Trump Throws Pro-Lifers Under the Bus

Conservatives celebrated the overturning of Roe v Wade with the unrealistic expectation that abortion bans would start popping up in state after state. Several attempts at that have been predictably futile and little to nothing has changed since the ruling was reversed and they've paid that price politically. Apparently, Trump isn't on board either. He specifically cites Florida when talking about the so-called "Heartbeat" legislations passed in states like Florida, Iowa, and Georgia as a "terrible thing."

The past two days, Trump has been unable to answer if a man can become a woman and has criticized pro-life legislation, two high profile issues among his base.

How did he “throw them under the bus”?

I know this is hard for a cultist to grasp but people. Even people that are likeminded, can have reasonable disagreements on issues…you don’t have to have a hive mind
If Prog women vote near fully for a Prog because of the abortion decision, then it is more difficult for Republicans to win. Trump got done which no other Republican would have gotten done. A lot of this is going to be dealt with by opposing judges and the states in various ways.
It still is where it should have been originally, in the hands of the people in each state.
Untrue. Current attempts to prevent women from accessing abortion in other states and a drive for a nationwide ban say otherwise.
Nonsense, Republicans blocked a Democrat so-called 'protection to travel to other states' bill that would preclude States rights but, there currently is no State with an abortion travel ban. This Democrat bill is a not so veiled attempt to bring back Federal abortion mandates.
NO!! Conservatives wanted to take abortion away from the Feds and send it back to the States where it can be voted on.
Exactly! There was never any real expectation that all states would treat the issue the same. The goal was to give freedom back to the legislative bodies CLOSEST to the people, so they could vote on it. Some states were always going to desire the right to dispose of the unwanted creations of their careless citizens but that's between them and the Creator, not them and DC...
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Nonsense, Republicans blocked a Democrat so-called 'protection to travel to other states' bill that would preclude States rights but, there currently is no State with an abortion travel ban. This Democrat bill is a not so veiled attempt to bring back Federal abortion mandates.

They do.

Not denying that.

But...there is no perfect answer as to where the unborn childs rights outweigh the rights of the mother.
The only right the mother can claim is the same right to life that the child has

If carrying the child means endangering her life then she should have the right to abort
Trump wants to kill your kid?
You Crazy GIFs | Tenor
You could have included Catholics and other church-goers as being pro-life, not just conservatives.
I'm a conservative and I'm pro-choice.
Ok, well, if we look at Republicans and conservatives in this poll, a significant majority at the conservative want it to be illegal in most or all cases. The way to do that is a national ban.
Yeah, and have the states outlaw it. You can spin it any way you want, but you know full well that was the end goal. What was the point of overturning Roe if 99% of what was happening before is going to continue to happen?
If legislators in some states act against the will of the majority then they'll be removed and their actions nullified at some point. That's how a representative republic works. Having a central government dictate to all the states what they WILL DO, is not how this nation was founded to be run.

We are approaching a point where trust in central government and even in our judiciary is being destroyed and once it's gone, people are going to realize that the authority of SCOTUS has never been based on the threat of force to compel obedience to its rulings. IOW, people are just going to begin going their own way and ignoring those nine robes' opinions. That's the inevitable outcome of a citizenry that begins to see one side dictating to the other. The theft of the election of 2020 had a cost we haven't seen the beginning of, yet.
Ok, well, if we look at Republicans and conservatives in this poll, a significant majority at the conservative want it to be illegal in most or all cases. The way to do that is a national ban.

It's your body, your choice.

Now you damned well better go get another jab of the clotshot.

And pick up that can, citizen.

Nonsense, your first link is about minors traveling to other states to get an abortion, the second one is about the formation of groups to help women travel to other states to get an abortion. Neither prohibit an adult woman from traveling by herself to another state.
Sorry bro, it's a lie.
So? That's the act of a single media-whoring Senator from a single state. He has no power to do his will and in reality, he's always been nothing but a self-interested power-hungry shill of DC.
Ok, well, if we look at Republicans and conservatives in this poll, a significant majority at the conservative want it to be illegal in most or all cases. The way to do that is a national ban.
It doesn't matter what any party wants. Bans need to be voted on now because it's up to State legislatures and not the Federal Government which was unconstitutional.

Trump Throws Pro-Lifers Under the Bus​

The past two days, Trump has been unable to answer if a man can become a woman and has criticized pro-life legislation, two high profile issues among his base.

Serious Taz, are you that far gone, or just another bullshit trash-talker artist here? Why do you make false claims trying to bash Trump with stuff that never happened? You are seriously losing all credibility here.
  • Trump decisively answered the question on gender.
  • Trump was clear that he is willing to listen to all sides plus the experts in any possible future ruling on abortion to be sure to get it most right for everyone!
I'm against abortion yet recognize that there HAS to be a happy middle-ground where SOME abortions are allowed SOME of the time.

What do you want him to do, make a summary judgement on an important issue without giving it all the thought and scrutiny it deserves?
It is bad enough that Welker is trying to pin Trump down on things only for the express purpose of NBC then using sound bites against him for the next year, but here you are pushing bullshit and lies doing the same.

Are you THAT afraid that Trump might actually make a good decision, be liked, and make a good president that you have to lie about him?
Sorry bro, it's a lie.
From your link:

Graham’s own Republican Party leaders did not immediately embrace his abortion ban bill,

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