Trump threatened to attack Moscow if Russia invaded Ukraine !

OK, you've got an excuse that doesn't involve being gay.
I wouldn't say Trump was taking orders from Moscow, but he certainly was acting in ways to support "some" totalitarian states. At one time he thought Xi was a guy "he could do business with."
is that why hundreds of Russians were killed by US strikes in Syria when Trump was in office ? is that why a top general of Iran [a staunch ally of Russia] was killed under Trumps watch ?
Trump Humper you are the one who will get on his knees for Trump. What ex American President has ever praised the president of the enemy?
First off---isn't Russia so 1980's according to Obama?
Secondly-----you would have bitched if Trump called Putin a name
Third---Trump was keeping PUtin under control, saying bad things about him would have been counter productive and foolish. Trump isn't a fool, but you apparently are.
First off---isn't Russia so 1980's according to Obama?
Secondly-----you would have bitched if Trump called Putin a name
Third---Trump was keeping PUtin under control, saying bad things about him would have been counter productive and foolish. Trump isn't a fool, but you apparently are.
Turtleshit, I bet that sounded good when you said it in your head. Now that you have actually posted that bullshit for everyone to read, try reading it out loud and see how it sounds.
First off---isn't Russia so 1980's according to Obama?
Secondly-----you would have bitched if Trump called Putin a name
Third---Trump was keeping PUtin under control, saying bad things about him would have been counter productive and foolish. Trump isn't a fool, but you apparently are.
If you think Trump was the one in control in that situation, you’re the fool!
It has nothing to do with who is president. It is everything to do with Putin and his paranoia, the man is psychotic.
except the fact that Putin waited on the current piss his pants in chief to become POTUS before becoming psychotic!!!
There has never been anyone elected for any position in the history of America that was dumber and more corrupt than Trump……

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