Trump to Apple: make your products in America to avoid tariffs!

POWER , we will see . looks like the TRUMP has you guys all nervous . Maybe the Trump is simply negotiating with his threats . We May see as looks like he even has Foreign 'kiwi new zealanders' all atwitter GGator .

Yes, Trump does have me nervous, I am always nervous when the Fed Govt takes more control over things. I am nervous that Trump will screw up the 109 months of economic expansion, the 2nd longest such period in the history of our great country, the record low sustained unemployment, the fact we have more jobs to be filled than people to fill, like he has already fucked up the bull market we had his first year

The problem is, the majority of those jobs are service jobs. Once those are filled what then? Are you aware that those working the service jobs are losing ground fast even with the pay increases? The Cost of living is outstripping the raises at the lower income level jobs. And those are most of the job increases. Most sort of just leave that out.

Why would they ever be "all filled"? As they are filled they create other needs as well. I am a statistician, what I do is considered a "service" yet I am paid way better than any factory worker.

Manufacturing jobs are growing as well...despite the fact that 80% of the jobs lost in manufacturing in the last decade were due to automation and not anything else.

Have to love how much the left cares about the Amercian laborer.

They care a lot more than Republicans. The party that destroyed unions, and has presided over the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world: from the working and middle class to the wealthiest individuals and corporations in America.
Do you even realize that those are debunked talking points and can be considered uncivil?
POWER , we will see . looks like the TRUMP has you guys all nervous . Maybe the Trump is simply negotiating with his threats . We May see as looks like he even has Foreign 'kiwi new zealanders' all atwitter GGator .

Yes, Trump does have me nervous, I am always nervous when the Fed Govt takes more control over things. I am nervous that Trump will screw up the 109 months of economic expansion, the 2nd longest such period in the history of our great country, the record low sustained unemployment, the fact we have more jobs to be filled than people to fill, like he has already fucked up the bull market we had his first year
------------------------------------ I'm with TRUMP and i cannot be disappointed . If things were to mess up economically or any other way my attitude would be that all good things will probably come to an end as they have done all through human history GGator .

I am glad to know that you think your savior in the White House can do no wrong, has to make sleeping at night a bit easier I suppose.

Personally, I worry about the idiot screwing things up.
Have to love how much the left cares about the Amercian laborer.

They care a lot more than Republicans. The party that destroyed unions, and has presided over the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world: from the working and middle class to the wealthiest individuals and corporations in America.
--------------------------- oh geez , another foreigner !!
Have to love how much the left cares about the Amercian laborer.

They care a lot more than Republicans. The party that destroyed unions, and has presided over the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world: from the working and middle class to the wealthiest individuals and corporations in America.
--------------------------- oh geez , another foreigner !!
Naw, she just doesn't know any better. hehe
Have to love how much the left cares about the Amercian laborer.

They care a lot more than Republicans. The party that destroyed unions, and has presided over the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world: from the working and middle class to the wealthiest individuals and corporations in America.
--------------------------- oh geez , another foreigner !!

You are not real bright...

Google Maps
POWER , we will see . looks like the TRUMP has you guys all nervous . Maybe the Trump is simply negotiating with his threats . We May see as looks like he even has Foreign 'kiwi new zealanders' all atwitter GGator .

Yes, Trump does have me nervous, I am always nervous when the Fed Govt takes more control over things. I am nervous that Trump will screw up the 109 months of economic expansion, the 2nd longest such period in the history of our great country, the record low sustained unemployment, the fact we have more jobs to be filled than people to fill, like he has already fucked up the bull market we had his first year
------------------------------------ I'm with TRUMP and i cannot be disappointed . If things were to mess up economically or any other way my attitude would be that all good things will probably come to an end as they have done all through human history GGator .

I am glad to know that you think your savior in the White House can do no wrong, has to make sleeping at night a bit easier I suppose.

Personally, I worry about the idiot screwing things up.
-------------------------- never worried about the economy or 'nork' nukes so i guess that i am Blessed . Anyway , the only thing that ever bothered me is the invasion of the USA by third worlders that has been orchestrated by 'conservatives' and 'lefties' and that only bothers me for the future of young Americans GGator . -------------------- off topic comment .
POWER , we will see . looks like the TRUMP has you guys all nervous . Maybe the Trump is simply negotiating with his threats . We May see as looks like he even has Foreign 'kiwi new zealanders' all atwitter GGator .

