Trump to Bypass Mainstream Media, Take Message Direct to the People

About time we got rid of the middleman! Truely a no spin zone now .
You're a dunce if you do not comprehend that your trump is attempting to be the news story and middleman. He want to be the one who puts on the spin, his spin.
IOW, he wants everyone to see and hear exactly what he said, not what someone with an axe to grind SAYS he said. The press can still comment on what he puts out there, but they no longer can filter it to fit their desired narrative.
The funniest thing ever in the history of mankind would be if Twitter banned Trump.

yes stifling free speech is always funny

It would be funny and Trump has no right to free speech on twitter, any more than you do on USMB.

so why should trump be banned if he has not broken the rules

or i here if i have not broken the rules

other then you deciding who should be able to post or tweet

so fascist of you
But says nothing about good or bad press. Trump was hammered. And still is.

Trump was hammered by his own words and deeds. Once again, a lie by omission is still a lie!

hammered? What does that mean? Press time? if you think it hammered him, why did he win?

You tell me?

Why did you (if you did) vote for him?
  • Do you approve of sexual battery and those who bragged about it and dismissed it as locker room banter?
  • Do you approve of someone who declared bankruptcy, and screwed creditors out of their due?
  • Do you support someone who bragged about bribing elected and and appointed officials?
  • Do you approve of someone who attacks others for cronyism and then fills his cabinet positions with cronies?
  • Do you approve of someone who promised to drain the swamp and then filled it with more of the same?
  • Do you approve of someone who won a nomination and an election by calumny?
All of these life events are factual, and each one of them was reported by the MSM with evidence supplied. If you thought the E-Mail issue was damaging to our national security, what do you think about the Trump and Putin bromance?
I voted for him:

1. He wasn't a murderer
2. He wasn't a criminal
3. he never had an email server in his garage
4. He didn't partake in partisan corruption
5. he wasn't Hitlery
6. He was a breath of fresh air
7. The swamp will be drained
8. The wall will be built
9. Anything you say from now on is irrelevant.

LOL, you should never be allowed to vote.
Like I said in number 9, irrelevant
About time we got rid of the middleman! Truely a no spin zone now .
You're a dunce if you do not comprehend that your trump is attempting to be the news story and middleman. He want to be the one who puts on the spin, his spin.
and more accurate than the spin by MSM. We'll take trump. deal with it.
About time we got rid of the middleman! Truely a no spin zone now .
You're a dunce if you do not comprehend that your trump is attempting to be the news story and middleman. He want to be the one who puts on the spin, his spin.
why is it they MSM can't report on his tweets rather than listening in a room? Is there a difference to their reporting style?
So Hillary got no free coverage??

What a joke.
A simple google search will get you sites that list hundreds of his lies. One of the most famous is his lie about seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating on the streets of New Jersey on 9/11 on broadcast TV. That was a malicious lie designed as bait to draw in racist and to fear monger. He also lied about being against the Iraq war and invasion. Not a single article or piece of evidence to back up his claim has ever been discovered or provided by trump. A recording of him endorsing the war has been brought forward and proves beyond any doubt that his claim is a lye. He has been caught claim he never claimed bankruptcy and of course, that has been proven to be a lie. Trump has claimed that he never "settles" law suites and that has been proven to be a lie. One list on google list over 500 Trump lies. It has actually been used as a link here at this site.

there was a muslim celebration in NJ after 9/11. Recordings of it are available if you care to look.
I care to look but you are a liar and can not show the video of thousands of Muslims celebrating on 9/11 on the streets of New Jersey.
You are a routine liar here at this site with a pattern of disseminating misinformation and disinformation. Put up the video proving you are not a liar. Put up the link to the video that proves you and Trump are not liars.
Lame response. That video does not even claim to address the lie told by Trump and you about Muslims celebrating in the street on 9/11. Trump said he saw Muslims dancing in the street and celebrating on 9/11. You claim that there is video evidence to prove he told the truth. That is a lie being made directly by you. Put up or shut up and admit you are a foul liar.

