Trump to Give Remarks On The Economy Tomorrow

Trump made a complete ass of himself on his supposedly big policy speech. The dimwit is incapable of staying on message for more that 20 seconds. So, what else is new.
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Trump made a complete ass of himself on his supposedly big policy speech. The dimwit is incapable ,of staying on message for more that 20 seconds. So, what else is new.
As opposed to Kamala’s brilliance, telling us that the passage of time is time passing, and we must work to improve things and that time is today, and that Ukraine is a little country next to a big country called Russia?

She’s never said anything of substance that wasn’t written for her by someone else. She’s a perfect example of why one shouldn’t prioritize blackness - particularly female blackness - over competence.
Isn't fuel a gasoline?
Diesel fuel is not gasoline, no. For almost 100 years it was always a little less than 1/2 the price of gas, too.

There's another thing that contributes to inflation. I think Bush did that, or Clinton.

Sometime after the mid 1990s some diesel law was passed to make it cost more than gasoline.
So I am a moron?? Look in the mirror. Fuel is one cause of inflation and food prices. Please explain what Trump will do about fuel prices? He wants to drill which is just red meat to his moronic minions like you

The fact is that we already produce more oil than we use, The problem is that we do not have the capacity to refine the light sweet crude that is found in N. America so we export it. Then we import oil that we can refine at prices set by the oil cartels . But , I realize that that is way to complicated for Trumpers to understand because THEY are morons.
What exactly do you disagree with cowboy The Duke Spell it out if you can.
Diesel fuel is not gasoline, no. For almost 100 years it was always a little less than 1/2 the price of gas, too.

There's another thing that contributes to inflation. I think Bush did that, or Clinton.

Sometime after the mid 1990s some diesel law was passed to make it cost more than gasoline.

I guess that means that this is wrong then?


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