Trump to reveal evidence that non-Russian hackers hacked Democrats,Tuesday or Wednesday

The Intel Chairman has declared THERE IS NO EVIDENCE.

The CIA/FBI/Intel Committees were an illegal no-show when subpoenaed to appear before Congress and show what 'evidence' they had.

One USMB member posted the link showing the code used was an outdated Ukrainian one that anyone can download from the internet and use themselves TODAY.

NO EVIDENCE has been presented.

The 'jig' is up....the lie exposed. I hope the Intel community - if they continue to fail / refuse to provide definitive evidence - gets the shite hammered out of them!
No, it's not a threat, it's the truth. He will be President unless something catastrophic happens. Look up the word catastrophic. It went to making my point that he will hold power over the intelligence agencies. Quit being a dope. :cuckoo:
You put up a post which is clearly inciting/encouraging/planting the idea that someone should murder President Elect Trump.
You may be getting some unexpected visitors soon.
Enjoy the cat food sandwiches.
At the very least your 'real' name and your numerous avators will be added to a 'special' list compiled by various Gov. agencies.
The irony is he's a criminal justice student.

And the irony is... you numbnut trump supporters pull some shit out of nothing. I made no such threats against Trump.
You put up a post inciting someone to murder Trump.
Washington. He will be not only lucky to make it through his Presidency without getting impeached and thrown out of office, he'll be lucky to make it out alive".
That is called 'incitement'.
Try to explain your post to the 'men from the Government'.

Yes...he'll be lucky because he is pissing off all the intelligence agencies who's duty it is to protect him... Jesus are you that dense?

If Trump keeps insulting them. The CIA/FBI department of Homeland Security, Senate Republicans there will be a heavy price to pay.

Trump has yet to attend a daily security briefing, he has seen no intelligence.

This is NOT Obama's birth certificate--this is very serious and they're taking it very seriously.

They will bury him with it, if he doesn't agree with them. This is not Iraq--4K miles away. This is in country, in our possession.

He may be denying for a reason. This article came out before Obama threw them all out.
Trump has yet to attend a daily security briefing, he has seen no intelligence.
He isn't President yet, now is he. He isn't officially 'on the clock yet'. Funny to hear snowflakes talk about a President missing Intel Briefings after how many Barry missed. :p
The irony is he's a criminal justice student.

And the irony is... you numbnut trump supporters pull some shit out of nothing. I made no such threats against Trump.
I didn't say you did but it's idiotic to say things like "he'll be lucky to make it out alive." After enough inflammatory comments things paint a picture. You are probably already flagged.
The little creep was 'flagged' some time ago.

You fucking conspiracy nuts should be put on an island. You incite more trouble than anyone else possibly can. And you call people snowflakes for over reacting to shit? Jesus...

Russian hackers!!! Russian hackers!!! Russian hackers!!!!

These Snowflakes crack me up...
A 14 year old! A 14 year old! Don the Con cracks me up.
And the irony is... you numbnut trump supporters pull some shit out of nothing. I made no such threats against Trump.
I didn't say you did but it's idiotic to say things like "he'll be lucky to make it out alive." After enough inflammatory comments things paint a picture. You are probably already flagged.
The little creep was 'flagged' some time ago.

You fucking conspiracy nuts should be put on an island. You incite more trouble than anyone else possibly can. And you call people snowflakes for over reacting to shit? Jesus...

Russian hackers!!! Russian hackers!!! Russian hackers!!!!

These Snowflakes crack me up...
A 14 year old! A 14 year old! Don the Con cracks me up.
...according to Assange. Your expertise besides being an uniformed jackass is ....?
I didn't say you did but it's idiotic to say things like "he'll be lucky to make it out alive." After enough inflammatory comments things paint a picture. You are probably already flagged.
The little creep was 'flagged' some time ago.

You fucking conspiracy nuts should be put on an island. You incite more trouble than anyone else possibly can. And you call people snowflakes for over reacting to shit? Jesus...

Russian hackers!!! Russian hackers!!! Russian hackers!!!!

These Snowflakes crack me up...
A 14 year old! A 14 year old! Don the Con cracks me up.
...according to Assange. Your expertise besides being an uniformed jackass is ....?

And that right there says everything. You believe Assange before you believe your own governmental intelligence agencies.
The little creep was 'flagged' some time ago.

