Trump to remove Iraq from Muslim ban: US officials

I am aware of all of this but who overthrew whose democratically elected leader and installed a tyrant in the first place?
If you say the U.S. you are wrong. Why are you defending them in the first place? I'm aware of all that but????????
People want to paint Iran as this great evil. true, they're not our friends, but when did they attack or start a war with us or anybody else?
They sponsor terrorism and pay mercenaries.

They're fighting terrorism in ISIL.
Come on dude. You are gonna have to do better than this.

Have they not fought terrorism? I also don't believe, since 1975, an American has been recorded in dying at the hands of his list of banned countries on U.S. soil.
Wow. Really??
Clinton: Iran World's "Largest Supporter of Terrorism" | Democracy Now!

People want to paint Iran as this great evil. true, they're not our friends, but when did they attack or start a war with us or anybody else?
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Also, even though Iran has Sharia, which is contrary to who we are as a nation, we played a role in our relations with them being strained. This goes back to the 1950s.
Yep. But good luck getting ANY republican to understand that.
People want to paint Iran as this great evil. true, they're not our friends, but when did they attack or start a war with us or anybody else?
I'm going to give you the benefit of doubt because you may be too young to remember. They have been a terror sponsor for decades. They took our embassy hostage and they are fighting proxy wars in 5 different nations. They shout every chance they get "death to America". they refer to us as the great satin. Come on man, do some homework.

I am aware of all of this but who overthrew whose democratically elected leader and installed a tyrant in the first place?
Ahh yes. The old cliché of justifying terrorism against innocent people. Nice.
I am aware of all of this but who overthrew whose democratically elected leader and installed a tyrant in the first place?
If you say the U.S. you are wrong. Why are you defending them in the first place? I'm aware of all that but????????

Did we not take part in a coup in 1953 to overthrow Mossadegh when he wanted to nationalize the oil? We helped create the Shah.
So much for claiming the ban has anything to do with protecting us from ISIS / ISIL

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

ISIL stands for Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. ISIS stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.
You believe everything you hear. LOL! Then not being fool enough, you comment as though it was gospel.
People want to paint Iran as this great evil. true, they're not our friends, but when did they attack or start a war with us or anybody else?
I'm going to give you the benefit of doubt because you may be too young to remember. They have been a terror sponsor for decades. They took our embassy hostage and they are fighting proxy wars in 5 different nations. They shout every chance they get "death to America". they refer to us as the great satin. Come on man, do some homework.

I am aware of all of this but who overthrew whose democratically elected leader and installed a tyrant in the first place?
Ahh yes. The old cliché of justifying terrorism against innocent people. Nice.

Not saying I justified that. Iran has Sharia. They are a backwards country and I'm thankful I live here and not there, but doesnt the U.S. have any responsibility why things are the way they are?
People want to paint Iran as this great evil. true, they're not our friends, but when did they attack or start a war with us or anybody else?
They sponsor terrorism and pay mercenaries.

They're fighting terrorism in ISIL.
Come on dude. You are gonna have to do better than this.

Have they not fought terrorism? I also don't believe, since 1975, an American has been recorded in dying at the hands of his list of banned countries on U.S. soil.
They fight terrorism that they want to fight. They are bad people through and through. I even remember the mmander of their army saying "nothing will stop the destruction of the Jews" or something to that effect. That was right after the nuke treaty..
People want to paint Iran as this great evil. true, they're not our friends, but when did they attack or start a war with us or anybody else?
I'm going to give you the benefit of doubt because you may be too young to remember. They have been a terror sponsor for decades. They took our embassy hostage and they are fighting proxy wars in 5 different nations. They shout every chance they get "death to America". they refer to us as the great satin. Come on man, do some homework.

I am aware of all of this but who overthrew whose democratically elected leader and installed a tyrant in the first place?
Ahh yes. The old cliché of justifying terrorism against innocent people. Nice.

