Trump to defund PBS/NPR.

Historically, the first order of business for an authoritarian government is to neutralize the media and press. That is what trump is doing by attacking the media. The results will be that no one is able to decipher what is real news and what is not. The government gains complete control of what the public is allowed to know. Even provable facts are questioned and left in doubt.

You've completely misunderstood, and to think 8 people agreed with you. It's mind boggling. Explain to the board how Trump is gaining "complete control of what the public is allowed to know" when he is doing away with GOVERNMENT FUNDED radio. People are free to fund their own stations where they can say whatever they want. This way the government won't control radio and the message.
By attacking the press he confuses the public about what they can believe or not, what is real and what is fake. The news media is hence controlled by neutralizing the impact its reporting can have in educating the public. Trump can say whatever he wants, no matter how big a lie it is and his cover is simply to blame the conspiratorial media that is out to get him. Doesn't matter how provable his lying is, as long as enough people have doubts he gets away with the lie.

So if what you are saying is true, then when did the press get neutralized under Obama? Obama: 'If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan' | PolitiFact

The government lied and there was no attacking the press under Obama, unless it was Fox News, that was acceptable to liberals. It seems the prior administration got away with lies, why was that acceptable then and not acceptable now?

Does the rightwing press attack the rightwing press for errors or lies?
Historically, the first order of business for an authoritarian government is to neutralize the media and press. That is what trump is doing by attacking the media. The results will be that no one is able to decipher what is real news and what is not. The government gains complete control of what the public is allowed to know. Even provable facts are questioned and left in doubt.

You've completely misunderstood, and to think 8 people agreed with you. It's mind boggling. Explain to the board how Trump is gaining "complete control of what the public is allowed to know" when he is doing away with GOVERNMENT FUNDED radio. People are free to fund their own stations where they can say whatever they want. This way the government won't control radio and the message.
By attacking the press he confuses the public about what they can believe or not, what is real and what is fake. The news media is hence controlled by neutralizing the impact its reporting can have in educating the public. Trump can say whatever he wants, no matter how big a lie it is and his cover is simply to blame the conspiratorial media that is out to get him. Doesn't matter how provable his lying is, as long as enough people have doubts he gets away with the lie.

So if what you are saying is true, then when did the press get neutralized under Obama? Obama: 'If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan' | PolitiFact

The government lied and there was no attacking the press under Obama, unless it was Fox News, that was acceptable to liberals. It seems the prior administration got away with lies, why was that acceptable then and not acceptable now?

Does the rightwing press attack the rightwing press for errors or lies?

Left nor right attack their own. That is why it is no big deal. The lies will continue whether PBS or NPR are publicly or privately funded. If they can make it on their own, they should be allowed to. Not a right or left issue to me. It's why the hell are we paying for that issue.
Historically, the first order of business for an authoritarian government is to neutralize the media and press. That is what trump is doing by attacking the media. The results will be that no one is able to decipher what is real news and what is not. The government gains complete control of what the public is allowed to know. Even provable facts are questioned and left in doubt.

You've completely misunderstood, and to think 8 people agreed with you. It's mind boggling. Explain to the board how Trump is gaining "complete control of what the public is allowed to know" when he is doing away with GOVERNMENT FUNDED radio. People are free to fund their own stations where they can say whatever they want. This way the government won't control radio and the message.
By attacking the press he confuses the public about what they can believe or not, what is real and what is fake. The news media is hence controlled by neutralizing the impact its reporting can have in educating the public. Trump can say whatever he wants, no matter how big a lie it is and his cover is simply to blame the conspiratorial media that is out to get him. Doesn't matter how provable his lying is, as long as enough people have doubts he gets away with the lie.

So if what you are saying is true, then when did the press get neutralized under Obama? Obama: 'If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan' | PolitiFact

The government lied and there was no attacking the press under Obama, unless it was Fox News, that was acceptable to liberals. It seems the prior administration got away with lies, why was that acceptable then and not acceptable now?

Does the rightwing press attack the rightwing press for errors or lies?

Left nor right attack their own. That is why it is no big deal. The lies will continue whether PBS or NPR are publicly or privately funded. If they can make it on their own, they should be allowed to. Not a right or left issue to me. It's why the hell are we paying for that issue.

They are making it on their own.
Historically, the first order of business for an authoritarian government is to neutralize the media and press. That is what trump is doing by attacking the media. The results will be that no one is able to decipher what is real news and what is not. The government gains complete control of what the public is allowed to know. Even provable facts are questioned and left in doubt.

You've completely misunderstood, and to think 8 people agreed with you. It's mind boggling. Explain to the board how Trump is gaining "complete control of what the public is allowed to know" when he is doing away with GOVERNMENT FUNDED radio. People are free to fund their own stations where they can say whatever they want. This way the government won't control radio and the message.
By attacking the press he confuses the public about what they can believe or not, what is real and what is fake. The news media is hence controlled by neutralizing the impact its reporting can have in educating the public. Trump can say whatever he wants, no matter how big a lie it is and his cover is simply to blame the conspiratorial media that is out to get him. Doesn't matter how provable his lying is, as long as enough people have doubts he gets away with the lie.

