Trump thinks wages are to high, get's caught and lashes out

Oh, welfare then. I mean if they cut back on janitors, and now one is out of work, who was living paycheck to paycheck and his unemployment runs out, as everyone is cutting back on janitors, what is this unskilled worker to do. He has 2 children in school and his wife is working part time at Walmart?

What now?? They have not been able to save a dime, but both of them are hard workers , never missed a day of work and were there on time all the time.

Oh their car broke down and wife takes the bus to work. What now?? His low IQ is rather a disability , he did graduate from HS but that was when they didn't care if one knew how to read or not.

Yeah, so in order to let some bidnessman make a slightly larger profit, the tax payer has to pick up the dime instead?

The government cannot continue to afford paying for everyone to live on welfare when they can and WANT to work.

We need to provide incentives for employers to hire Americans, and severely punish them for violating the immigration labor laws and then reduce the business taxes and regulatory work load the government imposes.

We cant just keep tossing more and more people on the government free lunch wagon.
Trump has just done a full 180 here, and now says wages are too low.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Wages in are country are too low, good jobs are too few, and people have lost faith in our leaders.We need smart and strong leadership now!

A spine of steel, the Donald has. The best guess is that Trump's previous wages-are-too-high claim did not play well with his blue collar base.

That flipflop has to sting the Trumpskyites here. Sanders beat Trump like a gong and forced Trump to completely reverse positions. All that's remaining to be seen is what creative excuses the Trump cultists come up with to maintain their belief that DearLeaderDonald is infallible.

Lol, you are such an idiot.

Trump never said that American workers wages SHOULD BE LOWERED. He was saying that in the global free trade economy we have Americans are making too much to be competitive.

Gawd, you are so fucking stupid.

Go ahead and laugh it up, dude, but this is the driving force behind the return of socialism in this country.

then managers will need the tissues, not the employees, much as it was from 1945 to 1970.

There can be reasonable steps to make everyone happy, but one side always has to totally fuck the other.

What a crying shame.

I will laugh.

It's hilarious!!

And you will find yourself in a very disagreeable place in a few years as Americans dont want to live like Kowloon did all because too many people like yourself are too fat and stupid to think outside your god damned ideological box, dude.

Say hello to Socialisms return if you cant learn how to treat working Americans like a human being.

A renegade photographer got inside this lawless Chinese city 119 times denser than New York
Trump never said that American workers wages SHOULD BE LOWERED. He was saying that in the global free trade economy we have Americans are making too much to be competitive.

We understand. DearLeader was right when he said wages are too high, and was also right when he said wages are too low.

Gawd, you are so fucking stupid.

It's not the end of the world, Sanders spanking your DearLeader like that. Keep on having a good cry, and you'll get over it.
Why would they self deport. Leaving here to go back to nothing? I think their friends and relatives who are legal will keep them employed either in service occupations or agricultural..... That last job description could include opium and marijuana.
Why do you think they would be going back to nothing?

Third world nations are getting more industry every day, and even failing that, these people are returning to their families which is something.
By nothing I meant the very reason for leaving was due to hopelessness and abject poverty.. In terms of materialism, that equates to nothing. Family would be the only reason to return empty handed if work was unavailable in the USA. Should that happen it would be the females coming here to make money in the sex industries. The world's oldest profession has always rescued the poverty stricken and kept bread on the table from the dawn of mankind.
With lower wages in the US, billionaires won't have to outsource to China, India etc. They can make the US into China.
We can talk about slavery, forced labor, and all that, but right now, just being a regular full time worker is next to being a wage slave. A friend of mine that worked at Books A Million said basically the same kind of crap went on at their store too.

Think Walmart is an Evil Empire? Wait Until You Read This... - Forward Progressives

Yet the average Walmart employee makes $8.81 per hour. It would take the typical full-time Walmart employee 818,553 years to make as much as one heir to Walmart is worth ($15 billion on average). So keep all of that in mind as I tell you about what it’s like working for these greedy bastards.

When you first get hired you’re given an orientation, like at most jobs. In this orientation you’re shown several videos, one of which is called “The Benefits of Working for Walmart.” But it’s really a 30 minute video bashing unions. No, I’m not kidding. It’s literally a video about 30 minutes long of people telling you how terrible unions are to work for. After that, depending on your job, the training is fairly typical. But the true nature of the greed of this company is found in how they run their business. See, everything is controlled in Arkansas. From the air conditioning and heat, inventory to the scheduling system.

