Trump to Kellyanne Conway: Shut up and leave Romney alone

Romney ain't going to be SOS...the Trump kids hate him....bye bye Mittens.

And that's really how these decisions should be made, by the Tumpits.

He totally trusts them because he totally trained got a problem with that tough shit.

You would have a great deal cleaing up your drawers if Obama's kids were involved in that manner. I say let the Trump kids have it, it'll be great to watch.
The kenyan's kids are little school girls. Trumps kids are grown adults and successful business owners.

Course you can't make that distinction, can you, DUMBASS?
Romney ain't going to be SOS...the Trump kids hate him....bye bye Mittens.

And that's really how these decisions should be made, by the Tumpits.

He totally trusts them because he totally trained got a problem with that tough shit.

You would have a great deal cleaing up your drawers if Obama's kids were involved in that manner. I say let the Trump kids have it, it'll be great to watch.
The kenyan's kids are little school girls. Trumps kids are grown adults and successful business owners.

Course you can't make that distinction, can you, DUMBASS?

"successful" bidniss owners like their daddy? Please.
Romney ain't going to be SOS...the Trump kids hate him....bye bye Mittens.

And that's really how these decisions should be made, by the Tumpits.

He totally trusts them because he totally trained got a problem with that tough shit.

You would have a great deal cleaing up your drawers if Obama's kids were involved in that manner. I say let the Trump kids have it, it'll be great to watch.
The kenyan's kids are little school girls. Trumps kids are grown adults and successful business owners.

Course you can't make that distinction, can you, DUMBASS?

"successful" bidniss owners like their daddy? Please.
Please what... please explain it to you a second time? Are you that stupid... hon?
The thing is that is a position which must be confirmed by Congress, that's the whole point.
True conservatives, which Votto is not, would want a person like Romney.
Imo it's all part of Donald's 24-7 reality show in which he must be the constant star, and Romney was never in the real picture, but Donald seized upon Mitt's apparent desire to be part of the players making policy, and is just publically humiliating him by offering him an illusion of power that will be pulled back. Ghoulinai is probably out of the picture both because he lobbied publically, without sufficient boot licking, and he's a crooked as Hillary, and the media will hound the House of Trump with the story.
Donald Trump is pissed off at Kellyanne Conway for slamming Mitt Romney as a choice for Secretary of State. Trump 'furious' over Kellyanne Conway comments on Sunday shows about Mitt Romney

Although I cannot stand Trump, I'm on his side on this one: Mitt Romney is the only serious, non-kooky choice for Secretar of State among the names floated for the position. He was a governor who can get along with people of different ideologies and as a governor he has experience as a leader.

I would like conservatives on this board to state whether they want Romney or a kooky right-wing nut for the position. Thanks.
Quote MSNBC at your peril, newbie.:nono:
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lol, I think the lying bitch is lashing out because she hasn't been offered her own plum job in the Trump administration.
I saw what she said.

She spoke the truth....and I don't believe any unnamed sources PMSNBC produces to gin up imaginary conflict inside Trump’s team.

Consider the source before you comment on any media fabrications these degenerates think up. That's my advice.
Donald Trump is pissed off at Kellyanne Conway for slamming Mitt Romney as a choice for Secretary of State. Trump 'furious' over Kellyanne Conway comments on Sunday shows about Mitt Romney

Although I cannot stand Trump, I'm on his side on this one: Mitt Romney is the only serious, non-kooky choice for Secretar of State among the names floated for the position. He was a governor who can get along with people of different ideologies and as a governor he has experience as a leader.

I would like conservatives on this board to state whether they want Romney or a kooky right-wing nut for the position. Thanks.
Right-wing nut/kook

One of the best ways to pick someone is to see who pisses off the left the most
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Donald Trump is pissed off at Kellyanne Conway for slamming Mitt Romney as a choice for Secretary of State. Trump 'furious' over Kellyanne Conway comments on Sunday shows about Mitt Romney

Although I cannot stand Trump, I'm on his side on this one: Mitt Romney is the only serious, non-kooky choice for Secretar of State among the names floated for the position. He was a governor who can get along with people of different ideologies and as a governor he has experience as a leader.

