Trump Threatens To Imprison Election Cheaters. Panic Ensues In Dem Circles


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
"Oh NOES!! They're going to lock up thousands and thousands of democrat operatives"

Me: Well, how can that be? If democrats didn't cheat in elections, they have nothing to fear. Voter fraud is almost impossible to prove against people who really did cheat. For those who didn't, it would be nigh on impossible.


It's about time.
Makes no sense

For Trump to prosecurte he has to win the election
If he wins the election, it is obviously a fair election
A most disturbing conclusion: The insistence that mass voter fraud exists can be used by individual Republicans to justify committing voter fraud.

After all, if the assumption is that Democrats are busy stuffing ballot boxes, why shouldn’t conservatives follow suit to supposedly even the score?

And any GOP losses thanks to a lack of trust in early voting are more than likely to be chalked up to fictional voter fraud. It’s a self-sustaining cycle that would require real leadership from the top to counter.

Unfortunately, there’s not much chance that Republicans stop projecting their claims onto Democrats, no matter how many of them get caught red-handed committing fraud themselves.
A most disturbing conclusion: The insistence that mass voter fraud exists can be used by individual Republicans to justify committing voter fraud.

After all, if the assumption is that Democrats are busy stuffing ballot boxes, why shouldn’t conservatives follow suit to supposedly even the score?

And any GOP losses thanks to a lack of trust in early voting are more than likely to be chalked up to fictional voter fraud. It’s a self-sustaining cycle that would require real leadership from the top to counter.

Unfortunately, there’s not much chance that Republicans stop projecting their claims onto Democrats, no matter how many of them get caught red-handed committing fraud themselves.
A most disturbing conclusion: You're actually fucking deranged enough to believe all that.
A most disturbing conclusion: The insistence that mass voter fraud exists can be used by individual Republicans to justify committing voter fraud.

After all, if the assumption is that Democrats are busy stuffing ballot boxes, why shouldn’t conservatives follow suit to supposedly even the score?

And any GOP losses thanks to a lack of trust in early voting are more than likely to be chalked up to fictional voter fraud. It’s a self-sustaining cycle that would require real leadership from the top to counter.

Unfortunately, there’s not much chance that Republicans stop projecting their claims onto Democrats, no matter how many of them get caught red-handed committing fraud themselves.

You post an MSNBC opinion.
We know what MSNBC thinks.
Trump intends to come to power the way Vladimir Putin did. First, he will get elected. Then he will increase his power. Then he will imprison those who criticize him.
Trump could not even get his own party to build a border wall and you say he will take over the country?

His own general Milley told the Chinese everything Trump was doing behind Trump's back and swore he would let them know if he ever became a threat to them.


I look at it this way, if Trump so much as sneezes wrong the media attacks him without mercy as sneezing impeachments charges are filed a month before his actual sneeze.

It sure beats what we have now which is the media and the rest of government covering up for a current president that has dementia and can't even perform in a TV debate and a VP that is an imbecile that they are hiding in Joe Biden's basement.

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