Everything is controlled at their home office in Arkansas. ....

“Full-time” at Walmart is just a term, it definitely doesn’t mean 40 hours per week. It’s common for “full-time” Walmart employees to get 32-34 hours a week. For part-time, sometimes you’re lucky if you get 20 hours. And don’t even think about overtime, they’ll write you up if you go over 40 hours in a week without permission.

If you work over 6 hours you’re required to take a lunch. I’m sure this stems from previous lawsuits against them for not giving employees the legally required break and lunch times. In fact, to ensure those working 6 hours or more take a lunch they lock them out of any system until they clock out for at least 30 minutes. And be careful, they schedule a ton of 5 1/2 hour shifts so you’re only required to be given one 15 minute break, and if you happen to stay a little later and go even 1 minute over 6 hours—you’re required to take a lunch. If you don’t, you get written up as well. Not because they care about ensuring you’re given the breaks/lunches you deserve, but because they don’t want to get sued for not giving them to you.

When you work at Sam’s Club you’re required to sell memberships—and credits, and early renewals and warranties. Honestly, checking out at Sam’s Club borders on harassment. They’re strict on these numbers and ride the employees relentlessly about hitting “goals.” Are there perks to reaching these goals? Well, sure—you get to keep your job. That’s basically it. Mind you, they put this kind of pressure on employees making less than $10 per hour. They treat them more like high-level sales employees than what they are; low-level hourly cashiers.

Towards the end of my time at Sam’s the regional manager, which is the person overseeing all the clubs in a certain area, told every Store Manager that they were required to hit their numbers and cut 110 wage hours—per day, every day. He actually told them, “You’re asking yourselves right now if I really said hit your numbers and cut 110 hours daily, and yes I did. I don’t care how you do it, just get it done. Oh, and make sure we don’t have long lines, our ‘member service’ stays top-notch and our employees have positive attitudes.”
We can talk about slavery, forced labor, and all that, but right now, just being a regular full time worker is next to being a wage slave. A friend of mine that worked at Books A Million said basically the same kind of crap went on at their store too.

Think Walmart is an Evil Empire? Wait Until You Read This... - Forward Progressives

Yet the average Walmart employee makes $8.81 per hour. It would take the typical full-time Walmart employee 818,553 years to make as much as one heir to Walmart is worth ($15 billion on average). So keep all of that in mind as I tell you about what it’s like working for these greedy bastards.

When you first get hired you’re given an orientation, like at most jobs. In this orientation you’re shown several videos, one of which is called “The Benefits of Working for Walmart.” But it’s really a 30 minute video bashing unions. No, I’m not kidding. It’s literally a video about 30 minutes long of people telling you how terrible unions are to work for. After that, depending on your job, the training is fairly typical. But the true nature of the greed of this company is found in how they run their business. See, everything is controlled in Arkansas. From the air conditioning and heat, inventory to the scheduling system.

Everything is controlled at their home office in Arkansas. ....

“Full-time” at Walmart is just a term, it definitely doesn’t mean 40 hours per week. It’s common for “full-time” Walmart employees to get 32-34 hours a week. For part-time, sometimes you’re lucky if you get 20 hours. And don’t even think about overtime, they’ll write you up if you go over 40 hours in a week without permission.

If you work over 6 hours you’re required to take a lunch. I’m sure this stems from previous lawsuits against them for not giving employees the legally required break and lunch times. In fact, to ensure those working 6 hours or more take a lunch they lock them out of any system until they clock out for at least 30 minutes. And be careful, they schedule a ton of 5 1/2 hour shifts so you’re only required to be given one 15 minute break, and if you happen to stay a little later and go even 1 minute over 6 hours—you’re required to take a lunch. If you don’t, you get written up as well. Not because they care about ensuring you’re given the breaks/lunches you deserve, but because they don’t want to get sued for not giving them to you.

