Trump To Release Call Transcript

really doesn't matter what you think either. the video proves nothing and our gov has done this for such a long time it has unfortunately become common practice.

Republicans Threaten to Withhold Government Funding Over Obama's New EPA Rules
look - trump doing it now to us here inside the US. i missed your thread on this outrage. my guess is you'd say GOOD THEY NEED THE SLAPPIN and suddenly "this" is different.

trump threatens to withhold money all the time. again, where is your outrage?
Not to get someone fired for investigating his son. That’s was Biden.
That wasn’t Biden’s call it was Obama’s and the will of our allies country’s. How is this not sinking into your thick skull.

Biden was there in state business. He didn’t do his own bidding. His son also wasn’t in trouble or under investigation. You keep lying about that
yea but a lot of what i read today says the fired investigator DID have hunter in his sights. how does he make 3.1 million dollars from an energy co with zero energy background?

we get mad at trump for having a hotel the air force stayed at but no one gives a shit about this. however, THIS is why we argue so much. one side can, your side can't.
I’m sure Hunter was paid handsomely because of his last name. It sounds like he capitalized on it or some equity guys brought him in to capitalize on the name. If anything ever came out that Joe leverages his office to pull strings for him then that’s bad. But that’s not reality.

It’s kind of shocking that Trump is putting a spotlight on this as I would not be surprised if he used his position to help his kids and his business and I assume there will be controversy for year about this issue
dude - the air force can't even stay at a trump property w/o the left crying foul.

don't give me this crap. no company is going to pay someone $3.1 million dollars if they are not going to get value out of that. if you really want to bang this drum, tell me what value hunter brought to the company worth $3.1 million dollars. did they billboard his ass and sell more gas/energy that way? tell me.
I got no I problem with the air force or VP staying at a Trump hotel. Treat them to a round of golf for all I care. People who whine about that are being drama queens

Lol google has taken down almost all videos of it hahah but I found it again.
Poor democrats hate freedom.

so - no proof. just speculation. still.


Biden would be in the wrong if he went rouge and made the threat all on his own to protect his son. But it was the position of the administration so Biden’s self interest is irrelevant. It’s also over blown as Biden’s son was not being investigated. The CEO of a company he was on the board for was AND the investigation was dormant. You ignore all this to push a false narrative. Grow up.

you ignore bidens son making bank for working in an industry he had zero knowledge of.

ignoring shit you don't like is pretty common for a lot of people. at least i'm trying to get an even playing field and not excusing either side based off my emotional stake in life.

if trump jr was under any form of investigation cause he was making millions in a field he had zero knowledge of and trump sent his vp to get the guy fired OR ELSE, you'd be furious with trump.

i get mad at the actions themselves. don't really give a shit who does 'em.

If Hunter Biden making money is the issue then let’s focus on that issue. But it’s being used as a distraction. The spot light was on Trump because of a whistlerblower report. Then he counter punches with pointing the finger at Joe Biden, shocking. But the story is spun up BS with no legs so now it’s Hunter... what crime did Hunter commit by making 3 million on an energy deal? Was his dad involved?

i'll let you catch up to my next link that does show they were investigating hunter biden at the time the investigator was "fired".

later in that same article:

In its most detailed account yet, the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington says a Democratic National Committee (DNC) insider during the 2016 election solicited dirt on Donald Trump’s campaign chairman and even tried to enlist the country's president to help.

In written answers to questions, Ambassador Valeriy Chaly's office says DNC contractor Alexandra Chalupa sought information from the Ukrainian government on Paul Manafort’s dealings inside the country in hopes of forcing the issue before Congress.

Chalupa later tried to arrange for Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to comment on Manafort’s Russian ties on a U.S. visit during the 2016 campaign, the ambassador said.

Chaly says that, at the time of the contacts in 2016, the embassy knew Chalupa primarily as a Ukrainian American activist and learned only later of her ties to the DNC. He says the embassy considered her requests an inappropriate solicitation of interference in the U.S. election.

and if that's what they were doing - now the topic of yet ANOTHER investigation, it was 100% wrong and they were doing EXACTLY what they accused trump of doing.
Yes, I would like you to post it.