Yes, Trump does have me nervous, I am always nervous when the Fed Govt takes more control over things. I am nervous that Trump will screw up the 109 months of economic expansion, the 2nd longest such period in the history of our great country, the record low sustained unemployment, the fact we have more jobs to be filled than people to fill, like he has already fucked up the bull market we had his first year
------------------------------------ I'm with TRUMP and i cannot be disappointed . If things were to mess up economically or any other way my attitude would be that all good things will probably come to an end as they have done all through human history GGator .

I am glad to know that you think your savior in the White House can do no wrong, has to make sleeping at night a bit easier I suppose.

Personally, I worry about the idiot screwing things up.
-------------------------- never worried about the economy or 'nork' nukes so i guess that i am Blessed . Anyway , the only thing that ever bothered me is the invasion of the USA by third worlders that has been orchestrated by 'conservatives' and 'lefties' and that only bothers me for the future of young Americans GGator . -------------------- off topic comment .

It is because of my children that I worry about these things, one is just starting her first 'real job" and the other is not yet out of high school These things will affect them
and young American kids is why i worry about the third world invasion and unamerican culture being brought to the USA GGator .
pretty much American with no foreign influence . See Texas where the school board in the Alamo area of TEXAS wants to delete the word HEROIC when describing the Defenders of the Alamo . That just one example . Let me get the link if i can GGator .
and then just the other day there was a discussion on 'ex muslims' advertising with 't shirts' that they were ex muslims . The conversation got going when some muslims on the board said that Free Speech and Expression should be curtailed by the Ex Muslims so that they wouldn't offend 'muslims' that were attending a 'muslim' convention in [think it was] Houston Texas . Thats unamerican muslim thinking GGator .
and then we have 'muslims' and other foreigners that work or vote or advocate against GUN Rights and Freedoms in the USA GGator . And looks like we have a couple of 'foreigners' even in this thread as they smear and try to influence against President Trumps Tariff policy . Foreign thinking is not good for America . I don't mind seeing it though as i think that they advertise 'unamerican' thinking rather nicely GGator .
and then we have 'muslims' and other foreigners that work or vote or advocate against GUN Rights and Freedoms in the USA GGator . And looks like we have a couple of 'foreigners' even in this thread as they smear and try to influence against President Trumps Tariff policy . Foreign thinking is not good for America . I don't mind seeing it though as i think that they advertise 'unamerican' thinking rather nicely GGator .

You seem a bit xenophobic. I think I view the world as a whole differently due to growing up (3rd through 7th grade) overseas and spending much of my 20 year Marine Corps career overseas.

The anti-gun nuts I see are all 100% Americans
sure its foreign influence , Texas is full of 'mexicans' that don't want their kids taught that the Texans that killed their great , great , great mexican grandpa in the mexican army that fought against the Alamo was killed by ' HEROIC' Texans GGator .
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and then we have 'muslims' and other foreigners that work or vote or advocate against GUN Rights and Freedoms in the USA GGator . And looks like we have a couple of 'foreigners' even in this thread as they smear and try to influence against President Trumps Tariff policy . Foreign thinking is not good for America . I don't mind seeing it though as i think that they advertise 'unamerican' thinking rather nicely GGator .

You seem a bit xenophobic. I think I view the world as a whole differently due to growing up (3rd through 7th grade) overseas and spending much of my 20 year Marine Corps career overseas.

The anti-gun nuts I see are all 100% Americans
------------------------------------------ XENOPHOBIC , just another silly made up word like HOMOPHOBIC or Misogynistic eh ?? How long has the word XENOPHOBIC been in use GGator ??
Trump to Apple: 'Make your products' in the US to avoid tariffs

Yep! pretty simple. Hire American workers and build it here...I still won't buy apple products but it does help Americans if that was done.

I wonder do you feel the same about Rump having his products made here? You know since they aren't, do you think he should or will tariff himself?

Yes dumbass, it will affect all manufacturing. The Trump companies that do manufacturing have to do so overseas just like everyone else because it’s the only way to stay in business. Changing the law will allow them to manufacture here and be competitive.

So dumbass, he should lead by example and move his shit here first before he does what he does best and blowhard about someone else. How is that dumbass?

We all know that doesn’t work. Moving manufacturing here would just put them out of business since they have to unfairly compete with the slave labor Chinese market. I know people with a small business that have to do their production overseas in order to even try to compete in the market. Not because they want to, because they have to. They would rather manufacture here but it’s too expensive and the laws don’t reward you for doing so, in fact they punish you. That is exactly why President Trump is trying to change that.

If due to cheaper labor and higher shipping costs and graft, you save only 20% then placing a 25% tariff on the Chinese goods, service and products means you can now make it for 5% less if you move it back to the states. And you just might see a drastic change in the Chinese Government right after that when more of their people are hungry.

So why doesn't the great leader lead by example. Here is a clue, he is a con man

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