When you work at Sam’s Club you’re required to sell memberships—and credits, and early renewals and warranties. Honestly, checking out at Sam’s Club borders on harassment. They’re strict on these numbers and ride the employees relentlessly about hitting “goals.” Are there perks to reaching these goals? Well, sure—you get to keep your job. That’s basically it. Mind you, they put this kind of pressure on employees making less than $10 per hour. They treat them more like high-level sales employees than what they are; low-level hourly cashiers.

Towards the end of my time at Sam’s the regional manager, which is the person overseeing all the clubs in a certain area, told every Store Manager that they were required to hit their numbers and cut 110 wage hours—per day, every day. He actually told them, “You’re asking yourselves right now if I really said hit your numbers and cut 110 hours daily, and yes I did. I don’t care how you do it, just get it done. Oh, and make sure we don’t have long lines, our ‘member service’ stays top-notch and our employees have positive attitudes.”

If a person can make a living at the lowest level of employment, where's the incentive for improvement?
But that is all some people can do. Are you saying that people with IQs lower than 80 who cant learn more difficult labor should just starve or live paycheck to paycheck?

Does the vast majority of minimum wage workers have a IQ of less than 80?

There are government programs to help those who truly need it, no one is starving.

You mean disability?


Oh, welfare then. I mean if they cut back on janitors, and now one is out of work, who was living paycheck to paycheck and his unemployment runs out, as everyone is cutting back on janitors, what is this unskilled worker to do. He has 2 children in school and his wife is working part time at Walmart?

What now?? They have not been able to save a dime, but both of them are hard workers , never missed a day of work and were there on time all the time.

Oh their car broke down and wife takes the bus to work. What now?? His low IQ is rather a disability , he did graduate from HS but that was when they didn't care if one knew how to read or not.

What the hell are you babbling about?

Who says living paycheck to paycheck is a bad thing? Hell, most everyone lives paycheck to paycheck. If it's dimes you want to save then you should not live above your means. You should not get married and have children if you can't afford to. Why should the rest of society pay for your bad choices?
What the hell are you babbling about?
She made sense to me. She is talking about what lives these people will live with the kind of policies people like you divy out to them; welfare.

You want to allow employers to reduce them to debt servitude, and since most people are too smart too fall for that kind of bullshit, you only leave them riding the welfare rolls, dude.

Who says living paycheck to paycheck is a bad thing?

OMG, can you at least try to be honest here?

Hell, most everyone lives paycheck to paycheck. If it's dimes you want to save then you should not live above your means.


You should not get married and have children if you can't afford to. Why should the rest of society pay for your bad choices?

Why not if your living paycheck to paycheck anyway, genius?

I think I have more concern for my cat than you have for your fellow Americans, and I dont even like cats.
Honesty, diligence, pride of labor and good attitudes aren't skills.
Where did I say that they were skills, Sherlock?

Then why did you mention that crap when I was talking about "skills"?

Guess you were trying to change the subject or perhaps pettifog the issue.

No, I was expanding the the topic to include things other than just skills.

The social contract involves more than merely bartering ones skills in the market place and includes obeying the law and living honestly, something you are apparently challenged with grasping as a concept.
What the hell are you babbling about?
She made sense to me. She is talking about what lives these people will live with the kind of policies people like you divy out to them; welfare.

You want to allow employers to reduce them to debt servitude, and since most people are too smart too fall for that kind of bullshit, you only leave them riding the welfare rolls, dude.

Who says living paycheck to paycheck is a bad thing?

OMG, can you at least try to be honest here?

Hell, most everyone lives paycheck to paycheck. If it's dimes you want to save then you should not live above your means.


You should not get married and have children if you can't afford to. Why should the rest of society pay for your bad choices?

Why not if your living paycheck to paycheck anyway, genius?

I think I have more concern for my cat than you have for your fellow Americans, and I dont even like cats.

You have me confused with a liberal.

I think welfare should only be for those that truly need it and those that are committing welfare fraud should be locked up.

I think employers and employees can agree on a fair salary and the government shouldn't get in the way.

You call bullshit on people living from paycheck to paycheck? Most people I know count on ever single paycheck and can't afford to miss a single one or a bill will go unpaid.

Like I said moron, if you CAN"T afford to get married or have children you shouldn't. But too many of you idiots do.
Honesty, diligence, pride of labor and good attitudes aren't skills.
Where did I say that they were skills, Sherlock?

Then why did you mention that crap when I was talking about "skills"?

