Trump to Bypass Mainstream Media, Take Message Direct to the People

If Trump is going around the mainstream media, why did he appoint a Press Secretary?
To handle the press jackals, of course. They're not going to go away just because they no longer have inside access like they used to. In fact, they'll be more rabid than ever.

Lets not forget that the election of November 2016 was a rejection, not just of Hillary and Obama, but of the corrupt lying media and the corrupt lying pollsters.

Trump is very wise to bypass the liars and spinners and go directly to the people. Most of the media has become nothing more than a mouthpiece for the dem/lib party. The people know that and the ratings for CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, and CBS "news" programs reflect it.

The election was

1. Clinton getting 3 million more votes than Trump did

2. The Democrats gaining seats in the House.

3. Senate Democratic candidates getting 11 million more votes than Republicans.

That's only a rejection in Bizarro world.

the GOP controls the whitehouse and both houses of congress. Holds 31 governor's offices and a majority of state legislatures.

But your spin attempt is noted with hilarity. YOU lost. WE won. elections have consequences. Sound familiar?

LIberalism was rejected. Hillary was rejected. democrat rule was rejected. PC was rejected. Until you deal with that reality, your party will continue to fail.
The so called msm were against Trump, and behind clinton, all the way, as were many in the republican party. That they couldn't not cover his rallies doesn't mean they were on his side.
I did not say they were for him. I said they gave him free coverage. I implied they put ratings and profit over politics. The coverage they gave him benifited him. The lack of covereage to his opponents hurt his opponents and helped him.

So Hillary got no free coverage??

What a joke.
A simple google search will get you sites that list hundreds of his lies. One of the most famous is his lie about seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating on the streets of New Jersey on 9/11 on broadcast TV. That was a malicious lie designed as bait to draw in racist and to fear monger. He also lied about being against the Iraq war and invasion. Not a single article or piece of evidence to back up his claim has ever been discovered or provided by trump. A recording of him endorsing the war has been brought forward and proves beyond any doubt that his claim is a lye. He has been caught claim he never claimed bankruptcy and of course, that has been proven to be a lie. Trump has claimed that he never "settles" law suites and that has been proven to be a lie. One list on google list over 500 Trump lies. It has actually been used as a link here at this site.
that was confirmed on TV later after he said it. you fail. Try again.
What was confirmed? That he saw those thousands of Muslims on the streets of New Jersey on 9/11? If that is your claim I am calling you a liar. Prove that I am wrong and show us a link to the video footage trump lied about. or uh, saw and exist according to you.
yep, look it up, story was confirmed. Why are you hesitant to look it up?
Hillary bought MUCH more media time. What a stupid chart.

The chart shows how much free media the candidates got.
But says nothing about good or bad press. Trump was hammered. And still is.

but he understands how to counter it and the dem/libs can't stand it.
If Trump is going around the mainstream media, why did he appoint a Press Secretary?
To handle the press jackals, of course. They're not going to go away just because they no longer have inside access like they used to. In fact, they'll be more rabid than ever.

Lets not forget that the election of November 2016 was a rejection, not just of Hillary and Obama, but of the corrupt lying media and the corrupt lying pollsters.

Trump is very wise to bypass the liars and spinners and go directly to the people. Most of the media has become nothing more than a mouthpiece for the dem/lib party. The people know that and the ratings for CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, and CBS "news" programs reflect it.

The election was

1. Clinton getting 3 million more votes than Trump did

2. The Democrats gaining seats in the House.

3. Senate Democratic candidates getting 11 million more votes than Republicans.

That's only a rejection in Bizarro world.

the GOP controls the whitehouse and both houses of congress. Holds 31 governor's offices and a majority of state legislatures.

But your spin attempt is noted with hilarity. YOU lost. WE won. elections have consequences. Sound familiar?

LIberalism was rejected. Hillary was rejected. democrat rule was rejected. PC was rejected. Until you deal with that reality, your party will continue to fail.

The next 4 years are gonna be a hoot.
The so-called mainstream media gave invaluable help to Trump during the campaign. His speeches and rallies were covered start to finish on all the major networks. The brainwashed follow the propaganda about the MSM giving a special advantage, but they are in reality profit driven entities and that is their priority. Trump was a rating magnet and so he got the billions of dollars worth of free coverage from the media. No other candidate got their speeches and events covered the way Trump did.

