Trump to make groping legal on college campuses

WShy are Trumpettes so ininformed, ignorant &
Yeah, Due Process is a horrible concept, right, Stalin?

There was due procerss before, dumbass.

Like at Duke?

And I can list countless other examples, by the way, but that is probably the most notorious and egregious.
And there a list 100 times longer of women that were raped & abused.

And absolutely nothing is stopping them from going to the police and filing charges. Absolutely nothing has changed to make that any more difficult.

So please stop the lying. It just makes you look stupid
Oh Jesus fuck. Schools have a procedure. The accused get their say in their defense.

Is that why students not even aware of accusations are being suspended/expelled?

And why you are freaking out over Devos making sure schools give them due process?
WShy are Trumpettes so ininformed, ignorant &
There was due procerss before, dumbass.

Like at Duke?

And I can list countless other examples, by the way, but that is probably the most notorious and egregious.
And there a list 100 times longer of women that were raped & abused.

And absolutely nothing is stopping them from going to the police and filing charges. Absolutely nothing has changed to make that any more difficult.

So please stop the lying. It just makes you look stupid
Oh Jesus fuck. Schools have a procedure. The accused get their say in their defense.

Is that why students not even aware of accusations are being suspended/expelled?

And why you are freaking out over Devos making sure schools give them due process?

Because that's how authoritarian despots behave.
WShy are Trumpettes so ininformed, ignorant &
There was due procerss before, dumbass.

Like at Duke?

And I can list countless other examples, by the way, but that is probably the most notorious and egregious.
And there a list 100 times longer of women that were raped & abused.

And absolutely nothing is stopping them from going to the police and filing charges. Absolutely nothing has changed to make that any more difficult.

So please stop the lying. It just makes you look stupid
Oh Jesus fuck. Schools have a procedure. The accused get their say in their defense.

Is that why students not even aware of accusations are being suspended/expelled?

And why you are freaking out over Devos making sure schools give them du

Dervops is chasnging the tyupe of harassment they canb even r5er[ort you stupiud fick. Sje is makinhg it nearly impoissioble to prove harassment.

But hewty, You & yohyr oireazn ge fgroping buiddu keep allowing this disguste process?
So, you are claiming all these students are expelled & don't know why?
WShy are Trumpettes so ininformed, ignorant &
There was due procerss before, dumbass.

Like at Duke?

And I can list countless other examples, by the way, but that is probably the most notorious and egregious.
And there a list 100 times longer of women that were raped & abused.

And absolutely nothing is stopping them from going to the police and filing charges. Absolutely nothing has changed to make that any more difficult.

So please stop the lying. It just makes you look stupid
Oh Jesus fuck. Schools have a procedure. The accused get their say in their defense.

Is that why students not even aware of accusations are being suspended/expelled?

And why you are freaking out over Devos making sure schools give them due process?

Where? Where are all these cases where students are expelled without being given a reason?

Devos is changing the definition of sexual harassment so only the worst cases can be reported.

I am sure a low life groper supporter like you could care less.
WShy are Trumpettes so ininformed, ignorant &
There was due procerss before, dumbass.

Like at Duke?

And I can list countless other examples, by the way, but that is probably the most notorious and egregious.
And there a list 100 times longer of women that were raped & abused.

And absolutely nothing is stopping them from going to the police and filing charges. Absolutely nothing has changed to make that any more difficult.

So please stop the lying. It just makes you look stupid
Oh Jesus fuck. Schools have a procedure. The accused get their say in their defense.

More fucking lies from the #MeToo Marxist.

Kwadwo “kojo” bonsu, 23, was on track to graduate in the spring of 2016 with a degree in chemical engineering from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Bonsu, who was born in Maryland, is the son of Ghanaian immigrants. He chose UMass because it gave him the opportunity to pursue his two passions, science and music. He told me he hoped to get a doctorate in polymer science or chemical engineering. At UMass he was a member of the National Society of Black Engineers. He also joined a fraternity (he was the only black member), played guitar in a campus jazz band, and tutored jazz guitarists at a local high school.}

The Uncomfortable Truth About Campus Rape Policy - The Atlantic

But there was a hearing i.e. due process.
Betsy-bitch is trying to impose on schools' disciplinary procedures the burden of proof that is applied to harassment cases brought in federal court under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, thus putting them in a position in which they cannot protect their students. She knows this, but she must have enjoyed her share.

