Trump thinks wages are to high, get's caught and lashes out

They long for the glory days of the old South when workers didn't have to be paid at all.
buc there will be no mexicans...trump is building that wall...remember

Yeah, I hope he remembers to build doors in those walls so we can get the millions of illegals entrenched here out.
Dont worry.

Once the jobs dry up they will self deport
Why would they self deport. Leaving here to go back to nothing? I think their friends and relatives who are legal will keep them employed either in service occupations or agricultural..... That last job description could include opium and marijuana.
If a person can make a living at the lowest level of employment, where's the incentive for improvement?

What do you mean?? lowest level of employment. What do you think that is??

I mean minimum skill/minimum wage jobs.

Why are you asking me what I think it is when I'm the one that said it?

I think I'm trying to get at the point, that when someone wipes the butt of a CEO's their shit doesn't smell any better than a janitors.

In that respect even a min wage job person has a skill, I have watched janitors in the hospital , and some do actually clean the handles of doors whereas others do not. They work hard and many do like their job and take pride in it.

Mopping a floor doesn't take any skill. That's why it's called "unskilled labor".

Some examples of unskilled labor include sanitation, workers, custodial workers, farm workers, painters, grocery clerks and assembly line factory workers. Unskilled labor jobs require little or no special training and make use of limited skills. Many menial or repetitive tasks fall under the classification of unskilled labor. Jobs that can be learned completely in 30 days or fewer are often classified as unskilled labor.
If a person can make a living at the lowest level of employment, where's the incentive for improvement?

What do you mean?? lowest level of employment. What do you think that is??

I mean minimum skill/minimum wage jobs.

Why are you asking me what I think it is when I'm the one that said it?

I think I'm trying to get at the point, that when someone wipes the butt of a CEO's their shit doesn't smell any better than a janitors.

In that respect even a min wage job person has a skill, I have watched janitors in the hospital , and some do actually clean the handles of doors whereas others do not. They work hard and many do like their job and take pride in it.

Mopping a floor doesn't take any skill. That's why it's called "unskilled labor".

Some examples of unskilled labor include sanitation, workers, custodial workers, farm workers, painters, grocery clerks and assembly line factory workers. Unskilled labor jobs require little or no special training and make use of limited skills. Many menial or repetitive tasks fall under the classification of unskilled labor. Jobs that can be learned completely in 30 days or fewer are often classified as unskilled labor.
Evidently the military thinks you need skill to mop. what with all the hours you spend learning how to do it right and the Army whey...
Ever notice with this bunch that it's always the workers fault?
Well if you'd get up off your lazy ass Mr Clean!

lol, I know, and this is one of the reasons I say I am not a conservative economically.

I dont think anyone wants our society to degenerate into an 'Out for Numero Uno' jungle of cut-throat competition. But the corporations have done a great job in filtering pro-worker conservatives like Phylis Schaffley and Craig Paul Roberts into the rarely carried columnist shadows, while these same corporations advance anti-white racism and anti-Americanism through so-called charities like the Ford Foundation that cockroach all the liberal institutions that used to represent all the best in our culture.

So between the Marxists running the Dhimmicratic Party and the Corporate Crony Republican Party, American workers are just fucked.
If a person can make a living at the lowest level of employment, where's the incentive for improvement?
But that is all some people can do. Are you saying that people with IQs lower than 80 who cant learn more difficult labor should just starve or live paycheck to paycheck?

Does the vast majority of minimum wage workers have a IQ of less than 80?

There are government programs to help those who truly need it, no one is starving.
If a person can make a living at the lowest level of employment, where's the incentive for improvement?

What do you mean?? lowest level of employment. What do you think that is??

I mean minimum skill/minimum wage jobs.

Why are you asking me what I think it is when I'm the one that said it?

I think I'm trying to get at the point, that when someone wipes the butt of a CEO's their shit doesn't smell any better than a janitors.

In that respect even a min wage job person has a skill, I have watched janitors in the hospital , and some do actually clean the handles of doors whereas others do not. They work hard and many do like their job and take pride in it.

Mopping a floor doesn't take any skill. That's why it's called "unskilled labor".

Some examples of unskilled labor include sanitation, workers, custodial workers, farm workers, painters, grocery clerks and assembly line factory workers. Unskilled labor jobs require little or no special training and make use of limited skills. Many menial or repetitive tasks fall under the classification of unskilled labor. Jobs that can be learned completely in 30 days or fewer are often classified as unskilled labor.
Evidently the military thinks you need skill to mop. what with all the hours you spend learning how to do it right and the Army whey...

