Trump told South Carolinians that they should vote for him twice

Democrats allowed illegals to vote.
That is a lie.
They hand illegal aliens voter registration cards at the department of motor vehicle office.

This has been debunked so many times it now resides in Debunktion Junction. In RARE cases states like California allow LEGAL migrant workers to obtain temporary driver permits. These do not enable them to vote.

When I moved to Oregon recently, I had to show them my birth certificate and then registration to vote is automatic and all voting is mail-in. Oregon did an exhaustive study after the 2016 elections and found TWO cases of voter fraud in the entire state.

An illegal resident would never risk it. Getting caught would mean permanent deportation.


Yeah, illegal aliens are so afraid of deportation. More of your stupid propaganda

True illegals are afraid of deportations. Now you tell me they will go and vote illegally so they can get arrested or deported?

Since when a scared person that came here to have a better chance for a better life for her/him families will sacrifice that with
just one lousy vote and expose themselves??? They are even scared to get stop or driving around let alone go to a voting polls. Yo quiero votar. They are not that stupid.

We have 30 million illegals in this country. Only a tiny fraction of them are deported, they know that.

If they were afraid, they wouldn't be going to government schools, getting free healthcare, applying for welfare and all those things. No one is deported for voting illegally
Democrats allowed illegals to vote.
That is a lie.
They hand illegal aliens voter registration cards at the department of motor vehicle office.

This has been debunked so many times it now resides in Debunktion Junction. In RARE cases states like California allow LEGAL migrant workers to obtain temporary driver permits. These do not enable them to vote.

When I moved to Oregon recently, I had to show them my birth certificate and then registration to vote is automatic and all voting is mail-in. Oregon did an exhaustive study after the 2016 elections and found TWO cases of voter fraud in the entire state.

An illegal resident would never risk it. Getting caught would mean permanent deportation.


Yeah, illegal aliens are so afraid of deportation. More of your stupid propaganda

True illegals are afraid of deportations. Now you tell me they will go and vote illegally so they can get arrested or deported?

Since when a scared person that came here to have a better chance for a better life for her/him families will sacrifice that with
just one lousy vote and expose themselves??? They are even scared to get stop or driving around let alone go to a voting polls. Yo quiero votar. They are not that stupid.
Yes and with all those sheriffs waiting for them at voting places


Now you're really pulling it out of your ass.

It was nice to see a coherent post from you though
Another Biden worshiper who's standard is you have to love and adore them and agree with everything they say to vote for them.

Your dream is going all carnal on the old fart, huh?

Or better, he goes all carnal on you! That's the dream ...

Biden wasn't my choice. Hell, I'd even vote for Islamaphobe White Nationalist Boris Johnson over your idiot at this point. At least he condemned Putin for poisoning his political rival and provided leadership on the pandemic. Once again, we got CRICKETS from Putin's Puppet.


Even the German leader ,the lady,has more balls than trump

Merkel and every other ally leader but our Donald has condemned Das Poot. It's just sad.

You do love yourself some Euro weenies, don't you?

Unlike our wannabe Orange Strongman?

Yes .. I'll take the "Euro weenies" over murderous prick-taters like Putin, Erdogan, Dutarte and Baby Kim every day and twice on Sunday.

Ding, ding, ding!

Wow, you walked right into that one. My point was you have massive butt hurt and you're consumed with hate. You just agreed with that
Democrats allowed illegals to vote.
That is a lie.
They hand illegal aliens voter registration cards at the department of motor vehicle office.

This has been debunked so many times it now resides in Debunktion Junction. In RARE cases states like California allow LEGAL migrant workers to obtain temporary driver permits. These do not enable them to vote.

When I moved to Oregon recently, I had to show them my birth certificate and then registration to vote is automatic and all voting is mail-in. Oregon did an exhaustive study after the 2016 elections and found TWO cases of voter fraud in the entire state.

An illegal resident would never risk it. Getting caught would mean permanent deportation.


Yeah, illegal aliens are so afraid of deportation. More of your stupid propaganda

True illegals are afraid of deportations. Now you tell me they will go and vote illegally so they can get arrested or deported?

Since when a scared person that came here to have a better chance for a better life for her/him families will sacrifice that with
just one lousy vote and expose themselves??? They are even scared to get stop or driving around let alone go to a voting polls. Yo quiero votar. They are not that stupid.

We have 30 million illegals in this country. Only a tiny fraction of them are deported, they know that.

If they were afraid, they wouldn't be going to government schools, getting free healthcare, applying for welfare and all those things. No one is deported for voting illegally
So it went from 11 million as the statistical count, to right wingers calling that 20 million, to now YOU calling it 30 million....??? WOW!
Another Biden worshiper who's standard is you have to love and adore them and agree with everything they say to vote for them.

Your dream is going all carnal on the old fart, huh?

Or better, he goes all carnal on you! That's the dream ...

