Trump to Megyn Kelly: I Don't Have Time For Political Correctness and Neither Does This Country

trump was right political-correctness is for losers like the one posting here now from the left
What a petty fool Trump is, the fact that he would even bother with these kind of comments shows what kind of man he isn't.

Donald Trump Wars With Fox News Megyn Kelly - NBC News

it' s hilarious a left-wing idiot to even comment on these things. have you heard what your douchebag president said lately?
But we're talking about this douchebag. Did you want to change the subject now?

i'm talking about a different douchebottle


This guy has melted down so far he's ruined half the keys on his keyboard.

I see somebody came to help you

you need it
but carbintard isn't the one; I make him look stupid daily
I dont know what all the love for Trump is about. Trump is a classic RINO. He is in favor abortion, higher taxes, gun control, and corporate welfare.
Who in his right mind supports that crap??

All he has to do is spout the right catch phrases and the Tea Party dum dums fall all over themselves to follow him.


catchphrases; you mean like "change"?????

Every candidate on the GOP side is running on 'change' and every one of them hopes to win.

Hope and change.
Megyn Kelly vs. Trump.

If you bet on a C-word winning that battle... can't lose.
As far as I am concern....Political correctness sucks ass. Freedom of speech is important. The far right doesn't want to hear about how their rich gods need to be taxed and how they're a bunch of sell outs!!!! They're shit!
There's no such thing as 'political correctness,' it's a ridiculous myth contrived and propagated by the right, the consequence of their fear of, and contempt for, honest, open debate in a free and democratic society.

Refraining from insulting women based on their physical appearance has nothing to do with the myth of 'political correctness.'

Trump is as ridiculous as he is wrong.

I posted this response in another thread.

Show me a man or woman for that matter who claims they've never criticized or said something derogatory about a woman and I'll show you a liar. Yes, that applies to every swinging richard on these boards.
Nothing is wrong with criticizing but as a candidate, Trump should be prepared to actually share with us a realist course of action to solve the problem. That he does not do.

Take a look at his pet issue, immigration. He said he's going to build a great great wall at the Mexican border and make Mexico pay for it. Now this is after levying unsubstantiated claims against the Mexican government of dumping criminals into the US. In addition, he plans to deport all undocumented immigrants, a minimum of 11 million people, an action that 80% of Americans oppose and would cost 200 billion dollars. When Trump was asked how he planned to do this, he just shrugged his shoulders and said he didn't know.
trump was right political-correctness is for losers like the one posting here now from the left
Political corrections is just common decency. There is nothing wrong with it. In fact, we need it in our society because we aren't a very polite society. However, there is something very wrong with how we punish political incorrectness. In the past, persons guilty of transgression of common civility were admonished or shunned. Today we often extract much harsher penalties.
There's no such thing as 'political correctness,' it's a ridiculous myth contrived and propagated by the right, the consequence of their fear of, and contempt for, honest, open debate in a free and democratic society.

Refraining from insulting women based on their physical appearance has nothing to do with the myth of 'political correctness.'

Trump is as ridiculous as he is wrong.

I posted this response in another thread.

Show me a man or woman for that matter who claims they've never criticized or said something derogatory about a woman and I'll show you a liar. Yes, that applies to every swinging richard on these boards.
Nothing is wrong with criticizing but as a candidate, Trump should be prepared to actually share with us a realist course of action to solve the problem. That he does not do.

Take a look at his pet issue, immigration. He said he's going to build a great great wall at the Mexican border and make Mexico pay for it. Now this is after levying unsubstantiated claims against the Mexican government of dumping criminals into the US. In addition, he plans to deport all undocumented immigrants, a minimum of 11 million people, an action that 80% of Americans oppose and would cost 200 billion dollars. When Trump was asked how he planned to do this, he just shrugged his shoulders and said he didn't know.

Damn I think I got whiplash from that rapid change in direction, how did you get from people call others names to deporting 11 million illegals? I would really like to understand the thought process.
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