Trump to cut $2.7t from domestic programs...Is the FSA pissing themselves?

Cut the DOD (the original name was more apt, War Department) by at least 75%. Eliminate the NSA, Homeland Security, and CIA. Bingo! No more deficit and a lot more freedom at home.
Until the Chinese take over.
Great, now that Trump got serious about cutting deficits, perhaps the leftists here are finally happy.
You comparing him to the Kenyan?

I complained about our debt during his administration as well. Like I have for decades. The president's sycophants have been mostly silent as the grave concerning this matter. It must have taken two years to recover their voices after screaming about the Kenyan's debt for eight years. That spending could have been curbed if the opposition party ever got control of the House. lol
well the only way to cut the debt is to end SS and Medicare. You know that correct?

That isn't the only way. And to run on that would be political suicide.
ok, what is the way then? it seems you have an idea, let's hear it.

I am actually on board with g5000's plan calling for the elimination of tax expenditures. He's gone on and on about here.
I have him on ignore, he isn't worth my time. so perhaps you could enlighten me on this grand plan.

The one thing that baffles me is why government runs the TSA? I also thought we privatized the Air Traffic Controllers, so I'm unclear how the last shutdown affected them exactly?
How much of that was from the last budget of Obama’s?

And it hasn’t been for a lack of trying.
An Overview of the President's FY 2019 Budget

Unfortunately, Congress actually holds the purse strings

President Trump has certainly done a bang up job thus far reducing our debt and deficit.

You comparing him to the Kenyan?

Sure, lets do that...

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

In the final two budget years under Obama there was $43,630,915,619 added to the national debt each month on average.

In the 16 months since then, there has been $111,471,694,350 added to the national debt each month on average. Thus under Trump we have added
$67,840,778,731 more to the debt per month.

how is that for a comparison?

None, I went budget year to budget year.
President Trump has certainly done a bang up job thus far reducing our debt and deficit.

You do know the increases in the national debt are due to medicare and Social Security, right? In fact, the majority of the national debt is because of medicare and Social Security.

It's not like President Trump just bumped to debt up or anything.

Well he did decrease revenue from 2017 to 2018 with his tax cuts...which added to the debt.
President Trump has certainly done a bang up job thus far reducing our debt and deficit.

You do know the increases in the national debt are due to medicare and Social Security, right? In fact, the majority of the national debt is because of medicare and Social Security.

It's not like President Trump just bumped to debt up or anything.
So if Social Security and Medicare are going broke, why did Trump cut everyone's taxes? Doesn't that make Social Security and Medicare even more broke?
Cut the DOD (the original name was more apt, War Department) by at least 75%. Eliminate the NSA, Homeland Security, and CIA. Bingo! No more deficit and a lot more freedom at home.
Until the Chinese take over.
Yes we must fear the made up boogie man by the MIC, government, and controlled MSM.

China spends a fraction of what the criminals in DC spend on their military.
President Trump has certainly done a bang up job thus far reducing our debt and deficit.

You do know the increases in the national debt are due to medicare and Social Security, right? In fact, the majority of the national debt is because of medicare and Social Security.

It's not like President Trump just bumped to debt up or anything.
So if Social Security and Medicare are going broke, why did Trump cut everyone's taxes? Doesn't that make Social Security and Medicare even more broke?

The government takes in monies from ways you probably don't even realize. OldLady

For instance: Fuel tax for every gallon of fuel sold in America every single day, the Fed makes 3-5X of what the producers make.
Cut the DOD (the original name was more apt, War Department) by at least 75%. Eliminate the NSA, Homeland Security, and CIA. Bingo! No more deficit and a lot more freedom at home.
Until the Chinese take over.
Yes we must fear the made up boogie man by the MIC, government, and controlled MSM.

China spends a fraction of what the criminals in DC spend on their military.

The scary part is they may get more for the money.
President Trump has certainly done a bang up job thus far reducing our debt and deficit.

You do know the increases in the national debt are due to medicare and Social Security, right? In fact, the majority of the national debt is because of medicare and Social Security.

It's not like President Trump just bumped to debt up or anything.

Well he did decrease revenue from 2017 to 2018 with his tax cuts...which added to the debt.

Where are you coming up with that?

Those enlisted in the Free Shit Army have been bitching nonstop about Trump’s spending on America’s productive and the rising national debt. I’m wondering how they feel about his proposal to reduce the debt?
Trump's 2020 budget calls for $2.7T in spending cuts, promises to erase deficit in 15 years
That will be interesting considering that red states use domestic programs more than blue states.
President Trump has certainly done a bang up job thus far reducing our debt and deficit.

You do know the increases in the national debt are due to medicare and Social Security, right? In fact, the majority of the national debt is because of medicare and Social Security.

It's not like President Trump just bumped to debt up or anything.

Well he did decrease revenue from 2017 to 2018 with his tax cuts...which added to the debt.
Revenue didn't decrease, moron.
President Trump has certainly done a bang up job thus far reducing our debt and deficit.

You comparing him to the Kenyan?

Sure, lets do that...

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

In the final two budget years under Obama there was $43,630,915,619 added to the national debt each month on average.

In the 16 months since then, there has been $111,471,694,350 added to the national debt each month on average. Thus under Trump we have added
$67,840,778,731 more to the debt per month.

how is that for a comparison?
Compare it to the years that Obama had a Democrat House and Senate.
President Trump has certainly done a bang up job thus far reducing our debt and deficit.

You do know the increases in the national debt are due to medicare and Social Security, right? In fact, the majority of the national debt is because of medicare and Social Security.

It's not like President Trump just bumped to debt up or anything.

Well he did decrease revenue from 2017 to 2018 with his tax cuts...which added to the debt.

Where are you coming up with that?

From the government's own numbers.

Monthly Treasury Statement

The results of the first 12 months of the tax cuts...

Total revenue in CY17: $3,343,634,000,000
Total revenue in CY18: $3,330,470,000,000

That is $13,164,000,000 less in 18 than in 17.
Cut the DOD (the original name was more apt, War Department) by at least 75%. Eliminate the NSA, Homeland Security, and CIA. Bingo! No more deficit and a lot more freedom at home.
Until the Chinese take over.
Yes we must fear the made up boogie man by the MIC, government, and controlled MSM.

China spends a fraction of what the criminals in DC spend on their military.
They are the second most prolific spenders on the planet and increasing rapidly
President Trump has certainly done a bang up job thus far reducing our debt and deficit.

You do know the increases in the national debt are due to medicare and Social Security, right? In fact, the majority of the national debt is because of medicare and Social Security.

It's not like President Trump just bumped to debt up or anything.
So if Social Security and Medicare are going broke, why did Trump cut everyone's taxes? Doesn't that make Social Security and Medicare even more broke?

Do I have to explain this again? Tax cuts generate more revenue.

You figure it out.
Oh, so Obama’s 2017 budget was not spent during Trump’s first year in office in 2017. Got it.

How much of that was from the last budget of Obama’s?

And it hasn’t been for a lack of trying.
An Overview of the President's FY 2019 Budget

Unfortunately, Congress actually holds the purse strings

President Trump has certainly done a bang up job thus far reducing our debt and deficit.

You comparing him to the Kenyan?

Sure, lets do that...

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

In the final two budget years under Obama there was $43,630,915,619 added to the national debt each month on average.

In the 16 months since then, there has been $111,471,694,350 added to the national debt each month on average. Thus under Trump we have added
$67,840,778,731 more to the debt per month.

how is that for a comparison?

None, I went budget year to budget year.

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