Guess you were trying to change the subject or perhaps pettifog the issue.

No, I was expanding the the topic to include things other than just skills.

The social contract involves more than merely bartering ones skills in the market place and includes obeying the law and living honestly, something you are apparently challenged with grasping as a concept.

Yea well those qualities will not earn a paycheck without SKILLS to go with them.
You have me confused with a liberal.

No, I think you are a Birther type, Alex Jones fan from the sound of you.

I think welfare should only be for those that truly need it and those that are committing welfare fraud should be locked up.


I think employers and employees can agree on a fair salary and the government shouldn't get in the way.

Whoa. Without government standards we would have silk tongued bastards talking people into indentured servitude contracts all over again. Some people are just that stupid, the lower 30% of the gene pool I refer to.

Letting them be exploited hurts everyone economically and is inhumane to allow.

You call bullshit on people living from paycheck to paycheck? Most people I know count on ever single paycheck and can't afford to miss a single one or a bill will go unpaid.

Most people I know have a set amount that they save and they only live 'paycheck to paycheck' with those deductions coming out first for their 401k, TSP or IRAs. They have health care pretax deductions that go into savings. Their mortgages are another big investment that they build up equity in and is another form of savings, not to mention enough insurance to float a battleship.

No most people in fact do not live paycheck2paycheck.

Like I said moron, if you CAN"T afford to get married or have children you shouldn't. But too many of you idiots do.

Children can be put to work after they hit the age of 8 or so, if not on a farm then doing chores that makes the life of the family easier and more more comfortable. God determines how many kids we have and to tell Him what that number is is just horse shit.
You have me confused with a liberal.

No, I think you are a Birther type, Alex Jones fan from the sound of you.

I think welfare should only be for those that truly need it and those that are committing welfare fraud should be locked up.


I think employers and employees can agree on a fair salary and the government shouldn't get in the way.

Whoa. Without government standards we would have silk tongued bastards talking people into indentured servitude contracts all over again. Some people are just that stupid, the lower 30% of the gene pool I refer to.

Letting them be exploited hurts everyone economically and is inhumane to allow.

You call bullshit on people living from paycheck to paycheck? Most people I know count on ever single paycheck and can't afford to miss a single one or a bill will go unpaid.

Most people I know have a set amount that they save and they only live 'paycheck to paycheck' with those deductions coming out first for their 401k, TSP or IRAs. They have health care pretax deductions that go into savings. Their mortgages are another big investment that they build up equity in and is another form of savings, not to mention enough insurance to float a battleship.

No most people in fact do not live paycheck2paycheck.

Like I said moron, if you CAN"T afford to get married or have children you shouldn't. But too many of you idiots do.

Children can be put to work after they hit the age of 8 or so, if not on a farm then doing chores that makes the life of the family easier and more more comfortable. God determines how many kids we have and to tell Him what that number is is just horse shit.

Less than half of US workers have a 401k or any kind of pension. I guess the people I know are a lower class than the ones you know. Most of the ones I know rent and are not buying a house.

Does God determine when you can engage in sexual intercourse?

Does God not care if the children he determines you can have are being provided for?

I'm thinking God would not want you to have a child that you cannot raise properly.
We can talk about slavery, forced labor, and all that, but right now, just being a regular full time worker is next to being a wage slave. A friend of mine that worked at Books A Million said basically the same kind of crap went on at their store too.

Think Walmart is an Evil Empire? Wait Until You Read This... - Forward Progressives

Yet the average Walmart employee makes $8.81 per hour. It would take the typical full-time Walmart employee 818,553 years to make as much as one heir to Walmart is worth ($15 billion on average). So keep all of that in mind as I tell you about what it’s like working for these greedy bastards.

When you first get hired you’re given an orientation, like at most jobs. In this orientation you’re shown several videos, one of which is called “The Benefits of Working for Walmart.” But it’s really a 30 minute video bashing unions. No, I’m not kidding. It’s literally a video about 30 minutes long of people telling you how terrible unions are to work for. After that, depending on your job, the training is fairly typical. But the true nature of the greed of this company is found in how they run their business. See, everything is controlled in Arkansas. From the air conditioning and heat, inventory to the scheduling system.

Everything is controlled at their home office in Arkansas. ....