So someone should be kicked out of school based on 50.1% of belief in the presented case?

So, what % would you think is fair?

The accused wins with what ? 25?, 10%?
You need a link because you are too fucking stupid to find the information for yourself. I guess your mommy still spoon feeds you & wipes your fat ass when you take as dump.
Stop being such a lazy faggot
Stop being such an ignorant bigoted POS who is too lazy to advance their own knowledge by looking it up

Wow, what a hack you are.
real women don't whine about inequality, they are proactive and come right up to us and ask us for a full body massage with happy ending, instead!
Real men aren't fucking assholes and denigrate women.. Why are you blaming women because men abuse them?

-------------------------------------------------- poor widdle adult wominz , heck i thought they were equals that could take care of themselves . Heck , they can even vote . ------- just a comment RDave .

You are the typical panty waisted little person who has to abuse women.

How pathetic.
------------------------------------ poor widdle adult Fro , er adult ladies . All they gotta do is call the cops if they as little ladies are assaulted RDave .
Still blaming the women. What a POS you are.
Betsy-bitch is trying to impose on schools' disciplinary procedures the burden of proof that is applied to harassment cases brought in federal court under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, thus putting them in a position in which they cannot protect their students. She knows this, but she must have enjoyed her share.

So someone should be kicked out of school based on 50.1% of belief in the presented case?

So, what % would you think is fair?

The accused wins with what ? 25?, 10%?

How about letting law enforcement handle actual crimes?

The legal system for criminal acts goes as far as "beyond reasonable doubt"

Most schools originally went with "clear and convincing evidence" which requires and estimate of 75-85% certainty.

After the Obama guidance came out schools went with preponderance of the evidence, ie.e 50.1% sure of something.

And they denied the accused access to all the evidence, denied them access to lawyers, denied them the ability to cross examine their accuser.

It was decided that risking lawsuits from the guys was better than risking lawsuits from the girls, and that isn't justice.
WShy are Trumpettes so ininformed, ignorant &
Like at Duke?

And I can list countless other examples, by the way, but that is probably the most notorious and egregious.
And there a list 100 times longer of women that were raped & abused.

And absolutely nothing is stopping them from going to the police and filing charges. Absolutely nothing has changed to make that any more difficult.

So please stop the lying. It just makes you look stupid
Oh Jesus fuck. Schools have a procedure. The accused get their say in their defense.

More fucking lies from the #MeToo Marxist.

Kwadwo “kojo” bonsu, 23, was on track to graduate in the spring of 2016 with a degree in chemical engineering from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Bonsu, who was born in Maryland, is the son of Ghanaian immigrants. He chose UMass because it gave him the opportunity to pursue his two passions, science and music. He told me he hoped to get a doctorate in polymer science or chemical engineering. At UMass he was a member of the National Society of Black Engineers. He also joined a fraternity (he was the only black member), played guitar in a campus jazz band, and tutored jazz guitarists at a local high school.}

The Uncomfortable Truth About Campus Rape Policy - The Atlantic

But there was a hearing i.e. due process.

Due process means a FAIR hearing, not one tilted in favor of one side.
Betsy-bitch is trying to impose on schools' disciplinary procedures the burden of proof that is applied to harassment cases brought in federal court under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, thus putting them in a position in which they cannot protect their students. She knows this, but she must have enjoyed her share.

So someone should be kicked out of school based on 50.1% of belief in the presented case?

So, what % would you think is fair?

The accused wins with what ? 25?, 10%?

How about letting law enforcement handle actual crimes?

The legal system for criminal acts goes as far as "beyond reasonable doubt"

Most schools originally went with "clear and convincing evidence" which requires and estimate of 75-85% certainty.

After the Obama guidance came out schools went with preponderance of the evidence, ie.e 50.1% sure of something.

And they denied the accused access to all the evidence, denied them access to lawyers, denied them the ability to cross examine their accuser.

It was decided that risking lawsuits from the guys was better than risking lawsuits from the girls, and that isn't justice.

Schools have a code of conduct.

So do corporations.

