Trump to cut $2.7t from domestic programs...Is the FSA pissing themselves?

President Trump has certainly done a bang up job thus far reducing our debt and deficit.

You do know the increases in the national debt are due to medicare and Social Security, right? In fact, the majority of the national debt is because of medicare and Social Security.

It's not like President Trump just bumped to debt up or anything.

Well he did decrease revenue from 2017 to 2018 with his tax cuts...which added to the debt.
Revenue didn't decrease, moron.

why, yes it did...

From the government's own numbers.

Monthly Treasury Statement

The results of the first 12 months of the tax cuts...

Total revenue in CY17: $3,343,634,000,000
Total revenue in CY18: $3,330,470,000,000

That is $13,164,000,000 less in 18 than in 17.
President Trump has certainly done a bang up job thus far reducing our debt and deficit.

You do know the increases in the national debt are due to medicare and Social Security, right? In fact, the majority of the national debt is because of medicare and Social Security.

It's not like President Trump just bumped to debt up or anything.
So if Social Security and Medicare are going broke, why did Trump cut everyone's taxes? Doesn't that make Social Security and Medicare even more broke?
he never touched SS or Medicare. You do understand they are not part of the normal budget right? Do you work for a living? if you did, you would notice that only the main tax was affected and not your SS or Medicare taxes. fk I hate when people don't know where the money comes from.
President Trump has certainly done a bang up job thus far reducing our debt and deficit.

You do know the increases in the national debt are due to medicare and Social Security, right? In fact, the majority of the national debt is because of medicare and Social Security.

It's not like President Trump just bumped to debt up or anything.

Well he did decrease revenue from 2017 to 2018 with his tax cuts...which added to the debt.

Where are you coming up with that?

From the government's own numbers.

Monthly Treasury Statement

The results of the first 12 months of the tax cuts...

Total revenue in CY17: $3,343,634,000,000
Total revenue in CY18: $3,330,470,000,000

That is $13,164,000,000 less in 18 than in 17.

Yes well, that number is dwarfed by the coming Trump spending cuts. MAGA all the way, and the anti-American socialists out of the country.
Oh, so Obama’s 2017 budget was not spent during Trump’s first year in office in 2017. Got it.

Obama's final budget ended on 30 Sept 2017. That is when I stopped counting Obama's numbers and started counting Trump's.

why is this so difficult for you?
Cut the DOD (the original name was more apt, War Department) by at least 75%. Eliminate the NSA, Homeland Security, and CIA. Bingo! No more deficit and a lot more freedom at home.
Until the Chinese take over.
Yes we must fear the made up boogie man by the MIC, government, and controlled MSM.

China spends a fraction of what the criminals in DC spend on their military.
well technically they own everything to make up the military.
President Trump has certainly done a bang up job thus far reducing our debt and deficit.

You do know the increases in the national debt are due to medicare and Social Security, right? In fact, the majority of the national debt is because of medicare and Social Security.

It's not like President Trump just bumped to debt up or anything.

Well he did decrease revenue from 2017 to 2018 with his tax cuts...which added to the debt.

Where are you coming up with that?

From the government's own numbers.

Monthly Treasury Statement

The results of the first 12 months of the tax cuts...

Total revenue in CY17: $3,343,634,000,000
Total revenue in CY18: $3,330,470,000,000

That is $13,164,000,000 less in 18 than in 17.
Those figures don't appear on the page you linked to.
President Trump has certainly done a bang up job thus far reducing our debt and deficit.

You do know the increases in the national debt are due to medicare and Social Security, right? In fact, the majority of the national debt is because of medicare and Social Security.

It's not like President Trump just bumped to debt up or anything.

Well he did decrease revenue from 2017 to 2018 with his tax cuts...which added to the debt.

Where are you coming up with that?

From the government's own numbers.

Monthly Treasury Statement

The results of the first 12 months of the tax cuts...

Total revenue in CY17: $3,343,634,000,000
Total revenue in CY18: $3,330,470,000,000

That is $13,164,000,000 less in 18 than in 17.

Yes well, that number is dwarfed by the coming Trump spending cuts.