there are lots of them. try google. you might learn something
A simple google search will get you sites that list hundreds of his lies. One of the most famous is his lie about seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating on the streets of New Jersey on 9/11 on broadcast TV. That was a malicious lie designed as bait to draw in racist and to fear monger. He also lied about being against the Iraq war and invasion. Not a single article or piece of evidence to back up his claim has ever been discovered or provided by trump. A recording of him endorsing the war has been brought forward and proves beyond any doubt that his claim is a lye. He has been caught claim he never claimed bankruptcy and of course, that has been proven to be a lie. Trump has claimed that he never "settles" law suites and that has been proven to be a lie. One list on google list over 500 Trump lies. It has actually been used as a link here at this site.

there was a muslim celebration in NJ after 9/11. Recordings of it are available if you care to look.
I care to look but you are a liar and can not show the video of thousands of Muslims celebrating on 9/11 on the streets of New Jersey.
You are a routine liar here at this site with a pattern of disseminating misinformation and disinformation. Put up the video proving you are not a liar. Put up the link to the video that proves you and Trump are not liars.
Lame response. That video does not even claim to address the lie told by Trump and you about Muslims celebrating in the street on 9/11. Trump said he saw Muslims dancing in the street and celebrating on 9/11. You claim that there is video evidence to prove he told the truth. That is a lie being made directly by you. Put up or shut up and admit you are a foul liar.

there are lots of them. try google. you might learn something
There is no videos of Muslims celebrating in the streets on 9/11 in your link. Trump told a lie and you can not show that what he claims he saw ever occurred His claim is that he saw a celebration.of thousands of Muslims celebrating and you keep posting unrelated videos or unsubstantiated claims by his supporters with no evidence or proof. What the heck is wrong with you? There was never a broadcast like the one Trump claims he saw. Period. You are unable to provide a link to the video Trump claims he saw.
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there was a muslim celebration in NJ after 9/11. Recordings of it are available if you care to look.
I care to look but you are a liar and can not show the video of thousands of Muslims celebrating on 9/11 on the streets of New Jersey.
You are a routine liar here at this site with a pattern of disseminating misinformation and disinformation. Put up the video proving you are not a liar. Put up the link to the video that proves you and Trump are not liars.
Lame response. That video does not even claim to address the lie told by Trump and you about Muslims celebrating in the street on 9/11. Trump said he saw Muslims dancing in the street and celebrating on 9/11. You claim that there is video evidence to prove he told the truth. That is a lie being made directly by you. Put up or shut up and admit you are a foul liar.

there are lots of them. try google. you might learn something
There is no videos of Muslims celebrating in the streets on 9/11 in your link. Trump told a lie and you can not show that what he claims he saw ever occurred His claim is that he saw a celebration.of thousands of Muslims celebrating and you keep posting unrelated videos or unsubstantiated claims by his supporters with no evidence or proof. What the heck is wrong with you? There was never a broadcast like the one Trump claims he saw. Period. You are unable to provide a link to the video Trump claims he saw.
dude, again, why is it you have to have a video? Others confirmed the story. I once got a warning by a cop, no one shot a video of the stop. does that mean it didn't happen?

BTW, it would be there 'are' no videos of Muslims, or there 'is' no video of Muslims.... geez get your grammer correct.
About time we got rid of the middleman! Truely a no spin zone now .
You're a dunce if you do not comprehend that your trump is attempting to be the news story and middleman. He want to be the one who puts on the spin, his spin.
IOW, he wants everyone to see and hear exactly what he said, not what someone with an axe to grind SAYS he said. The press can still comment on what he puts out there, but they no longer can filter it to fit their desired narrative.

LOL, of course they could, Fox has been doing it for years! The problem with Trump is no one, and that includes Trump himself, has any clue on what he my emote on any issue at any time.
About time we got rid of the middleman! Truely a no spin zone now .
You're a dunce if you do not comprehend that your trump is attempting to be the news story and middleman. He want to be the one who puts on the spin, his spin.
IOW, he wants everyone to see and hear exactly what he said, not what someone with an axe to grind SAYS he said. The press can still comment on what he puts out there, but they no longer can filter it to fit their desired narrative.

