Trump to Apple: make your products in America to avoid tariffs!

ROME wasn't built in one day Wacky .

A day? Trump was getting hammered on this back during the election. He's had 2 years.

It's not about time. It's about Trump only caring when it's someone else.
---------------------- just my opinion but things take time and when all is said and done , hey , i trust the TRUMP while maybe you don't Wacky . [such is life eh Wacky]
Have to love how much the left cares about the Amercian laborer.
I suppose thats why they support labor unions.

But whats even better is how republicans used to be for free trade. Moving final manufacturing doesnt do shit when key components are made in asia, and cant be produced anywhere else.
----------------------------------------------------- why can't they be produced anywhere else DUDM ??
The primary chip is made by TSMC, and even samsung isnt ready. so you can be sure nobody in usa is remotely capable.
Have to love how much the left cares about the Amercian laborer.
I suppose thats why they support labor unions.

But whats even better is how republicans used to be for free trade. Moving final manufacturing doesnt do shit when key components are made in asia, and cant be produced anywhere else.
----------------------------------------------------- why can't they be produced anywhere else DUDM ??
The primary chip is made by TSMC, and even samsung isnt ready. so you can be sure nobody in usa is remotely capable.
I disagree. If can be done, it can be done in America. No doubt, it can be done better.
Thankyou , but i'll trust in the USA and its Scientists and Engineers as i advise that The TRUMP gives them a kick in the azz and tells them to get moving . We might need these supposedly unobtainable CHIPS someday for fighting a WAR Dud .
i was hearing TRUMP just the other day and he was saying that the USA by paying tariffs on foreign goods is really doing a sort of Marshall Plan for the world like we did for Germany as we fed and rebuilt Germany after ww2 and that makes sense to me .
One can see you don't realise US imposed tariffs on foreign goods are paid to the US government. One can see you don't realise many things.

edit...therefore you are perfect Trump material.
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if i understand what you are saying you are saying that USA Government gets the tariff money and that is what i thought . If thats what you are saying , well , that a good thing in my Opinion . I didn't think that i was going to receive a check CNM .
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in fact , the little i know of tariffs the entire USA Government was run on Tariffs in the early years of the USA and all the way up till the early 20th Century . Correct me if i am mistaken CNM .
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I think that USA pays tariffs on imported goods . Say 'australia' or 'new zealand' when they sell us some Platypus or Kiwi Birds . We pay them tariff money that their Governments adds to the actual worth plus profit on the Platypus and Kiwi Birds . And thats how the Aussies and New Zealanders get FREE Money from the USA because USA pays the tariff . So the USA should have tariffs on the goods that we sell to them , just to be fair and friendly in trade . Or get rid of ALL tariffs worldwide as The TRUMP advocates CNM.
and the last thing i care about is some added cost due to Tariffs . To me the goal is FREE Trade and it only makes sense to me to charge tariffs if others charge the USA tariffs . --------------- American First and Always .
Remember that tariffs are a tax on us. A huge tariffs on apple products is like a huge sales tax for us.
in fact , the little i know of tariffs the entire USA Government was run on Tariffs in the early years of the USA and all the way up till the early 20th Century . Correct me if i am mistaken CNM .
That was in place of an income tax. Tariffs are a tax on us. This is adding to taxation.
and the last thing i care about is some added cost due to Tariffs . To me the goal is FREE Trade and it only makes sense to me to charge tariffs if others charge the USA tariffs . --------------- American First and Always .
Remember that tariffs are a tax on us. A huge tariffs on apple products is like a huge sales tax for us.
tighten yer belt , maybe less beers fewer Kiwi Birds and less Platypus . Do it for the USA and MAGA Brian .
The iPhone is not made in China. It is assembled in China. That amounts to maybe $3 or $4 a phone. Parts are sourced from many countries including the US. That is why trade figures are not entirely accurate. Trump is a thug and Melania is a hypocrite when she talks about cyberbullying. `She needs to break every finger in his hand. Trump shows why he is garbage and why voters' opinion of Obama and Bush have improved.

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