Trump to Apple: make your products in America to avoid tariffs!

POWER , we will see . looks like the TRUMP has you guys all nervous . Maybe the Trump is simply negotiating with his threats . We May see as looks like he even has Foreign 'kiwi new zealanders' all atwitter GGator .
and whats up with that , foreign 'new zealanders' trying to influence USA trade dealings . Heck , i never bought a 'platypus' or kiwi bird in my 60 some years of spending my money .
Yeah, fuck that American worker. Why we should stop supporting them making good wages so your fucking wallet won't suffer.

I love it when you liberals have your own words tossed back in your face.

I love when you left wingnuts who want more governmental control of our lives and our economy call someone else a liberal.

You are Stalin compared to me.

You are so far left of Me, I would need a navigation aide to find you.

Funny coming from the socialist supporting tariffs to give the Fed Govt more control over the economy and over us. There is nothing you are to the right of me on.
Funny you are unable to think strategically, yet whine like the selfish bastard you accuse Republicans of when it hits your own wallet.

Funny you want to give the Fed Govt more control over the economy, private businesses and private citizens and then call yourself a conservative.
-------------------------------- definitions are all fecked up . Years ago i voted for 'repubs' becaise i thought that they were 'conservative' but they are not . See 'reagan' and his amnesty , see 'bush familia' and their immigration , see 'mcstain' and his immigration . There is nothing about 'repubs' that is CONSERVATIVE GGator .
Trump to Apple: 'Make your products' in the US to avoid tariffs

Yep! pretty simple. Hire American workers and build it here...I still won't buy apple products but it does help Americans if that was done.

I wonder do you feel the same about Rump having his products made here? You know since they aren't, do you think he should or will tariff himself?

Yes dumbass, it will affect all manufacturing. The Trump companies that do manufacturing have to do so overseas just like everyone else because it’s the only way to stay in business. Changing the law will allow them to manufacture here and be competitive.

So dumbass, he should lead by example and move his shit here first before he does what he does best and blowhard about someone else. How is that dumbass?

We all know that doesn’t work. Moving manufacturing here would just put them out of business since they have to unfairly compete with the slave labor Chinese market. I know people with a small business that have to do their production overseas in order to even try to compete in the market. Not because they want to, because they have to. They would rather manufacture here but it’s too expensive and the laws don’t reward you for doing so, in fact they punish you. That is exactly why President Trump is trying to change that.

If due to cheaper labor and higher shipping costs and graft, you save only 20% then placing a 25% tariff on the Chinese goods, service and products means you can now make it for 5% less if you move it back to the states. And you just might see a drastic change in the Chinese Government right after that when more of their people are hungry.
Yeah, it can be done here for 3 to 5 times the price. Fuck that shit. Keep your big government away from my wallet.

Fuck, I hate you statist some days
Yeah, fuck that American worker. Why we should stop supporting them making good wages so your fucking wallet won't suffer.

I love it when you liberals have your own words tossed back in your face.
After WWII, America became the greatest proponent of the global economy because due to the war, we were the greatest producer of food, steel, oil, and just about everything else. However, Europe and Japan both recovered from the war within 20 years and became completion for the US. Then 3rd world countries began offering the only thing they had to the world, cheap labor.

Today, US labor has to be more productive than the completion abroad; that is if a US worker is to make $40/hr and the competition abroad is making $4/hr then the US worker has to be something of an order of 10 times more productive to justify that wage. The company also has to increase it's revenue substantially to maintain the same level of employment. And that's a big problem.
I don't disagree. However, the purpose of the entire 'tariff' issue isn't to really impose tariff on other countries, but to get them to drop barriers to fair trade around the world.

I get the arguments for why other nations don't want to flood their markets with American goods. It is reasonable.

Just as it is equally reasonable for us to want the same thing. In the end, what it really is about is open and honest competition.

Does America have an advantage? Yes.

Would that be an incentive for others to work to beat that advantage? You betcha.

I did a fast check on the difference it would take to even out the Chinese products shipped here and the same products produced here. Yes, the cost in China was much less. But when you added in the graft the Chinese Government does at the border and then the shipping costs, it ended up only saving about 20% to have it made in China and chances are the quality will be crap. That's right, the various companies moved overseas to save a whopping 20% and wrecked entire economies in the United States in the Process. Some moved to other countries for a lot less. I made the statement years ago that we should place a 25% tariff on China and others and the Manufacturers would return. Well, it's happening now. It's too early to see the manufacturers return. They are trying to invest millions into shaming you into thinking that they should be felt sorry for. Nope, they need to get their butts back to the US, create the jobs again and put our folks back to work. It just takes time.
Doing business in China can be very profitable for large operations but not for small business. South Korea is a much more friendly place for a small business importing products or supplies.

