Trump to Apple: make your products in America to avoid tariffs!

seems to me that the STATISTS way is the way that things have been being done these last 100 years [about] since USA government was run on tariffs but got rid of tariffs GGator . --- just a comment on statist GGator .

100 years ago a lot was different, shit that worked then does not work now. So again, take your big government and shove it up your statist ass.
------------------------------------------- if TRUMP does tariffs we will see what happen stat , er i mean GGator .
feck bush . But on steel , USA has got to have the ability to make all its high grade steel and aluminum strategic materials in case of a future war . Also , lots of talking , yelling and yammering about tariffs but i for one will trust the Trump over you guys any day and at anytime . TRUMP , we Deplorable elected him because we trust him Gents .
Nobody is asking you to believe us, just believe history. Every time tariffs have been tried the results are bad. Many think tariffs caused the great depression. The square peg will never fit in the round hole. You think it will if we try enough times?
---------------------------- As i said , i hear that the USA was run on tariffs up to about 1920 from what i understand Brian.
That's correct, it's a tax. Then we switched to income tax. You think having both is a good idea? More taxes is good? Then why did trump just cut taxes?
seems to me that the STATISTS way is the way that things have been being done these last 100 years [about] since USA government was run on tariffs but got rid of tariffs GGator . --- just a comment on statist GGator .

100 years ago a lot was different, shit that worked then does not work now. So again, take your big government and shove it up your statist ass.
------------------------------------------ and the next few years or Century may also be different GGator .
Trump to Apple: 'Make your products' in the US to avoid tariffs

Yep! pretty simple. Hire American workers and build it here...I still won't buy apple products but it does help Americans if that was done.

I wonder do you feel the same about Rump having his products made here? You know since they aren't, do you think he should or will tariff himself?

Yes dumbass, it will affect all manufacturing. The Trump companies that do manufacturing have to do so overseas just like everyone else because it’s the only way to stay in business. Changing the law will allow them to manufacture here and be competitive.

So dumbass, he should lead by example and move his shit here first before he does what he does best and blowhard about someone else. How is that dumbass?
Trump to Apple: 'Make your products' in the US to avoid tariffs

Yep! pretty simple. Hire American workers and build it here...I still won't buy apple products but it does help Americans if that was done.

I wonder do you feel the same about Rump having his products made here? You know since they aren't, do you think he should or will tariff himself?
He did so for the same reason ALL other companies was cheaper...once that's fixed he should move it back here. Actually HE can't his kids can.

Lead by example and do it first instead of threatening others tariff himself until he moves it back home.
we will see what TRUMP thinks and does , he is the boss but he has got you guys in a dither and i back him with my vote Gentlemen.
He's got you swallowing. Rather you than me.
feck bush . But on steel , USA has got to have the ability to make all its high grade steel and aluminum strategic materials in case of a future war . Also , lots of talking , yelling and yammering about tariffs but i for one will trust the Trump over you guys any day and at anytime . TRUMP , we Deplorable elected him because we trust him Gents .
Nobody is asking you to believe us, just believe history. Every time tariffs have been tried the results are bad. Many think tariffs caused the great depression. The square peg will never fit in the round hole. You think it will if we try enough times?
---------------------------- As i said , i hear that the USA was run on tariffs up to about 1920 from what i understand Brian.
That's correct, it's a tax. Then we switched to income tax. You think having both is a good idea? More taxes is good? Then why did trump just cut taxes?
---------------------------------- and this is just getting to be repititious foolishness . Hey , you may get Tariffs , they make sense to me and i hope that you guys hate them if we get them . --- Go TRUMP .
feck bush . But on steel , USA has got to have the ability to make all its high grade steel and aluminum strategic materials in case of a future war . Also , lots of talking , yelling and yammering about tariffs but i for one will trust the Trump over you guys any day and at anytime . TRUMP , we Deplorable elected him because we trust him Gents .
Nobody is asking you to believe us, just believe history. Every time tariffs have been tried the results are bad. Many think tariffs caused the great depression. The square peg will never fit in the round hole. You think it will if we try enough times?
---------------------------- As i said , i hear that the USA was run on tariffs up to about 1920 from what i understand Brian.
That's correct, it's a tax. Then we switched to income tax. You think having both is a good idea? More taxes is good? Then why did trump just cut taxes?
---------------------------------- and this is just getting to be repititious foolishness . Hey , you may get Tariffs , they make sense to me and i hope that you guys hate them if we get them . --- Go TRUMP .
You didn't answer the question. Trump just reduced taxes telling us it would be good for the economy. Tariffs are increasing taxes. So shouldn't that slow the economy?
its too much foolishness , TRUMP may do tarrifs , you assembled don't like it and all i say is GOOD CNM .
Trump to Apple: 'Make your products' in the US to avoid tariffs

Yep! pretty simple. Hire American workers and build it here...I still won't buy apple products but it does help Americans if that was done.
Never will happen.
Final assembly of Apple products are in China but the components are manufactures in 32 different countries. The average wage of a worker that manufactures Apple products and it's components is estimated at $5.85/hr.

