Trump threatens China's Xi

I’m shocked that Little Trumpsters are so anti-Xi. After all Xi and Putin are becoming best buddies.
China's Xi praises 'best friend' Putin during Russia visit
And we all know what high admiration Trump and his Little Trumpsters have for Putin. This whole “crisis” centers around Trump’s jealousy of Xi’s budding best-buds relationship with Putin. :114:

Nobody, not even Trump is anti-Xi....In fact Trump himself said he has nothing against Xi for taking advantage of morons like the last administration. This is business...put on your big-boy pants.

When will Trump put on his “big-boy pants”? He acts and talks like a spoiled kid in middle school.

Trump stood up to Mexico now he is standing up to China. WTF are you even talking about?

Didn’t catch the news that a majority of his “plan” was agreed upon by both countries a few months ago. And some of what he quoted about the agreement doesn’t exist. People within each government are wondering what that BS was about.
Mexico denies Trump's claim of secret concessions in deal

"Didn’t catch the news that a majority of his “plan” was agreed upon by both countries a few months ago."

Not true...that is being debunked as fake news as we speak...

I can hardly wait to see your link and the source,
The White House? Trump.waving a basically blank piece paper.
Trump threatens more tariffs if second, unrevealed accord not approved

United States President Donald Trump today threatened to impose tariffs on Mexican exports if Mexico’s Congress doesn’t approve an unrevealed part of the migration agreement that the two countries reached last week.

“We have fully signed and documented another very important part of the immigration and security deal with Mexico, one that the U.S. has been asking about getting for many years. It will be revealed in the not too distant future and will need a vote by Mexico’s legislative body!” Trump said on Twitter.

“We do not anticipate a problem with the vote but, if for any reason the approval is not forthcoming, tariffs will be reinstated!The new threat comes just three days after Trump announced that the United States and Mexico had reached an agreement that averted a 5% tariff on all Mexican goods that would have taken effect today.

As part of the deal, Mexico committed to sending 6,000 National Guard troops to the southern border and agreed to allow all migrants seeking asylum in the United States to remain in Mexico while they await a decision from authorities in the U.S.

We have fully signed and documented another very important part of the Immigration and Security deal with Mexico, one that the U.S. has been asking about getting for many years. It will be revealed in the not too distant future and will need a vote by Mexico’s Legislative body!..

Ebrard said the measures Mexico agreed to with respect to reducing the movement of Central American migrants will be evaluated after 45 days.

He explained that there is no specific migration reduction target but noted that United States authorities want to cut the number to zero.

However, Ebrard claimed that any reduction in the number of migrants crossing the northern border would show that the steps taken by Mexico are working.

If the results aren’t favorable, Mexico will once again sit down with the United States as well as Central and South American countries to develop a “regional system” to address migration causes, the foreign secretary said.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents apprehended more than 132,000 people who entered the country between ports of entry in May, the highest monthly level since 2006, and almost 200,000 undocumented migrants were arrested in April and May.

Trump used the rising arrest numbers to justify the escalating tariffs he planned to impose on Mexico, and to pressure the country to do more to stem migration flows.

While there are concerns that the large deployment of the National Guard to the southern border could undermine the new security force’s capacity to combat high levels of violence in other parts of the country, Ebrard has won praise for reaching an agreement that averts a trade war with Mexico’s largest trading partner.

At a large political rally in Tijuana on Saturday, the foreign secretary was given a rousing reception by citizens and the municipal, state and federal politicians who were in attendance, including President López Obrador and 23 governors.

Addressing the crowd, Ebrard said “I’m arriving from Washington . . . if you can tell that I’m a little tired it’s because we worked a lot of hours to avoid . . . the imposition of tariffs on Mexico on Monday.”

“There are no tariffs . . . and we left with our dignity intact,” the foreign secretary declared after which the rally attendees broke into rapturous applause and chanted “Marcelo! Marcelo!”

Ebrard said the tariffs would have been catastrophic for the Mexican economy, charging that foreign investment would have dropped, jobs would have been lost, prices would have risen and that ratification of the new North American trade deal would have been placed in doubt.

While the foreign secretary won widespread acclaim for “defusing Trump” – as one Mexican newspaper headline declared – the praise for Ebrard and the federal government wasn’t universal.

