Trump to Cut Food Stamps Budget by 25%

He said he was retired, how old is he?

Edit : just checked he says he is 66



I retired when 59 with no pension or severance pay. I never inherited one penny and was homeless twice in my long life. When I turned 62 I took SSA early retirement because I paid into it. When signing up I asked the lady behind the bullet proof glass in the SS office, "Can I take everything out that I put in as a lump sum." She smiled and said no.
I didn't want to "retire" at 62, but was forced to. I was denied 3 times for disability even though I could not move my point finger at all...trigger finger they call it...nor could pick anything up or write or use my hands at all, nor walk very well. I asked them "would YOU hire someone that cannot use their hands? Of course not. What makes you think anyone else will?" and they just shrugged. I am at almost 65 and barely making it. Homeless twice in my life too..once when I was in my 20's so it was no big deal. Again, this past September when the landlord asked for his house back although we had a verbal agreement that we could live there until we died. I should have gotten it in writing, but he was a "friend" and I took him for his word. 12 years and 9 months later and us investing our money in his house thinking it would be our house for our lifetime....he went back on his word. Not so much fun, being homeless, 65 and 70 years old, living in a car. So now all our SS goes on rent and the EBT card goes on food..or what little we can get with 170 bucks a month. The rest is for gas and taking care of our other basic needs not covered with assistance.

And you want to give the Cheeto a "chance"? Seriously have you learned NOTHING about what policy the GOP party has? Hint it's ALWAYS going to gut the safety net for the poorest while those "job creators" are paying about 40% of the EFFECTIVE tax rates they did 1945-1980 while we grew the middle class! Since then (Reaganomics)over 95% of ALL gains went to the top 10% of US

WWII and lack of regulations and rules grew the Middle class, any Yahoo could of started a machine shop company in his garage in the 1950s and created a million dollar empire.


LMAOROG, Sure Bubs, sure.

OK, give me 3 policies the GOP has given US the past 50 years that worked as promised IF you expect me to believe ANYTHING you say on the economy or history. Just 3???

Already did.....

Zzzzzzzzzz yea we don't have any poor ass blacks in red States either.


The red state welfare queens that suck off the teet of the blue states? I'm sure you have plenty Bubs, though states like Alaska, the biggest per capita has few :)

A New Report Proves Republican Governed Red States Are Economic Parasites

A New Report Proves Republican Governed Red States Are Economic Parasites

2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Most Federally Dependent States

(1 = Most Dependent)

Total Score
‘State Residents’ Dependency’ Rank
‘State Government’s Dependency’ Rank

1 Kentucky 76.16 6 5
2 Mississippi 75.59 7 1
3 New Mexico 73.88 3 17
4 Alabama 72.45 4 14
5 West Virginia 68.97 5 15
6 South Carolina 68.17 2 31
7 Montana 65.91 14 4
8 Tennessee 61.76 20 3
9 Maine 61.02 13 9
10 Indiana 59.18 7 23
11 Arizona 59.08 15 11
12 Louisiana 55.39 40 2
13 South Dakota 53.57 24 7
14 Missouri 52.66 31 6
15 Oregon 51.51 23 10
16 Georgia 49.81 34 8
17 Idaho 49.64 19 19
18 Vermont 49.56 18 20
19 Wyoming 48.80 26 12
20 Maryland 48.18 11 32
21 Oklahoma 47.78 21 18
22 Pennsylvania 46.15 17 30
23 Alaska 45.81 10 40
24 Rhode Island 45.05 36 16
25 Florida 43.84 27 22
26 Ohio 42.25 45 13
27 Arkansas 42.12 38 21
28 North Carolina 41.63 32 25
29 Hawaii 41.63 9 46
30 Iowa 41.38 33 26
31 Wisconsin 41.09 16 38
32 North Dakota 40.46 1 50
33 Michigan 40.43 35 27
34 New York 37.65 44 24
35 Texas 36.81 42 28
36 Washington 35.32 30 33
37 Colorado 35.20 29 34
38 Virginia 34.43 12 49
39 Nebraska 33.78 47 29
40 Utah 33.28 28 35
41 New Hampshire 31.11 37 36
42 Connecticut 27.80 22 48
43 Massachusetts 27.36 46 37
44 Nevada 26.94 25 47
45 Kansas 25.39 39 45
46 California 25.36 41 43
47 Illinois 23.96 48 41
48 New Jersey 23.84 49 39
49 Minnesota 23.09 43 44
50 Delaware 21.32 50 42

2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Your report is bullshit States like New Mexico has Los Alamos national laboratory dumb fuck.