“Full-time” at Walmart is just a term, it definitely doesn’t mean 40 hours per week. It’s common for “full-time” Walmart employees to get 32-34 hours a week. For part-time, sometimes you’re lucky if you get 20 hours. And don’t even think about overtime, they’ll write you up if you go over 40 hours in a week without permission.

If you work over 6 hours you’re required to take a lunch. I’m sure this stems from previous lawsuits against them for not giving employees the legally required break and lunch times. In fact, to ensure those working 6 hours or more take a lunch they lock them out of any system until they clock out for at least 30 minutes. And be careful, they schedule a ton of 5 1/2 hour shifts so you’re only required to be given one 15 minute break, and if you happen to stay a little later and go even 1 minute over 6 hours—you’re required to take a lunch. If you don’t, you get written up as well. Not because they care about ensuring you’re given the breaks/lunches you deserve, but because they don’t want to get sued for not giving them to you.

When you work at Sam’s Club you’re required to sell memberships—and credits, and early renewals and warranties. Honestly, checking out at Sam’s Club borders on harassment. They’re strict on these numbers and ride the employees relentlessly about hitting “goals.” Are there perks to reaching these goals? Well, sure—you get to keep your job. That’s basically it. Mind you, they put this kind of pressure on employees making less than $10 per hour. They treat them more like high-level sales employees than what they are; low-level hourly cashiers.

Towards the end of my time at Sam’s the regional manager, which is the person overseeing all the clubs in a certain area, told every Store Manager that they were required to hit their numbers and cut 110 wage hours—per day, every day. He actually told them, “You’re asking yourselves right now if I really said hit your numbers and cut 110 hours daily, and yes I did. I don’t care how you do it, just get it done. Oh, and make sure we don’t have long lines, our ‘member service’ stays top-notch and our employees have positive attitudes.”
We can talk about slavery, forced labor, and all that, but right now, just being a regular full time worker is next to being a wage slave. A friend of mine that worked at Books A Million said basically the same kind of crap went on at their store too.

Think Walmart is an Evil Empire? Wait Until You Read This... - Forward Progressives

Yet the average Walmart employee makes $8.81 per hour. It would take the typical full-time Walmart employee 818,553 years to make as much as one heir to Walmart is worth ($15 billion on average). So keep all of that in mind as I tell you about what it’s like working for these greedy bastards.

When you first get hired you’re given an orientation, like at most jobs. In this orientation you’re shown several videos, one of which is called “The Benefits of Working for Walmart.” But it’s really a 30 minute video bashing unions. No, I’m not kidding. It’s literally a video about 30 minutes long of people telling you how terrible unions are to work for. After that, depending on your job, the training is fairly typical. But the true nature of the greed of this company is found in how they run their business. See, everything is controlled in Arkansas. From the air conditioning and heat, inventory to the scheduling system.

Everything is controlled at their home office in Arkansas. ....

“Full-time” at Walmart is just a term, it definitely doesn’t mean 40 hours per week. It’s common for “full-time” Walmart employees to get 32-34 hours a week. For part-time, sometimes you’re lucky if you get 20 hours. And don’t even think about overtime, they’ll write you up if you go over 40 hours in a week without permission.

If you work over 6 hours you’re required to take a lunch. I’m sure this stems from previous lawsuits against them for not giving employees the legally required break and lunch times. In fact, to ensure those working 6 hours or more take a lunch they lock them out of any system until they clock out for at least 30 minutes. And be careful, they schedule a ton of 5 1/2 hour shifts so you’re only required to be given one 15 minute break, and if you happen to stay a little later and go even 1 minute over 6 hours—you’re required to take a lunch. If you don’t, you get written up as well. Not because they care about ensuring you’re given the breaks/lunches you deserve, but because they don’t want to get sued for not giving them to you.

When you work at Sam’s Club you’re required to sell memberships—and credits, and early renewals and warranties. Honestly, checking out at Sam’s Club borders on harassment. They’re strict on these numbers and ride the employees relentlessly about hitting “goals.” Are there perks to reaching these goals? Well, sure—you get to keep your job. That’s basically it. Mind you, they put this kind of pressure on employees making less than $10 per hour. They treat them more like high-level sales employees than what they are; low-level hourly cashiers.

