gaslighting America
He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything
He's saving America. If only Trump were king, then we wouldn't be in this Coronavirus mess caused by Democrats.
It would be great if he declared himself king and started ordering Democrat executions.

that's pretty vile, yet totally expected from a deplorable who thinx someone with a differant political ideology should be killed for their views. not much between you & the NK piglet or putin.
If he were a king.............all the Media's heads and reporters would be beheaded

If he were a God........he'd shoot fire balls from his ass and burn all the liberal opposition from the face of the earth.

You guys get back to me when that happens.............LOL

he thought he could have FCC licenses revoked because ' they ' were being mean to him. that's dictatorship 101.

View attachment 323666

Drunky makes herself look stupid again. Deliberately putting out phony stories and lies (as your beloved CNN and mSDNC have done countless times) is grounds for forfeiture of your broadcast license. So Trump is right and you are wrong. As usual.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! you're such a deficient asshole.

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