Trump To Release Call Transcript

Biden would be in the wrong if he went rouge and made the threat all on his own to protect his son. But it was the position of the administration so Biden’s self interest is irrelevant. It’s also over blown as Biden’s son was not being investigated. The CEO of a company he was on the board for was AND the investigation was dormant. You ignore all this to push a false narrative. Grow up.

you ignore bidens son making bank for working in an industry he had zero knowledge of.

ignoring shit you don't like is pretty common for a lot of people. at least i'm trying to get an even playing field and not excusing either side based off my emotional stake in life.

if trump jr was under any form of investigation cause he was making millions in a field he had zero knowledge of and trump sent his vp to get the guy fired OR ELSE, you'd be furious with trump.

i get mad at the actions themselves. don't really give a shit who does 'em.

If Hunter Biden making money is the issue then let’s focus on that issue. But it’s being used as a distraction. The spot light was on Trump because of a whistlerblower report. Then he counter punches with pointing the finger at Joe Biden, shocking. But the story is spun up BS with no legs so now it’s Hunter... what crime did Hunter commit by making 3 million on an energy deal? Was his dad involved?

i'll let you catch up to my next link that does show they were investigating hunter biden at the time the investigator was "fired".

later in that same article:

In its most detailed account yet, the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington says a Democratic National Committee (DNC) insider during the 2016 election solicited dirt on Donald Trump’s campaign chairman and even tried to enlist the country's president to help.

In written answers to questions, Ambassador Valeriy Chaly's office says DNC contractor Alexandra Chalupa sought information from the Ukrainian government on Paul Manafort’s dealings inside the country in hopes of forcing the issue before Congress.

Chalupa later tried to arrange for Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to comment on Manafort’s Russian ties on a U.S. visit during the 2016 campaign, the ambassador said.

Chaly says that, at the time of the contacts in 2016, the embassy knew Chalupa primarily as a Ukrainian American activist and learned only later of her ties to the DNC. He says the embassy considered her requests an inappropriate solicitation of interference in the U.S. election.

and if that's what they were doing - now the topic of yet ANOTHER investigation, it was 100% wrong and they were doing EXACTLY what they accused trump of doing.

I posted yesterday about this... curious about what the difference was between trump asking Ukraine for dirt and the DNC paying Steele for dirt

from the convo it wasn't trump asking for dirt, he was asking them to look into it.
I posted yesterday about this... curious about what the difference was between trump asking Ukraine for dirt and the DNC paying Steele for dirt

one is a private entity paying another private entity.

the other is

the Fed Govt asking another Govt for dirt on the current president's political rival.

can you not see the difference?

It is the difference between your boss firing you posting racist comments on Facebook and the government putting you in jail for it.
how is the DNC asking for dirt on manafort private industry to private industry?

Biden would be in the wrong if he went rouge and made the threat all on his own to protect his son. But it was the position of the administration so Biden’s self interest is irrelevant. It’s also over blown as Biden’s son was not being investigated. The CEO of a company he was on the board for was AND the investigation was dormant. You ignore all this to push a false narrative. Grow up.

Cool story hope it works out for you

True story, what don’t you agree with?

well lets see what you don't agree with in the links i just put up that show biden *was* the target of the investigation and then what the dems were doing to the ukraine for - dirt on manafort.

your turn. :)

I think that was just a careless line associating an investigation into an energy company and what they owe Ukraine in taxes/fees, with a board member who’s dad was VP.

maybe. not read enough to fully know yet.
If the first two were clear cases of treason then the DOJ controlled by Trumps people would arrest Hillary and Barack.
The Democrats ran out the statute of limitations on Hillary.
- The FBI publicly declared they had recovered thousands of SUBPOENAED OFFICIAL GOVT DOCUMENTS Hillary had attempted to destroy (OBSTRUCTION - 1 count per document, thousands of counts). They reported that these documents had not been turned in for archival as per the FOIA or Federal Records Act - again, thousands of criminal count, 2 per document, each a violation of each law). This does not include the undeniable violations of rules, regs, and laws regarding the mishandling and destruction of classified - 1 count per document / device.
- Comey publicly declared Hillary broke laws but attempted to defend her crimes by arguing her ignorance of the law did not constitute a violation of the law. This is NOT an acceptable legal defense anywhere in the United States

WHO was President, who controlled the Intel and Law Enforcement Agencies at the time? Not hard to protect people from breaking the law when you OWN the law / ARE the law.

You also try to make it sound so simple to arrest a retired President of the United States.

Yes, there is evidence that Obama himself ordered the whole coup attempt against Trump - testimony from Page claims Biden was in the room with Obama and McCabe when Obama demanded to know all the details. Out of the entire 3+ year 'Collusion Delusion', the US IG has recommended former FBI Director James Comey, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and FBI Agent / #1 US Counter-Intelligence Expert Peter Strzok for criminal indictment...and more are expected once the US IG's official (heavily redacted by Deep State FBI-Director Wray) FISA Court Abuse report comes out. 2 weeks ago the US IG also agreed to investigate Comey for Perjury due to conflicting testimony under oath. What is obviously missing in all of that is any recommended indictments for President Trump or anyone associated with him for anything having to do with the debunked 'Collusion Delusion'.

Of course, you already know all of this...
I posted yesterday about this... curious about what the difference was between trump asking Ukraine for dirt and the DNC paying Steele for dirt

one is a private entity paying another private entity.

the other is

the Fed Govt asking another Govt for dirt on the current president's political rival.

can you not see the difference?

It is the difference between your boss firing you posting racist comments on Facebook and the government putting you in jail for it.
how is the DNC asking for dirt on manafort private industry to private industry?