Go away troll.
Ever notice with this bunch that it's always the workers fault?
Well if you'd get up off your lazy ass Mr Clean!

lol, I know, and this is one of the reasons I say I am not a conservative economically.

I dont think anyone wants our society to degenerate into an 'Out for Numero Uno' jungle of cut-throat competition. But the corporations have done a great job in filtering pro-worker conservatives like Phylis Schaffley and Craig Paul Roberts into the rarely carried columnist shadows, while these same corporations advance anti-white racism and anti-Americanism through so-called charities like the Ford Foundation that cockroach all the liberal institutions that used to represent all the best in our culture.

So between the Marxists running the Dhimmicratic Party and the Corporate Crony Republican Party, American workers are just fucked.
What do you mean?? lowest level of employment. What do you think that is??

I mean minimum skill/minimum wage jobs.

Why are you asking me what I think it is when I'm the one that said it?

I think I'm trying to get at the point, that when someone wipes the butt of a CEO's their shit doesn't smell any better than a janitors.

In that respect even a min wage job person has a skill, I have watched janitors in the hospital , and some do actually clean the handles of doors whereas others do not. They work hard and many do like their job and take pride in it.

Mopping a floor doesn't take any skill. That's why it's called "unskilled labor".

Some examples of unskilled labor include sanitation, workers, custodial workers, farm workers, painters, grocery clerks and assembly line factory workers. Unskilled labor jobs require little or no special training and make use of limited skills. Many menial or repetitive tasks fall under the classification of unskilled labor. Jobs that can be learned completely in 30 days or fewer are often classified as unskilled labor.
Evidently the military thinks you need skill to mop. what with all the hours you spend learning how to do it right and the Army whey...

Go away troll.
You'd be surprised the different ways to mop on different surfaces...
I mean, do people know how free trade works?

so we should have wages like a third world country to compete?
Free would make them happier...
I think that a few of the GOP would be completely fine with the return of and legalization of slavery. Look at how many openly advocate allowing illegals to do the 'work Americans wont do' because it is too unsafe or pays too little.

We do have slavery here in the USA that hits the news every once in as while. The black market chain gang labor providers are usually too careful to get caught red handed though. While confirmed cases number around 10,000 forced laborers are in the US, the estimates are that there are around 2.4 million forced laborers in the US and the Washington Post scoffs at it altogether.

Labor trafficking in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Why would they self deport. Leaving here to go back to nothing? I think their friends and relatives who are legal will keep them employed either in service occupations or agricultural..... That last job description could include opium and marijuana.
Why do you think they would be going back to nothing?

Third world nations are getting more industry every day, and even failing that, these people are returning to their families which is something.
"During an interview on CBS’ Face The Nation, Sen. Sanders said, “Meanwhile, interestingly enough, John, this is a guy who does not want to raise the minimum wage. In fact, he has said that he thinks wages in America are too high. But he does want to give hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks to top three-tenths of one percent.”

Trump responded by throwing a fit on Twitter:"

So trump wants people to work for lower wages!! and the rubes in flyover country cheer from their trailer parks!!!
The cletus's turn to their wives and say: ye hear that sallie sue! tell ya boss at the waffle house we don't need you to be makin' those high dollar wages!! jesus will provide !!

"During the debate, Trump said, “But, taxes too high, wages too high, we’re not going to be able to compete against the world. I hate to say it, but we have to leave it the way it is. People have to go out, they have to work really hard and have to get into that upper stratum. But we can not do this if we are going to compete with the rest of the world. We just can’t do it.”

A Terrified Trump Throws A Twitter Tantrum After Bernie Sanders Truth Bombs His Lies

What a load of partisan horse shit.

Trump is saying that the way the free trade globalist system is set up, we are at a competitive disadvantage with the rest of our world then he lists why and part of that is our wages are too high to compete with the wage scales in the rest of the world. That does not mean that Trump wants to lower American wages. In fact Trumps answer has been to hike tariffs and import taxes to make domestic products and labor markets competitive with imports and foreign labor.

Why do you libtards think you can just lie your way around?
"What a load of partisan horse shit."

Now you know how everyone feels about your posts.
Does the vast majority of minimum wage workers have a IQ of less than 80?

Wait, you dont think that morons are over-represented in the lowest paying low skill jobs? Seriously?

There are government programs to help those who truly need it, no one is starving.

No, the government programs run out of money each year and August to September a lot of people are turned away from free services at public hospitals for example if they dont have life threatening injuries, again because of the black market illegal labor claiming so much of the resources.

Yes, there are millions of kids that go to bed hungry in America every night despite having employed parents.

I used to be among them.

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