Since Apple products are sold worldwide like most electronics, tariffs will only increase cost in the US. Only about 45% of Apple sales are now in the US. Their fastest growing markets are abroad. Some work may shift to other countries but not to the US. Wages are much too high. The difference in labor cost makes it impossible to do this manufacturing in the US.

American specialty manufacturing will continue to grow rapidly. Labor intensive manufacturing work will not.
Have to love how much the left cares about the Amercian laborer.
I suppose thats why they support labor unions.

But whats even better is how republicans used to be for free trade. Moving final manufacturing doesnt do shit when key components are made in asia, and cant be produced anywhere else.
----------------------------------------------------- why can't they be produced anywhere else DUDM ??
The primary chip is made by TSMC, and even samsung isnt ready. so you can be sure nobody in usa is remotely capable.
I disagree. If can be done, it can be done in America. No doubt, it can be done better.

Yeah, it can be done here for 3 to 5 times the price. Fuck that shit. Keep your big government away from my wallet.

Fuck, I hate you statist some days
Yeah, fuck that American worker. Why we should stop supporting them making good wages so your fucking wallet won't suffer.

I love it when you liberals have your own words tossed back in your face.
Have to love how much the left cares about the Amercian laborer.
I suppose thats why they support labor unions.

But whats even better is how republicans used to be for free trade. Moving final manufacturing doesnt do shit when key components are made in asia, and cant be produced anywhere else.
----------------------------------------------------- why can't they be produced anywhere else DUDM ??
The primary chip is made by TSMC, and even samsung isnt ready. so you can be sure nobody in usa is remotely capable.
I disagree. If can be done, it can be done in America. No doubt, it can be done better.
It would take tens of billions of dollars and a decade to have mobile processor manufacturing here. Nobody does that here, nor is that expertise here.
I would say, probably not. We have some of the brightest and most innovative people in technology right here in the USA. Would there be a lag? Likely. Decades? No.

As for cost. It would be recouped inside of five years.
some things are worth more than money , one being the good of the USA . As far as the money grubbers in the thread go , well feck them . As my DAD told me when i was a 9 year old . Money is not the most important thing in the world except to WHORES that will do anything for money .
some things are worth more than money , one being the good of the USA . As far as the money grubbers in the thread go , well feck them . As my DAD told me when i was a 9 year old . Money is not the most important thing in the world except to WHORES that will do anything for money .
But if people have to spend 3X as much on apple products, they will buy less of other USA products. People have limited incomes, paying more for in product means buying less of others.
some things are worth more than money , one being the good of the USA . As far as the money grubbers in the thread go , well feck them . As my DAD told me when i was a 9 year old . Money is not the most important thing in the world except to WHORES that will do anything for money .
But if people have to spend 3X as much on apple products, they will buy less of other USA products. People have limited incomes, paying more for in product means buying less of others.
Or, perhaps people will be more judicoius in how they spend that limited income. A thousand dollar phone isn't a necessity.
and 70 year old guys that i knew back in the 1990s would have also been against tariffs 30 ears ago but that was then and this is now and they aren't around for me to talk to . Tariffs sound good to me at this time in USA History .
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some things are worth more than money , one being the good of the USA . As far as the money grubbers in the thread go , well feck them . As my DAD told me when i was a 9 year old . Money is not the most important thing in the world except to WHORES that will do anything for money .
But if people have to spend 3X as much on apple products, they will buy less of other USA products. People have limited incomes, paying more for in product means buying less of others.
Or, perhaps people will be more judicoius in how they spend that limited income. A thousand dollar phone isn't a necessity.
Yes another possibility, Apple sales tank.
I suppose thats why they support labor unions.

But whats even better is how republicans used to be for free trade. Moving final manufacturing doesnt do shit when key components are made in asia, and cant be produced anywhere else.
----------------------------------------------------- why can't they be produced anywhere else DUDM ??
The primary chip is made by TSMC, and even samsung isnt ready. so you can be sure nobody in usa is remotely capable.
I disagree. If can be done, it can be done in America. No doubt, it can be done better.

Yeah, it can be done here for 3 to 5 times the price. Fuck that shit. Keep your big government away from my wallet.

Fuck, I hate you statist some days
Yeah, fuck that American worker. Why we should stop supporting them making good wages so your fucking wallet won't suffer.

I love it when you liberals have your own words tossed back in your face.
After WWII, America became the greatest proponent of the global economy because due to the war, we were the greatest producer of food, steel, oil, and just about everything else. However, Europe and Japan both recovered from the war within 20 years and became completion for the US. Then 3rd world countries began offering the only thing they had to foreign companies, cheap labor.

Today, US labor has to be more productive than the completion abroad; that is if a US worker is to make $40/hr and the competition abroad is making $4/hr then the US worker has to be something on the order of 10 times more productive to justify that wage. The company also has to increase it's revenue substantially to maintain the same level of employment. And that's a big problem.
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