TRUMP To DEMS: ‘They Can Come For The Ride, But They Have To Sit In Back’

Nonsense they can drive their own bus and quit complaining how other people drive their buses. We can all share the road. But if we don't agree what direction to take, why not drive separate cars ? And just direct traffic so nobody clashes or crashes?
Don't like someone else driving, then drive yourself in your own car and everyone's equal !

You should share your car with illegal immigrants that can't afford a car.
Sure driving schools can be set up to train any student that school agrees to accept responsibility for. And not impose that on anyone else.

AGREED ColonelAngus

How about developing campuses for military security and prisons, job training education and health and social services
Along the Border:
Why not reward citizens business investors workers nonprofits and churches for building and managing their own school programs legally, where enrollment is used to track work study credits and responsibility of students to meet requirements of these programs ?

Why not create legal tracks that are paid for owned and managed by the people the workers and their agreed sponsors donors and investors?

Isn't there enough work in this to create paid jobs, internships and ownership for everyone who wants to contribute and be represented?

Yes. It's straight forward to me.

Snowflakes are of the mindset that people who actually work should pay for an artist to be able to be "CREATIVE".

Pelosi laid out that vision.
Dear ColonelAngus
Again so why not let liberal taxpayers pay their taxes into their own soft programs and social policies,
Let conservatives pay for defense and limited govt, and give taxpayers a choice?

Track by state what % of taxes come and go through which party and divide federal apportionment according to which states pay in. Then divide that by party so Democrats paying for education and health care manage their taxes and representation equally and separately from Republicans paying for defense and free market health care. We can separate funding for abortion, for death penalty, for marriage benefits better by party than trying to mandate one policy for all which people don't agree on. Why not separate similar to religions that fund and run their own programs?

The government "LOST" over 1000 children in Florida that were supposedly under DCF care.

Do you really trust "THE GOVERNMENT" to handle all that you laid out?
Spare me. Why do you care? Republicans only care about the fetus, NOT children.
That's stupid.

House bill would scale back number of free school meals

House GOP spending cuts will devastate women, families and economy

Why would Republicans go after children's health insurance?

So stop pretending you care about children. It's laughable.
You should share your car with illegal immigrants that can't afford a car.
Sure driving schools can be set up to train any student that school agrees to accept responsibility for. And not impose that on anyone else.

AGREED ColonelAngus

How about developing campuses for military security and prisons, job training education and health and social services
Along the Border:
Why not reward citizens business investors workers nonprofits and churches for building and managing their own school programs legally, where enrollment is used to track work study credits and responsibility of students to meet requirements of these programs ?

Why not create legal tracks that are paid for owned and managed by the people the workers and their agreed sponsors donors and investors?

Isn't there enough work in this to create paid jobs, internships and ownership for everyone who wants to contribute and be represented?

Yes. It's straight forward to me.

Snowflakes are of the mindset that people who actually work should pay for an artist to be able to be "CREATIVE".

Pelosi laid out that vision.
Dear ColonelAngus
Again so why not let liberal taxpayers pay their taxes into their own soft programs and social policies,
Let conservatives pay for defense and limited govt, and give taxpayers a choice?

Track by state what % of taxes come and go through which party and divide federal apportionment according to which states pay in. Then divide that by party so Democrats paying for education and health care manage their taxes and representation equally and separately from Republicans paying for defense and free market health care. We can separate funding for abortion, for death penalty, for marriage benefits better by party than trying to mandate one policy for all which people don't agree on. Why not separate similar to religions that fund and run their own programs?

The government "LOST" over 1000 children in Florida that were supposedly under DCF care.

Do you really trust "THE GOVERNMENT" to handle all that you laid out?
Spare me. Why do you care? Republicans only care about the fetus, NOT children.
That's stupid.

House bill would scale back number of free school meals

House GOP spending cuts will devastate women, families and economy

Why would Republicans go after children's health insurance?

So stop pretending you care about children. It's laughable.

Snowflakes aren't supposed to stereotype.

What about the HISPANICS and BLACKS and WOMEN that voted for Trump....especially those who voted twice for Obama, but voted TRUMP in 2016. What do they care about? Are they xenophobic, racist, misogynists?
You should share your car with illegal immigrants that can't afford a car.
Sure driving schools can be set up to train any student that school agrees to accept responsibility for. And not impose that on anyone else.

AGREED ColonelAngus

How about developing campuses for military security and prisons, job training education and health and social services
Along the Border:
Why not reward citizens business investors workers nonprofits and churches for building and managing their own school programs legally, where enrollment is used to track work study credits and responsibility of students to meet requirements of these programs ?

Why not create legal tracks that are paid for owned and managed by the people the workers and their agreed sponsors donors and investors?

Isn't there enough work in this to create paid jobs, internships and ownership for everyone who wants to contribute and be represented?

Yes. It's straight forward to me.

Snowflakes are of the mindset that people who actually work should pay for an artist to be able to be "CREATIVE".

Pelosi laid out that vision.
Dear ColonelAngus
Again so why not let liberal taxpayers pay their taxes into their own soft programs and social policies,
Let conservatives pay for defense and limited govt, and give taxpayers a choice?

Track by state what % of taxes come and go through which party and divide federal apportionment according to which states pay in. Then divide that by party so Democrats paying for education and health care manage their taxes and representation equally and separately from Republicans paying for defense and free market health care. We can separate funding for abortion, for death penalty, for marriage benefits better by party than trying to mandate one policy for all which people don't agree on. Why not separate similar to religions that fund and run their own programs?

The government "LOST" over 1000 children in Florida that were supposedly under DCF care.

Do you really trust "THE GOVERNMENT" to handle all that you laid out?
Spare me. Why do you care? Republicans only care about the fetus, NOT children.
That's stupid.

House bill would scale back number of free school meals

House GOP spending cuts will devastate women, families and economy

Why would Republicans go after children's health insurance?

So stop pretending you care about children. It's laughable.
Dear rdean
You don't get it.
Not wanting health care controlled by government is like
Not wanting Christianity mandated by govt.

That's not the same as being Against Christianity or Against health care just because
We don't agree with Forcing People to pay
For either one through Govt!

If You understand and believe in keeping
CHRISTIAN practice and policy *out of govt*,
You should understand the same concept as
Keeping health care mandates *out of federal.govt* and respecting free choice of people to CHOOSE which policy to pay for the same way we CHOOSE which religion to fund and follow.

You can't have it both ways rdean
Unless you want to incorporate and include CHRISTIAN faith based means of providing for health care through govt,
Then don't force this issue through govt
In the first place.

Christians and nonprofits like Doctors without Borders prove that very effective sustainable medical care can be developed by FREE choice to fund and participate.

Are you including nonprofit charities like THAT when you say Republicans don't care about children and health care? Are you counting nonprofits like St Jude Children hospital that doesn't "force taxpayers to fund them through govt" in order to serve people especially children who can't afford to pay ?

Shame on you rdean
Until you set up and running a children's hospital based on voluntary contributions by free choice, how DARE you accuse others of not caring!

Shame on you rdean !!!
Obama To GOP: ‘They Can Come For The Ride, But They Have To Sit In Back’
This, the "we won" stuff, filibuster rules, reconciliation.

Partisans are so goddamned short-sighted and narcissistic.

The Democrats can't whine if it's done to them now.

Well, of course they'll whine, but it will be hypocritical.

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