Trump to defund PBS/NPR.

Historically, the first order of business for an authoritarian government is to neutralize the media and press. That is what trump is doing by attacking the media. The results will be that no one is able to decipher what is real news and what is not. The government gains complete control of what the public is allowed to know. Even provable facts are questioned and left in doubt.
I have been afraid of this. I will miss NPR/PBS terribly. It was a valuable haven of sanity and information in a more and more commercial-driven race for sensational news.
This is horrible. It's making me sick. Please someone tell me it's not true.
It's only for progressives, of course you're gonna like it...
Historically, the first order of business for an authoritarian government is to neutralize the media and press. That is what trump is doing by attacking the media. The results will be that no one is able to decipher what is real news and what is not. The government gains complete control of what the public is allowed to know. Even provable facts are questioned and left in doubt.

Eliminating state run media leads to "government gaining complete control of what the public is allowed to know"?

Wow, that's some logic you got there.
Doing away with a partially publically financed media source is only part of the attack on the media. You are choosing to ignore the attacks being waged by trump on the private sector media. Distortion seems to be a pattern with you folks. You distorted my quote by misinterpreting what I posted.

No, you posted something nonsensical.

Wondering...were you similarly outraged when Obama attacked Fox, tapped the phones of the AP and went after specific reporters by hacking their personal info?

Hypocrisy, thy name is liberal.
So in your mind, if a person posts something you disagree with, you automatically have the privilege of taking it out of context and distorting it instead of addressing it in an honest academic way. Having no intellectual or academic capability to respond available, you distort and then deflect with the ...but...but...but Obama did something too escape and deflection.

The context was clear. I distorted nothing.

Words are important. Don't whine to me if you can't post sensibly.

But thanks for demonstrating your hypocrisy. So typical.
About time. State funded media is a bad idea. We don't buy the schlock spewed by other country's state-run propaganda machines, we shouldn't have it here. The notion of "news" funded by the government is distasteful at best, tyrannical at worst.

Besides, if NPR and PBS programming is as quality as many say, it will have no problem thriving in a free market.
You're truly a moron...

News is only a small part of what PBS provides.....and the news it DOES provide is far more nutritious than the pap on which you and your fellow trogs feed...

I've notice you appear incapable of engaging without logical fallacies.

Typical of lefties.

If what PBS provides is so darn good, it will thrive in a non-taxpayer subsidized market.

What are you afraid of?

Part of what makes it good is the relatively small amount of commercial interruption which is what funds for profit broadcasting.

Then you pay for it and leave the rest of us alone.
No one provides more misinformation than trump or his administration with provable lies every day.
Oh yeah? Have you been misinformed by Trump?
Sure, all politicians lie. But Donald Trump is in a class by himself.
He lies strategically. He lies pointlessly. He lies about important things and meaningless things. Above all, he lies frequently. Since he began his campaign last June, the Republican presidential candidate has subjected America to a daily barrage of inaccuracy and mendacity.

Donald Trump: The unauthorized database of false things | Toronto Star
Oh wow. The Toronto Star. Case closed.
Most of you probably pay about a dollar a year in federal taxes towards public broadcasting.

I am willing to sponsor any one of you, at 1 dollar a year, to relieve this hardship, on the condition that the person I sponsor promises to quit crying about that hardship.
About time. State funded media is a bad idea. We don't buy the schlock spewed by other country's state-run propaganda machines, we shouldn't have it here. The notion of "news" funded by the government is distasteful at best, tyrannical at worst.

Besides, if NPR and PBS programming is as quality as many say, it will have no problem thriving in a free market.
You're truly a moron...

News is only a small part of what PBS provides.....and the news it DOES provide is far more nutritious than the pap on which you and your fellow trogs feed...

I've notice you appear incapable of engaging without logical fallacies.

Typical of lefties.

If what PBS provides is so darn good, it will thrive in a non-taxpayer subsidized market.

What are you afraid of?

Part of what makes it good is the relatively small amount of commercial interruption which is what funds for profit broadcasting.

Then you pay for it and leave the rest of us alone.

Only if you pay for my share of the amount I'd like to see cut from the military budget.
Most of you probably pay about a dollar a year in federal taxes towards public broadcasting.

