Trump to declare national emergency

Mexico isn’t paying for it.
Why do spoiled pansy Socialists always want someone else to pay for their stuff....even national security?! :p
That would be you right? Don't you get other people to pay for your roads, bridges, schools, utilities, farm bills, and sports socialism?

Hey dumbass! Yes you, dumbfuck you! If the government doesn't keep the border secure, why do we need them at all? At all, bitch! I don't need them for a damn thing. Illegals come in my yard, I'm shooting 1st and asking questions later.
Trump is a national emergency, and he is doing it not only as a diversion, but possibly also to destroy America's economy at Russia's behest, and possibly keep the armed forces occupied.
So the caravans of unknown people are fake? don't really believe that do you?....
The Russian trolls are not completely unknown to intelligence agencies, and they are a true national security threat.

That's silly. If some "troll" posted "Go kill your neighbor", would you do it? There are several Russians on this board, not one of them has convinced me to believe anything I don't already believe.
Trump is a national emergency, and he is doing it not only as a diversion, but possibly also to destroy America's economy at Russia's behest, and possibly keep the armed forces occupied.
So the caravans of unknown people are fake? don't really believe that do you?....
The Russian trolls are not completely unknown to intelligence agencies, and they are a true national security threat.

That's silly. If some "troll" posted "Go kill your neighbor", would you do it? There are several Russians on this board, not one of them has convinced me to believe anything I don't already believe.

Newsflash: Green and Blue is a Russian troll.
The biggest terrorists in the USA today are white supremacists, home grown.

You're absolutely right. They almost got a poor black guy named Jussie Smollett in Chicago the other day.

But luckily, he escaped.
In 1976 with the drafting of the update of the National Emergency statute in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal and Nixon's attempt to absorb extraordinary Presidential powers, new termination laws were codified to allow Congress to reclaim their Article 1 powers assumed by the president ceded by Congress.

50 USC § 1622 contains those specifics which include termination of a Presidential declaration of a National Emergency through a nullification process if both Chambers concur with a SIMPLE MAJORITY VOTE in both houses. If one Chamber votes to terminate, the other house is required to vote, and NO FILIBUSTER for the Senate.

The Speaker of the House will likely prepare the Joint Resolution soonest, and McConnell has no damn choice but to hold a vote in the Senate per the requirements of the Statute. If the Resolution gets to the Senate, it likely will have enough GOP Senators crossing the line easily. If McConnell gets smart of a sudden, he'll turn his caucus loose to vote on their own.

~~ 50 U.S. Code § 1622 - National emergencies ~~
Senator Collins already came out yesterday saying it was a mistake. She won't be the only one. Everyone who disagrees with the national emergency declaration are warning about equal hijinx by the Democrats, once one is Pres again.
They'll declare gun violence a national emergency. They'll declare climate change a national emergency, which it is. They'll declare a barrier to be a NE, and tear it down.

Just stop already. Everyone knows why your people's panties are in a bunch over this: You don't want to see Trump elected for a second term. It has nothing to do with a wall or a national emergency. It's all about losing again in 2020.
Trump won't be elected because of his criminal liability. Even McConnell and the Senate are walking away from Trump. Why do you think McConnell went along with the NE? Because he knows it will be lost in the courts, and McConnell gets to keep his mouth shut on a declaration that Trump will lose, not McConnell. Trump is extra baggage for Republicans now, so they'll just let him fall in his own pile of shit.

It shouldn't have taken you that many words to say "I'm a retard."

There is no "criminal liability." So some liberal judicial hack in the Ninth Circuit rules against Trump, would you like to see how fast he'll move this up on the Supreme Court docket?
The SC won't challenge laws that are already on the books, such as campaign finance violations.
Trump is a national emergency, and he is doing it not only as a diversion, but possibly also to destroy America's economy at Russia's behest, and possibly keep the armed forces occupied.
So the caravans of unknown people are fake? don't really believe that do you?....
The Russian trolls are not completely unknown to intelligence agencies, and they are a true national security threat.

That's silly. If some "troll" posted "Go kill your neighbor", would you do it? There are several Russians on this board, not one of them has convinced me to believe anything I don't already believe.

Newsflash: Green and Blue is a Russian troll.

Who didn't know that? He's actually pretty cool for a godless commie. :laughing0301:

Bluepriester is probably one too. He posted something about our involvement in Venezuela but got real quiet when I mentioned the dead Russian mercs in Syria. None of them seem to like hearing about that.
Trump is a national emergency, and he is doing it not only as a diversion, but possibly also to destroy America's economy at Russia's behest, and possibly keep the armed forces occupied.
So the caravans of unknown people are fake? don't really believe that do you?....
The Russian trolls are not completely unknown to intelligence agencies, and they are a true national security threat.