The DNC is a private entity (as in not part of the government), Paul Manafort was a private citizen, as in not part of the government.
I posted yesterday about this... curious about what the difference was between trump asking Ukraine for dirt and the DNC paying Steele for dirt

one is a private entity paying another private entity.

the other is

the Fed Govt asking another Govt for dirt on the current president's political rival.

can you not see the difference?

It is the difference between your boss firing you posting racist comments on Facebook and the government putting you in jail for it.
how is the DNC asking for dirt on manafort private industry to private industry?

The DNC is a private entity (as in not part of the government), Paul Manafort was a private citizen, as in not part of the government.
great. that just means the RNC can now do the same in the typical "hold my beer" fashion.
great. that just means the RNC can now do the same in the typical "hold my beer" fashion.

Do you think the RNC does not do that? Really?

It is my understanding that it was the Repubs that started the Steele dossier
great. that just means the RNC can now do the same in the typical "hold my beer" fashion.

Do you think the RNC does not do that? Really?

It is my understanding that it was the Repubs that started the Steele dossier
probably - just hadn't come up in blatant fashion yet. but i've said all along boths get away with this and the other side has to one-up them.
The DNC is a private entity (as in not part of the government), Paul Manafort was a private citizen, as in not part of the government.
When the Democratic Party openly admits it helped rig a Primary and ended up giving a candidate a nomination, effectively altering a Presidential election, it is in potentially effects national security and more.

Paul Manaforte, with Hillary's campaign manager as his partner, did not have the capacity / ability to effect the nation as the DNC did / does. Not saying what he did was not a crime - it was - just making a distinction / comparison.
great. that just means the RNC can now do the same in the typical "hold my beer" fashion.

Do you think the RNC does not do that? Really?

It is my understanding that it was the Repubs that started the Steele dossier
probably - just hadn't come up in blatant fashion yet. but i've said all along boths get away with this and the other side has to one-up them.

Opposition research is a pretty big industry. I know a guy from my Masters class that works for a firm that does it, but more on the state level at this point, though they are trying to expand.
When the Democratic Party openly admits it helped rig a Primary and ended up giving a candidate a nomination, effectively altering a Presidential election, it is in potentially effects national security and more.

Not at all. Primaries are not required, in fact they are relatively new in our history. The parties have pretty much carte blanche to make anyone they wish their nominee.

You will notice that about a half a dozen states are not even going to bother with them this coming election on the GOP side.
It is my understanding that it was the Repubs that started the Steele dossier
'Words' mean something, especially in this case.

The Republicans began opposition research - they dropped it. Neither they nor the Democrats 'started' - authored - the document. The Document was in large part Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda passed from / SOLD Steele to Hillary.
Not at all. Primaries are not required, in fact they are relatively new in our history. The parties have pretty much carte blanche to make anyone they wish their nominee. You will notice that about a half a dozen states are not even going to bother with them this coming election on the GOP side.
The Democratic Party engaged in FRAUD by 'fixing' what they were 'selling' as a legitimate 'Primary', when it was a scam from the start. They were rigging debates. The DNC was pushing Hillary, they had already decided on Hillary.

As the leader of the Democratic Party, Obama and his criminal administration obstructed justice by protecting Hillary from indictment for undeniable crimes. In doing so, he altered a Presidential election, knowingly helping to ensure a criminal was the 2nd candidate / choice to become President.

Talk about a direct threat - and attack - on our democratic process / election process....
The Democratic Party engaged in FRAUD by 'fixing' what they were 'selling' as a legitimate 'Primary', when it was a scam from the start. They were rigging debates. The DNC was pushing Hillary, they had already decided on Hillary.

As the leader of the Democratic Party, Obama and his criminal administration obstructed justice by protecting Hillary from indictment for undeniable crimes. In doing so, he altered a Presidential election, knowingly helping to ensure a criminal was the 2nd candidate / choice to become President.

Talk about a direct threat - and attack - on our democratic process / election process....

Now you are just being silly.
But how about all the accusations on Trump for soliciting help from Russia during the 2016 campaign. Is there a difference there?
Trump's son sitting in a meeting for 10-15 minutes with a Russian lawyer that was banned from entering the United States by Homeland Security until Barry personally made it possible for her to come to the United States AND both parties walking away without exchanging any information is a helluva lot different than Hillary Clinton purchasing Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence information from a Trump-hating known-lying foreign spy who just happened to be working for the FBI and working with Mueller before the Trump investigation had been opened ... and the Obama administration knowingly intentionally using that i
Do you see Don Jr in jail? No. So what are you complaining about?
The Democratic Party engaged in FRAUD by 'fixing' what they were 'selling' as a legitimate 'Primary', when it was a scam from the start. They were rigging debates. The DNC was pushing Hillary, they had already decided on Hillary.

As the leader of the Democratic Party, Obama and his criminal administration obstructed justice by protecting Hillary from indictment for undeniable crimes. In doing so, he altered a Presidential election, knowingly helping to ensure a criminal was the 2nd candidate / choice to become President.

Talk about a direct threat - and attack - on our democratic process / election process....

Now you are just being silly.

The Democratic Party picks 1 of 2 candidates for President.

The Democratic Party rigged their 'primary' to select a criminal who was only on the ballot because the Obama administration / FBI protected her from criminal indictment / prosecution.

A candidate who purchases Russian-authored counter-Intelligence propaganda from a proven lying foreign spy in order to alter / control a Presidential election's results is a definite threat to this country.
Do you see Don Jr in jail? No. So what are you complaining about?
Let me make this simple:

Snowflakes claim Don Jr meeting with a Russian but walking away with NOTHING is 'collusion' / a crime / 'treason'.....

Those same snowflakes say Hillary buying Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda from a foreign spy to use in a US election is NOT 'collusion' / a crime / 'treason'.


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