Not saying I justified that. Iran has Sharia. They are a backwards country and I'm thankful I live here and not there, but doesnt the U.S. have any responsibility why things are the way they are?
Your saying america is why radical islamists are the way they are? How do you explain that when they were like that before we decided to regulate the world? Or what about before america even existed?
People want to paint Iran as this great evil. true, they're not our friends, but when did they attack or start a war with us or anybody else?
They sponsor terrorism and pay mercenaries.

They're fighting terrorism in ISIL.
Come on dude. You are gonna have to do better than this.

Have they not fought terrorism? I also don't believe, since 1975, an American has been recorded in dying at the hands of his list of banned countries on U.S. soil.
They fight terrorism that they want to fight. They are bad people through and through. I even remember the mmander of their army saying "nothing will stop the destruction of the Jews" or something to that effect. That was right after the nuke treaty..

Make no mistake, Iran is not our friends, but I look at our relationship with them and I look at our relationship with Saudi Arabia and it seems we cherry pick with what countries we care when it comes to freedom and democracy. We look the other way with Saudi Arabia. They consistsed of a majority of the 9/11 hijackers. Iran consisted of none. They have Sharia. We say nothing. Iran has it and we flip.
Have they not fought terrorism? I also don't believe, since 1975, an American has been recorded in dying at the hands of his list of banned countries on U.S. soil.
You know what "Resist" I think the biggest mistake America has made after 9-11 in regards to the war on terror was to think there is a difference from one Muslim to the next just because the two come from different nations. They all hate us except for the Kurds in northern Iraq. We hampered ourselves greatly by thinking some Muslims from some nations are different from one another. They are not when it comes to the Jihad and hatred for Israel and the west. They all won't strap on a vest and blow themselves up but they all cheer when it occurs.
People want to paint Iran as this great evil. true, they're not our friends, but when did they attack or start a war with us or anybody else?
I'm going to give you the benefit of doubt because you may be too young to remember. They have been a terror sponsor for decades. They took our embassy hostage and they are fighting proxy wars in 5 different nations. They shout every chance they get "death to America". they refer to us as the great satin. Come on man, do some homework.

I am aware of all of this but who overthrew whose democratically elected leader and installed a tyrant in the first place?
Ahh yes. The old cliché of justifying terrorism against innocent people. Nice.

Not saying I justified that. Iran has Sharia. They are a backwards country and I'm thankful I live here and not there, but doesnt the U.S. have any responsibility why things are the way they are?
Your saying america is why radical islamists are the way they are? How do you explain that when they were like that before we decided to regulate the world? Or what about before america even existed?

What I'm saying is with our fight in the War on Terror and the steps we took to fight these terrorist groups - many inadvertently came to power from American policy.
They sponsor terrorism and pay mercenaries.

They're fighting terrorism in ISIL.
Come on dude. You are gonna have to do better than this.

Have they not fought terrorism? I also don't believe, since 1975, an American has been recorded in dying at the hands of his list of banned countries on U.S. soil.
They fight terrorism that they want to fight. They are bad people through and through. I even remember the mmander of their army saying "nothing will stop the destruction of the Jews" or something to that effect. That was right after the nuke treaty..

Make no mistake, Iran is not our friends, but I look at our relationship with them and I look at our relationship with Saudi Arabia and it seems we cherry pick with what countries we care when it comes to freedom and democracy. We look the other way with Saudi Arabia. They consistsed of a majority of the 9/11 hijackers. Iran consisted of none. They have Sharia. We say nothing. Iran has it and we flip.
While that is completely rrrelevant, I agree. Our govt is corrupt as hell. I find it weird you say that while you voted for corruption... Lol
Have they not fought terrorism? I also don't believe, since 1975, an American has been recorded in dying at the hands of his list of banned countries on U.S. soil.
You know what "Resist" I think the biggest mistake America has made after 9-11 in regards to the war on terror was to think there is a difference from one Muslim to the next just because the two come from different nations. They all hate us except for the Kurds in northern Iraq. We hampered ourselves greatly by thinking some Muslims from some nations are different from one another. They are not when it comes to the Jihad and hatred for Israel and the west. They all won't strap on a vest and blow themselves up but they all cheer when it occurs.