Lol google has taken down almost all videos of it hahah but I found it again.
Poor democrats hate freedom.

so - no proof. just speculation. still.


Biden would be in the wrong if he went rouge and made the threat all on his own to protect his son. But it was the position of the administration so Biden’s self interest is irrelevant. It’s also over blown as Biden’s son was not being investigated. The CEO of a company he was on the board for was AND the investigation was dormant. You ignore all this to push a false narrative. Grow up.

Cool story hope it works out for you

True story, what don’t you agree with?
Yes, I would like you to post it.

Lol google has taken down almost all videos of it hahah but I found it again.
Poor democrats hate freedom.

so - no proof. just speculation. still.


Biden would be in the wrong if he went rouge and made the threat all on his own to protect his son. But it was the position of the administration so Biden’s self interest is irrelevant. It’s also over blown as Biden’s son was not being investigated. The CEO of a company he was on the board for was AND the investigation was dormant. You ignore all this to push a false narrative. Grow up.

you ignore bidens son making bank for working in an industry he had zero knowledge of.

ignoring shit you don't like is pretty common for a lot of people. at least i'm trying to get an even playing field and not excusing either side based off my emotional stake in life.

if trump jr was under any form of investigation cause he was making millions in a field he had zero knowledge of and trump sent his vp to get the guy fired OR ELSE, you'd be furious with trump.

i get mad at the actions themselves. don't really give a shit who does 'em.

He did not really work in the industry, he was on a board of directors along with his partner from his American firm.

At the time Burisma Holdings added people from multiple countries to their board in an effort to expand the reach of the company.

Lol google has taken down almost all videos of it hahah but I found it again.
Poor democrats hate freedom.

so - no proof. just speculation. still.


Biden would be in the wrong if he went rouge and made the threat all on his own to protect his son. But it was the position of the administration so Biden’s self interest is irrelevant. It’s also over blown as Biden’s son was not being investigated. The CEO of a company he was on the board for was AND the investigation was dormant. You ignore all this to push a false narrative. Grow up.

Cool story hope it works out for you

True story, what don’t you agree with?

well lets see what you don't agree with in the links i just put up that show biden *was* the target of the investigation and then what the dems were doing to the ukraine for - dirt on manafort.

your turn. :)

Lol google has taken down almost all videos of it hahah but I found it again.
Poor democrats hate freedom.

so - no proof. just speculation. still.


Biden would be in the wrong if he went rouge and made the threat all on his own to protect his son. But it was the position of the administration so Biden’s self interest is irrelevant. It’s also over blown as Biden’s son was not being investigated. The CEO of a company he was on the board for was AND the investigation was dormant. You ignore all this to push a false narrative. Grow up.

you ignore bidens son making bank for working in an industry he had zero knowledge of.

ignoring shit you don't like is pretty common for a lot of people. at least i'm trying to get an even playing field and not excusing either side based off my emotional stake in life.

if trump jr was under any form of investigation cause he was making millions in a field he had zero knowledge of and trump sent his vp to get the guy fired OR ELSE, you'd be furious with trump.

i get mad at the actions themselves. don't really give a shit who does 'em.

He did not really work in the industry, he was on a board of directors along with his partner from his American firm.

At the time Burisma Holdings added people from multiple countries to their board in an effort to expand the reach of the company.

was that reach worth $3.1 million? then i would ask - why was the company and/or biden under investigation? what charges? still digging in this mess.
so - no proof. just speculation. still.


Biden would be in the wrong if he went rouge and made the threat all on his own to protect his son. But it was the position of the administration so Biden’s self interest is irrelevant. It’s also over blown as Biden’s son was not being investigated. The CEO of a company he was on the board for was AND the investigation was dormant. You ignore all this to push a false narrative. Grow up.

you ignore bidens son making bank for working in an industry he had zero knowledge of.

ignoring shit you don't like is pretty common for a lot of people. at least i'm trying to get an even playing field and not excusing either side based off my emotional stake in life.

if trump jr was under any form of investigation cause he was making millions in a field he had zero knowledge of and trump sent his vp to get the guy fired OR ELSE, you'd be furious with trump.

i get mad at the actions themselves. don't really give a shit who does 'em.