The national president of the opposition National Action Party accused the government of being submissive to the United States.

“It’s good that the threat of tariffs on Mexican products hasn’t materialized but it’s wrong . . . that in exchange for that, Mexico has agreed to do the United States’ dirty work. By submitting to and accepting Trump’s conditions without bargaining, López Obrador sullied our sovereignty,” Marko Cortés said.

“The president owes Mexicans an explanation because with what is known up to now, we’re going to become part of the wall that Donald Trump so desires.”

Nevertheless, López Obrador said today that he was “very happy” with the agreement struck with the United States, declaring that an “economic and financial crisis” was avoided.

The president also said he will meet with his cabinet today to “strengthen all the [government’s] development, well-being and migrant-support policies.”

Source: Reuters (sp), El Financiero (sp), El Universal (sp), Milenio (sp)
Everything Mexico agreed to here had already been agreed to months ago. Nothing had changed. This Tariff Man threat shtick with Mexico was a horse and donkey show because Trump is looking bad, messing up trade with China.
Trump is looking very desperate.
Everything Mexico agreed to here had already been agreed to months ago. Nothing had changed. This Tariff Man threat shtick with Mexico was a horse and donkey show because Trump is looking bad, messing up trade with China.
Trump is looking very desperate.

Nonsense obviously are suffering from TDS.

I realize TDS makes the one suffering from it to engage in irrational thoughts but in your case it appears to also cause blindness.

Put on your double thick reading glasses and go back over my post dumbass. hehheh

What part of the following did you not grasp?

from the post above.................

Addressing the crowd, Ebrard said “I’m arriving from Washington . . . if you can tell that I’m a little tired it’s because we worked a lot of hours to avoid . . . the imposition of tariffs on Mexico on Monday.”

“There are no tariffs . . . and we left with our dignity intact,” the foreign secretary declared after which the rally attendees broke into rapturous applause and chanted “Marcelo! Marcelo!”

Ebrard said the tariffs would have been catastrophic for the Mexican economy, charging that foreign investment would have dropped, jobs would have been lost, prices would have risen and that ratification of the new North American trade deal would have been placed in doubt.

While the foreign secretary won widespread acclaim for “defusing Trump” – as one Mexican newspaper headline declared – the praise for Ebrard and the federal government wasn’t universal.

The national president of the opposition National Action Party accused the government of being submissive to the United States.

“It’s good that the threat of tariffs on Mexican products hasn’t materialized but it’s wrong . . . that in exchange for that, Mexico has agreed to do the United States’ dirty work. By submitting to and accepting Trump’s conditions without bargaining, López Obrador sullied our sovereignty,” Marko Cortés said.

“The president owes Mexicans an explanation because with what is known up to now, we’re going to become part of the wall that Donald Trump so desires.”

Nevertheless, López Obrador said today that he was “very happy” with the agreement struck with the United States, declaring that an “economic and financial crisis” was avoided.

The president also said he will meet with his cabinet today to “strengthen all the [government’s] development, well-being and migrant-support policies.”

Mexico meets migrants at southern border with armed forces - Reuters
Last edited:
Everything Mexico agreed to here had already been agreed to months ago. Nothing had changed. This Tariff Man threat shtick with Mexico was a horse and donkey show because Trump is looking bad, messing up trade with China.
Trump is looking very desperate.

Nonsense obviously are suffering from TDS.

I realize TDS makes the one suffering from it to engage in irrational thoughts but in your case it appears to also cause blindness.

Put on your double thick reading glasses and go back over my post dumbass. hehheh

What part of the following did you not grasp?

from the post above.................

Addressing the crowd, Ebrard said “I’m arriving from Washington . . . if you can tell that I’m a little tired it’s because we worked a lot of hours to avoid . . . the imposition of tariffs on Mexico on Monday.”

“There are no tariffs . . . and we left with our dignity intact,” the foreign secretary declared after which the rally attendees broke into rapturous applause and chanted “Marcelo! Marcelo!”

Ebrard said the tariffs would have been catastrophic for the Mexican economy, charging that foreign investment would have dropped, jobs would have been lost, prices would have risen and that ratification of the new North American trade deal would have been placed in doubt.

While the foreign secretary won widespread acclaim for “defusing Trump” – as one Mexican newspaper headline declared – the praise for Ebrard and the federal government wasn’t universal.