That's silly. If some "troll" posted "Go kill your neighbor", would you do it? There are several Russians on this board, not one of them has convinced me to believe anything I don't already believe.

Newsflash: Green and Blue is a Russian troll.

Who didn't know that?

He's actually pretty cool for a godless commie. :laughing0301:

I never saw him claim to be Godless. Russian..he is. ;)
Feckless? Having an unchecked border and allowing millions to enter illegally sounds pretty feckless...dumbass.

"an unchecked border", that statement goes well beyond reality. I suppose you believe everything Trump states and tweets, and you wear the MAGA hat proudly. Keep on going on building sand castles in the sky.

Sure, and you know all about reality. Get back in your fricken tent, and watch where you step.

A couple of pictures prove you are a damn liar and/or out of touch with reality!

photo of long line of cars at the tijuana border - Google Search

View attachment 246001



Seriously!? You can't really be that stupid.
View attachment 246004



"F" Your final grade in Eng. 101. Writing an expository rebuttal to this title:

"Having an unchecked border and allowing millions to enter illegally sounds pretty feckless."

Grow up, put on big boy pants and admit the borders are not unchecked.

The southern one is about to be.

In 1976 with the drafting of the update of the National Emergency statute in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal and Nixon's attempt to absorb extraordinary Presidential powers, new termination laws were codified to allow Congress to reclaim their Article 1 powers assumed by the president ceded by Congress.

50 USC § 1622 contains those specifics which include termination of a Presidential declaration of a National Emergency through a nullification process if both Chambers concur with a SIMPLE MAJORITY VOTE in both houses. If one Chamber votes to terminate, the other house is required to vote, and NO FILIBUSTER for the Senate.

The Speaker of the House will likely prepare the Joint Resolution soonest, and McConnell has no damn choice but to hold a vote in the Senate per the requirements of the Statute. If the Resolution gets to the Senate, it likely will have enough GOP Senators crossing the line easily. If McConnell gets smart of a sudden, he'll turn his caucus loose to vote on their own.

~~ 50 U.S. Code § 1622 - National emergencies ~~
Senator Collins already came out yesterday saying it was a mistake. She won't be the only one. Everyone who disagrees with the national emergency declaration are warning about equal hijinx by the Democrats, once one is Pres again.
They'll declare gun violence a national emergency. They'll declare climate change a national emergency, which it is. They'll declare a barrier to be a NE, and tear it down.[/QUE]

Just stop already. Everyone knows why your people's panties are in a bunch over this: You don't want to see Trump elected for a second term. It has nothing to do with a wall or a national emergency. It's all about losing again in 2020.
Mexico isn’t paying for it.

I don't give a rat's ass who pays for it, just get it built. Do you zipperheads really think President Trump is going to lose any support over this?

He already has. He's violating the U.S. Constitution, and threatening to violate the Posse Comitatus Act. You can't mix domestic spending as a NE with the military. It's an abuse of power.
So the caravans of unknown people are fake? don't really believe that do you?....
The Russian trolls are not completely unknown to intelligence agencies, and they are a true national security threat.

That's silly. If some "troll" posted "Go kill your neighbor", would you do it? There are several Russians on this board, not one of them has convinced me to believe anything I don't already believe.

Newsflash: Green and Blue is a Russian troll.

Who didn't know that?

He's actually pretty cool for a godless commie. :laughing0301:

I never saw him claim to be Godless. Russian..he is. ;)

That's an "expression." If we're "American imperialist running dogs", I get to call them "godless commies." :biggrin:
That's silly. If some "troll" posted "Go kill your neighbor", would you do it?
No, but posting something like that is out of the realm of freedom of speech and entering illegality.
The Russian trolls are not completely unknown to intelligence agencies, and they are a true national security threat
What Russian trolls?....haven't you heard?...Mueller found no evidence of Russian collusion with President Trump.....yep That's PRESIDENT TRUMP.....still in office and still undoing everything the Magic Kenyan did....
That's a lie. Mueller hasn't presented his report.
The biggest terrorists in the USA today are white supremacists, home grown.

You're absolutely right. They almost got a poor black guy named Jussie Smollett in Chicago the other day.

But luckily, he escaped.
Smollet is being investigated for filing a false police report now.