You fucking conspiracy nuts should be put on an island. You incite more trouble than anyone else possibly can. And you call people snowflakes for over reacting to shit? Jesus...

Russian hackers!!! Russian hackers!!! Russian hackers!!!!

These Snowflakes crack me up...
A 14 year old! A 14 year old! Don the Con cracks me up.
...according to Assange. Your expertise besides being an uniformed jackass is ....?

And that right there says everything. You believe Assange before you believe your own governmental intelligence agencies.

Assange has a MOUNTAIN of self-interest in playing along with Trump and the Russians on this. As an interested party, he is not a particularly credible witness.
That's a conclusion, not a fact. As president they will have no choice but to hand over all the marbles. Meanwhile, the libs are treating their conclusions as fact.

Wrong, if he wants to know the fucking evidence he needs to meet with them behind closed doors at fucking meetings where he is held accountable for the knowledge, not hold a fucking press conference to call them out publicly. You just don't understand intelligence at all do you? Let me try to put this in terms you MIGHT understand.

Let's say your neighborhood has been plagued with child molesters. Well the cops finally find a way to crack down on these guys and starts to solve the problem, would you want them to publicize just HOW they are catching the guys and fixing the problem? So that the child molesters now become informed on what to do not to get caught? Are you cool with that?
I missed where he said he was going to be questioning them in public. You added quite a lot to what was said. I honestly think this is too emotional for you.

I didn't say he was questioning them in public like you are saying... he is questioning their assertion that Russia did it by saying he has evidence Russia didn't do it. He is questioning their stance... not fucking questioning them like in a court of law.
Update: Trump had nothing on Tuesday and today is Wednesday. It looks like it he knows something, , he will disclose it today. Unless he's full of shit, of course.
Or you are. The briefing was postponed so your conclusion is he has nothing? LOL, what a dumbfuck. You don't understand what briefing are.
Just like he postponed releasing his tax returns. You just love being led around by the nose again and again and again?
What do you find so hard to understand? All the federal government intelligence agencies and CrowdStrike said it was the Russians. Trump, before having an intelligence briefing on the matter says publicly that he knows a lot about hacking and that it could be somebody else... a direct poke at the findings. What part don't you understand?
Regardless, Trump doesn't want to end up looking like a fucking idiot. He'll admit the truth and act accordingly. Dude, he's not even President yet. Let's give it a couple of weeks.

He's President elect and his publicly putting all the government intelligence agencies on blast, and taking Putin's side on the issue without even having a briefing. Tell me what kind of leader does that?
One in Putin's pocket.
No, it's not a threat, it's the truth. He will be President unless something catastrophic happens. Look up the word catastrophic. It went to making my point that he will hold power over the intelligence agencies. Quit being a dope. :cuckoo:
You put up a post which is clearly inciting/encouraging/planting the idea that someone should murder President Elect Trump.
You may be getting some unexpected visitors soon.
Enjoy the cat food sandwiches.
At the very least your 'real' name and your numerous avators will be added to a 'special' list compiled by various Gov. agencies.
The irony is he's a criminal justice student.

And the irony is... you numbnut trump supporters pull some shit out of nothing. I made no such threats against Trump.
You put up a post inciting someone to murder Trump.
Washington. He will be not only lucky to make it through his Presidency without getting impeached and thrown out of office, he'll be lucky to make it out alive".
That is called 'incitement'.
Try to explain your post to the 'men from the Government'.

Yes...he'll be lucky because he is pissing off all the intelligence agencies who's duty it is to protect him... Jesus are you that dense?
You're the one who'se dense.
You think like a fucking eight year old!
Intelligence agencies: "You know our new President is really pissing some of us off. What do you say we don't perform our sworn duty to protect him?" Ya right you fucking idiot!
GO AWAY and wait for a visit from a GOV. agency to pay you a visit.
Hillary SERIOUSLY pissed off her security detail for YEARS. They LOATHED her and Bill. They still were ready to take a bullet for her and her pervert husband who flew on the Lolita Express 26 times.
You put up a post which is clearly inciting/encouraging/planting the idea that someone should murder President Elect Trump.
You may be getting some unexpected visitors soon.
Enjoy the cat food sandwiches.
At the very least your 'real' name and your numerous avators will be added to a 'special' list compiled by various Gov. agencies.
The irony is he's a criminal justice student.