In many cases, you have no choice but to buy abroad if you want to sell your product. The market you're selling into sets limits on your price.

There is also a smaller margin since the SK people like to eat and stay warm and have all the same toys we enjoy in the US. It used to be that it was Japan but Japan is nearing parity for trade with the US except they are still playing the unfair Tariff game making SK a better deal. But there might be a 5% margin. The question is, does a small business really want to bother with the hassle for the 5%?
Trump to Apple: 'Make your products' in the US to avoid tariffs

Yep! pretty simple. Hire American workers and build it here...I still won't buy apple products but it does help Americans if that was done.

I wonder do you feel the same about Rump having his products made here? You know since they aren't, do you think he should or will tariff himself?

Yes dumbass, it will affect all manufacturing. The Trump companies that do manufacturing have to do so overseas just like everyone else because it’s the only way to stay in business. Changing the law will allow them to manufacture here and be competitive.

So dumbass, he should lead by example and move his shit here first before he does what he does best and blowhard about someone else. How is that dumbass?

We all know that doesn’t work. Moving manufacturing here would just put them out of business since they have to unfairly compete with the slave labor Chinese market. I know people with a small business that have to do their production overseas in order to even try to compete in the market. Not because they want to, because they have to. They would rather manufacture here but it’s too expensive and the laws don’t reward you for doing so, in fact they punish you. That is exactly why President Trump is trying to change that.

If due to cheaper labor and higher shipping costs and graft, you save only 20% then placing a 25% tariff on the Chinese goods, service and products means you can now make it for 5% less if you move it back to the states. And you just might see a drastic change in the Chinese Government right after that when more of their people are hungry.
It doesn't even have to be applied. Simply put it on the negotiation table and don't budge from it until they agree to open up their markets to us in a fair and equal way.

The true art of the deal is to take a stance and be willing to enforce it, but know that you're only using it as leverage. The other side knows this which is why you have to live up to your threat. But that threat can be short-term when they realize how much they will lose and come running back to the table.

Strategic thinking for a long-term gain. Its called, "Playing the long game" and America had better get into that game.
I love when you left wingnuts who want more governmental control of our lives and our economy call someone else a liberal.

You are Stalin compared to me.

You are so far left of Me, I would need a navigation aide to find you.

Funny coming from the socialist supporting tariffs to give the Fed Govt more control over the economy and over us. There is nothing you are to the right of me on.
Funny you are unable to think strategically, yet whine like the selfish bastard you accuse Republicans of when it hits your own wallet.

Funny you want to give the Fed Govt more control over the economy, private businesses and private citizens and then call yourself a conservative.
-------------------------------- definitions are all fecked up . Years ago i voted for 'repubs' becaise i thought that they were 'conservative' but they are not . See 'reagan' and his amnesty , see 'bush familia' and their immigration , see 'mcstain' and his immigration . There is nothing about 'repubs' that is CONSERVATIVE GGator .
That is because the GOP stopped being conservative and started being pussy hat wearing ghey guys with no backbone.

We need people in politics that have clear and defined principles that don't back down from them, even if it costs them their office. Trump plays that game well, but in the end, he is still a big government guy. I just like the tactics he uses against other nations. He doesn't bluff and will follow through. I can admire that while not liking the guy at all.
I wonder do you feel the same about Rump having his products made here? You know since they aren't, do you think he should or will tariff himself?

Yes dumbass, it will affect all manufacturing. The Trump companies that do manufacturing have to do so overseas just like everyone else because it’s the only way to stay in business. Changing the law will allow them to manufacture here and be competitive.

So dumbass, he should lead by example and move his shit here first before he does what he does best and blowhard about someone else. How is that dumbass?

We all know that doesn’t work. Moving manufacturing here would just put them out of business since they have to unfairly compete with the slave labor Chinese market. I know people with a small business that have to do their production overseas in order to even try to compete in the market. Not because they want to, because they have to. They would rather manufacture here but it’s too expensive and the laws don’t reward you for doing so, in fact they punish you. That is exactly why President Trump is trying to change that.

If due to cheaper labor and higher shipping costs and graft, you save only 20% then placing a 25% tariff on the Chinese goods, service and products means you can now make it for 5% less if you move it back to the states. And you just might see a drastic change in the Chinese Government right after that when more of their people are hungry.
It doesn't even have to be applied. Simply put it on the negotiation table and don't budge from it until they agree to open up their markets to us in a fair and equal way.