Biden wasn't my choice. Hell, I'd even vote for Islamaphobe White Nationalist Boris Johnson over your idiot at this point. At least he condemned Putin for poisoning his political rival and provided leadership on the pandemic. Once again, we got CRICKETS from Putin's Puppet.


Even the German leader ,the lady,has more balls than trump

The butt hurt is raging today, huh?

You notice the pos's market today ? Merkle told Putin and Russia off Trump the punk is still licking putins boots
To test the system of course! Oh gee how convenient. Voting fraud is now okay. Why? Because it means those votes will supposedly slip through the cracks and it will help him win fraudulently. He is a such a fucking moron.

You INSULT fucking morons

You INSULT fucking morons

Why are you taking it personally?
I would have been more exacting and mentioned your name but didn't want to get deleted again Are you voting twice too??


and Trump isn't recommending anyone else does.

Maybe you should read ALL of what he said, instead of reacting to soundbites?

It doesn’t matter what if you read the whole story. I read the whole story twice because I can’t believe any idiot will say something that stupid let alone the president. You make it sounds that it’s okay to vote twice.

Why in the world he would even mentioned that kind of suggestion in the first place?

If you read it twice, how did you miss this?

" "So let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system's as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote. If it isn't tabulated, they'll be able to vote," Trump said when asked whether he has confidence in the mail-in system in North Carolina, a battleground state."
Umm... when people mail in their ballots within a couple of days of the election, their mail-in ballot is not yet counted. So when those people go vote in person, they've now committed voter fraud for voting twice.
That was a quarter of a century ago and long before motor voter laws.
...and now there are tens of millions more illegal aliens and the motor voter law.

Obviously we need voter ID
It matters not how many illegal aliens there are -- in accordance with the laws I showed you, they are not registered to vote when they apply for a driver's license.
Democrats allowed illegals to vote.
That is a lie.
They hand illegal aliens voter registration cards at the department of motor vehicle office.

This has been debunked so many times it now resides in Debunktion Junction. In RARE cases states like California allow LEGAL migrant workers to obtain temporary driver permits. These do not enable them to vote.

When I moved to Oregon recently, I had to show them my birth certificate and then registration to vote is automatic and all voting is mail-in. Oregon did an exhaustive study after the 2016 elections and found TWO cases of voter fraud in the entire state.

An illegal resident would never risk it. Getting caught would mean permanent deportation.


Yeah, illegal aliens are so afraid of deportation. More of your stupid propaganda

True illegals are afraid of deportations. Now you tell me they will go and vote illegally so they can get arrested or deported?

Since when a scared person that came here to have a better chance for a better life for her/him families will sacrifice that with
just one lousy vote and expose themselves??? They are even scared to get stop or driving around let alone go to a voting polls. Yo quiero votar. They are not that stupid.
Yes and with all those sheriffs waiting for them at voting places


Now you're really pulling it out of your ass.

It was nice to see a coherent post from you though
Another 2 hours and I can have an 18 year old ,,,Get your mind out of the gutter .. I'm not Rump I'm talking scotch
To test the system of course! Oh gee how convenient. Voting fraud is now okay. Why? Because it means those votes will supposedly slip through the cracks and it will help him win fraudulently. He is a such a fucking moron.

You INSULT fucking morons

You INSULT fucking morons

Why are you taking it personally?
I would have been more exacting and mentioned your name but didn't want to get deleted again Are you voting twice too??


and Trump isn't recommending anyone else does.

Maybe you should read ALL of what he said, instead of reacting to soundbites?

It doesn’t matter what if you read the whole story. I read the whole story twice because I can’t believe any idiot will say something that stupid let alone the president. You make it sounds that it’s okay to vote twice.

Why in the world he would even mentioned that kind of suggestion in the first place?

If you read it twice, how did you miss this?

" "So let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system's as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote. If it isn't tabulated, they'll be able to vote," Trump said when asked whether he has confidence in the mail-in system in North Carolina, a battleground state."
Umm... when people mail in their ballots within a couple of days of the election, their mail-in ballot is not yet counted. So when those people go vote in person, they've now committed voter fraud for voting twice.

Republican voter fraud is the worst kind.

To test the system of course! Oh gee how convenient. Voting fraud is now okay. Why? Because it means those votes will supposedly slip through the cracks and it will help him win fraudulently. He is a such a fucking moron.

I'll bet he knows the difference between North and South Carolina.......
Democrats allowed illegals to vote.
That is a lie.
They hand illegal aliens voter registration cards at the department of motor vehicle office.

This has been debunked so many times it now resides in Debunktion Junction. In RARE cases states like California allow LEGAL migrant workers to obtain temporary driver permits. These do not enable them to vote.

When I moved to Oregon recently, I had to show them my birth certificate and then registration to vote is automatic and all voting is mail-in. Oregon did an exhaustive study after the 2016 elections and found TWO cases of voter fraud in the entire state.