I think what happened is that he was in the process of committing suicide, and was interrupted then made up some crazy story about two white guys walking around with a noose at 2:30 Am in the morning when it was just 9 degrees out. They were looking to hang someone during The Polar Vortex, I tell yah!
We could always call out the citizen militia to the southern border. Would that make leftists happier? :abgg2q.jpg:

Establish a DMZ there? Mines, wall, and gun towers?

Yeah, be happy it's just a wall, fucktards.
trump has proven he is incapable of working within our Constitutional system. His attempt at an unpresedented power grab will lose a large percentage of independent voters.

More importantly for the GOP....McConnell's cave on supporting a National Emergency will haunt the Repubs for years to come. This is an unparalleled effort by the Executive Branch that.....left unchallenged...will set a precedent for future Presidents....

The Courts will rule against trump and he probably knows it. He is counting on a short term win that will assure him of a long term loss....
And of course the "Libertarians" will love him because he is so against government and government spending.
In 1976 with the drafting of the update of the National Emergency statute in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal and Nixon's attempt to absorb extraordinary Presidential powers, new termination laws were codified to allow Congress to reclaim their Article 1 powers assumed by the president ceded by Congress.

50 USC § 1622 contains those specifics which include termination of a Presidential declaration of a National Emergency through a nullification process if both Chambers concur with a SIMPLE MAJORITY VOTE in both houses. If one Chamber votes to terminate, the other house is required to vote, and NO FILIBUSTER for the Senate.

The Speaker of the House will likely prepare the Joint Resolution soonest, and McConnell has no damn choice but to hold a vote in the Senate per the requirements of the Statute. If the Resolution gets to the Senate, it likely will have enough GOP Senators crossing the line easily. If McConnell gets smart of a sudden, he'll turn his caucus loose to vote on their own.

~~ 50 U.S. Code § 1622 - National emergencies ~~
Senator Collins already came out yesterday saying it was a mistake. She won't be the only one. Everyone who disagrees with the national emergency declaration are warning about equal hijinx by the Democrats, once one is Pres again.
They'll declare gun violence a national emergency. They'll declare climate change a national emergency, which it is. They'll declare a barrier to be a NE, and tear it down.

Just stop already. Everyone knows why your people's panties are in a bunch over this: You don't want to see Trump elected for a second term. It has nothing to do with a wall or a national emergency. It's all about losing again in 2020.
Trump won't be elected because of his criminal liability. Even McConnell and the Senate are walking away from Trump. Why do you think McConnell went along with the NE? Because he knows it will be lost in the courts, and McConnell gets to keep his mouth shut on a declaration that Trump will lose, not McConnell. Trump is extra baggage for Republicans now, so they'll just let him fall in his own pile of shit.

It shouldn't have taken you that many words to say "I'm a retard."

There is no "criminal liability." So some liberal judicial hack in the Ninth Circuit rules against Trump, would you like to see how fast he'll move this up on the Supreme Court docket?
Trump Tower meeting, Cigar room meeting at Kushner hotel with Manafort, Gates, and Kilimnik to transfer polling data, are all conspiracies to help Trump get elected. Campaign violations to pay off porn stars is also criminal.
Senator Collins already came out yesterday saying it was a mistake. She won't be the only one. Everyone who disagrees with the national emergency declaration are warning about equal hijinx by the Democrats, once one is Pres again.
They'll declare gun violence a national emergency. They'll declare climate change a national emergency, which it is. They'll declare a barrier to be a NE, and tear it down.

Just stop already. Everyone knows why your people's panties are in a bunch over this: You don't want to see Trump elected for a second term. It has nothing to do with a wall or a national emergency. It's all about losing again in 2020.
Trump won't be elected because of his criminal liability. Even McConnell and the Senate are walking away from Trump. Why do you think McConnell went along with the NE? Because he knows it will be lost in the courts, and McConnell gets to keep his mouth shut on a declaration that Trump will lose, not McConnell. Trump is extra baggage for Republicans now, so they'll just let him fall in his own pile of shit.

It shouldn't have taken you that many words to say "I'm a retard."

There is no "criminal liability." So some liberal judicial hack in the Ninth Circuit rules against Trump, would you like to see how fast he'll move this up on the Supreme Court docket?
Trump Tower meeting, Cigar room meeting at Kushner hotel with Manafort, Gates, and Kilimnik to transfer polling data, are all conspiracies to help Trump get elected. Campaign violations to pay off porn stars is also criminal.

STFU tard. You don't know half the definitions of the bullshit you just spouted.

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