Towards the end of my time at Sam’s the regional manager, which is the person overseeing all the clubs in a certain area, told every Store Manager that they were required to hit their numbers and cut 110 wage hours—per day, every day. He actually told them, “You’re asking yourselves right now if I really said hit your numbers and cut 110 hours daily, and yes I did. I don’t care how you do it, just get it done. Oh, and make sure we don’t have long lines, our ‘member service’ stays top-notch and our employees have positive attitudes.”

But that is all some people can do. Are you saying that people with IQs lower than 80 who cant learn more difficult labor should just starve or live paycheck to paycheck?

Does the vast majority of minimum wage workers have a IQ of less than 80?

There are government programs to help those who truly need it, no one is starving.

You mean disability?


Oh, welfare then. I mean if they cut back on janitors, and now one is out of work, who was living paycheck to paycheck and his unemployment runs out, as everyone is cutting back on janitors, what is this unskilled worker to do. He has 2 children in school and his wife is working part time at Walmart?

What now?? They have not been able to save a dime, but both of them are hard workers , never missed a day of work and were there on time all the time.

Oh their car broke down and wife takes the bus to work. What now?? His low IQ is rather a disability , he did graduate from HS but that was when they didn't care if one knew how to read or not.

What the hell are you babbling about?

Who says living paycheck to paycheck is a bad thing? Hell, most everyone lives paycheck to paycheck. If it's dimes you want to save then you should not live above your means. You should not get married and have children if you can't afford to. Why should the rest of society pay for your bad choices?

This is not me, but I'm sure there are many people in this situation. Are you now saying the poorer levels of society should not get married or have kids? I thought that is the reason for open boarders, is to have younger people who work for less.
You have me confused with a liberal.

No, I think you are a Birther type, Alex Jones fan from the sound of you.

I think welfare should only be for those that truly need it and those that are committing welfare fraud should be locked up.


I think employers and employees can agree on a fair salary and the government shouldn't get in the way.

Whoa. Without government standards we would have silk tongued bastards talking people into indentured servitude contracts all over again. Some people are just that stupid, the lower 30% of the gene pool I refer to.

Letting them be exploited hurts everyone economically and is inhumane to allow.

You call bullshit on people living from paycheck to paycheck? Most people I know count on ever single paycheck and can't afford to miss a single one or a bill will go unpaid.

Most people I know have a set amount that they save and they only live 'paycheck to paycheck' with those deductions coming out first for their 401k, TSP or IRAs. They have health care pretax deductions that go into savings. Their mortgages are another big investment that they build up equity in and is another form of savings, not to mention enough insurance to float a battleship.

No most people in fact do not live paycheck2paycheck.

Like I said moron, if you CAN"T afford to get married or have children you shouldn't. But too many of you idiots do.

Children can be put to work after they hit the age of 8 or so, if not on a farm then doing chores that makes the life of the family easier and more more comfortable. God determines how many kids we have and to tell Him what that number is is just horse shit.

Less than half of US workers have a 401k or any kind of pension. I guess the people I know are a lower class than the ones you know. Most of the ones I know rent and are not buying a house.

Does God determine when you can engage in sexual intercourse?

Does God not care if the children he determines you can have are being provided for?

I'm thinking God would not want you to have a child that you cannot raise properly.

Then God would not allow the conception of the child, dude.

All children are a blessing from God.
"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
Are you saying "prosperity through higher wages" is truth?

Why do you believe that wages are too high for regular workers but they aren't too high for ceos, executives and management?

The wages for those people are in the hundreds of thousands to millions a year.

Yet you have a problem with raising the wages of people who make minimum wage or above. The people who actually do the hard work in a company to make it profitable.

The problem isn't wages for the workers. It's the wages for the ceos, executives and management. They're paid way too much.
"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
Are you saying "prosperity through higher wages" is truth?

Why do you believe that wages are too high for regular workers but they aren't too high for ceos, executives and management?

The wages for those people are in the hundreds of thousands to millions a year.

Yet you have a problem with raising the wages of people who make minimum wage or above. The people who actually do the hard work in a company to make it profitable.

The problem isn't wages for the workers. It's the wages for the ceos, executives and management. They're paid way too much.
Where did TN say that wages are too high for regular workers?

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