LOL, of course they could, Fox has been doing it for years! The problem with Trump is no one, and that includes Trump himself, has any clue on what he my emote on any issue at any time.
but it won't be spun. And that's all that needs to be stated here.
About time we got rid of the middleman! Truely a no spin zone now .
You're a dunce if you do not comprehend that your trump is attempting to be the news story and middleman. He want to be the one who puts on the spin, his spin.
IOW, he wants everyone to see and hear exactly what he said, not what someone with an axe to grind SAYS he said. The press can still comment on what he puts out there, but they no longer can filter it to fit their desired narrative.

LOL, of course they could, Fox has been doing it for years! The problem with Trump is no one, and that includes Trump himself, has any clue on what he my emote on any issue at any time.
It's kind of refreshing after decades of scripted and focus group tested lies from professional politicians.
there was a muslim celebration in NJ after 9/11. Recordings of it are available if you care to look.
I care to look but you are a liar and can not show the video of thousands of Muslims celebrating on 9/11 on the streets of New Jersey.
You are a routine liar here at this site with a pattern of disseminating misinformation and disinformation. Put up the video proving you are not a liar. Put up the link to the video that proves you and Trump are not liars.

People don't have to prove they are not liars. The burden of proof is on the accuser. Put up or STFU.
How do you prove something did not happen? How would you prove something never was recorded or broadcast on TV? And people do have to prove they are not liars when they are called liars.

No they don't. Ever heard the phrase "innocent until proven guilty"?
The proof is that no such video of Muslim celebrations in New Jersey on 9/11 can be found by the entities that broadcast in New York, including cable and satellite by media, private investigations of even Trump. In other words, evidence exists that no such video ever existed or was broadcast.

Oh please... I wiped out on my dirt bike last weekend. There's no video of it. I assure you it happened.
About time we got rid of the middleman! Truely a no spin zone now .
You're a dunce if you do not comprehend that your trump is attempting to be the news story and middleman. He want to be the one who puts on the spin, his spin.
IOW, he wants everyone to see and hear exactly what he said, not what someone with an axe to grind SAYS he said. The press can still comment on what he puts out there, but they no longer can filter it to fit their desired narrative.

LOL, of course they could, Fox has been doing it for years! The problem with Trump is no one, and that includes Trump himself, has any clue on what he my emote on any issue at any time.
but it won't be spun. And that's all that needs to be stated here.
It can be spun, but not filtered. That's the big difference.
Trump was hammered by his own words and deeds. Once again, a lie by omission is still a lie!

hammered? What does that mean? Press time? if you think it hammered him, why did he win?

You tell me?

Why did you (if you did) vote for him?
  • Do you approve of sexual battery and those who bragged about it and dismissed it as locker room banter?
  • Do you approve of someone who declared bankruptcy, and screwed creditors out of their due?
  • Do you support someone who bragged about bribing elected and and appointed officials?
  • Do you approve of someone who attacks others for cronyism and then fills his cabinet positions with cronies?
  • Do you approve of someone who promised to drain the swamp and then filled it with more of the same?
  • Do you approve of someone who won a nomination and an election by calumny?
All of these life events are factual, and each one of them was reported by the MSM with evidence supplied. If you thought the E-Mail issue was damaging to our national security, what do you think about the Trump and Putin bromance?
I voted for him:

1. He wasn't a murderer
2. He wasn't a criminal
3. he never had an email server in his garage
4. He didn't partake in partisan corruption
5. he wasn't Hitlery
6. He was a breath of fresh air
7. The swamp will be drained
8. The wall will be built
9. Anything you say from now on is irrelevant.

LOL, you should never be allowed to vote.
Like I said in number 9, irrelevant

Wrong again. What he has said matters not, what he has done is consequential. And what he has done is restocked the swamp with 1%ers, the Power Elite and Military General Officers (see pt. #s 1 & 4).
hammered? What does that mean? Press time? if you think it hammered him, why did he win?

You tell me?