View attachment 128268


You expect me to "believe" a self reported survey that CONservatives will admit they suck off the Gov't teet? Yeah, I know Pews study!

Liberalism creates a feedback loop. It is usually impossible for a non-liberal to change a liberal's mind about political issues because liberalism works like so: only liberals are credible sources of information. How do you know someone's liberal? He espouses liberal doctrine. So, no matter how plausible what you say may be, it will be ignored if you're not a liberal and if you are a liberal, of course, you probably agree with liberal views. This sort of close-mindedness makes liberals nearly impervious to any information that might undermine their beliefs.

Yeah, your BS noted snowflake....

And you want to give the Cheeto a "chance"?
Yup. Beats giving that skank that ran against him a chance to fuck us all over again.

Yeah it was horrible under her husband, BJ Bill and the 22+ million jobs that were created and getting US back to 19.6%-20% of GDP in revenues that Carter had US at before Ronnie gutted it. Then he went and balanced 4 budgets, 3 after vetoing the GOP's $792+ billion tax cut. THEN Dubya/GOP took over with their "job creator" policies and gave US 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts they promised would boom the economy, 2 UNFUNDED wars, UNFUNDED Medicare expansion that cost as much as Obamacares 2013-2020 (CBO), AND THEN DUBYA NOT ONLY GUTTED REVENUES TO 14.6% OF GDP BUT BLEW UP SPENDING TO NEARLY 24% AS HE CHEERED ON THE BANKSTERS SUBPRIME BUBBLE. Dubya's "job creator" policies lost 600,000+ jobs in 8 years, even stopping at the peak in 2007, he barely had 4 million!

Then Dubya left and Obama came into office, March 2010, "job killer" Obamacares passes and starts a record 81 months private sector jobs growth


He paid more then his fair share into Social Security....that was his money ..


He didn't pay in jackshit. He has to be at least 65, started working before Ronnie took office. Any idea what the income cap on Social Security was before Reagan?
What the heck are you talking about? I started working at 16 and paid into it , it's his money, and my money when I decide to collect it. That's why we are forced to pay into it. I wasn]t given a choice

Take 1977, the maximum income taxed by Social Security was $16,500 and the total rate was less than twelve percent with the employer paying half that. Which means even if he made a million dollars that year he paid no more than six percent of $16,500.
OK, I started working in 1970, not many made a million dollars, I made a decent salary (worked for Verizon until I retired), never made enough to not pay into SS, but enough to support myself and my son. Never asked any one for anything, but why shouldn't I get what was promised to me? it's my money, the Gov't, nor anyone else worked for it, I did.

I also want to repeal property tax which takes a big bite.

Yes, why fund schools?
I retired when 59 with no pension or severance pay. I never inherited one penny and was homeless twice in my long life. When I turned 62 I took SSA early retirement because I paid into it. When signing up I asked the lady behind the bullet proof glass in the SS office, "Can I take everything out that I put in as a lump sum." She smiled and said no.
I didn't want to "retire" at 62, but was forced to. I was denied 3 times for disability even though I could not move my point finger at all...trigger finger they call it...nor could pick anything up or write or use my hands at all, nor walk very well. I asked them "would YOU hire someone that cannot use their hands? Of course not. What makes you think anyone else will?" and they just shrugged. I am at almost 65 and barely making it. Homeless twice in my life too..once when I was in my 20's so it was no big deal. Again, this past September when the landlord asked for his house back although we had a verbal agreement that we could live there until we died. I should have gotten it in writing, but he was a "friend" and I took him for his word. 12 years and 9 months later and us investing our money in his house thinking it would be our house for our lifetime....he went back on his word. Not so much fun, being homeless, 65 and 70 years old, living in a car. So now all our SS goes on rent and the EBT card goes on food..or what little we can get with 170 bucks a month. The rest is for gas and taking care of our other basic needs not covered with assistance.

