Trump thinks wages are to high, get's caught and lashes out

Oh....reality sucks doesn't it?

You liberals imported tens of millions of low skill workers. They work for less. of labor is way up...thus....the price of labor goes way down.

Sorry if reality hurts Guno. Trump is right. If a worker here demands $30 an hour for the job a Mexican will do for $10 what do you think the employer does? And if you want to mandate a $15 min wage....they'll just move the company to Mexico. You know....all those free trade agreements we made right???

Guno....your labor just isn't worth that much. How old are you now? 65? 70?
Thank you President Reagan for giving amnesty for liberals...
he was a good "corporatist-in-chief"
Oh....reality sucks doesn't it?

You liberals imported tens of millions of low skill workers. They work for less. of labor is way up...thus....the price of labor goes way down.

Sorry if reality hurts Guno. Trump is right. If a worker here demands $30 an hour for the job a Mexican will do for $10 what do you think the employer does? And if you want to mandate a $15 min wage....they'll just move the company to Mexico. You know....all those free trade agreements we made right???

Guno....your labor just isn't worth that much. How old are you now? 65? 70?
Thank you President Reagan for giving amnesty for liberals...
he was a good "corporatist-in-chief"
That's why I didn't vote for him on his second term..
When we compare what CEO's make compared to the average worker, we have a real problem.

Many people have lost their life savings in the stock market, today the market is manipulated by the elites, and many CEO's get paid much of their income by stock options.

I often wonder what would happen if all middle income people who faithfully give to their retirement IRA's every year, would quit, what would happen?? Would they jump out of the windows in NY??
I and my husband come from families of contruction , plumbing, electricians, sheet metal workers, etc, its called the trades. (a few have higher educations).

Are these jobs any less demanding than sitting behind a desk and using ones brain for work?? These jobs take brains and a BODY, not just brains on how to find loopholes and keep costs down for a company, as he stands idly by looking at the workers and wondering how he can keep wages low and production higher. Perhaps the trades should start charging 500 an hour.

CEO's of these big corps are not our friends. I can tell you its the nursing assistants , and the housekeepers of a hospital who are the most important people there, and they are overlooked (you know the low life's)
If a person can make a living at the lowest level of employment, where's the incentive for improvement?
He doesn't understand that if the US wants to compete, it needs to get BETTER EDUCATED to get the high tech jobs, rather than aiming for low wage jobs which the Chinese can do for cheaper.
There are no high tech jobs that the H1-Bs are not at the head of the line for. The H1-B program is so openly abused that Americans are instructed to train their H1-B replacements in order to get their severance. Calls to Congress and Labor get no response other than a promise to eventually respond.

No one wants to major in STEM because the likelihood is too high that you wont find a job.
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If a person can make a living at the lowest level of employment, where's the incentive for improvement?

What do you mean?? lowest level of employment. What do you think that is??

I mean minimum skill/minimum wage jobs.

Why are you asking me what I think it is when I'm the one that said it?

I think I'm trying to get at the point, that when someone wipes the butt of a CEO's their shit doesn't smell any better than a janitors.

In that respect even a min wage job person has a skill, I have watched janitors in the hospital , and some do actually clean the handles of doors whereas others do not. They work hard and many do like their job and take pride in it.
"During an interview on CBS’ Face The Nation, Sen. Sanders said, “Meanwhile, interestingly enough, John, this is a guy who does not want to raise the minimum wage. In fact, he has said that he thinks wages in America are too high. But he does want to give hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks to top three-tenths of one percent.”

Trump responded by throwing a fit on Twitter:"

So trump wants people to work for lower wages!! and the rubes in flyover country cheer from their trailer parks!!!
The cletus's turn to their wives and say: ye hear that sallie sue! tell ya boss at the waffle house we don't need you to be makin' those high dollar wages!! jesus will provide !!

"During the debate, Trump said, “But, taxes too high, wages too high, we’re not going to be able to compete against the world. I hate to say it, but we have to leave it the way it is. People have to go out, they have to work really hard and have to get into that upper stratum. But we can not do this if we are going to compete with the rest of the world. We just can’t do it.”

A Terrified Trump Throws A Twitter Tantrum After Bernie Sanders Truth Bombs His Lies

What a load of partisan horse shit.

Trump is saying that the way the free trade globalist system is set up, we are at a competitive disadvantage with the rest of our world then he lists why and part of that is our wages are too high to compete with the wage scales in the rest of the world. That does not mean that Trump wants to lower American wages. In fact Trumps answer has been to hike tariffs and import taxes to make domestic products and labor markets competitive with imports and foreign labor.

Why do you libtards think you can just lie your way around?
If a person can make a living at the lowest level of employment, where's the incentive for improvement?
But that is all some people can do. Are you saying that people with IQs lower than 80 who cant learn more difficult labor should just starve or live paycheck to paycheck?
With so-called 'free trade', black market labor, abused H1-B immigrant labor, corporate cheating and corruption of our government, and the export of our STEM professions, we are seeing the collapse of the Middle Class in this country.

And all the political whores can do is cast blame while they are all responsible in one way or another for destroying the consumer market which was the American Middle Class.

We are led by ideological morons who are taking us to the historical grave yard.
Why do I always get the feeling that the left wants to put a cap on what a company can pay its' CEO's?

Ya'll fail to realize that there are simply not that many CEO's, that is why they get paid more and more, because companies (especially global companies) are fighting over them - low supply == high pay.

On the other hand there are tons of unskilled workers so their pay is low.
He is right. People want to trade but want jobs too. How does that work with 15 dollar an hour minimum wage?
Do you want to work, or do you want a collectivist society completely dependent on the government?
Ask a German ya dumb fucking redneck biker. :blahblah:
Why do I always get the feeling that the left wants to put a cap on what a company can pay its' CEO's?

Ya'll fail to realize that there are simply not that many CEO's, that is why they get paid more and more, because companies (especially global companies) are fighting over them - low supply == high pay.

On the other hand there are tons of unskilled workers so their pay is low.

I think what most who have an issue with this wants is something that gives an incentive to reduce the CEO and top executive pay to a ratio with the average pay for workers in their company that is along the lines of what we see in the REST OF THE INDUSTRIALIZED WORLD. While in the rest of the First World the ratio is about $30-$40 CEO pay to each $1 for average workers, in the USA it around $350 to $1.

IMO that is disgraceful exploitation, bymv.
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