I will believe them when I see them.
Those enlisted in the Free Shit Army have been bitching nonstop about Trump’s spending on America’s productive and the rising national debt. I’m wondering how they feel about his proposal to reduce the debt?
Trump's 2020 budget calls for $2.7T in spending cuts, promises to erase deficit in 15 years
Since Republicans get the most "Free Sh!t", it will definitely hurt them the most. Thank God.

Trump Is a Health Hazard to His Supporters

I’ll never forget how a man pulling an oxygen tank because of severe lung disease told me he would rather die than receive benefits from the Affordable Care Act because it used his tax dollars on “Mexicans and welfare queens."

Donald Trump rose to office on promises to make white America “great again.” But the actual policies involved in bringing about such greatness end up making working-class white lives harder, sicker, and shorter.

GOP efforts to undermine the ACA harmed health across the board for lower-income white Americans. Working-class white Tennesseans saw doctors less often and paid more for office visits and prescriptions than they would have had the state expanded Medicaid. Without adequate coverage, people got sicker before seeking medical attention, and then came in with far more serious symptoms. Aggregated across the population, we discovered that lifespans began to fall by weeks and months for working-class white Tennesseans.

From a statistical perspective, the largest numbers of victims in Missouri were not gang members who shot one another, as National Rifle Association rhetoric often suggests. Rather, the primary victims of gun death were, by far, working-class white Americans. This was because working-class white Missourians dominated injuries and deaths via gun-related suicides, partner violence, and accidental shootings. And white men living in rural areas were far and away the most likely people to die from gun suicide.

Being pro-gun or anti-healthcare reform at any cost marked people as being one of “us,” and questioning these positions made you one of “them.” It was compromise coded as treason, even if middle-ground approaches to healthcare, guns, schools, and a host of other issues may have saved white lives.

Trump’s agenda depends on policies that render working-class lives—including white working-class lives—as expendable.


Are white Republicans, which is like nearly all of them, willing to die and put their families in jeopardy because they think it will hurt immigrants?
President Trump has certainly done a bang up job thus far reducing our debt and deficit.

You do know the increases in the national debt are due to medicare and Social Security, right? In fact, the majority of the national debt is because of medicare and Social Security.

It's not like President Trump just bumped to debt up or anything.

Well he did decrease revenue from 2017 to 2018 with his tax cuts...which added to the debt.

Where are you coming up with that?

From the government's own numbers.

Monthly Treasury Statement

The results of the first 12 months of the tax cuts...

Total revenue in CY17: $3,343,634,000,000
Total revenue in CY18: $3,330,470,000,000

That is $13,164,000,000 less in 18 than in 17.
Those figures don't appear on the page you linked to.

You have to click on the link and it takes you to the monthly treasury statements.

Damn, you really are this stupid. I thought it was an act when I first joined, but it is real.
You do know the increases in the national debt are due to medicare and Social Security, right? In fact, the majority of the national debt is because of medicare and Social Security.

It's not like President Trump just bumped to debt up or anything.

Well he did decrease revenue from 2017 to 2018 with his tax cuts...which added to the debt.

Where are you coming up with that?

From the government's own numbers.

Monthly Treasury Statement

The results of the first 12 months of the tax cuts...

Total revenue in CY17: $3,343,634,000,000
Total revenue in CY18: $3,330,470,000,000

That is $13,164,000,000 less in 18 than in 17.
Those figures don't appear on the page you linked to.

You have to click on the link and it takes you to the monthly treasury statements.

Damn, you really are this stupid. I thought it was an act when I first joined, but it is real.
In other words, what I said. Monthly statements are not yearly statements.
President Trump has certainly done a bang up job thus far reducing our debt and deficit.

You do know the increases in the national debt are due to medicare and Social Security, right? In fact, the majority of the national debt is because of medicare and Social Security.

It's not like President Trump just bumped to debt up or anything.

Increases in the national debt are due to a DIFFERENCE BETWEEN REVENUES AND SPENDING.

Please learn that simple formula.

When you spend trillions on wars without paying for it debt goes up
When you cut into revenues with tax-cuts debt goes up.
Those enlisted in the Free Shit Army have been bitching nonstop about Trump’s spending on America’s productive and the rising national debt. I’m wondering how they feel about his proposal to reduce the debt?
Trump's 2020 budget calls for $2.7T in spending cuts, promises to erase deficit in 15 years
Since Republicans get the most "Free Sh!t", it will definitely hurt them the most. Thank God.

