Trump to Apple: make your products in America to avoid tariffs!

history of the word Xenophobic . --- The History of the Word 'Xenophobia' --- Me not wanting foreigners to mess up the USA [best nation on earth] with foreign political thinking and concepts is just 'common sense' . Plus , the silly word Xenophobic has only been around for about 130 years according to my linked article GGator .
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I wonder do you feel the same about Rump having his products made here? You know since they aren't, do you think he should or will tariff himself?

Yes dumbass, it will affect all manufacturing. The Trump companies that do manufacturing have to do so overseas just like everyone else because it’s the only way to stay in business. Changing the law will allow them to manufacture here and be competitive.

So dumbass, he should lead by example and move his shit here first before he does what he does best and blowhard about someone else. How is that dumbass?

We all know that doesn’t work. Moving manufacturing here would just put them out of business since they have to unfairly compete with the slave labor Chinese market. I know people with a small business that have to do their production overseas in order to even try to compete in the market. Not because they want to, because they have to. They would rather manufacture here but it’s too expensive and the laws don’t reward you for doing so, in fact they punish you. That is exactly why President Trump is trying to change that.

If due to cheaper labor and higher shipping costs and graft, you save only 20% then placing a 25% tariff on the Chinese goods, service and products means you can now make it for 5% less if you move it back to the states. And you just might see a drastic change in the Chinese Government right after that when more of their people are hungry.
It doesn't even have to be applied. Simply put it on the negotiation table and don't budge from it until they agree to open up their markets to us in a fair and equal way.

The true art of the deal is to take a stance and be willing to enforce it, but know that you're only using it as leverage. The other side knows this which is why you have to live up to your threat. But that threat can be short-term when they realize how much they will lose and come running back to the table.

Strategic thinking for a long-term gain. Its called, "Playing the long game" and America had better get into that game.

So is the great leader going to lead by example and be the first to move his operations home. Clue he will not because he doesn't care about you.
and then we have 'muslims' and other foreigners that work or vote or advocate against GUN Rights and Freedoms in the USA GGator . And looks like we have a couple of 'foreigners' even in this thread as they smear and try to influence against President Trumps Tariff policy . Foreign thinking is not good for America . I don't mind seeing it though as i think that they advertise 'unamerican' thinking rather nicely GGator .

You seem a bit xenophobic. I think I view the world as a whole differently due to growing up (3rd through 7th grade) overseas and spending much of my 20 year Marine Corps career overseas.

The anti-gun nuts I see are all 100% Americans
---------------------------------- haw , you grew up overseas , you might as well be a Foreigner . Thanks for the info GGator .

I did not see anything in there about foreign influence. But I agree with your assessment that it is a stupid idea
----------------------------------------------- finding the foreign influence takes Thinking and common sense . As i said , there are millions of mexicans in Texas that don't see the defenders of the ALAMO as being heroes GGator .
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history of the word Xenophobic . --- The History of the Word 'Xenophobia' --- Me not wanting foreigners to mess up the USA [best nation on earth] with foreign political thinking and concepts is just 'common sense' . Plus , the silly word Xenophobic has only been around for about 130 years according to my linked article GGator .

Only 130 years! :21::21::21::21:

Thank you for refuting you own statements!
and then we have 'muslims' and other foreigners that work or vote or advocate against GUN Rights and Freedoms in the USA GGator . And looks like we have a couple of 'foreigners' even in this thread as they smear and try to influence against President Trumps Tariff policy . Foreign thinking is not good for America . I don't mind seeing it though as i think that they advertise 'unamerican' thinking rather nicely GGator .

You seem a bit xenophobic. I think I view the world as a whole differently due to growing up (3rd through 7th grade) overseas and spending much of my 20 year Marine Corps career overseas.

The anti-gun nuts I see are all 100% Americans
---------------------------------- haw , you grew up overseas , you might as well be a Foreigner . Thanks for the info GGator .

You are just a moron, I do not know why it took me this long to figure that out. Yes, I spent from half way through my 3rd grade year to the end of my 7th grade in Iran as my father worked for Halliburton. It was an invaluable experience. Have you ever even been out of the country?

Funny, I spent 20 years defending this nation and while you did nothing but sponge off those willing to serve and I am the one that 'might as well be a Foreigner". One cannot even begin to make up this level of stupidity.
willing to serbe eh , hey you were paid so you may have or probably volunteered . How special is that is eh ?? I hear that 'foreigners' that want citizenship in the USA also get jobs in USA Military so as to get money , favors and citizenship . Do you have a veterans baseball cap GGator ??
'mrobama' grew up overseas , he was influenced in 'unamarican' thinking by his diverse and foreign growing up years GGator . --- REVEALED: AMAZING pics of Obama in full Muslim dress 'taken at his half-brother's wedding --- i also hear that 'valery jarret' grew up in 'iran' , did you know her GGator ??
Obama was raised by white americans.

It's funny when people who think they are conservatives defend the government increasing taxes designed to redistribute wealth to a small group of people.

I remember when they used to call that "communism." Like, before when Orange Jesus became President.
“Ford has abruptly killed a plan to sell a Chinese-made small vehicle in the U.S. because of the prospect of higher U.S. Tariffs.” CNBC. This is just the beginning. This car can now be BUILT IN THE U.S.A. and Ford will pay no tariffs!

"If the U.S. sells a car into China, there is a tax of 25%. If China sells a car into the U.S., there is a tax of 2%. Does anybody think that is FAIR? The days of the U.S. being ripped-off by other nations is OVER!" - President Trump
“Ford has abruptly killed a plan to sell a Chinese-made small vehicle in the U.S. because of the prospect of higher U.S. Tariffs.” CNBC. This is just the beginning. This car can now be BUILT IN THE U.S.A. and Ford will pay no tariffs!

"If the U.S. sells a car into China, there is a tax of 25%. If China sells a car into the U.S., there is a tax of 2%. Does anybody think that is FAIR? The days of the U.S. being ripped-off by other nations is OVER!" - President Trump
Ford and AAPL won't be leaving China
The minimum ford should pay an assembly line worker is 50 bucks per hour. Hopefully they are doing that.

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