The true art of the deal is to take a stance and be willing to enforce it, but know that you're only using it as leverage. The other side knows this which is why you have to live up to your threat. But that threat can be short-term when they realize how much they will lose and come running back to the table.

Strategic thinking for a long-term gain. Its called, "Playing the long game" and America had better get into that game.

Like most negotiations with Asian Countries, things have constantly been placed on the table. This is the first time that the US has actually acted on the promise. It's no longer a promise that is constantly ignored or placated. It's real. If you aren't willing to do something, don't say you are going to do it. A Parent should never threaten a child with something that they don't intend to do if things don't change. That's parenting 101. And the US needs to act like a good parent in this case.

You are so far left of Me, I would need a navigation aide to find you.

Funny coming from the socialist supporting tariffs to give the Fed Govt more control over the economy and over us. There is nothing you are to the right of me on.
Funny you are unable to think strategically, yet whine like the selfish bastard you accuse Republicans of when it hits your own wallet.

Funny you want to give the Fed Govt more control over the economy, private businesses and private citizens and then call yourself a conservative.
-------------------------------- definitions are all fecked up . Years ago i voted for 'repubs' becaise i thought that they were 'conservative' but they are not . See 'reagan' and his amnesty , see 'bush familia' and their immigration , see 'mcstain' and his immigration . There is nothing about 'repubs' that is CONSERVATIVE GGator .
That is because the GOP stopped being conservative and started being pussy hat wearing ghey guys with no backbone.

We need people in politics that have clear and defined principles that don't back down from them, even if it costs them their office. Trump plays that game well, but in the end, he is still a big government guy. I just like the tactics he uses against other nations. He doesn't bluff and will follow through. I can admire that while not liking the guy at all.

I like some of the things he does but I find most of what he does as not to my liking. We need another Teddy R. who says something them backs it up but doesn't go out of his way to piss everyone off in the process.
Yes dumbass, it will affect all manufacturing. The Trump companies that do manufacturing have to do so overseas just like everyone else because it’s the only way to stay in business. Changing the law will allow them to manufacture here and be competitive.

So dumbass, he should lead by example and move his shit here first before he does what he does best and blowhard about someone else. How is that dumbass?

We all know that doesn’t work. Moving manufacturing here would just put them out of business since they have to unfairly compete with the slave labor Chinese market. I know people with a small business that have to do their production overseas in order to even try to compete in the market. Not because they want to, because they have to. They would rather manufacture here but it’s too expensive and the laws don’t reward you for doing so, in fact they punish you. That is exactly why President Trump is trying to change that.

If due to cheaper labor and higher shipping costs and graft, you save only 20% then placing a 25% tariff on the Chinese goods, service and products means you can now make it for 5% less if you move it back to the states. And you just might see a drastic change in the Chinese Government right after that when more of their people are hungry.
It doesn't even have to be applied. Simply put it on the negotiation table and don't budge from it until they agree to open up their markets to us in a fair and equal way.

The true art of the deal is to take a stance and be willing to enforce it, but know that you're only using it as leverage. The other side knows this which is why you have to live up to your threat. But that threat can be short-term when they realize how much they will lose and come running back to the table.

Strategic thinking for a long-term gain. Its called, "Playing the long game" and America had better get into that game.

Like most negotiations with Asian Countries, things have constantly been placed on the table. This is the first time that the US has actually acted on the promise. It's no longer a promise that is constantly ignored or placated. It's real. If you aren't willing to do something, don't say you are going to do it. A Parent should never threaten a child with something that they don't intend to do if things don't change. That's parenting 101. And the US needs to act like a good parent in this case.
I agree. In Asian culture, face is everything. When you back down, you've lost faith and become the subjugated.

America is in no way inferior to China and we can back that up both economically, politically, culturally and militarily.

Its time we remind them of that.

Deal with us openly and honestly, or deal with our consequences. Those consequences should be laid out on the table, in the open, for the whole world to see.
Funny coming from the socialist supporting tariffs to give the Fed Govt more control over the economy and over us. There is nothing you are to the right of me on.
Funny you are unable to think strategically, yet whine like the selfish bastard you accuse Republicans of when it hits your own wallet.

Funny you want to give the Fed Govt more control over the economy, private businesses and private citizens and then call yourself a conservative.
-------------------------------- definitions are all fecked up . Years ago i voted for 'repubs' becaise i thought that they were 'conservative' but they are not . See 'reagan' and his amnesty , see 'bush familia' and their immigration , see 'mcstain' and his immigration . There is nothing about 'repubs' that is CONSERVATIVE GGator .
That is because the GOP stopped being conservative and started being pussy hat wearing ghey guys with no backbone.