The so called msm were against Trump, and behind clinton, all the way, as were many in the republican party. That they couldn't not cover his rallies doesn't mean they were on his side.
I did not say they were for him. I said they gave him free coverage. I implied they put ratings and profit over politics. The coverage they gave him benifited him. The lack of covereage to his opponents hurt his opponents and helped him.

So Hillary got no free coverage??

What a joke.
A simple google search will get you sites that list hundreds of his lies. One of the most famous is his lie about seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating on the streets of New Jersey on 9/11 on broadcast TV. That was a malicious lie designed as bait to draw in racist and to fear monger. He also lied about being against the Iraq war and invasion. Not a single article or piece of evidence to back up his claim has ever been discovered or provided by trump. A recording of him endorsing the war has been brought forward and proves beyond any doubt that his claim is a lye. He has been caught claim he never claimed bankruptcy and of course, that has been proven to be a lie. Trump has claimed that he never "settles" law suites and that has been proven to be a lie. One list on google list over 500 Trump lies. It has actually been used as a link here at this site.

there was a muslim celebration in NJ after 9/11. Recordings of it are available if you care to look.
I care to look but you are a liar and can not show the video of thousands of Muslims celebrating on 9/11 on the streets of New Jersey.
You are a routine liar here at this site with a pattern of disseminating misinformation and disinformation. Put up the video proving you are not a liar. Put up the link to the video that proves you and Trump are not liars.
Hillary bought MUCH more media time. What a stupid chart.

The chart shows how much free media the candidates got.
But says nothing about good or bad press. Trump was hammered. And still is.

but he understands how to counter it and the dem/libs can't stand it.
he doesn't back track on anything he says, unlike most republican politicians. It's pathetic the number that don't stand behind what they say and revert to being apologetic. It's disgusting and I'm quite frankly tired of that behavior and why Trump is so well liked. You'd think the repubs would figure that out by now. Or not.
The so called msm were against Trump, and behind clinton, all the way, as were many in the republican party. That they couldn't not cover his rallies doesn't mean they were on his side.
I did not say they were for him. I said they gave him free coverage. I implied they put ratings and profit over politics. The coverage they gave him benifited him. The lack of covereage to his opponents hurt his opponents and helped him.

So Hillary got no free coverage??

What a joke.
A simple google search will get you sites that list hundreds of his lies. One of the most famous is his lie about seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating on the streets of New Jersey on 9/11 on broadcast TV. That was a malicious lie designed as bait to draw in racist and to fear monger. He also lied about being against the Iraq war and invasion. Not a single article or piece of evidence to back up his claim has ever been discovered or provided by trump. A recording of him endorsing the war has been brought forward and proves beyond any doubt that his claim is a lye. He has been caught claim he never claimed bankruptcy and of course, that has been proven to be a lie. Trump has claimed that he never "settles" law suites and that has been proven to be a lie. One list on google list over 500 Trump lies. It has actually been used as a link here at this site.

there was a muslim celebration in NJ after 9/11. Recordings of it are available if you care to look.
I care to look but you are a liar and can not show the video of thousands of Muslims celebrating on 9/11 on the streets of New Jersey.
You are a routine liar here at this site with a pattern of disseminating misinformation and disinformation. Put up the video proving you are not a liar. Put up the link to the video that proves you and Trump are not liars.
so if there is no video it didn't happen is your argument?

The so called msm were against Trump, and behind clinton, all the way, as were many in the republican party. That they couldn't not cover his rallies doesn't mean they were on his side.
I did not say they were for him. I said they gave him free coverage. I implied they put ratings and profit over politics. The coverage they gave him benifited him. The lack of covereage to his opponents hurt his opponents and helped him.

So Hillary got no free coverage??

What a joke.
A simple google search will get you sites that list hundreds of his lies. One of the most famous is his lie about seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating on the streets of New Jersey on 9/11 on broadcast TV. That was a malicious lie designed as bait to draw in racist and to fear monger. He also lied about being against the Iraq war and invasion. Not a single article or piece of evidence to back up his claim has ever been discovered or provided by trump. A recording of him endorsing the war has been brought forward and proves beyond any doubt that his claim is a lye. He has been caught claim he never claimed bankruptcy and of course, that has been proven to be a lie. Trump has claimed that he never "settles" law suites and that has been proven to be a lie. One list on google list over 500 Trump lies. It has actually been used as a link here at this site.

there was a muslim celebration in NJ after 9/11. Recordings of it are available if you care to look.
I care to look but you are a liar and can not show the video of thousands of Muslims celebrating on 9/11 on the streets of New Jersey.
You are a routine liar here at this site with a pattern of disseminating misinformation and disinformation. Put up the video proving you are not a liar. Put up the link to the video that proves you and Trump are not liars.
Hillary bought MUCH more media time. What a stupid chart.