The national president of the opposition National Action Party accused the government of being submissive to the United States.

“It’s good that the threat of tariffs on Mexican products hasn’t materialized but it’s wrong . . . that in exchange for that, Mexico has agreed to do the United States’ dirty work. By submitting to and accepting Trump’s conditions without bargaining, López Obrador sullied our sovereignty,” Marko Cortés said.

“The president owes Mexicans an explanation because with what is known up to now, we’re going to become part of the wall that Donald Trump so desires.”

Nevertheless, López Obrador said today that he was “very happy” with the agreement struck with the United States, declaring that an “economic and financial crisis” was avoided.

The president also said he will meet with his cabinet today to “strengthen all the [government’s] development, well-being and migrant-support policies.”

Mexico meets migrants at southern border with armed forces - Reuters

Mexico already had their National Guard at the border.
Everything Mexico agreed to here had already been agreed to months ago. Nothing had changed. This Tariff Man threat shtick with Mexico was a horse and donkey show because Trump is looking bad, messing up trade with China.
Trump is looking very desperate.

Nonsense obviously are suffering from TDS.

I realize TDS makes the one suffering from it to engage in irrational thoughts but in your case it appears to also cause blindness.

Put on your double thick reading glasses and go back over my post dumbass. hehheh

There is nothing in your link that debunks that the agreement was approved months ago. read.
There you go again, the overused TDS again. Pathetic, small-minded and a total lack of originally. Thinking for yourself is a tough chore, heh?

What part of the following did you not grasp?

from the post above.................

Addressing the crowd, Ebrard said “I’m arriving from Washington . . . if you can tell that I’m a little tired it’s because we worked a lot of hours to avoid . . . the imposition of tariffs on Mexico on Monday.”

“There are no tariffs . . . and we left with our dignity intact,” the foreign secretary declared after which the rally attendees broke into rapturous applause and chanted “Marcelo! Marcelo!”

Ebrard said the tariffs would have been catastrophic for the Mexican economy, charging that foreign investment would have dropped, jobs would have been lost, prices would have risen and that ratification of the new North American trade deal would have been placed in doubt.

While the foreign secretary won widespread acclaim for “defusing Trump” – as one Mexican newspaper headline declared – the praise for Ebrard and the federal government wasn’t universal.

The national president of the opposition National Action Party accused the government of being submissive to the United States.

“It’s good that the threat of tariffs on Mexican products hasn’t materialized but it’s wrong . . . that in exchange for that, Mexico has agreed to do the United States’ dirty work. By submitting to and accepting Trump’s conditions without bargaining, López Obrador sullied our sovereignty,” Marko Cortés said.

“The president owes Mexicans an explanation because with what is known up to now, we’re going to become part of the wall that Donald Trump so desires.”

Nevertheless, López Obrador said today that he was “very happy” with the agreement struck with the United States, declaring that an “economic and financial crisis” was avoided.

The president also said he will meet with his cabinet today to “strengthen all the [government’s] development, well-being and migrant-support policies.”

Mexico meets migrants at southern border with armed forces - Reuters
Everything Mexico agreed to here had already been agreed to months ago. Nothing had changed. This Tariff Man threat shtick with Mexico was a horse and donkey show because Trump is looking bad, messing up trade with China.
Trump is looking very desperate.

Nonsense obviously are suffering from TDS.

I realize TDS makes the one suffering from it to engage in irrational thoughts but in your case it appears to also cause blindness.

Put on your double thick reading glasses and go back over my post dumbass. hehheh

What part of the following did you not grasp?

from the post above.................

Addressing the crowd, Ebrard said “I’m arriving from Washington . . . if you can tell that I’m a little tired it’s because we worked a lot of hours to avoid . . . the imposition of tariffs on Mexico on Monday.”

“There are no tariffs . . . and we left with our dignity intact,” the foreign secretary declared after which the rally attendees broke into rapturous applause and chanted “Marcelo! Marcelo!”

Ebrard said the tariffs would have been catastrophic for the Mexican economy, charging that foreign investment would have dropped, jobs would have been lost, prices would have risen and that ratification of the new North American trade deal would have been placed in doubt.

While the foreign secretary won widespread acclaim for “defusing Trump” – as one Mexican newspaper headline declared – the praise for Ebrard and the federal government wasn’t universal.