And you want to give the Cheeto a "chance"? Seriously have you learned NOTHING about what policy the GOP party has? Hint it's ALWAYS going to gut the safety net for the poorest while those "job creators" are paying about 40% of the EFFECTIVE tax rates they did 1945-1980 while we grew the middle class! Since then (Reaganomics)over 95% of ALL gains went to the top 10% of US

WWII and lack of regulations and rules grew the Middle class, any Yahoo could of started a machine shop company in his garage in the 1950s and created a million dollar empire.


LMAOROG, Sure Bubs, sure.

OK, give me 3 policies the GOP has given US the past 50 years that worked as promised IF you expect me to believe ANYTHING you say on the economy or history. Just 3???

Already did.....


Sure you did cupcake, but humor me :)

Give me 3 policies the GOP has given US the past 50 years that worked as promised IF you expect me to believe ANYTHING you say on the economy or history. Just 3???
Actually, I thought BJBill did a fine job as potus. Problem is...MrsSkankPotus was there too. Her back in the WH again? Oh hayell no.
The red state welfare queens that suck off the teet of the blue states? I'm sure you have plenty Bubs, though states like Alaska, the biggest per capita has few :)

A New Report Proves Republican Governed Red States Are Economic Parasites

A New Report Proves Republican Governed Red States Are Economic Parasites

2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Most Federally Dependent States

(1 = Most Dependent)

Total Score
‘State Residents’ Dependency’ Rank
‘State Government’s Dependency’ Rank

1 Kentucky 76.16 6 5
2 Mississippi 75.59 7 1
3 New Mexico 73.88 3 17
4 Alabama 72.45 4 14
5 West Virginia 68.97 5 15
6 South Carolina 68.17 2 31
7 Montana 65.91 14 4
8 Tennessee 61.76 20 3
9 Maine 61.02 13 9
10 Indiana 59.18 7 23
11 Arizona 59.08 15 11
12 Louisiana 55.39 40 2
13 South Dakota 53.57 24 7
14 Missouri 52.66 31 6
15 Oregon 51.51 23 10
16 Georgia 49.81 34 8
17 Idaho 49.64 19 19
18 Vermont 49.56 18 20
19 Wyoming 48.80 26 12
20 Maryland 48.18 11 32
21 Oklahoma 47.78 21 18
22 Pennsylvania 46.15 17 30
23 Alaska 45.81 10 40
24 Rhode Island 45.05 36 16
25 Florida 43.84 27 22
26 Ohio 42.25 45 13
27 Arkansas 42.12 38 21
28 North Carolina 41.63 32 25
29 Hawaii 41.63 9 46
30 Iowa 41.38 33 26
31 Wisconsin 41.09 16 38
32 North Dakota 40.46 1 50
33 Michigan 40.43 35 27
34 New York 37.65 44 24
35 Texas 36.81 42 28
36 Washington 35.32 30 33
37 Colorado 35.20 29 34
38 Virginia 34.43 12 49
39 Nebraska 33.78 47 29
40 Utah 33.28 28 35
41 New Hampshire 31.11 37 36
42 Connecticut 27.80 22 48
43 Massachusetts 27.36 46 37
44 Nevada 26.94 25 47
45 Kansas 25.39 39 45
46 California 25.36 41 43
47 Illinois 23.96 48 41
48 New Jersey 23.84 49 39
49 Minnesota 23.09 43 44
50 Delaware 21.32 50 42

2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Your report is bullshit States like New Mexico has Los Alamos national laboratory dumb fuck.

View attachment 128268


You expect me to "believe" a self reported survey that CONservatives will admit they suck off the Gov't teet? Yeah, I know Pews study!

Liberalism creates a feedback loop. It is usually impossible for a non-liberal to change a liberal's mind about political issues because liberalism works like so: only liberals are credible sources of information. How do you know someone's liberal? He espouses liberal doctrine. So, no matter how plausible what you say may be, it will be ignored if you're not a liberal and if you are a liberal, of course, you probably agree with liberal views. This sort of close-mindedness makes liberals nearly impervious to any information that might undermine their beliefs.

