Trump to sign bill making it tougher to sue banks despite consumer protection head's plea to veto it

Previously, Democrat Tort lawyers got rich by finding the most irrelevant technicalities, filing a class action law suit.....and it goes on for a few years with the result that:

1) Each member of the Plaintiff Class get about 35 cents each as a settlement;

2) The Tort lawyers get millions; and

3) Operations like Acorn, or its successor, or gyp organizations run by assholes like Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton get their cut from the fine imposed by a corrupt Justice Department.
Anyone legitimately done wrong by a bank can still find a tort lawyer...and get a decent payout.

Class Action Tort Lawyers are pissed about this as are shakedown operations traditionally run by Jackson and Sharpton....and that's a good thing.....for few make more money for doing less for other people.

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