We need people in politics that have clear and defined principles that don't back down from them, even if it costs them their office. Trump plays that game well, but in the end, he is still a big government guy. I just like the tactics he uses against other nations. He doesn't bluff and will follow through. I can admire that while not liking the guy at all.

I like some of the things he does but I find most of what he does as not to my liking. We need another Teddy R. who says something them backs it up but doesn't go out of his way to piss everyone off in the process.
I can agree with that. We do need a tough President and an America willing to stand behind him.
So dumbass, he should lead by example and move his shit here first before he does what he does best and blowhard about someone else. How is that dumbass?

We all know that doesn’t work. Moving manufacturing here would just put them out of business since they have to unfairly compete with the slave labor Chinese market. I know people with a small business that have to do their production overseas in order to even try to compete in the market. Not because they want to, because they have to. They would rather manufacture here but it’s too expensive and the laws don’t reward you for doing so, in fact they punish you. That is exactly why President Trump is trying to change that.

If due to cheaper labor and higher shipping costs and graft, you save only 20% then placing a 25% tariff on the Chinese goods, service and products means you can now make it for 5% less if you move it back to the states. And you just might see a drastic change in the Chinese Government right after that when more of their people are hungry.
It doesn't even have to be applied. Simply put it on the negotiation table and don't budge from it until they agree to open up their markets to us in a fair and equal way.

The true art of the deal is to take a stance and be willing to enforce it, but know that you're only using it as leverage. The other side knows this which is why you have to live up to your threat. But that threat can be short-term when they realize how much they will lose and come running back to the table.

Strategic thinking for a long-term gain. Its called, "Playing the long game" and America had better get into that game.

Like most negotiations with Asian Countries, things have constantly been placed on the table. This is the first time that the US has actually acted on the promise. It's no longer a promise that is constantly ignored or placated. It's real. If you aren't willing to do something, don't say you are going to do it. A Parent should never threaten a child with something that they don't intend to do if things don't change. That's parenting 101. And the US needs to act like a good parent in this case.
I agree. In Asian culture, face is everything. When you back down, you've lost faith and become the subjugated.

America is in no way inferior to China and we can back that up both economically, politically, culturally and militarily.

Its time we remind them of that.

Deal with us openly and honestly, or deal with our consequences. Those consequences should be laid out on the table, in the open, for the whole world to see.

Like a spoiled child, the Chinese Government is way out of hand right now and does need to be slapped down a bit. I agree. We need to show strength. They will react to it by behaving themselves and this includes Military as well as Economically. We allowed them to run roughshod over us economically and then they upped the anti to try and run roughshod over us militarily. They are finding that they can do neither.

This is one reason North Korea is such a problem as well. We need to always deal from a hand of strength.
We all know that doesn’t work. Moving manufacturing here would just put them out of business since they have to unfairly compete with the slave labor Chinese market. I know people with a small business that have to do their production overseas in order to even try to compete in the market. Not because they want to, because they have to. They would rather manufacture here but it’s too expensive and the laws don’t reward you for doing so, in fact they punish you. That is exactly why President Trump is trying to change that.

If due to cheaper labor and higher shipping costs and graft, you save only 20% then placing a 25% tariff on the Chinese goods, service and products means you can now make it for 5% less if you move it back to the states. And you just might see a drastic change in the Chinese Government right after that when more of their people are hungry.
It doesn't even have to be applied. Simply put it on the negotiation table and don't budge from it until they agree to open up their markets to us in a fair and equal way.

The true art of the deal is to take a stance and be willing to enforce it, but know that you're only using it as leverage. The other side knows this which is why you have to live up to your threat. But that threat can be short-term when they realize how much they will lose and come running back to the table.

Strategic thinking for a long-term gain. Its called, "Playing the long game" and America had better get into that game.

Like most negotiations with Asian Countries, things have constantly been placed on the table. This is the first time that the US has actually acted on the promise. It's no longer a promise that is constantly ignored or placated. It's real. If you aren't willing to do something, don't say you are going to do it. A Parent should never threaten a child with something that they don't intend to do if things don't change. That's parenting 101. And the US needs to act like a good parent in this case.
I agree. In Asian culture, face is everything. When you back down, you've lost faith and become the subjugated.

America is in no way inferior to China and we can back that up both economically, politically, culturally and militarily.

Its time we remind them of that.

Deal with us openly and honestly, or deal with our consequences. Those consequences should be laid out on the table, in the open, for the whole world to see.