Why did you (if you did) vote for him?
  • Do you approve of sexual battery and those who bragged about it and dismissed it as locker room banter?
  • Do you approve of someone who declared bankruptcy, and screwed creditors out of their due?
  • Do you support someone who bragged about bribing elected and and appointed officials?
  • Do you approve of someone who attacks others for cronyism and then fills his cabinet positions with cronies?
  • Do you approve of someone who promised to drain the swamp and then filled it with more of the same?
  • Do you approve of someone who won a nomination and an election by calumny?
All of these life events are factual, and each one of them was reported by the MSM with evidence supplied. If you thought the E-Mail issue was damaging to our national security, what do you think about the Trump and Putin bromance?
I voted for him:

1. He wasn't a murderer
2. He wasn't a criminal
3. he never had an email server in his garage
4. He didn't partake in partisan corruption
5. he wasn't Hitlery
6. He was a breath of fresh air
7. The swamp will be drained
8. The wall will be built
9. Anything you say from now on is irrelevant.

LOL, you should never be allowed to vote.
Like I said in number 9, irrelevant

Wrong again. What he has said matters not, what he has done is consequential. And what he has done is restocked the swamp with 1%ers, the Power Elite and Military General Officers (see pt. #s 1 & 4).
who should be in those positions? losers? that doesn't seem rational.
hammered? What does that mean? Press time? if you think it hammered him, why did he win?

You tell me?

Why did you (if you did) vote for him?
  • Do you approve of sexual battery and those who bragged about it and dismissed it as locker room banter?
  • Do you approve of someone who declared bankruptcy, and screwed creditors out of their due?
  • Do you support someone who bragged about bribing elected and and appointed officials?
  • Do you approve of someone who attacks others for cronyism and then fills his cabinet positions with cronies?
  • Do you approve of someone who promised to drain the swamp and then filled it with more of the same?
  • Do you approve of someone who won a nomination and an election by calumny?
All of these life events are factual, and each one of them was reported by the MSM with evidence supplied. If you thought the E-Mail issue was damaging to our national security, what do you think about the Trump and Putin bromance?
I voted for him:

1. He wasn't a murderer
2. He wasn't a criminal
3. he never had an email server in his garage
4. He didn't partake in partisan corruption
5. he wasn't Hitlery
6. He was a breath of fresh air
7. The swamp will be drained
8. The wall will be built
9. Anything you say from now on is irrelevant.

LOL, you should never be allowed to vote.
Like I said in number 9, irrelevant

Wrong again. What he has said matters not, what he has done is consequential. And what he has done is restocked the swamp with 1%ers, the Power Elite and Military General Officers (see pt. #s 1 & 4).

Because if he had appointed not 1%ers, outsiders and civilians, you would be singing his praises and admitting that he was doing what he said he would do.

About time we got rid of the middleman! Truely a no spin zone now .
You're a dunce if you do not comprehend that your trump is attempting to be the news story and middleman. He want to be the one who puts on the spin, his spin.
IOW, he wants everyone to see and hear exactly what he said, not what someone with an axe to grind SAYS he said. The press can still comment on what he puts out there, but they no longer can filter it to fit their desired narrative.

LOL, of course they could, Fox has been doing it for years! The problem with Trump is no one, and that includes Trump himself, has any clue on what he my emote on any issue at any time.
It's kind of refreshing after decades of scripted and focus group tested lies from professional politicians.

If you say so.
I care to look but you are a liar and can not show the video of thousands of Muslims celebrating on 9/11 on the streets of New Jersey.
You are a routine liar here at this site with a pattern of disseminating misinformation and disinformation. Put up the video proving you are not a liar. Put up the link to the video that proves you and Trump are not liars.
Lame response. That video does not even claim to address the lie told by Trump and you about Muslims celebrating in the street on 9/11. Trump said he saw Muslims dancing in the street and celebrating on 9/11. You claim that there is video evidence to prove he told the truth. That is a lie being made directly by you. Put up or shut up and admit you are a foul liar.

there are lots of them. try google. you might learn something
There is no videos of Muslims celebrating in the streets on 9/11 in your link. Trump told a lie and you can not show that what he claims he saw ever occurred His claim is that he saw a celebration.of thousands of Muslims celebrating and you keep posting unrelated videos or unsubstantiated claims by his supporters with no evidence or proof. What the heck is wrong with you? There was never a broadcast like the one Trump claims he saw. Period. You are unable to provide a link to the video Trump claims he saw.
dude, again, why is it you have to have a video? Others confirmed the story. I once got a warning by a cop, no one shot a video of the stop. does that mean it didn't happen?