Yeah, your BS noted snowflake....
View attachment 128270


WTF DEBATE? You are doing nothing but biting at my ankles Bubba, not trying to refute a single thing, just saying I'm wrong and bringing up racist crap!
I didn't want to "retire" at 62, but was forced to. I was denied 3 times for disability even though I could not move my point finger at all...trigger finger they call it...nor could pick anything up or write or use my hands at all, nor walk very well. I asked them "would YOU hire someone that cannot use their hands? Of course not. What makes you think anyone else will?" and they just shrugged. I am at almost 65 and barely making it. Homeless twice in my life too..once when I was in my 20's so it was no big deal. Again, this past September when the landlord asked for his house back although we had a verbal agreement that we could live there until we died. I should have gotten it in writing, but he was a "friend" and I took him for his word. 12 years and 9 months later and us investing our money in his house thinking it would be our house for our lifetime....he went back on his word. Not so much fun, being homeless, 65 and 70 years old, living in a car. So now all our SS goes on rent and the EBT card goes on food..or what little we can get with 170 bucks a month. The rest is for gas and taking care of our other basic needs not covered with assistance.

And you want to give the Cheeto a "chance"? Seriously have you learned NOTHING about what policy the GOP party has? Hint it's ALWAYS going to gut the safety net for the poorest while those "job creators" are paying about 40% of the EFFECTIVE tax rates they did 1945-1980 while we grew the middle class! Since then (Reaganomics)over 95% of ALL gains went to the top 10% of US

WWII and lack of regulations and rules grew the Middle class, any Yahoo could of started a machine shop company in his garage in the 1950s and created a million dollar empire.


LMAOROG, Sure Bubs, sure.

OK, give me 3 policies the GOP has given US the past 50 years that worked as promised IF you expect me to believe ANYTHING you say on the economy or history. Just 3???

Already did.....


Sure you did cupcake, but humor me :)

Give me 3 policies the GOP has given US the past 50 years that worked as promised IF you expect me to believe ANYTHING you say on the economy or history. Just 3???

So now you changing the goal post?

OK Niki Halley and Mark Standford




Your report is bullshit States like New Mexico has Los Alamos national laboratory dumb fuck.

View attachment 128268


You expect me to "believe" a self reported survey that CONservatives will admit they suck off the Gov't teet? Yeah, I know Pews study!

Liberalism creates a feedback loop. It is usually impossible for a non-liberal to change a liberal's mind about political issues because liberalism works like so: only liberals are credible sources of information. How do you know someone's liberal? He espouses liberal doctrine. So, no matter how plausible what you say may be, it will be ignored if you're not a liberal and if you are a liberal, of course, you probably agree with liberal views. This sort of close-mindedness makes liberals nearly impervious to any information that might undermine their beliefs.

Yeah, your BS noted snowflake....
View attachment 128270


WTF DEBATE? You are doing nothing but biting at my ankles Bubba, not trying to refute a single thing, just saying I'm wrong and bringing up racist crap!
I did bring up facts but since you are a closed minded liberal , Obama cock holster what else is new?

Once again

Liberalism creates a feedback loop. It is usually impossible for a non-liberal to change a liberal's mind about political issues because liberalism works like so: only liberals are credible sources of information. How do you know someone's liberal? He espouses liberal doctrine. So, no matter how plausible what you say may be, it will be ignored if you're not a liberal and if you are a liberal, of course, you probably agree with liberal views. This sort of close-mindedness makes liberals nearly impervious to any information that might undermine their beliefs.


And you want to give the Cheeto a "chance"? Seriously have you learned NOTHING about what policy the GOP party has? Hint it's ALWAYS going to gut the safety net for the poorest while those "job creators" are paying about 40% of the EFFECTIVE tax rates they did 1945-1980 while we grew the middle class! Since then (Reaganomics)over 95% of ALL gains went to the top 10% of US

WWII and lack of regulations and rules grew the Middle class, any Yahoo could of started a machine shop company in his garage in the 1950s and created a million dollar empire.


LMAOROG, Sure Bubs, sure.

OK, give me 3 policies the GOP has given US the past 50 years that worked as promised IF you expect me to believe ANYTHING you say on the economy or history. Just 3???

Already did.....


Sure you did cupcake, but humor me :)

Give me 3 policies the GOP has given US the past 50 years that worked as promised IF you expect me to believe ANYTHING you say on the economy or history. Just 3???

So now you changing the goal post?