I am willing to sponsor any one of you, at 1 dollar a year, to relieve this hardship, on the condition that the person I sponsor promises to quit crying about that hardship.

And that's WAY too much. Once again, if your ideas are so darn good, they need not be mandatory.
One by one, Trump dismantles and discredits every leftist propaganda station. The stations which, have fed us a bunch of propaganda using our own money taken by taxes. It's finally time to put an end to the parasitism and propaganda. If leftists want to hear how much someone agrees with their shitty opinions, then they better pay for it by themselves.

“The Trump Administration needs to reform and cut spending dramatically, and targeting waste like the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities would be a good first step in showing that the Trump Administration is serious about radically reforming the federal budget,” said Brian Darling, a former aide to Paul and a former staffer at the Heritage Foundation.

PBS/NPR In Panic: Trump Administration To Defund/Privatize

The new enlightenment has begun! "Win streak" is the term that best describe Trump's presidency so far.
I am truly so not tired of winning right now.
Most of you probably pay about a dollar a year in federal taxes towards public broadcasting.

I am willing to sponsor any one of you, at 1 dollar a year, to relieve this hardship, on the condition that the person I sponsor promises to quit crying about that hardship.
Prove that it's only $1.
About time. State funded media is a bad idea. We don't buy the schlock spewed by other country's state-run propaganda machines, we shouldn't have it here. The notion of "news" funded by the government is distasteful at best, tyrannical at worst.

Besides, if NPR and PBS programming is as quality as many say, it will have no problem thriving in a free market.
You're truly a moron...

News is only a small part of what PBS provides.....and the news it DOES provide is far more nutritious than the pap on which you and your fellow trogs feed...

I've notice you appear incapable of engaging without logical fallacies.

Typical of lefties.

If what PBS provides is so darn good, it will thrive in a non-taxpayer subsidized market.

What are you afraid of?

Part of what makes it good is the relatively small amount of commercial interruption which is what funds for profit broadcasting.

Yes, what makes it so good indeed is that others have to involuntarily pay for it, so you won't have to experience inconvenience. Let the leftist circle jerk not be interrupted!

If it truly is so vital and commercials such a problem, surely it can be paid for with donations. You will surely be the first in line to donate!
One by one, Trump dismantles and discredits every leftist propaganda station. The stations which, have fed us a bunch of propaganda using our own money taken by taxes. It's finally time to put an end to the parasitism and propaganda. If leftists want to hear how much someone agrees with their shitty opinions, then they better pay for it by themselves.

“The Trump Administration needs to reform and cut spending dramatically, and targeting waste like the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities would be a good first step in showing that the Trump Administration is serious about radically reforming the federal budget,” said Brian Darling, a former aide to Paul and a former staffer at the Heritage Foundation.

PBS/NPR In Panic: Trump Administration To Defund/Privatize

The new enlightenment has begun! "Win streak" is the term that best describe Trump's presidency so far.

Norman is incredibly stupid!

He obviously has never watched NOVA (a sponsor is David Koch), or listened to NPR. For those not stupid, and yet voted for trump, consider sending your member of Congress an e-mail after listening to NPR, or if you have watched NOVA, Downton Abbey Mercy, American Experience or other informative and well done telecasts. For those not familiar with NPR check a podcast of two out, once you do, if you are curious by nature, you will be hooked:

Podcast Directory
About time. State funded media is a bad idea. We don't buy the schlock spewed by other country's state-run propaganda machines, we shouldn't have it here. The notion of "news" funded by the government is distasteful at best, tyrannical at worst.

Besides, if NPR and PBS programming is as quality as many say, it will have no problem thriving in a free market.
You're truly a moron...

News is only a small part of what PBS provides.....and the news it DOES provide is far more nutritious than the pap on which you and your fellow trogs feed...

I've notice you appear incapable of engaging without logical fallacies.

Typical of lefties.

If what PBS provides is so darn good, it will thrive in a non-taxpayer subsidized market.

What are you afraid of?

Part of what makes it good is the relatively small amount of commercial interruption which is what funds for profit broadcasting.

Then you pay for it and leave the rest of us alone.

