Trump to remove Iraq from Muslim ban: US officials

Look, I feel the same way about these terrorists and jihadists as everyone else does but I wish to separate the good from the bad and your post backs up my claim that Trump's 'plans' on ISIL are absurd
There comes a time in any conflict when you have to let God sort them out in order to keep your people safe. These guys don't shoot you, they cut your head off, blow up your children, run down innocent people with trucks and very very few of them stand up and denounce that evil. Way too few.
They do but not reported, especially on bs/hate Fox or Rush etc OMG...
I am thankful I am an American but feel there are things to improve upon here. I wonder how many countries we'd meddle with if they had nothing we wanted.
For once Id like it if people like you would google what nations do and have done to us for a change. It would be an education I'm sure.
I'm pretty sure the CIA had a role
I've never heard that from anyone. I'm not saying you are wrong but I've never heard that. But so what if they did? That gives Iran the right to do what they are doing? Does "Resist" think they deserve a pass because of it? Come on man!

Google it.

Also, I'm not justifying that Iran is an oppressive nation, but only saying we stuck our nose into there where it didn't belong and I for one don't think they are the boogeyman.
So you take a terrorist countries side over your own? I laugh at you guys. You form all these "opinions" after "googling", like that's some kind of all knowing oracle. In reality, there are very little "facts" that the general population knows that hasn't been told to them by the media. . The sooner you realize this the better off you will be in the long run.

I love my country, but I'm not blindly patriotic.
NO, of course not. You just believe whatever you hear like most people.
There are journalists and then there are propagandists...
Look at our interventions in Latin America and Iran. We had some dirty hands
You are reading some false and twisted info. America was at war, not a shooting war but a war no less. We were in a war to halt communism from reaching our shores. To be surrounded by communist nations in the 40's and 50's was a very scary thing for Americans to except back then. We did what was needed. You should be thankful, you could be speaking a language other than English if we hadn't.

Do you think we'd have been there if not for the countries' natural resources and things to benefit our corporations?
I'm pretty sure the CIA had a role
I've never heard that from anyone. I'm not saying you are wrong but I've never heard that. But so what if they did? That gives Iran the right to do what they are doing? Does "Resist" think they deserve a pass because of it? Come on man!

Google it.

Also, I'm not justifying that Iran is an oppressive nation, but only saying we stuck our nose into there where it didn't belong and I for one don't think they are the boogeyman.
So you take a terrorist countries side over your own? I laugh at you guys. You form all these "opinions" after "googling", like that's some kind of all knowing oracle. In reality, there are very little "facts" that the general population knows that hasn't been told to them by the media. . The sooner you realize this the better off you will be in the long run.

I love my country, but I'm not blindly patriotic.
NO, of course not. You just believe whatever you hear like most people.

What do you believe? InfoWars?
One thing I googled was drinking among muslims and it was said that they drink as much as non-muslims. That said a lot to me.

The shows I've seen on Iran, Anthony Bourdain and Rick Steves, were both VERY impressed by the place and said they were the friendliest they'd ever seen. The Iranian kids at the boarding school I taught at in 1980 were great. They took a lot of crap from stupid RW kids who didn't realize they were refugees, from OUR side.

The Iran deal is a GREAT idea and we should cut the crap and let our side win again. Iran has the youngest and best educated population in the mideast and we should let their democracy work for them.
Do you think we'd have been there if not for the countries' natural resources and things to benefit our corporations?
It depends on what the situation was at the time. To answer your question: I don't know. But if we were to allow the haters of the free world to cut off the life's blood of the engine of the world the world would look a lot different today and I promise you that you wouldn't like it much. Be thankful for the vision of the leaders of America. They were not always right nor righteous but they always held our nation above all others just like every other nation on earth. Like I said look up evil deeds as a whole, not just the deeds of America. You will find a shinning city on the hill if you did that one thing and you would be proud.
One thing I googled was drinking among muslims and it was said that they drink as much as non-muslims. That said a lot to me.

The shows I've seen on Iran, Anthony Bourdain and Rick Steves, were both VERY impressed by the place and said they were the friendliest they'd ever seen. The Iranian kids at the boarding school I taught at in 1980 were great. They took a lot of crap from stupid RW kids who didn't realize they were refugees, from OUR side.

