Trump to remove Iraq from Muslim ban: US officials

The point I'm getting at is even though I love America, we have done our own evil deeds too. Rather than turn a blind eye to that, I'd like us not to commit evil deeds in the future
One mans evil is another mans virtue. Like I said we defend the free flow of oil at market prices. If a nation bent on the destruction of the free world desires to cut the world off from their oil for nefarious reasons what would "Resist" do?
Remember we have never taken another nations goods or territory. We defend freedom democracy and the desire for happiness around the world. That means we have had to fight wars we didn't want to fight.

No. We pick and choose when to defend freedom and democracy. I want more integrity out of my country. Trump's list is an example of that. His list conveniently excludes countries whom he has business dealings with even if said countries attacked us.

We either must be consistent across the board with freedom and democracy, or keep our mouths shut.
We either must be consistent across the board with freedom and democracy
Not always possible. Something to strive for indeed but not always possible. You seem to think America is the bad guy on the block and everyone else is as pure as the wind driven snow. That's false.
We either must be consistent across the board with freedom and democracy
Not always possible. Something to strive for indeed but not always possible. You seem to think America is the bad guy on the block and everyone else is as pure as the wind driven snow. That's false.

No. I feel you think the opposite as if we have always done justifiable things.

America will gladly fight wars over natural resources and profits. War is big business. The military industrial complex has taken over.
No. I feel you think the opposite as if we have always done justifiable things.

America will gladly fight wars over natural resources and profits. War is big business. The military industrial complex has taken over
That's wrong headed "Resist" you are smarter than that. Don't fall for that crap.
NO, of course not. You just believe whatever you hear like most people.

What do you believe? InfoWars?
None of them. But your response shows your mentality.

I don't know who or what you believe.
Infowars is crap. Mike believes a giant pile of Pubcrappe. I detect some doubt, but he doesn't want to get lynched in rural tx. lol.
Since you can't understand simple english, here it is again: I don't believe any of the media. Don't that stop from lying though.

You know I gotta ask again where you get your info. From internet bloggers?
No. I feel you think the opposite as if we have always done justifiable things.

America will gladly fight wars over natural resources and profits. War is big business. The military industrial complex has taken over
That's wrong headed "Resist" you are smarter than that. Don't fall for that crap.

Why do you think we fight wars then? Are wars not profitable for us? Are politicians not in the pockets of defense contractors? War is sometimes justified. Not always.
Why do you think we fight wars then? Are wars not profitable for us? Are politicians not in the pockets of defense contractors? War is sometimes justified. Not always
I've never seen a profitable war and no; most politicians are not in the pockets of defense contractors.
So we were just being good Samaritans over in Iraq with no money to make?
Good Samaritans? No, and that conflict cost us a fortune. We have put our children's futures at risk by going into Iraq but the belief at the time was that Saddam wanted to hit America and at that time we believed he had the resources to do so. A monumental blunder maybe but did we go there for profit? Absolutely not and the numbers prove that. I will say that 1/3 of Iraq was happy to see us and still are thankful today for our invasion. The other 2/3 are not. But like I said being wrong is not being greedy and evil. You have to transport your brain back to 2001 after 9-11 to get the whole prospective.
So we were just being good Samaritans over in Iraq with no money to make?
Good Samaritans? No, and that conflict cost us a fortune. We have put our children's futures at risk by going into Iraq but the belief at the time was that Saddam wanted to hit America and at that time we believed he had the resources to do so. A monumental blunder maybe but did we go there for profit? Absolutely not and the numbers prove that. I will say that 1/3 of Iraq was happy to see us and still are thankful today for our invasion. The other 2/3 are not. But like I said being wrong is not being greedy and evil. You have to transport your brain back to 2001 after 9-11 to get the whole prospective.

Except we have enough power to stop them. It seems like they were a fallacy and even a lie. Invading Iraq inadvertently led to the creation of ISIL. Just like arming Saddam backfired and arming the Mujahideen eventually wound up being a mistake.

That was my original point. We play a role in strained relations with Iran, but Iran has not attacked us.
Invading Iraq inadvertently led to the creation of ISIL
Leaving before the job was done was as big of a political blunder as going there in the first place was. The untold number of lives lost due to Isil when we pulled out was preventable and shameful.

If the president at that time were a republican he would of been roasted at the proverbial media fire pit for such a huge innocent loss of life decision. A decision made for re election purposes only. To fill a campaign promise.

That was the lowest America has been in a very long time and you and people like you said nothing. You know? Putin has said one thing I agree with.

He said I don't know how Obama and Hillary can sleep at night and neither do I. So if you want to point fingers and know the nitty gritty shit that countries do and go ahead and take a good look at that.

And take a good look at the US state Dept. and the so called Arab spring. Go ahead. Count the dead from that.

Sorry but your blood for oil rants fall short in 2017....
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