He did not really work in the industry, he was on a board of directors along with his partner from his American firm.

At the time Burisma Holdings added people from multiple countries to their board in an effort to expand the reach of the company.

was that reach worth $3.1 million? then i would ask - why was the company and/or biden under investigation? what charges? still digging in this mess.

3.1 million to a multi-billion dollar company is not really all that much
so - no proof. just speculation. still.


Biden would be in the wrong if he went rouge and made the threat all on his own to protect his son. But it was the position of the administration so Biden’s self interest is irrelevant. It’s also over blown as Biden’s son was not being investigated. The CEO of a company he was on the board for was AND the investigation was dormant. You ignore all this to push a false narrative. Grow up.

you ignore bidens son making bank for working in an industry he had zero knowledge of.

ignoring shit you don't like is pretty common for a lot of people. at least i'm trying to get an even playing field and not excusing either side based off my emotional stake in life.

if trump jr was under any form of investigation cause he was making millions in a field he had zero knowledge of and trump sent his vp to get the guy fired OR ELSE, you'd be furious with trump.

i get mad at the actions themselves. don't really give a shit who does 'em.

He did not really work in the industry, he was on a board of directors along with his partner from his American firm.

At the time Burisma Holdings added people from multiple countries to their board in an effort to expand the reach of the company.

was that reach worth $3.1 million? then i would ask - why was the company and/or biden under investigation? what charges? still digging in this mess.

Burisma: all cases against group and group's president Zlochevsky in Ukraine closed
In the context of the conversation, that seems like an awkward favor to ask
but surely nowhere near as bad as making a country fire a prosecutor who is investigation your son.

play on the same playing field or get out.
Hardly the same

Biden was working along with our European allies to urge them to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor

Who was trump working with other than his political interests
hunter biden made $3.1 million off the energy and was the direct party they were investigating.

you'd shit yourself if you had something like that on trump.

now bugger off back to 1st grade naptime for you.
Hunter was the subject of the investigation? Where did you hear that? Everything I’ve read says the CEO was the subject
ok - i'll back up some cause i too didn't hear about it til today.

BREAKING: President Trump's Ukraine Call Transcript Has Been Released and Blows Up the Latest Impeachment Narrative

"The New York Times reported earlier this year that Biden bragged about getting the prosecutor in question fired under a threat of withholding $1 billion in loan assets for the country. At the time of the firing, that prosecutor was looking into Hunter Biden."

im seeing it a lot more today.
That’s the line the Trump and Rudy and media have been pushing out because they are trying to make it a focus. When you dig deeper you will see that the company was under investigation more specifically the CEOs actions not Hunter who was only a board member. I also read that the investigation was dormant at the time Joe had the guy fired. Yes Hunter had an interest in the outcome of the investigation. I’m not saying otherwise, but he was not the focus.
That wasn’t Biden’s call it was Obama’s and the will of our allies country’s. How is this not sinking into your thick skull.

Biden was there in state business. He didn’t do his own bidding. His son also wasn’t in trouble or under investigation. You keep lying about that
So Biden was the 'bit@h errand boy' who was sent to Ukraine to extort the PM on 'the worlds' / Obama's orders, and Joe's video-taped confession was just hum bragging to make it seem like it was his idea, to seem important / macho to help him in winning voters in his running for President?!

Got it. Thank you.
Yes, that’s right... although he was a part of a team handling a tough foreign relations situation. Just as Pompeo and Pence and the rest of trumps team is now doing... don’t see why you need to demean them by calling him an errand boy. Are you really that dense?
did you just ask easy65 that?
Yeah that was for Easy

Lol google has taken down almost all videos of it hahah but I found it again.
Poor democrats hate freedom.

so - no proof. just speculation. still.