Trump Is a Health Hazard to His Supporters

I’ll never forget how a man pulling an oxygen tank because of severe lung disease told me he would rather die than receive benefits from the Affordable Care Act because it used his tax dollars on “Mexicans and welfare queens."

Donald Trump rose to office on promises to make white America “great again.” But the actual policies involved in bringing about such greatness end up making working-class white lives harder, sicker, and shorter.

GOP efforts to undermine the ACA harmed health across the board for lower-income white Americans. Working-class white Tennesseans saw doctors less often and paid more for office visits and prescriptions than they would have had the state expanded Medicaid. Without adequate coverage, people got sicker before seeking medical attention, and then came in with far more serious symptoms. Aggregated across the population, we discovered that lifespans began to fall by weeks and months for working-class white Tennesseans.

From a statistical perspective, the largest numbers of victims in Missouri were not gang members who shot one another, as National Rifle Association rhetoric often suggests. Rather, the primary victims of gun death were, by far, working-class white Americans. This was because working-class white Missourians dominated injuries and deaths via gun-related suicides, partner violence, and accidental shootings. And white men living in rural areas were far and away the most likely people to die from gun suicide.

Being pro-gun or anti-healthcare reform at any cost marked people as being one of “us,” and questioning these positions made you one of “them.” It was compromise coded as treason, even if middle-ground approaches to healthcare, guns, schools, and a host of other issues may have saved white lives.

Trump’s agenda depends on policies that render working-class lives—including white working-class lives—as expendable.


Are white Republicans, which is like nearly all of them, willing to die and put their families in jeopardy because they think it will hurt immigrants?
where is the link to the white america great again. please, post up that linky.
President Trump has certainly done a bang up job thus far reducing our debt and deficit.

You do know the increases in the national debt are due to medicare and Social Security, right? In fact, the majority of the national debt is because of medicare and Social Security.

It's not like President Trump just bumped to debt up or anything.

Increases in the national debt are due to a DIFFERENCE BETWEEN REVENUES AND SPENDING.

Please learn that simple formula.

When you spend trillions on wars without paying for it that increases debt.
When you cut revenues with yet another round of tax-cuts that increases debt.
When you spend trillions on welfare and free medical care without paying for it, the same thing happens, shit for brains.
Timid trimming around the edges...Shit needs to be abolished altogether, of the next statist chump that comes along will just ramp the spending back up.

I agree. There are many Fed programs that could be done away with and some that are copies of existing programs. Loads of spending that we don't need.
Well he did decrease revenue from 2017 to 2018 with his tax cuts...which added to the debt.

Where are you coming up with that?

From the government's own numbers.

Monthly Treasury Statement

The results of the first 12 months of the tax cuts...

Total revenue in CY17: $3,343,634,000,000
Total revenue in CY18: $3,330,470,000,000

That is $13,164,000,000 less in 18 than in 17.
Those figures don't appear on the page you linked to.

You have to click on the link and it takes you to the monthly treasury statements.

Damn, you really are this stupid. I thought it was an act when I first joined, but it is real.
In other words, what I said. Monthly statements are not yearly statements.

are you in a contest with BSFilter to see who can be the most ignorant today?

when you bring up a Monthly statement, they give you the list of all the months for the current year...

I am truly embarrassed for you that you did not know this.

And interesting book. Republicans want to cut off nose to spite face.
Once you look at the premise of the book it's actually quite obvious.

Dying of Whiteness

Metzl travels across America’s heartland seeking to better understand the politics of racial resentment and its impact on public health. Interviewing a range of Americans, he uncovers how racial anxieties led to the repeal of gun control laws in Missouri, stymied the Affordable Care Act in Tennessee, and fueled massive cuts to schools and social services in Kansas. Although such measures promised to restore greatness to white America, Metzl’s systematic analysis of health data dramatically reveals they did just the opposite: these policies made life sicker, harder, and shorter in the very populations they purported to aid. Thus, white gun suicides soared, life expectancies fell, and school dropout rates rose.

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