And the irony is... you numbnut trump supporters pull some shit out of nothing. I made no such threats against Trump.
You put up a post inciting someone to murder Trump.
Washington. He will be not only lucky to make it through his Presidency without getting impeached and thrown out of office, he'll be lucky to make it out alive".
That is called 'incitement'.
Try to explain your post to the 'men from the Government'.

Yes...he'll be lucky because he is pissing off all the intelligence agencies who's duty it is to protect him... Jesus are you that dense?
You're the one who'se dense.
You think like a fucking eight year old!
Intelligence agencies: "You know our new President is really pissing some of us off. What do you say we don't perform our sworn duty to protect him?" Ya right you fucking idiot!
GO AWAY and wait for a visit from a GOV. agency to pay you a visit.
Hillary SERIOUSLY pissed off her security detail for YEARS. They LOATHED her and Bill. They still were ready to take a bullet for her and her pervert husband who flew on the Lolita Express 26 times.

Hillary might have been a total bitch to her security detail, but she never publicly put them on blast saying they weren't doing their job and they were wrong... especially without even showing up for intelligence briefings... and quit your bullshit threats, it just makes you look stupid, everyone knows I didn't make any threat to Trump or encourage anyone to do so.
Trump has yet to attend a daily security briefing, he has seen no intelligence.
He isn't President yet, now is he. He isn't officially 'on the clock yet'. Funny to hear snowflakes talk about a President missing Intel Briefings after how many Barry missed. :p

All President's elect attend daily security briefings that are held at 9 a.m. in the morning so they walk in the Oval office knowing what he hell is going on dumbass. Trump has refused to do this.

All President's elect attend daily security briefings that are held at 9 a.m. in the morning so they walk in the Oval office knowing what he hell is going on dumbass. Trump has refused to do this.
Just for the record, which is worse - the President-Elect not attending security briefings until he gets in office or the acting President refusing to take security briefings?
All President's elect attend daily security briefings that are held at 9 a.m. in the morning so they walk in the Oval office knowing what he hell is going on dumbass. Trump has refused to do this.
Just for the record, which is worse - the President-Elect not attending security briefings until he gets in office or the acting President refusing to take security briefings?

What the Fuck are you talking about? You people are on a big boy and girl political board here. This is NOT a FOX News or Republican facebook page that you can get away with making comments like this and get 20K likes.

There are people on this board that have been here for years--(dyed in the wool political junkies) that know a lot more than you do. You will be challenged constantly on the information you put out on this board and you better dam well have a verifiable trusted link to what you're stating. Otherwise it will be considered immediate bullshit.

If you can't take the heat in this kitchen turn on Rush Limbaugh or FOX News and getting your coloring book and crayons out.

Last edited:
You fucking conspiracy nuts should be put on an island. You incite more trouble than anyone else possibly can. And you call people snowflakes for over reacting to shit? Jesus...

Russian hackers!!! Russian hackers!!! Russian hackers!!!!

These Snowflakes crack me up...
A 14 year old! A 14 year old! Don the Con cracks me up.
...according to Assange. Your expertise besides being an uniformed jackass is ....?

And that right there says everything. You believe Assange before you believe your own governmental intelligence agencies.

Assange has a MOUNTAIN of self-interest in playing along with Trump and the Russians on this. As an interested party, he is not a particularly credible witness.
I don't give two shits about Assange, that being said he did help to "out" the incompetency and corruption of the hildabeast.
Of course most of that was of her own doing, that being in the corruption and incompetency.:lmao:
The irony is he's a criminal justice student.

And the irony is... you numbnut trump supporters pull some shit out of nothing. I made no such threats against Trump.
I didn't say you did but it's idiotic to say things like "he'll be lucky to make it out alive." After enough inflammatory comments things paint a picture. You are probably already flagged.
The little creep was 'flagged' some time ago.

You fucking conspiracy nuts should be put on an island. You incite more trouble than anyone else possibly can. And you call people snowflakes for over reacting to shit? Jesus...

Russian hackers!!! Russian hackers!!! Russian hackers!!!!

These Snowflakes crack me up...

So you disagree with the CIA and the FBI, but feel two alleged Rapist are right? Gotcha

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