BTW, it would be there 'are' no videos of Muslims, or there 'is' no video of Muslims.... geez get your grammer correct.
You guys are hilarious. Nobody of repute has ever made a valid confirmation of Trump's story. No one can even provide a name of the non-existant news organization that broadcast the alleged incident. That is because it never happened. Trump was lying about it and only the super dopey still believe that historical lie. You're so beat up from this day long tirade of defending trump that you are jumping on grammar errors and posting funny faces.
You tell me?

Why did you (if you did) vote for him?
  • Do you approve of sexual battery and those who bragged about it and dismissed it as locker room banter?
  • Do you approve of someone who declared bankruptcy, and screwed creditors out of their due?
  • Do you support someone who bragged about bribing elected and and appointed officials?
  • Do you approve of someone who attacks others for cronyism and then fills his cabinet positions with cronies?
  • Do you approve of someone who promised to drain the swamp and then filled it with more of the same?
  • Do you approve of someone who won a nomination and an election by calumny?
All of these life events are factual, and each one of them was reported by the MSM with evidence supplied. If you thought the E-Mail issue was damaging to our national security, what do you think about the Trump and Putin bromance?
I voted for him:

1. He wasn't a murderer
2. He wasn't a criminal
3. he never had an email server in his garage
4. He didn't partake in partisan corruption
5. he wasn't Hitlery
6. He was a breath of fresh air
7. The swamp will be drained
8. The wall will be built
9. Anything you say from now on is irrelevant.

LOL, you should never be allowed to vote.
Like I said in number 9, irrelevant

Wrong again. What he has said matters not, what he has done is consequential. And what he has done is restocked the swamp with 1%ers, the Power Elite and Military General Officers (see pt. #s 1 & 4).
who should be in those positions? losers? that doesn't seem rational.

Well not only did you miss the point entirely, you also assumed facts not in evidence. The points:
  1. Trump lied about draining the swamp of Beltway and Wall St. insiders
  2. Trump has sought out cronies and appointed many of them
  3. Trump's businesses create conflicts of interests and conflict with COTUS (Art I. sec 9, clause 8)
    You tell me?

    Why did you (if you did) vote for him?
    • Do you approve of sexual battery and those who bragged about it and dismissed it as locker room banter?
    • Do you approve of someone who declared bankruptcy, and screwed creditors out of their due?
    • Do you support someone who bragged about bribing elected and and appointed officials?
    • Do you approve of someone who attacks others for cronyism and then fills his cabinet positions with cronies?
    • Do you approve of someone who promised to drain the swamp and then filled it with more of the same?
    • Do you approve of someone who won a nomination and an election by calumny?
    All of these life events are factual, and each one of them was reported by the MSM with evidence supplied. If you thought the E-Mail issue was damaging to our national security, what do you think about the Trump and Putin bromance?
    I voted for him:

    1. He wasn't a murderer
    2. He wasn't a criminal
    3. he never had an email server in his garage
    4. He didn't partake in partisan corruption
    5. he wasn't Hitlery
    6. He was a breath of fresh air
    7. The swamp will be drained
    8. The wall will be built
    9. Anything you say from now on is irrelevant.

    LOL, you should never be allowed to vote.
    Like I said in number 9, irrelevant

    Wrong again. What he has said matters not, what he has done is consequential. And what he has done is restocked the swamp with 1%ers, the Power Elite and Military General Officers (see pt. #s 1 & 4).

    Because if he had appointed not 1%ers, outsiders and civilians, you would be singing his praises and admitting that he was doing what he said he would do.

Wrong. I stand by my comments that the P-e is not qualified to be POTUS. The fact is this month he will be faced with the buck stops at his desk, that should concern everyone of us.
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