You didn't answer the question. How does not funding government radio (where Government can control the message) and encouraging them to privatize allow him to control the message? Your logic is flawed.

Historically, the first order of business for an authoritarian government is to neutralize the media and press. That is what trump is doing by attacking the media. The results will be that no one is able to decipher what is real news and what is not. The government gains complete control of what the public is allowed to know. Even provable facts are questioned and left in doubt.

You've completely misunderstood, and to think 8 people agreed with you. It's mind boggling. Explain to the board how Trump is gaining "complete control of what the public is allowed to know" when he is doing away with GOVERNMENT FUNDED radio. People are free to fund their own stations where they can say whatever they want. This way the government won't control radio and the message.
By attacking the press he confuses the public about what they can believe or not, what is real and what is fake. The news media is hence controlled by neutralizing the impact its reporting can have in educating the public. Trump can say whatever he wants, no matter how big a lie it is and his cover is simply to blame the conspiratorial media that is out to get him. Doesn't matter how provable his lying is, as long as enough people have doubts he gets away with the lie.

You didn't answer the question. How does not funding government radio (where Government can control the message) and encouraging them to privatize allow him to control the message? Your logic is flawed.

Your question is not relevant. The POTUS appoints the Board of Directors of the Corp. of Public Broadcasting to six year terms, and may only appoint 5 of the 9 members to his or her political party. This claim that NPR and PBS have liberal biases is an unfounded meme promulgated by those who feel they and their ideas are treated unfairly.

The logic still escapes you. By removing government funded radio government cannot control the message whether it's left or right and regardless of who's appointed. Privately owned radio is the only way to ensure government isn't controlling the message.
Stopping TAXPAYER money from funding NPR and PBS is fascist and authoritarian?

Anyone who makes that claim is a stark raving moron.

Making them close down is fascist and authoritarian. Making them be funded privately without taxpayer money is called the free market.

Flipping idiots.

We have tax payer money paying for private schools and religious pregnancy clinics, so ... why not NPR?

You should write to your House Representative, both of your senators, your governor, and the President to express your opposition to the policy.
One by one, Trump dismantles and discredits every leftist propaganda station. The stations which, have fed us a bunch of propaganda using our own money taken by taxes. It's finally time to put an end to the parasitism and propaganda. If leftists want to hear how much someone agrees with their shitty opinions, then they better pay for it by themselves.

“The Trump Administration needs to reform and cut spending dramatically, and targeting waste like the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities would be a good first step in showing that the Trump Administration is serious about radically reforming the federal budget,” said Brian Darling, a former aide to Paul and a former staffer at the Heritage Foundation.

PBS/NPR In Panic: Trump Administration To Defund/Privatize

The new enlightenment has begun! "Win streak" is the term that best describe Trump's presidency so far.
He might find enough cuts to pay for the wall.
lol, how many times over the years of the internet has this debate been on a message board?

And the RWnuts lose every time.
Now it's your turn to lose.

What will I lose?
I was gonna say your mind...but you never had one.
Historically, the first order of business for an authoritarian government is to neutralize the media and press. That is what trump is doing by attacking the media. The results will be that no one is able to decipher what is real news and what is not. The government gains complete control of what the public is allowed to know. Even provable facts are questioned and left in doubt.

Eliminating state run media leads to "government gaining complete control of what the public is allowed to know"?

Wow, that's some logic you got there.
NPR isn't state run media you fucking idiot
One by one, Trump dismantles and discredits every leftist propaganda station. The stations which, have fed us a bunch of propaganda using our own money taken by taxes. It's finally time to put an end to the parasitism and propaganda. If leftists want to hear how much someone agrees with their shitty opinions, then they better pay for it by themselves.

“The Trump Administration needs to reform and cut spending dramatically, and targeting waste like the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities would be a good first step in showing that the Trump Administration is serious about radically reforming the federal budget,” said Brian Darling, a former aide to Paul and a former staffer at the Heritage Foundation.

PBS/NPR In Panic: Trump Administration To Defund/Privatize

The new enlightenment has begun! "Win streak" is the term that best describe Trump's presidency so far.

moron... that isn't "propaganda". freak boy

enlightenment? only if listening to trump lies is enlightened....which it isn't loon.
Whether art is good or bad is an opinion. Do you really believe in censoring art?

Never, but nor do I believe in stealing from some to fund art for others.
You were complaining about funding bad art.

I was complaining about funding any art. If I wasn't clear in that, let me be now.
Why are you opposed to funding art?

Can you support art on your own? You know like make donations.
I cannot do it alone. Only an idiot would have to be told this.
Historically, the first order of business for an authoritarian government is to neutralize the media and press. That is what trump is doing by attacking the media. The results will be that no one is able to decipher what is real news and what is not. The government gains complete control of what the public is allowed to know. Even provable facts are questioned and left in doubt.

Eliminating state run media leads to "government gaining complete control of what the public is allowed to know"?