Only if you pay for my share of the amount I'd like to see cut from the military budget.

Constitution requires we maintain a military. Not so for a radio station.

Besides, as a libertarian, I suspect I'd cut military interventionism and spending to a far greater degree that you would. CERTAINLY that Clinton would have.
Historically, the first order of business for an authoritarian government is to neutralize the media and press. That is what trump is doing by attacking the media. The results will be that no one is able to decipher what is real news and what is not. The government gains complete control of what the public is allowed to know. Even provable facts are questioned and left in doubt.

Eliminating state run media leads to "government gaining complete control of what the public is allowed to know"?

Wow, that's some logic you got there.
Doing away with a partially publically financed media source is only part of the attack on the media. You are choosing to ignore the attacks being waged by trump on the private sector media. Distortion seems to be a pattern with you folks. You distorted my quote by misinterpreting what I posted.

No, you posted something nonsensical.

Wondering...were you similarly outraged when Obama attacked Fox, tapped the phones of the AP and went after specific reporters by hacking their personal info?

Hypocrisy, thy name is liberal.
So in your mind, if a person posts something you disagree with, you automatically have the privilege of taking it out of context and distorting it instead of addressing it in an honest academic way. Having no intellectual or academic capability to respond available, you distort and then deflect with the ...but...but...but Obama did something too escape and deflection.

The context was clear. I distorted nothing.

Words are important. Don't whine to me if you can't post sensibly.

But thanks for demonstrating your hypocrisy. So typical.
I am not whining. I merely pointed out your lack of integrity Like I said, you are able to justify in your mind that it is ok to distort a person's post, which is what you did. If anyone is whining it is you for being exposed as a basically dishonest person.
About time. State funded media is a bad idea. We don't buy the schlock spewed by other country's state-run propaganda machines, we shouldn't have it here. The notion of "news" funded by the government is distasteful at best, tyrannical at worst.

Besides, if NPR and PBS programming is as quality as many say, it will have no problem thriving in a free market.
You're truly a moron...

News is only a small part of what PBS provides.....and the news it DOES provide is far more nutritious than the pap on which you and your fellow trogs feed...

I've notice you appear incapable of engaging without logical fallacies.

Typical of lefties.

If what PBS provides is so darn good, it will thrive in a non-taxpayer subsidized market.

What are you afraid of?

Part of what makes it good is the relatively small amount of commercial interruption which is what funds for profit broadcasting.

Then you pay for it and leave the rest of us alone.

Only if you pay for my share of the amount I'd like to see cut from the military budget.
Dip shit, PBS in the NPR are only for progressives. They are worthless to the commonsense American
Okay I can live with NPR going private. But defunding NEA sort of says something about what kind of a nation and culture we are turning into.

A more fiscally responsible one where money is no longer forcible taken from the few so that you can see bad art?

Whether art is good or bad is an opinion. Do you really believe in censoring art?
Most of you probably pay about a dollar a year in federal taxes towards public broadcasting.

I am willing to sponsor any one of you, at 1 dollar a year, to relieve this hardship, on the condition that the person I sponsor promises to quit crying about that hardship.

Paying taxes doesn't work that way. If you want to write PBS/NPR and tell them you pledge to pay a certain amount and they will request less federal funds in exchange you could try that, but I doubt they will listen.
Okay I can live with NPR going private. But defunding NEA sort of says something about what kind of a nation and culture we are turning into.

A more fiscally responsible one where money is no longer forcible taken from the few so that you can see bad art?

Whether art is good or bad is an opinion. Do you really believe in censoring art?

Never, but nor do I believe in stealing from some to fund art for others.
Most of you probably pay about a dollar a year in federal taxes towards public broadcasting.

I am willing to sponsor any one of you, at 1 dollar a year, to relieve this hardship, on the condition that the person I sponsor promises to quit crying about that hardship.
Prove that it's only $1.

In the financial year for 2010, the CPB reported receiving $506 million in federal appropriations. According to the White House’s Office of Management and Budget, the federal budget for 2010 was $3.456 trillion. Using those numbers, the CPB receives about .00014 percent of the federal budget.

Poll: Americans way off on public broadcasting funding - On Media

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