OK Niki Halley and Mark Standford

View attachment 128271

View attachment 128272



Give me 3 policies the GOP has given US the past 50 years that worked as promised IF you expect me to believe ANYTHING you say on the economy or history. Just 3???
He didn't pay in jackshit. He has to be at least 65, started working before Ronnie took office. Any idea what the income cap on Social Security was before Reagan?
What the heck are you talking about? I started working at 16 and paid into it , it's his money, and my money when I decide to collect it. That's why we are forced to pay into it. I wasn]t given a choice

Take 1977, the maximum income taxed by Social Security was $16,500 and the total rate was less than twelve percent with the employer paying half that. Which means even if he made a million dollars that year he paid no more than six percent of $16,500.
OK, I started working in 1970, not many made a million dollars, I made a decent salary (worked for Verizon until I retired), never made enough to not pay into SS, but enough to support myself and my son. Never asked any one for anything, but why shouldn't I get what was promised to me? it's my money, the Gov't, nor anyone else worked for it, I did.

I also want to repeal property tax which takes a big bite.

Yes, why fund schools?

The schools around here look like giant mansions and not a one room school houses like back in the day. Actually they look like giant new prisons with manicured lawns and the only thing missing is the razor wire.
You expect me to "believe" a self reported survey that CONservatives will admit they suck off the Gov't teet? Yeah, I know Pews study!

Liberalism creates a feedback loop. It is usually impossible for a non-liberal to change a liberal's mind about political issues because liberalism works like so: only liberals are credible sources of information. How do you know someone's liberal? He espouses liberal doctrine. So, no matter how plausible what you say may be, it will be ignored if you're not a liberal and if you are a liberal, of course, you probably agree with liberal views. This sort of close-mindedness makes liberals nearly impervious to any information that might undermine their beliefs.

Yeah, your BS noted snowflake....
View attachment 128270


WTF DEBATE? You are doing nothing but biting at my ankles Bubba, not trying to refute a single thing, just saying I'm wrong and bringing up racist crap!
I did bring up facts but since you are a closed minded liberal , Obama cock holster what else is new?

Once again

Liberalism creates a feedback loop. It is usually impossible for a non-liberal to change a liberal's mind about political issues because liberalism works like so: only liberals are credible sources of information. How do you know someone's liberal? He espouses liberal doctrine. So, no matter how plausible what you say may be, it will be ignored if you're not a liberal and if you are a liberal, of course, you probably agree with liberal views. This sort of close-mindedness makes liberals nearly impervious to any information that might undermine their beliefs.



What the heck are you talking about? I started working at 16 and paid into it , it's his money, and my money when I decide to collect it. That's why we are forced to pay into it. I wasn]t given a choice

Take 1977, the maximum income taxed by Social Security was $16,500 and the total rate was less than twelve percent with the employer paying half that. Which means even if he made a million dollars that year he paid no more than six percent of $16,500.
OK, I started working in 1970, not many made a million dollars, I made a decent salary (worked for Verizon until I retired), never made enough to not pay into SS, but enough to support myself and my son. Never asked any one for anything, but why shouldn't I get what was promised to me? it's my money, the Gov't, nor anyone else worked for it, I did.

I also want to repeal property tax which takes a big bite.

Yes, why fund schools?

The schools around here look like giant mansions and not a one room school houses like back in the day. Actually they look like giant new prisons with manicured lawns and the only thing missing is the razor wire.

And? Why don't you want to fund education???

Are you going to answer why you shouldn't pay capital gains taxes on your new income?
What the heck are you talking about? I started working at 16 and paid into it , it's his money, and my money when I decide to collect it. That's why we are forced to pay into it. I wasn]t given a choice

Take 1977, the maximum income taxed by Social Security was $16,500 and the total rate was less than twelve percent with the employer paying half that. Which means even if he made a million dollars that year he paid no more than six percent of $16,500.
OK, I started working in 1970, not many made a million dollars, I made a decent salary (worked for Verizon until I retired), never made enough to not pay into SS, but enough to support myself and my son. Never asked any one for anything, but why shouldn't I get what was promised to me? it's my money, the Gov't, nor anyone else worked for it, I did.

I also want to repeal property tax which takes a big bite.

Yes, why fund schools?

The schools around here look like giant mansions and not a one room school houses like back in the day. Actually they look like giant new prisons with manicured lawns and the only thing missing is the razor wire.