The national president of the opposition National Action Party accused the government of being submissive to the United States.

“It’s good that the threat of tariffs on Mexican products hasn’t materialized but it’s wrong . . . that in exchange for that, Mexico has agreed to do the United States’ dirty work. By submitting to and accepting Trump’s conditions without bargaining, López Obrador sullied our sovereignty,” Marko Cortés said.

“The president owes Mexicans an explanation because with what is known up to now, we’re going to become part of the wall that Donald Trump so desires.”

Nevertheless, López Obrador said today that he was “very happy” with the agreement struck with the United States, declaring that an “economic and financial crisis” was avoided.

The president also said he will meet with his cabinet today to “strengthen all the [government’s] development, well-being and migrant-support policies.”

Mexico meets migrants at southern border with armed forces - Reuters

Mexico already had their National Guard at the border.

They were not attempting to hinder those trying to cross into the U.S. before Trump's deal.
Everything Mexico agreed to here had already been agreed to months ago. Nothing had changed. This Tariff Man threat shtick with Mexico was a horse and donkey show because Trump is looking bad, messing up trade with China.
Trump is looking very desperate.

Nonsense obviously are suffering from TDS.

I realize TDS makes the one suffering from it to engage in irrational thoughts but in your case it appears to also cause blindness.

Put on your double thick reading glasses and go back over my post dumbass. hehheh

What part of the following did you not grasp?

from the post above.................

Addressing the crowd, Ebrard said “I’m arriving from Washington . . . if you can tell that I’m a little tired it’s because we worked a lot of hours to avoid . . . the imposition of tariffs on Mexico on Monday.”

“There are no tariffs . . . and we left with our dignity intact,” the foreign secretary declared after which the rally attendees broke into rapturous applause and chanted “Marcelo! Marcelo!”

Ebrard said the tariffs would have been catastrophic for the Mexican economy, charging that foreign investment would have dropped, jobs would have been lost, prices would have risen and that ratification of the new North American trade deal would have been placed in doubt.

While the foreign secretary won widespread acclaim for “defusing Trump” – as one Mexican newspaper headline declared – the praise for Ebrard and the federal government wasn’t universal.

The national president of the opposition National Action Party accused the government of being submissive to the United States.

“It’s good that the threat of tariffs on Mexican products hasn’t materialized but it’s wrong . . . that in exchange for that, Mexico has agreed to do the United States’ dirty work. By submitting to and accepting Trump’s conditions without bargaining, López Obrador sullied our sovereignty,” Marko Cortés said.

“The president owes Mexicans an explanation because with what is known up to now, we’re going to become part of the wall that Donald Trump so desires.”

Nevertheless, López Obrador said today that he was “very happy” with the agreement struck with the United States, declaring that an “economic and financial crisis” was avoided.

The president also said he will meet with his cabinet today to “strengthen all the [government’s] development, well-being and migrant-support policies.”

Mexico meets migrants at southern border with armed forces - Reuters

Mexico already had their National Guard at the border.

They were not attempting to hinder those trying to cross into the U.S. before Trump's deal.

How in the hell would troops at Mexico's southern border stop people from crossing it's northern border with the US?
Everything Mexico agreed to here had already been agreed to months ago. Nothing had changed. This Tariff Man threat shtick with Mexico was a horse and donkey show because Trump is looking bad, messing up trade with China.
Trump is looking very desperate.

Nonsense obviously are suffering from TDS.

I realize TDS makes the one suffering from it to engage in irrational thoughts but in your case it appears to also cause blindness.

Put on your double thick reading glasses and go back over my post dumbass. hehheh

What part of the following did you not grasp?

from the post above.................

Addressing the crowd, Ebrard said “I’m arriving from Washington . . . if you can tell that I’m a little tired it’s because we worked a lot of hours to avoid . . . the imposition of tariffs on Mexico on Monday.”

“There are no tariffs . . . and we left with our dignity intact,” the foreign secretary declared after which the rally attendees broke into rapturous applause and chanted “Marcelo! Marcelo!”

Ebrard said the tariffs would have been catastrophic for the Mexican economy, charging that foreign investment would have dropped, jobs would have been lost, prices would have risen and that ratification of the new North American trade deal would have been placed in doubt.