I would like conservatives on this board to state whether they want Romney or a kooky right-wing nut for the position. Thanks.
I didn't vote for Trump and don't think he's in any way a conservative or even Republican. And I don't think he ever seriously considered Romney, and this is just a realty tv gimmick to "punish" Romney. But the reason Romney would benefit Trump is that his appointment would silence all the "soft on Putin" talk, and signal to our allies that Trump was serious about running a professional foreign policy. Both of which are imo fantasy.
True conservatives, which Votto is not, would want a person like Romney.
What makes me not a conservative? In addition, how can Trump appoint a person who referred to him as unfit and a clown?
You are not a Republican nevertrumper is enough to disqualify you.

Our GOP has been clownish and unfit all season long as Trump is elevated to the presidency by madness.

I was not a Trump supporter dingleberry. Where did I ever say to vote Trump?

On the contrary, I've criticized his spending plan and plans to expand government in general.

You probably mistake my disdain for Hillary as a vote for Trump.

There is virtually nothing conservative about Trump. He calls for massive walls, which got down graded to a fence, and tariffs and such. It's all about bigger government.

In fact, Trump is scheduled to spend more than Hillary would have, hard to believe I know. I'm beginning to think that whoever promises to spend the most wins.
The OP is not about Trump so much as it is about Romney.

True conservatives want Romney.
True conservatives, which Votto is not, would want a person like Romney.
What makes me not a conservative? In addition, how can Trump appoint a person who referred to him as unfit and a clown?
You are not a Republican nevertrumper is enough to disqualify you.

Our GOP has been clownish and unfit all season long as Trump is elevated to the presidency by madness.

I was not a Trump supporter dingleberry. Where did I ever say to vote Trump?

On the contrary, I've criticized his spending plan and plans to expand government in general.

You probably mistake my disdain for Hillary as a vote for Trump.

There is virtually nothing conservative about Trump. He calls for massive walls, which got down graded to a fence, and tariffs and such. It's all about bigger government.

In fact, Trump is scheduled to spend more than Hillary would have, hard to believe I know. I'm beginning to think that whoever promises to spend the most wins.
The OP is not about Trump so much as it is about Romney.

True conservatives want Romney.
Trump should stop milking the audience and just nominate Ivanka, and let her do the job even if the isn't confirmed, which she would be, btw, with the help of Machin and McKaskill.
Oh it makes Trump more than that. It makes him a traitor and 1 term president. He doesn't seem to comprehend he won because he managed to get people who DESPISED Romney to vote for him....dumb thing to do to put Romney as SOS.
No, its the people who despise Clinton and her party. This election wasn't about Romney
Oh it makes Trump more than that. It makes him a traitor and 1 term president. He doesn't seem to comprehend he won because he managed to get people who DESPISED Romney to vote for him....dumb thing to do to put Romney as SOS.
No, its the people who despise Clinton and her party. This election wasn't about Romney
The election was about the two most unqualified candidates in the last century.
Donald Trump is pissed off at Kellyanne Conway for slamming Mitt Romney as a choice for Secretary of State. Trump 'furious' over Kellyanne Conway comments on Sunday shows about Mitt Romney

Although I cannot stand Trump, I'm on his side on this one: Mitt Romney is the only serious, non-kooky choice for Secretar of State among the names floated for the position. He was a governor who can get along with people of different ideologies and as a governor he has experience as a leader.

I would like conservatives on this board to state whether they want Romney or a kooky right-wing nut for the position. Thanks.
She's right. He's wrong. Simple as that. He is a traitor for even considering Romney. You DO NOT put someone who called you a phony and a fake and a fraud in charge of your state department for fucks sakes. The Russians won't take Willard seriously nor will any other country and they shouldn't. He's a fucking joke. Trump must WANT to be a 1 term president because he will lose all the people he brought in to the GOP that DIDN'T vote for Romney because we knew he was a fucking joke of a candidate and not worthy of our support. GO KELLYANNE! Hold Trumps feet to the fire!
Hillary was a more harsh critic of Obama than McCain was, and she still got into Obama's cabinet.

If Romney fucks up, Trump can fire him and forget about him without any worry.

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