Wow, that's some logic you got there.
NPR isn't state run media you fucking idiot

no. it informs people.

and that is dangerous to trump and his breitbart pond scum.
You were complaining about funding bad art.

I was complaining about funding any art. If I wasn't clear in that, let me be now.
Why are you opposed to funding art?
Because of a $20 trillion debt.
Don't give that excuse when you plan to spend 12 billion on the Wall.
You see only the negatives of building a wall. I see a cost savings of $160 billion annually taking care of illegals....untold jobs created along with increased revenue.....reduced costs to ICE transporting illegals, court costs, food and temporary
Most illegals come in legally and do not return. The wall will not help.
Most of NPR's funding comes from listener support and donations from companies. Why a president would want to try to cut federal funding for NPR is beyond me. Trump is one sick fuck. He could cut federal funding for it, but NPR wouldn't go away -- period.

President piece of shit can take his authoritarian fascist fantasies and shove them up his fucking ass.
So if it wouldn't go away then it doesn't need federal funding.

Wrong. Federal funding is essential to their existence. But if it were pulled, they'd be forced to change their entire model, possibly eliminating their broadcast division.
You've completely misunderstood, and to think 8 people agreed with you. It's mind boggling. Explain to the board how Trump is gaining "complete control of what the public is allowed to know" when he is doing away with GOVERNMENT FUNDED radio. People are free to fund their own stations where they can say whatever they want. This way the government won't control radio and the message.
By attacking the press he confuses the public about what they can believe or not, what is real and what is fake. The news media is hence controlled by neutralizing the impact its reporting can have in educating the public. Trump can say whatever he wants, no matter how big a lie it is and his cover is simply to blame the conspiratorial media that is out to get him. Doesn't matter how provable his lying is, as long as enough people have doubts he gets away with the lie.

So if what you are saying is true, then when did the press get neutralized under Obama? Obama: 'If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan' | PolitiFact

The government lied and there was no attacking the press under Obama, unless it was Fox News, that was acceptable to liberals. It seems the prior administration got away with lies, why was that acceptable then and not acceptable now?

Does the rightwing press attack the rightwing press for errors or lies?

Left nor right attack their own. That is why it is no big deal. The lies will continue whether PBS or NPR are publicly or privately funded. If they can make it on their own, they should be allowed to. Not a right or left issue to me. It's why the hell are we paying for that issue.

They are making it on their own.

Good now make it without federal funding and get rid of corporate funding for Amtrak, Nike, GM, Ford Chrysler, Intel, Exxon, Shell and on and on. talking on the radio isn't an art, talking on TV is not art, having state funded TV and radio is not a right. Having citizen fund private sector business is a waste of government money.
Never, but nor do I believe in stealing from some to fund art for others.
You were complaining about funding bad art.

I was complaining about funding any art. If I wasn't clear in that, let me be now.
Why are you opposed to funding art?

Can you support art on your own? You know like make donations.
I cannot do it alone. Only an idiot would have to be told this.

Only an idiot would come to a conclusion not based on what a person said. Can you answer the question?
We have a government of the People, and the People's representatives fund PBS and NPR.

The problem is NPR doesn't represent the people - it represents Liberals.

And now the people's representatives are about to NOT fund PBS and NPR.


Your problem is NPR represents the people who are wise, clever, intelligent, knowledgeable, sensible, sage, discerning, judicious, canny, perceptive, astute, shrewd, prudent, thoughtful, insightful and perspicacious.
If you want art, donate to causes that help the arts. There shouldn't be taxes given to fund arts.

There are plenty of charities. Give your own money.
We have a government of the People, and the People's representatives fund PBS and NPR.

The problem is NPR doesn't represent the people - it represents Liberals.

And now the people's representatives are about to NOT fund PBS and NPR.


Your problem is NPR represents the people who are wise, clever, intelligent, knowledgeable, sensible, sage, discerning, judicious, canny, perceptive, astute, shrewd, prudent, thoughtful, insightful and perspicacious.
No, NPR only represents the people that are hired by the non-profit that is funded partially by the government.
Historically, the first order of business for an authoritarian government is to neutralize the media and press. That is what trump is doing by attacking the media. The results will be that no one is able to decipher what is real news and what is not. The government gains complete control of what the public is allowed to know. Even provable facts are questioned and left in doubt.

You've completely misunderstood, and to think 8 people agreed with you. It's mind boggling. Explain to the board how Trump is gaining "complete control of what the public is allowed to know" when he is doing away with GOVERNMENT FUNDED radio. People are free to fund their own stations where they can say whatever they want. This way the government won't control radio and the message.
By attacking the press he confuses the public about what they can believe or not, what is real and what is fake. The news media is hence controlled by neutralizing the impact its reporting can have in educating the public. Trump can say whatever he wants, no matter how big a lie it is and his cover is simply to blame the conspiratorial media that is out to get him. Doesn't matter how provable his lying is, as long as enough people have doubts he gets away with the lie.
The press confused the public about what is real and false by blatantly reporting bullshit, lies and misinformation over many years. This process is not news and Trump did not start it. he is taking advantage of what the public already feels and how they currently deeply mistrust the media - for damn good reason as well.

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