Like a spoiled child, the Chinese Government is way out of hand right now and does need to be slapped down a bit. I agree. We need to show strength. They will react to it by behaving themselves and this includes Military as well as Economically. We allowed them to run roughshod over us economically and then they upped the anti to try and run roughshod over us militarily. They are finding that they can do neither.

This is one reason North Korea is such a problem as well. We need to always deal from a hand of strength.
I am in complete agreement with these statements.
Maybe you missed it. I don't know, don't really care. Thinking strategically in order to reduce unfair practices by using a 'TACTIC' in trade negotiation seems to have gone right over your head. Strange that since golfers would consider that a worm-burner on the duff swing.

You keep spouting the party talking points even though you have no idea what the mean.

For starters, "fair" and "unfair" are childish concepts that most people move past as they become adults. Life is not fair, the sooner you accept that the better off you will be. The problem with fair is that it is always in the eye of the beholder, much like beauty.

People such as yourself like to claim that other countries are not being fair, and I am sure they say the same thing about our 20 plus billion a year in Ag subsidies, our 4000 pages of tariffs that we already impose or the 14 billion on energy subsides we hand out.

Trade deals should be mutually beneficial, not "fair".

Right now the US, under the current trade deals, is at 109 months of economic expansion, the 2nd longest such period in the history of our great country. We have record low sustained unemployment, more jobs to be filled than people to fill them and until Trump started his stupid trade war a financial market that was booming. That seems like we have been benefiting greatly.

Which is these things would you like to see different, is our unemployment too low for you? would you like that to go up some?

Which parts of the tweaks to NAFTA between the US and Mexico will help the US consumer/worker?
POWER , we will see . looks like the TRUMP has you guys all nervous . Maybe the Trump is simply negotiating with his threats . We May see as looks like he even has Foreign 'kiwi new zealanders' all atwitter GGator .

Yes, Trump does have me nervous, I am always nervous when the Fed Govt takes more control over things. I am nervous that Trump will screw up the 109 months of economic expansion, the 2nd longest such period in the history of our great country, the record low sustained unemployment, the fact we have more jobs to be filled than people to fill, like he has already fucked up the bull market we had his first year
don't know about all the words or gobbledegook in your post number 134 but seems to me that TRUMPS goal is TARIFF FREE trade worldwide and to me thats a worthy goal GGator .
POWER , we will see . looks like the TRUMP has you guys all nervous . Maybe the Trump is simply negotiating with his threats . We May see as looks like he even has Foreign 'kiwi new zealanders' all atwitter GGator .

Yes, Trump does have me nervous, I am always nervous when the Fed Govt takes more control over things. I am nervous that Trump will screw up the 109 months of economic expansion, the 2nd longest such period in the history of our great country, the record low sustained unemployment, the fact we have more jobs to be filled than people to fill, like he has already fucked up the bull market we had his first year

The problem is, the majority of those jobs are service jobs. Once those are filled what then? Are you aware that those working the service jobs are losing ground fast even with the pay increases? The Cost of living is outstripping the raises at the lower income level jobs. And those are most of the job increases. Most sort of just leave that out.
don't know about all the words or gobbledegook in your post number 134 but seems to me that TRUMPS goal is TARIFF FREE trade worldwide and to me thats a worthy goal GGator .

Sorry that my words are a bit confusing for you, I will try and use smaller ones next time.

I know that seems to be Trump's goal because that is what he tells his sheep his goal is. But even he knows that they are just empty words to fire up the faithful. Have you seen a proposal from him to rid the US of the 4000 pages worth of tariffs already in place? How about the other side of the coin, getting rid of tariffs does nothing if you do not get rid of government subsidies also, I do not recall him talking about getting rid of the 20 billion plus in Ag subsidies when he was in Montana.
POWER , we will see . looks like the TRUMP has you guys all nervous . Maybe the Trump is simply negotiating with his threats . We May see as looks like he even has Foreign 'kiwi new zealanders' all atwitter GGator .

Yes, Trump does have me nervous, I am always nervous when the Fed Govt takes more control over things. I am nervous that Trump will screw up the 109 months of economic expansion, the 2nd longest such period in the history of our great country, the record low sustained unemployment, the fact we have more jobs to be filled than people to fill, like he has already fucked up the bull market we had his first year
------------------------------------ I'm with TRUMP and i cannot be disappointed . If things were to mess up economically or any other way my attitude would be that all good things will probably come to an end as they have done all through human history GGator .
Have to love how much the left cares about the Amercian laborer.

They care a lot more than Republicans. The party that destroyed unions, and has presided over the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world: from the working and middle class to the wealthiest individuals and corporations in America.

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