The chart shows how much free media the candidates got.
But says nothing about good or bad press. Trump was hammered. And still is.

Trump was hammered by his own words and deeds. Once again, a lie by omission is still a lie!
hammered? What does that mean? Press time? if you think it hammered him, why did he win?

You actually meant to say, people saw through the fake news and he won.
Hillary bought MUCH more media time. What a stupid chart.

The chart shows how much free media the candidates got.
But says nothing about good or bad press. Trump was hammered. And still is.

Trump was hammered by his own words and deeds. Once again, a lie by omission is still a lie!

He won, dipshit. The media coverage helped him win.
The so called msm were against Trump, and behind clinton, all the way, as were many in the republican party. That they couldn't not cover his rallies doesn't mean they were on his side.
I did not say they were for him. I said they gave him free coverage. I implied they put ratings and profit over politics. The coverage they gave him benifited him. The lack of covereage to his opponents hurt his opponents and helped him.

So Hillary got no free coverage??

What a joke.
A simple google search will get you sites that list hundreds of his lies. One of the most famous is his lie about seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating on the streets of New Jersey on 9/11 on broadcast TV. That was a malicious lie designed as bait to draw in racist and to fear monger. He also lied about being against the Iraq war and invasion. Not a single article or piece of evidence to back up his claim has ever been discovered or provided by trump. A recording of him endorsing the war has been brought forward and proves beyond any doubt that his claim is a lye. He has been caught claim he never claimed bankruptcy and of course, that has been proven to be a lie. Trump has claimed that he never "settles" law suites and that has been proven to be a lie. One list on google list over 500 Trump lies. It has actually been used as a link here at this site.

there was a muslim celebration in NJ after 9/11. Recordings of it are available if you care to look.
I care to look but you are a liar and can not show the video of thousands of Muslims celebrating on 9/11 on the streets of New Jersey.
You are a routine liar here at this site with a pattern of disseminating misinformation and disinformation. Put up the video proving you are not a liar. Put up the link to the video that proves you and Trump are not liars.

People don't have to prove they are not liars. The burden of proof is on the accuser. Put up or STFU.
The new president dropped a shit-bomb tweet on GM yesterday about making their Chevy Cruz in mehico. It took GM almost 24 hours to respond claiming they make "most" of the Cruz models in Ohio. We didn't bail them out to close their US factories and Trump doesn't take no for an answer. Watch them scamper back home. :lol:
I did not say they were for him. I said they gave him free coverage. I implied they put ratings and profit over politics. The coverage they gave him benifited him. The lack of covereage to his opponents hurt his opponents and helped him.

So Hillary got no free coverage??

What a joke.
A simple google search will get you sites that list hundreds of his lies. One of the most famous is his lie about seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating on the streets of New Jersey on 9/11 on broadcast TV. That was a malicious lie designed as bait to draw in racist and to fear monger. He also lied about being against the Iraq war and invasion. Not a single article or piece of evidence to back up his claim has ever been discovered or provided by trump. A recording of him endorsing the war has been brought forward and proves beyond any doubt that his claim is a lye. He has been caught claim he never claimed bankruptcy and of course, that has been proven to be a lie. Trump has claimed that he never "settles" law suites and that has been proven to be a lie. One list on google list over 500 Trump lies. It has actually been used as a link here at this site.

there was a muslim celebration in NJ after 9/11. Recordings of it are available if you care to look.
I care to look but you are a liar and can not show the video of thousands of Muslims celebrating on 9/11 on the streets of New Jersey.
You are a routine liar here at this site with a pattern of disseminating misinformation and disinformation. Put up the video proving you are not a liar. Put up the link to the video that proves you and Trump are not liars.
Lame response. That video does not even claim to address the lie told by Trump and you about Muslims celebrating in the street on 9/11. Trump said he saw Muslims dancing in the street and celebrating on 9/11. You claim that there is video evidence to prove he told the truth. That is a lie being made directly by you. Put up or shut up and admit you are a foul liar.
Lame response. That video does not even claim to address the lie told by Trump and you about Muslims celebrating in the street on 9/11. Trump said he saw Muslims dancing in the street and celebrating on 9/11. You claim that there is video evidence to prove he told the truth. That is a lie being made directly by you. Put up or shut up and admit you are a foul liar.