Biden would be in the wrong if he went rouge and made the threat all on his own to protect his son. But it was the position of the administration so Biden’s self interest is irrelevant. It’s also over blown as Biden’s son was not being investigated. The CEO of a company he was on the board for was AND the investigation was dormant. You ignore all this to push a false narrative. Grow up.

Cool story hope it works out for you

True story, what don’t you agree with?

With what you believe, I wish you luck lol
so - no proof. just speculation. still.


Biden would be in the wrong if he went rouge and made the threat all on his own to protect his son. But it was the position of the administration so Biden’s self interest is irrelevant. It’s also over blown as Biden’s son was not being investigated. The CEO of a company he was on the board for was AND the investigation was dormant. You ignore all this to push a false narrative. Grow up.

you ignore bidens son making bank for working in an industry he had zero knowledge of.

ignoring shit you don't like is pretty common for a lot of people. at least i'm trying to get an even playing field and not excusing either side based off my emotional stake in life.

if trump jr was under any form of investigation cause he was making millions in a field he had zero knowledge of and trump sent his vp to get the guy fired OR ELSE, you'd be furious with trump.

i get mad at the actions themselves. don't really give a shit who does 'em.

If Hunter Biden making money is the issue then let’s focus on that issue. But it’s being used as a distraction. The spot light was on Trump because of a whistlerblower report. Then he counter punches with pointing the finger at Joe Biden, shocking. But the story is spun up BS with no legs so now it’s Hunter... what crime did Hunter commit by making 3 million on an energy deal? Was his dad involved?

i'll let you catch up to my next link that does show they were investigating hunter biden at the time the investigator was "fired".

later in that same article:

In its most detailed account yet, the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington says a Democratic National Committee (DNC) insider during the 2016 election solicited dirt on Donald Trump’s campaign chairman and even tried to enlist the country's president to help.

In written answers to questions, Ambassador Valeriy Chaly's office says DNC contractor Alexandra Chalupa sought information from the Ukrainian government on Paul Manafort’s dealings inside the country in hopes of forcing the issue before Congress.

Chalupa later tried to arrange for Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to comment on Manafort’s Russian ties on a U.S. visit during the 2016 campaign, the ambassador said.

Chaly says that, at the time of the contacts in 2016, the embassy knew Chalupa primarily as a Ukrainian American activist and learned only later of her ties to the DNC. He says the embassy considered her requests an inappropriate solicitation of interference in the U.S. election.

and if that's what they were doing - now the topic of yet ANOTHER investigation, it was 100% wrong and they were doing EXACTLY what they accused trump of doing.

I posted yesterday about this... curious about what the difference was between trump asking Ukraine for dirt and the DNC paying Steele for dirt
so - no proof. just speculation. still.


Biden would be in the wrong if he went rouge and made the threat all on his own to protect his son. But it was the position of the administration so Biden’s self interest is irrelevant. It’s also over blown as Biden’s son was not being investigated. The CEO of a company he was on the board for was AND the investigation was dormant. You ignore all this to push a false narrative. Grow up.

Cool story hope it works out for you

True story, what don’t you agree with?

With what you believe, I wish you luck lol

How about you just give a direct answer. What do you think is false about my account?
I posted yesterday about this... curious about what the difference was between trump asking Ukraine for dirt and the DNC paying Steele for dirt

one is a private entity paying another private entity.

the other is

the Fed Govt asking another Govt for dirt on the current president's political rival.

can you not see the difference?

It is the difference between your boss firing you posting racist comments on Facebook and the government putting you in jail for it.
so - no proof. just speculation. still.


Biden would be in the wrong if he went rouge and made the threat all on his own to protect his son. But it was the position of the administration so Biden’s self interest is irrelevant. It’s also over blown as Biden’s son was not being investigated. The CEO of a company he was on the board for was AND the investigation was dormant. You ignore all this to push a false narrative. Grow up.