Those deemed in violation can be suspended or expelled. They don't go to prison.

We even see this in the court system when a civil suit is filed. There is no "beyond a reasonable doubt at all"

What I see is you defending those that abuse women. Denying the right foe corporations & colleges to set their own code of conduct. A code the student agrees to follow hen they enroll.

As usual, Trump has made you stupid by forcing you to defend a stupid change in how colleges deal with these issues.
Betsy-bitch is trying to impose on schools' disciplinary procedures the burden of proof that is applied to harassment cases brought in federal court under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, thus putting them in a position in which they cannot protect their students. She knows this, but she must have enjoyed her share.

So someone should be kicked out of school based on 50.1% of belief in the presented case?

So, what % would you think is fair?

The accused wins with what ? 25?, 10%?

How about letting law enforcement handle actual crimes?

The legal system for criminal acts goes as far as "beyond reasonable doubt"

Most schools originally went with "clear and convincing evidence" which requires and estimate of 75-85% certainty.

After the Obama guidance came out schools went with preponderance of the evidence, ie.e 50.1% sure of something.

And they denied the accused access to all the evidence, denied them access to lawyers, denied them the ability to cross examine their accuser.

It was decided that risking lawsuits from the guys was better than risking lawsuits from the girls, and that isn't justice.

Schools have a code of conduct.

So do corporations.

Those deemed in violation can be suspended or expelled. They don't go to prison.

We even see this in the court system when a civil suit is filed. There is no "beyond a reasonable doubt at all"

What I see is you defending those that abuse women. Denying the right foe corporations & colleges to set their own code of conduct. A code the student agrees to follow hen they enroll.

As usual, Trump has made you stupid by forcing you to defend a stupid change in how colleges deal with these issues.

Public Universities are held to the same standards as government when it comes to assuring rights of the accused.

And since Universities are PAID by people to educate, it isn't like being fired from work.

Most of these cases involve two drunk people hooking up, and one of them regretting it later.

Why should the male assume more responsibility for this situation in this day and age?

Cases where there is provable criminal assault or abuse get passed on to the police, and they handle it.

Most of the cases that end up the school tribunals are "he said she said" cases, and even in these the Schools don't even follow their own procedures. This is why some Private Universities are also getting sued by accused men who's only fault was being the male out of one of two drunk people in an awkward hookup.

Countless cases have shown bias against the accused just because they are male, and the schools just want the issue to go away.

Obama's DOE guidance made this worse.

And as an older brother, I would strangle anyone that would actually harm a woman I know, so your accusations of "women hating" are baseless.
if actual assault happens let the widdle wominz call the cops as adults should do RealDave.
If he did nothing wrong why should he be expelled and forced to go to another school? What about his right to go to the school of his choice?
So you’re seriously trying to arguing that if someone gets kicked out of Harvard based on an accusation and nothing else they won’t have their education ruined because they can go to Trump University?

So, you really think all it takes is an accusation. No investigation, nothing. How did you get this naive?
It has happened many times. If a crime is alleged it is not for college staff to ‘investigate’.

some universities have their own police but criminal investigations are a different thing
If one is alleging they are the victim of a crime and they want something done about that crime, then it is for the legal system to deal with.
It is totally wrong that the institution decides to kick out someone based upon their idea of an investigation.
In fact that approach should be illegal if it isn’t already. School staff aren’t lawyers and neither should they behave as though they are judge and jury where people’s futures are concerned.
It ain’t rocket science.
From what I hear, "their idea of an investigation" is what the Obama era policies were about. Too many colleges were burying these incidents in order to save their reputations, so the administration told colleges they needed to investigate when there were accusations of sexual assault or harrassment. However, as many here have pointed out, colleges are not courts of law and they aren't equipped to be. This has given the accused a reason to say they did not receive "due process." If you look at the case 2AGuy posted back several pages ago, the guy was found to have committed sexual assault, but the beef was the investigators didn't question him about additional accusations of creating a hostile environment in a class. So what, is my question--if he committed sexual assault (which the article doesn't argue) the fact that they didn't question him about talking dirty to her in a class doesn't change anything important.
So one must be careful. The Obama era rules were put in place to give fairness to victims. If they need to be adjusted now to make them more fair, fine.
There really isn’t anything fair about school staff acting as judge and jury in the instances you reference.
Accusations of sexual assault, for example, are matters for the police and the leagal system. If someone is going to have their future potentially ruined, they deserve due process, proper legal representation and their day in court.
Kangaroo college courts are unacceptable, imho.
Republican + Russian = same

caddo kid + Retard = same.