You make the assumption as if every Muslim on the planet is a Sunni fundamentalist out to get us. That's not how I see it. That's just fear, to me.
They're fighting terrorism in ISIL.
Come on dude. You are gonna have to do better than this.

Have they not fought terrorism? I also don't believe, since 1975, an American has been recorded in dying at the hands of his list of banned countries on U.S. soil.
They fight terrorism that they want to fight. They are bad people through and through. I even remember the mmander of their army saying "nothing will stop the destruction of the Jews" or something to that effect. That was right after the nuke treaty..

Make no mistake, Iran is not our friends, but I look at our relationship with them and I look at our relationship with Saudi Arabia and it seems we cherry pick with what countries we care when it comes to freedom and democracy. We look the other way with Saudi Arabia. They consistsed of a majority of the 9/11 hijackers. Iran consisted of none. They have Sharia. We say nothing. Iran has it and we flip.
While that is completely rrrelevant, I agree. Our govt is corrupt as hell. I find it weird you say that while you voted for corruption... Lol

I made my points already on that topic in another thread.
Did we not take part in a coup in 1953 to overthrow Mossadegh when he wanted to nationalize the oil? We helped create the Shah
No we didn't. The Shaw was from a line of Muslim royalty and was overthrown by Muslim extremists in Iran. What we did, or what Carter did was to harbor and protect the Shaw. He brought him to a safe place where he wouldn't be slaughtered. For that! the people of Iran took our embassy hostage. But they hated us before that for our support of Israel.
Did we not take part in a coup in 1953 to overthrow Mossadegh when he wanted to nationalize the oil? We helped create the Shah
No we didn't. The Shaw was from a line of Muslim royalty and was overthrown by Muslim extremists in Iran. What we did, or what Carter did was to harbor and protect the Shaw. He brought him to a safe place where he wouldn't be slaughtered. For that! the people of Iran took our embassy hostage. But they hated us before that for our support of Israel.

I'm pretty sure the CIA had a role.
Come on dude. You are gonna have to do better than this.

Have they not fought terrorism? I also don't believe, since 1975, an American has been recorded in dying at the hands of his list of banned countries on U.S. soil.
They fight terrorism that they want to fight. They are bad people through and through. I even remember the mmander of their army saying "nothing will stop the destruction of the Jews" or something to that effect. That was right after the nuke treaty..

Make no mistake, Iran is not our friends, but I look at our relationship with them and I look at our relationship with Saudi Arabia and it seems we cherry pick with what countries we care when it comes to freedom and democracy. We look the other way with Saudi Arabia. They consistsed of a majority of the 9/11 hijackers. Iran consisted of none. They have Sharia. We say nothing. Iran has it and we flip.
While that is completely rrrelevant, I agree. Our govt is corrupt as hell. I find it weird you say that while you voted for corruption... Lol

I made my points already on that topic in another thread.
lol yemen!
I'm gonna hope this is Fake News. Iraq definitely shouldn't be removed from the list. It's an incredibly dangerous chaotic country. In fact, i think Pakistan and Afghanistan should also be on the list. Why the hell would we risk bringing in Thousands from those insane countries? I hope Trump isn't going soft.
You make the assumption as if every Muslim on the planet is a Sunni fundamentalist out to get us. That's not how I see it. That's just fear, to me
Look at the history. Look at the events that took place before 9-11. Fear? Do you think I'm trying to frighten you? Do you have family? Do you love them and want them to be as safe as possible? Not every Muslim wants us dead but geography has nothing to do with the Jihad. Jihadist come from nearly every nation on earth. And Muslim nations are filled with people that would slice your neck and go to pray right after.

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