They were dancing in the streets...stupid animals...and thousands of them got deported.
So Hillary got no free coverage??

What a joke.
A simple google search will get you sites that list hundreds of his lies. One of the most famous is his lie about seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating on the streets of New Jersey on 9/11 on broadcast TV. That was a malicious lie designed as bait to draw in racist and to fear monger. He also lied about being against the Iraq war and invasion. Not a single article or piece of evidence to back up his claim has ever been discovered or provided by trump. A recording of him endorsing the war has been brought forward and proves beyond any doubt that his claim is a lye. He has been caught claim he never claimed bankruptcy and of course, that has been proven to be a lie. Trump has claimed that he never "settles" law suites and that has been proven to be a lie. One list on google list over 500 Trump lies. It has actually been used as a link here at this site.

there was a muslim celebration in NJ after 9/11. Recordings of it are available if you care to look.
I care to look but you are a liar and can not show the video of thousands of Muslims celebrating on 9/11 on the streets of New Jersey.
You are a routine liar here at this site with a pattern of disseminating misinformation and disinformation. Put up the video proving you are not a liar. Put up the link to the video that proves you and Trump are not liars.
Lame response. That video does not even claim to address the lie told by Trump and you about Muslims celebrating in the street on 9/11. Trump said he saw Muslims dancing in the street and celebrating on 9/11. You claim that there is video evidence to prove he told the truth. That is a lie being made directly by you. Put up or shut up and admit you are a foul liar.

Calm down Snowflake....
I did not say they were for him. I said they gave him free coverage. I implied they put ratings and profit over politics. The coverage they gave him benifited him. The lack of covereage to his opponents hurt his opponents and helped him.

So Hillary got no free coverage??

What a joke.
A simple google search will get you sites that list hundreds of his lies. One of the most famous is his lie about seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating on the streets of New Jersey on 9/11 on broadcast TV. That was a malicious lie designed as bait to draw in racist and to fear monger. He also lied about being against the Iraq war and invasion. Not a single article or piece of evidence to back up his claim has ever been discovered or provided by trump. A recording of him endorsing the war has been brought forward and proves beyond any doubt that his claim is a lye. He has been caught claim he never claimed bankruptcy and of course, that has been proven to be a lie. Trump has claimed that he never "settles" law suites and that has been proven to be a lie. One list on google list over 500 Trump lies. It has actually been used as a link here at this site.

there was a muslim celebration in NJ after 9/11. Recordings of it are available if you care to look.
I care to look but you are a liar and can not show the video of thousands of Muslims celebrating on 9/11 on the streets of New Jersey.
You are a routine liar here at this site with a pattern of disseminating misinformation and disinformation. Put up the video proving you are not a liar. Put up the link to the video that proves you and Trump are not liars.

People don't have to prove they are not liars. The burden of proof is on the accuser. Put up or STFU.
How do you prove something did not happen? How would you prove something never was recorded or broadcast on TV? And people do have to prove they are not liars when they are called liars.
How do you prove something did not happen? How would you prove something never was recorded or broadcast on TV? And people do have to prove they are not liars when they are called liars.

Why are you defending terrorists.....why do you hate America?
Hillary bought MUCH more media time. What a stupid chart.

The chart shows how much free media the candidates got.
But says nothing about good or bad press. Trump was hammered. And still is.

Trump was hammered by his own words and deeds. Once again, a lie by omission is still a lie!

hammered? What does that mean? Press time? if you think it hammered him, why did he win?

You tell me?

Why did you (if you did) vote for him?
  • Do you approve of sexual battery and those who bragged about it and dismissed it as locker room banter?
  • Do you approve of someone who declared bankruptcy, and screwed creditors out of their due?
  • Do you support someone who bragged about bribing elected and and appointed officials?
  • Do you approve of someone who attacks others for cronyism and then fills his cabinet positions with cronies?
  • Do you approve of someone who promised to drain the swamp and then filled it with more of the same?
  • Do you approve of someone who won a nomination and an election by calumny?
All of these life events are factual, and each one of them was reported by the MSM with evidence supplied. If you thought the E-Mail issue was damaging to our national security, what do you think about the Trump and Putin bromance?

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