While the foreign secretary won widespread acclaim for “defusing Trump” – as one Mexican newspaper headline declared – the praise for Ebrard and the federal government wasn’t universal.

The national president of the opposition National Action Party accused the government of being submissive to the United States.

“It’s good that the threat of tariffs on Mexican products hasn’t materialized but it’s wrong . . . that in exchange for that, Mexico has agreed to do the United States’ dirty work. By submitting to and accepting Trump’s conditions without bargaining, López Obrador sullied our sovereignty,” Marko Cortés said.

“The president owes Mexicans an explanation because with what is known up to now, we’re going to become part of the wall that Donald Trump so desires.”

Nevertheless, López Obrador said today that he was “very happy” with the agreement struck with the United States, declaring that an “economic and financial crisis” was avoided.

The president also said he will meet with his cabinet today to “strengthen all the [government’s] development, well-being and migrant-support policies.”

Mexico meets migrants at southern border with armed forces - Reuters

Mexico already had their National Guard at the border.

They were not attempting to hinder those trying to cross into the U.S. before Trump's deal.

How in the hell would troops at Mexico's southern border stop people from crossing it's northern border with the US?

are you kidding?
Everything Mexico agreed to here had already been agreed to months ago. Nothing had changed. This Tariff Man threat shtick with Mexico was a horse and donkey show because Trump is looking bad, messing up trade with China.
Trump is looking very desperate.

Nonsense obviously are suffering from TDS.

I realize TDS makes the one suffering from it to engage in irrational thoughts but in your case it appears to also cause blindness.

Put on your double thick reading glasses and go back over my post dumbass. hehheh

What part of the following did you not grasp?

from the post above.................

Addressing the crowd, Ebrard said “I’m arriving from Washington . . . if you can tell that I’m a little tired it’s because we worked a lot of hours to avoid . . . the imposition of tariffs on Mexico on Monday.”

“There are no tariffs . . . and we left with our dignity intact,” the foreign secretary declared after which the rally attendees broke into rapturous applause and chanted “Marcelo! Marcelo!”

Ebrard said the tariffs would have been catastrophic for the Mexican economy, charging that foreign investment would have dropped, jobs would have been lost, prices would have risen and that ratification of the new North American trade deal would have been placed in doubt.

While the foreign secretary won widespread acclaim for “defusing Trump” – as one Mexican newspaper headline declared – the praise for Ebrard and the federal government wasn’t universal.

The national president of the opposition National Action Party accused the government of being submissive to the United States.

“It’s good that the threat of tariffs on Mexican products hasn’t materialized but it’s wrong . . . that in exchange for that, Mexico has agreed to do the United States’ dirty work. By submitting to and accepting Trump’s conditions without bargaining, López Obrador sullied our sovereignty,” Marko Cortés said.

“The president owes Mexicans an explanation because with what is known up to now, we’re going to become part of the wall that Donald Trump so desires.”

Nevertheless, López Obrador said today that he was “very happy” with the agreement struck with the United States, declaring that an “economic and financial crisis” was avoided.

The president also said he will meet with his cabinet today to “strengthen all the [government’s] development, well-being and migrant-support policies.”

Mexico meets migrants at southern border with armed forces - Reuters

Mexico already had their National Guard at the border.

They were not attempting to hinder those trying to cross into the U.S. before Trump's deal.

How in the hell would troops at Mexico's southern border stop people from crossing it's northern border with the US?

A lot of these migrants are coming from central america...and in order to get to the u.s. they got to cross mexico .
Everything Mexico agreed to here had already been agreed to months ago. Nothing had changed. This Tariff Man threat shtick with Mexico was a horse and donkey show because Trump is looking bad, messing up trade with China.
Trump is looking very desperate.

Nonsense obviously are suffering from TDS.

I realize TDS makes the one suffering from it to engage in irrational thoughts but in your case it appears to also cause blindness.

Put on your double thick reading glasses and go back over my post dumbass. hehheh

What part of the following did you not grasp?

from the post above.................

Addressing the crowd, Ebrard said “I’m arriving from Washington . . . if you can tell that I’m a little tired it’s because we worked a lot of hours to avoid . . . the imposition of tariffs on Mexico on Monday.”

“There are no tariffs . . . and we left with our dignity intact,” the foreign secretary declared after which the rally attendees broke into rapturous applause and chanted “Marcelo! Marcelo!”