The Iran deal is a GREAT idea and we should cut the crap and let our side win again. Iran has the youngest and best educated population in the mideast and we should let their democracy work for them.
Dude! have you started drinking already?
Um yes you did with help from the British, please attempt to educate yourself regarding the Geo-Political history of that region.

The Iran disaster begin with the 1953 coup d'état where the CIA was directly involved in the overthrow of Iran's democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh.

The British with the Americans did this (British Codename Operation Boot, American Codename Operation Ajax)

Mohammad Mosaddegh wanted to audit the books of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC) and also to reduce APOC's control of Iran's oil, APOC refused to allow this, as they would, so the Iranian Parliament voted to nationalise the Iranian oil industry and they also expelled all foreign representatives of APOC from Iran.

So of course Prime Minister Mosaddegh had to go and so Britain (MI6) and America (CIA) jointly organised the overthrowing of his Government and installed the Western Puppet Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, who had been the Shah of Iran since 1941 to not run Iran, but to just sit there and allow British and then also American oil companies to rape Iran of her oil and give the Iranian people peanuts from the profits.

A nation has a right to OWN it's OWN resources, why shouldn't Iran have nationalised it's OWN oil industry
That is the most twisted thing I've ever read. Nations sell oil and the world buys it at market prices.

"That is the most twisted thing I've ever read. Nations sell oil and the world buys it at market prices."

I'm sorry were my comments too complicated for you to absorb? You obviously didn't read what I wrote, I'm not referring to nations selling oil and the world buying it at market prices.

My original comments again that you obviously didn't read or were too complicated for you to absorb:

The Iran disaster begin with the 1953 coup d'état where the CIA was directly involved in the overthrow of Iran's democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh.

The British with the Americans did this (British Codename Operation Boot, American Codename Operation Ajax)

Mohammad Mosaddegh wanted to audit the books of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC) and also to reduce APOC's control of Iran's oil, APOC refused to allow this, as they would, so the Iranian Parliament voted to nationalise the Iranian oil industry and they also expelled all foreign representatives of APOC from Iran.

So of course Prime Minister Mosaddegh had to go and so Britain (MI6) and America (CIA) jointly organised the overthrowing of his Government and installed the Western Puppet Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, who had been the Shah of Iran since 1941 to not run Iran, but to just sit there and allow British and then also American oil companies to rape Iran of her oil and give the Iranian people peanuts from the profits.

My above comments are historically accurate, the CIA and MI6 orchestrated a coup d'état in Iran in 1953 because the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh wanted to audit the books of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC) and also to reduce APOC's control of Iran's oil.

America and Britain then post coup d'état installed Mohammad Rezā Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran from the House of Pahlavi, he was the second and final Shah of Iran, the first being his father Reza Shah Pahlavi, who was set up as Shah in 1925 and he was there until 1941 when he was forced to abdicate after the joint British-Russian invasion of Iran during September 1941.

There was and is NOTHING Royal about The House of Pahlavi, they have zero Royal blood, the Majlis aka the National Assembly in December 1925 deposed Ahmad Shah Qajar, from The Qajar Dynasty who had actually been the Persian Royal Family since 1785 until Ahmad Shah Qajar became the last ruler and he was overthrown by the Majlis who installed Reza Shah Pahlavi who had been the Prime Minister since 1923, but then suddenly was appointed Monarch of the Imperial State of Persia even though his veins contained no Royal blood at all.
Do you think we'd have been there if not for the countries' natural resources and things to benefit our corporations?
It depends on what the situation was at the time. To answer your question: I don't know. But if we were to allow the haters of the free world to cut off the life's blood of the engine of the world the world would look a lot different today and I promise you that you wouldn't like it much. Be thankful for the vision of the leaders of America. They were not always right nor righteous but they always held our nation above all others just like every other nation on earth. Like I said look up evil deeds as a whole, not just the deeds of America. You will find a shinning city on the hill if you did that one thing and you would be proud.