No shit even the middle schools they are building down here in the South are huge

Take 1977, the maximum income taxed by Social Security was $16,500 and the total rate was less than twelve percent with the employer paying half that. Which means even if he made a million dollars that year he paid no more than six percent of $16,500.
OK, I started working in 1970, not many made a million dollars, I made a decent salary (worked for Verizon until I retired), never made enough to not pay into SS, but enough to support myself and my son. Never asked any one for anything, but why shouldn't I get what was promised to me? it's my money, the Gov't, nor anyone else worked for it, I did.

I also want to repeal property tax which takes a big bite.

Yes, why fund schools?

The schools around here look like giant mansions and not a one room school houses like back in the day. Actually they look like giant new prisons with manicured lawns and the only thing missing is the razor wire.

And? Why don't you want to fund education???

Are you going to answer why you shouldn't pay capital gains taxes on your new income?

What do you get out of it ?

What the heck are you talking about? I started working at 16 and paid into it , it's his money, and my money when I decide to collect it. That's why we are forced to pay into it. I wasn]t given a choice

Take 1977, the maximum income taxed by Social Security was $16,500 and the total rate was less than twelve percent with the employer paying half that. Which means even if he made a million dollars that year he paid no more than six percent of $16,500.
OK, I started working in 1970, not many made a million dollars, I made a decent salary (worked for Verizon until I retired), never made enough to not pay into SS, but enough to support myself and my son. Never asked any one for anything, but why shouldn't I get what was promised to me? it's my money, the Gov't, nor anyone else worked for it, I did.

I also want to repeal property tax which takes a big bite.

Yes, why fund schools?

The schools around here look like giant mansions and not a one room school houses like back in the day. Actually they look like giant new prisons with manicured lawns and the only thing missing is the razor wire.

A Texas high school football stadium


WWII and lack of regulations and rules grew the Middle class, any Yahoo could of started a machine shop company in his garage in the 1950s and created a million dollar empire.


LMAOROG, Sure Bubs, sure.

OK, give me 3 policies the GOP has given US the past 50 years that worked as promised IF you expect me to believe ANYTHING you say on the economy or history. Just 3???

Already did.....


Sure you did cupcake, but humor me :)

Give me 3 policies the GOP has given US the past 50 years that worked as promised IF you expect me to believe ANYTHING you say on the economy or history. Just 3???

So now you changing the goal post?

OK Niki Halley and Mark Standford

View attachment 128271

View attachment 128272



Give me 3 policies the GOP has given US the past 50 years that worked as promised IF you expect me to believe ANYTHING you say on the economy or history. Just 3???

Just did are you blind and that's just in one state alone

OK, I started working in 1970, not many made a million dollars, I made a decent salary (worked for Verizon until I retired), never made enough to not pay into SS, but enough to support myself and my son. Never asked any one for anything, but why shouldn't I get what was promised to me? it's my money, the Gov't, nor anyone else worked for it, I did.

I also want to repeal property tax which takes a big bite.

Yes, why fund schools?

The schools around here look like giant mansions and not a one room school houses like back in the day. Actually they look like giant new prisons with manicured lawns and the only thing missing is the razor wire.

And? Why don't you want to fund education???

Are you going to answer why you shouldn't pay capital gains taxes on your new income?

What do you get out of it ?


Well Cupcake, this is SUPPOSED to be a debate forum, I understand YOU think it's just a place to bite at liberals ankles and put up right wing memes, BUT...
LMAOROG, Sure Bubs, sure.

OK, give me 3 policies the GOP has given US the past 50 years that worked as promised IF you expect me to believe ANYTHING you say on the economy or history. Just 3???

Already did.....


Sure you did cupcake, but humor me :)

Give me 3 policies the GOP has given US the past 50 years that worked as promised IF you expect me to believe ANYTHING you say on the economy or history. Just 3???

So now you changing the goal post?

OK Niki Halley and Mark Standford

View attachment 128271

View attachment 128272



Give me 3 policies the GOP has given US the past 50 years that worked as promised IF you expect me to believe ANYTHING you say on the economy or history. Just 3???

Just did are you blind and that's just in one state alone


OK, Dumbfuck, go to bed, you've been drinking to much :(

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