You know fuckwit, for nearly a century you democrat scum have licked the boots of the Communists. I get that you feel betrayed that the Russians abandoned the Communism you so deeply love, which is why you are toadies of the Communist Chinese.

Hell, Sen. Dianne Feinstein is a fucking Chinese spy.

Even here, where you Marxist fucks demand there be no due process, you are aping your Chinese masters.
So, you';re sticking with you lie that there was no due process in these cases on college campuses.
FFS just go and do some freaking reading on the matter!
Everyday I think the fools on the Left have hit rock bottom with the stupid shit......

and every day they manage a new, lower low
So, you really think all it takes is an accusation. No investigation, nothing. How did you get this naive?
It has happened many times. If a crime is alleged it is not for college staff to ‘investigate’.

some universities have their own police but criminal investigations are a different thing
If one is alleging they are the victim of a crime and they want something done about that crime, then it is for the legal system to deal with.
It is totally wrong that the institution decides to kick out someone based upon their idea of an investigation.
In fact that approach should be illegal if it isn’t already. School staff aren’t lawyers and neither should they behave as though they are judge and jury where people’s futures are concerned.
It ain’t rocket science.
From what I hear, "their idea of an investigation" is what the Obama era policies were about. Too many colleges were burying these incidents in order to save their reputations, so the administration told colleges they needed to investigate when there were accusations of sexual assault or harrassment. However, as many here have pointed out, colleges are not courts of law and they aren't equipped to be. This has given the accused a reason to say they did not receive "due process." If you look at the case 2AGuy posted back several pages ago, the guy was found to have committed sexual assault, but the beef was the investigators didn't question him about additional accusations of creating a hostile environment in a class. So what, is my question--if he committed sexual assault (which the article doesn't argue) the fact that they didn't question him about talking dirty to her in a class doesn't change anything important.
So one must be careful. The Obama era rules were put in place to give fairness to victims. If they need to be adjusted now to make them more fair, fine.
There really isn’t anything fair about school staff acting as judge and jury in the instances you reference. Accusations of sexual assault, for example, are matters for the police and the leagal system. If someone is going to have their future potentially ruined, they deserve due process, proper legal representation and their day in court.
Kangaroo college courts are unacceptable, imho.
---------------------------------- and the 'kangaroo court' might be politically correct judges who would likely be college professors or employees of the possibly politically correct Institution that PAYS their wages that keeps them off the streets . The 'judges' would be easy to manipulate .
Stop being such a lazy faggot
Stop being such an ignorant bigoted POS who is too lazy to advance their own knowledge by looking it up

Wow, what a hack you are.
real women don't whine about inequality, they are proactive and come right up to us and ask us for a full body massage with happy ending, instead!
Real men aren't fucking assholes and denigrate women.. Why are you blaming women because men abuse them?

-------------------------------------------------- poor widdle adult wominz , heck i thought they were equals that could take care of themselves . Heck , they can even vote . ------- just a comment RDave .

You are the typical panty waisted little person who has to abuse women.

How pathetic.
------------------------------------ poor widdle adult Fro , er adult ladies . All they gotta do is call the cops if they as little ladies are assaulted RDave .
Still blaming the women. What a POS you are.
How is suggesting women who are assaulted call the police ‘blaming the women’? :uhoh3:
It’s very sound advice!
Republican + Russian = same

caddo kid + Retard = same.

You know fuckwit, for nearly a century you democrat scum have licked the boots of the Communists. I get that you feel betrayed that the Russians abandoned the Communism you so deeply love, which is why you are toadies of the Communist Chinese.

Hell, Sen. Dianne Feinstein is a fucking Chinese spy.

Even here, where you Marxist fucks demand there be no due process, you are aping your Chinese masters.

No Commie here but thanks for posting that funny drivel; I LMFAOOL :21:

Do you have your own 'stand up' act somewhere, or do you just fake it? :abgg2q.jpg:

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