Ebrard said the tariffs would have been catastrophic for the Mexican economy, charging that foreign investment would have dropped, jobs would have been lost, prices would have risen and that ratification of the new North American trade deal would have been placed in doubt.

While the foreign secretary won widespread acclaim for “defusing Trump” – as one Mexican newspaper headline declared – the praise for Ebrard and the federal government wasn’t universal.

The national president of the opposition National Action Party accused the government of being submissive to the United States.

“It’s good that the threat of tariffs on Mexican products hasn’t materialized but it’s wrong . . . that in exchange for that, Mexico has agreed to do the United States’ dirty work. By submitting to and accepting Trump’s conditions without bargaining, López Obrador sullied our sovereignty,” Marko Cortés said.

“The president owes Mexicans an explanation because with what is known up to now, we’re going to become part of the wall that Donald Trump so desires.”

Nevertheless, López Obrador said today that he was “very happy” with the agreement struck with the United States, declaring that an “economic and financial crisis” was avoided.

The president also said he will meet with his cabinet today to “strengthen all the [government’s] development, well-being and migrant-support policies.”

Mexico meets migrants at southern border with armed forces - Reuters

Mexico already had their National Guard at the border.

They were not attempting to hinder those trying to cross into the U.S. before Trump's deal.

How in the hell would troops at Mexico's southern border stop people from crossing it's northern border with the US?

are you kidding?

No. I'm not. RealDave said that Mexico had already deployed troops to the southern border. Mac then replied that while they may have been at the border, until the deal with Trump, they weren't hindering anyone from crossing into the US. I was simply asking how in the hell Mexican troops at the southern border are going to stop people from crossing into the US, because that is Mexico's northern border, and troops at the south won't be able to "hinder" people crossing the northern border.
Nonsense obviously are suffering from TDS.

I realize TDS makes the one suffering from it to engage in irrational thoughts but in your case it appears to also cause blindness.

Put on your double thick reading glasses and go back over my post dumbass. hehheh

What part of the following did you not grasp?

from the post above.................

Addressing the crowd, Ebrard said “I’m arriving from Washington . . . if you can tell that I’m a little tired it’s because we worked a lot of hours to avoid . . . the imposition of tariffs on Mexico on Monday.”

“There are no tariffs . . . and we left with our dignity intact,” the foreign secretary declared after which the rally attendees broke into rapturous applause and chanted “Marcelo! Marcelo!”

Ebrard said the tariffs would have been catastrophic for the Mexican economy, charging that foreign investment would have dropped, jobs would have been lost, prices would have risen and that ratification of the new North American trade deal would have been placed in doubt.

While the foreign secretary won widespread acclaim for “defusing Trump” – as one Mexican newspaper headline declared – the praise for Ebrard and the federal government wasn’t universal.

The national president of the opposition National Action Party accused the government of being submissive to the United States.

“It’s good that the threat of tariffs on Mexican products hasn’t materialized but it’s wrong . . . that in exchange for that, Mexico has agreed to do the United States’ dirty work. By submitting to and accepting Trump’s conditions without bargaining, López Obrador sullied our sovereignty,” Marko Cortés said.

“The president owes Mexicans an explanation because with what is known up to now, we’re going to become part of the wall that Donald Trump so desires.”

Nevertheless, López Obrador said today that he was “very happy” with the agreement struck with the United States, declaring that an “economic and financial crisis” was avoided.

The president also said he will meet with his cabinet today to “strengthen all the [government’s] development, well-being and migrant-support policies.”

Mexico meets migrants at southern border with armed forces - Reuters

Mexico already had their National Guard at the border.

They were not attempting to hinder those trying to cross into the U.S. before Trump's deal.

How in the hell would troops at Mexico's southern border stop people from crossing it's northern border with the US?

are you kidding?

No. I'm not. RealDave said that Mexico had already deployed troops to the southern border. Mac then replied that while they may have been at the border, until the deal with Trump, they weren't hindering anyone from crossing into the US. I was simply asking how in the hell Mexican troops at the southern border are going to stop people from crossing into the US, because that is Mexico's northern border, and troops at the south won't be able to "hinder" people crossing the northern border.

I already posted the answer to your should listen more and talk less.

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