The point I'm getting at is even though I love America, we have done our own evil deeds too. Rather than turn a blind eye to that, I'd like us not to commit evil deeds in the future.
OTOH, the GOP douchebags screwed up the Versailles Treaty and the League of Nations, started the Great Depression, allowed the Nazi and Japanese militarists produced by it to run wild for years, overthrew many democracies in the cold war, kept the Vietnam War going for politics, and wrecked the ME under Raygun and the Boooshes- and ANOTHER corrupt world depression.. The GOP always suqs, dupe
Any argument, ignoramus?
I've never heard that from anyone. I'm not saying you are wrong but I've never heard that. But so what if they did? That gives Iran the right to do what they are doing? Does "Resist" think they deserve a pass because of it? Come on man!

Google it.

Also, I'm not justifying that Iran is an oppressive nation, but only saying we stuck our nose into there where it didn't belong and I for one don't think they are the boogeyman.
So you take a terrorist countries side over your own? I laugh at you guys. You form all these "opinions" after "googling", like that's some kind of all knowing oracle. In reality, there are very little "facts" that the general population knows that hasn't been told to them by the media. . The sooner you realize this the better off you will be in the long run.

I love my country, but I'm not blindly patriotic.
NO, of course not. You just believe whatever you hear like most people.

What do you believe? InfoWars?
None of them. But your response shows your mentality.
Google it.

Also, I'm not justifying that Iran is an oppressive nation, but only saying we stuck our nose into there where it didn't belong and I for one don't think they are the boogeyman.
So you take a terrorist countries side over your own? I laugh at you guys. You form all these "opinions" after "googling", like that's some kind of all knowing oracle. In reality, there are very little "facts" that the general population knows that hasn't been told to them by the media. . The sooner you realize this the better off you will be in the long run.

I love my country, but I'm not blindly patriotic.
NO, of course not. You just believe whatever you hear like most people.

What do you believe? InfoWars?
None of them. But your response shows your mentality.

I don't know who or what you believe.
The point I'm getting at is even though I love America, we have done our own evil deeds too. Rather than turn a blind eye to that, I'd like us not to commit evil deeds in the future
One mans evil is another mans virtue. Like I said we defend the free flow of oil at market prices. If a nation bent on the destruction of the free world desires to cut the world off from their oil for nefarious reasons what would "Resist" do?
Remember we have never taken another nations goods or territory. We defend freedom democracy and the desire for happiness around the world. That means we have had to fight wars we didn't want to fight.
They do but not reported, especially on bs/hate Fox or Rush etc OMG
The times have passed you by Franco. Welcome to the new world.
Actually, this is a great time for proving your crap RW media lies nonstop and you live on an imaginary bs planet. What happened to lock her up, coal recovery, China manipulation fix first day, GW hoax, Obama investigations, ACA repeal, ISIS first day wipeout, NATO end etc etc etc. Hopefully he'll start watching better news.
So you take a terrorist countries side over your own? I laugh at you guys. You form all these "opinions" after "googling", like that's some kind of all knowing oracle. In reality, there are very little "facts" that the general population knows that hasn't been told to them by the media. . The sooner you realize this the better off you will be in the long run.

I love my country, but I'm not blindly patriotic.
NO, of course not. You just believe whatever you hear like most people.

What do you believe? InfoWars?
None of them. But your response shows your mentality.

I don't know who or what you believe.
Infowars is crap. Mike believes a giant pile of Pubcrappe. I detect some doubt, but he doesn't want to get lynched in rural tx. lol.
Actually, this is a great time for proving your crap RW media lies nonstop and you live on an imaginary bs planet. What happened to lock her up, coal recovery, China manipulation fix first day, GW hoax, Obama investigations, ACA repeal, ISIS first day wipeout, NATO end etc etc etc. Hopefully he'll start watching better news
Franco you are so filled with hate that I can't even debate you. I get the feeling your education comes from the hatred of your country. Anything you hear that puts America in a bad light you relish and believe with all your heart. I love America so you and I have nothing to rationally discuss. You are a bitter, angry hateful person. At least "Resist" is not what you are yet.
I love my country, but I'm not blindly patriotic.
NO, of course not. You just believe whatever you hear like most people.

What do you believe? InfoWars?
None of them. But your response shows your mentality.

I don't know who or what you believe.
Infowars is crap. Mike believes a giant pile of Pubcrappe. I detect some doubt, but he doesn't want to get lynched in rural tx. lol.
Since you can't understand simple english, here it is again: I don't believe any of the media. Don't that stop from lying though.

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