Cool story hope it works out for you

True story, what don’t you agree with?

well lets see what you don't agree with in the links i just put up that show biden *was* the target of the investigation and then what the dems were doing to the ukraine for - dirt on manafort.

your turn. :)

I think that was just a careless line associating an investigation into an energy company and what they owe Ukraine in taxes/fees, with a board member who’s dad was VP.
I posted yesterday about this... curious about what the difference was between trump asking Ukraine for dirt and the DNC paying Steele for dirt

one is a private entity paying another private entity.

the other is

the Fed Govt asking another Govt for dirt on the current president's political rival.

can you not see the difference?

It is the difference between your boss firing you posting racist comments on Facebook and the government putting you in jail for it.
I do see the difference. But how about all the accusations on Trump for soliciting help from Russia during the 2016 campaign. Is there a difference there?
I posted yesterday about this... curious about what the difference was between trump asking Ukraine for dirt and the DNC paying Steele for dirt
Hillary Clinton paid a foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda to illegally use in a Presidential election with the intent to alter the election even more than she, the DNC, and Barak Obama had already done.

Barak Obama and his band of criminal Cabinet Members and Agency Directors intentionally used this information illegally to alter an election - prevent a candidate from winning - and later as part of a failed political coup attempt.

President Trump encouraged / pressured the Ukraine P.M. to review whether the Bidens had engaged in any criminal activity in his country, after Joe Biden bragged in his video-taped confession that he had Extorted the Ukrainian P.M.

It's not that hard to understand. The 1st two are clear cases of treason / crimes. While Trump's may have been severe poor judgment, since the transcript proves he did not engage in any attempted quid-pro-quo he committed no crime.

That's another bitter, frustrating pill for Democrats / snowflakes to swallow....
I posted yesterday about this... curious about what the difference was between trump asking Ukraine for dirt and the DNC paying Steele for dirt
Hillary Clinton paid a foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda to illegally use in a Presidential election with the intent to alter the election even more than she, the DNC, and Barak Obama had already done.

Barak Obama and his band of criminal Cabinet Members and Agency Directors intentionally used this information illegally to alter an election - prevent a candidate from winning - and later as part of a failed political coup attempt.

President Trump encouraged / pressured the Ukraine P.M. to review whether the Bidens had engaged in any criminal activity in his country, after Joe Biden bragged in his video-taped confession that he had Extorted the Ukrainian P.M.

It's not that hard to understand. The 1st two are clear cases of treason / crimes. While Trump's may have been severe poor judgment, since the transcript proves he did not engage in any attempted quid-pro-quo he committed no crime.

That's another bitter, frustrating pill for Democrats / snowflakes to swallow....
If the first two were clear cases of treason then the DOJ controlled by Trumps people would arrest Hillary and Barack. So it’s not a clear case. Your narrative is a spun up web so you may be presenting a clear case but that’s not reality. You need to work on being objective and honest in your presentation of facts if you want to be taken seriously.
But how about all the accusations on Trump for soliciting help from Russia during the 2016 campaign. Is there a difference there?
Trump's son sitting in a meeting for 10-15 minutes with a Russian lawyer that was banned from entering the United States by Homeland Security until Barry personally made it possible for her to come to the United States AND both parties walking away without exchanging any information is a helluva lot different than Hillary Clinton purchasing Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence information from a Trump-hating known-lying foreign spy who just happened to be working for the FBI and working with Mueller before the Trump investigation had been opened ... and the Obama administration knowingly intentionally using that i
I posted yesterday about this... curious about what the difference was between trump asking Ukraine for dirt and the DNC paying Steele for dirt

one is a private entity paying another private entity.

the other is

the Fed Govt asking another Govt for dirt on the current president's political rival.

can you not see the difference?

It is the difference between your boss firing you posting racist comments on Facebook and the government putting you in jail for it.
I do see the difference. But how about all the accusations on Trump for soliciting help from Russia during the 2016 campaign. Is there a difference there?

I do not believe that Trump solicited help from Russia during the 2016 campaign

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