An illegal resident would never risk it. Getting caught would mean permanent deportation.


Yeah, illegal aliens are so afraid of deportation. More of your stupid propaganda

True illegals are afraid of deportations. Now you tell me they will go and vote illegally so they can get arrested or deported?

Since when a scared person that came here to have a better chance for a better life for her/him families will sacrifice that with
just one lousy vote and expose themselves??? They are even scared to get stop or driving around let alone go to a voting polls. Yo quiero votar. They are not that stupid.

We have 30 million illegals in this country. Only a tiny fraction of them are deported, they know that.

If they were afraid, they wouldn't be going to government schools, getting free healthcare, applying for welfare and all those things. No one is deported for voting illegally
So it went from 11 million as the statistical count, to right wingers calling that 20 million, to now YOU calling it 30 million....??? WOW!
Well there were an estimated 12 million here when Obama left office; so the other 18 million must've snuck in under Impeached Trump's mindful mindless watch,
To test the system of course! Oh gee how convenient. Voting fraud is now okay. Why? Because it means those votes will supposedly slip through the cracks and it will help him win fraudulently. He is a such a fucking moron.

I'll bet he knows the difference between North and South Carolina.......
Bet he doesn't know the home of the KC Chiefs is in Kansas City Mo , not the great state of Kansas
To test the system of course! Oh gee how convenient. Voting fraud is now okay. Why? Because it means those votes will supposedly slip through the cracks and it will help him win fraudulently. He is a such a fucking moron.

I thought there is no fraud in our elections.
You thought wrong. And now we actually have a U.S. president encouraging Americans to commit crimes.

I miss the daze when the rabid right went crazy because they idiotically thought Barack Obama encouraged illegal aliens to vote.

Where's your outrage now, con?
Just going by what you loons are telling me.
Very few people actually state there is absolutely no fraud. Most people who talk about it, point out it's rare.
Then don't worry about it.
... they are not registered to vote when they apply for a driver's license.
That is not what I stated. If you can not understand what I wrote you can not comprehend this slightly more complex issue.
To test the system of course! Oh gee how convenient. Voting fraud is now okay. Why? Because it means those votes will supposedly slip through the cracks and it will help him win fraudulently. He is a such a fucking moron.

I thought there is no fraud in our elections.
You thought wrong. And now we actually have a U.S. president encouraging Americans to commit crimes.

I miss the daze when the rabid right went crazy because they idiotically thought Barack Obama encouraged illegal aliens to vote.

Where's your outrage now, con?
Just going by what you loons are telling me.
Very few people actually state there is absolutely no fraud. Most people who talk about it, point out it's rare.
Then don't worry about it.
I'm not worried about voter fraud. I'm worried that we have a president, who swore an oath to protect the law, is now breaking the law himself and is encouraging to do so as well.
... they are not registered to vote when they apply for a driver's license.
That is not what I stated. If you can not understand what I wrote you can not comprehend this slightly more complex issue.
Did you not post this while complaining that illegals are voting...?


Why would you post about motor voter and illegal aliens voting if your message isn't that California is registering illegal aliens to vote through motor voter?
To test the system of course! Oh gee how convenient. Voting fraud is now okay. Why? Because it means those votes will supposedly slip through the cracks and it will help him win fraudulently. He is a such a fucking moron.

You INSULT fucking morons

You INSULT fucking morons

Why are you taking it personally?
I would have been more exacting and mentioned your name but didn't want to get deleted again Are you voting twice too??


and Trump isn't recommending anyone else does.

Maybe you should read ALL of what he said, instead of reacting to soundbites?

It doesn’t matter what if you read the whole story. I read the whole story twice because I can’t believe any idiot will say something that stupid let alone the president. You make it sounds that it’s okay to vote twice.

Why in the world he would even mentioned that kind of suggestion in the first place?

If you read it twice, how did you miss this?

" "So let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system's as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote. If it isn't tabulated, they'll be able to vote," Trump said when asked whether he has confidence in the mail-in system in North Carolina, a battleground state."
Umm... when people mail in their ballots within a couple of days of the election, their mail-in ballot is not yet counted. So when those people go vote in person, they've now committed voter fraud for voting twice.

Republican voter fraud is the worst kind.

I heard vote fraud doesn't exist.
To test the system of course! Oh gee how convenient. Voting fraud is now okay. Why? Because it means those votes will supposedly slip through the cracks and it will help him win fraudulently. He is a such a fucking moron.

Your thread title says, "Trump told South Carolinians that they should vote for him twice" and yet the article you supposedly read talks about North Carolina, never once making any reference to South Carolina.

And you call Trump a moron? All you had to do was copy the title of the article to which you yourself linked.

You'll get no argument from me about Trump and the blight on this country he is, but get your shit straight before you call someone else a moron...
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Why would you post about motor voter and illegal aliens voting if your message isn't that California is registering illegal aliens to vote through motor voter?
Why would you state this in reply if you understand what motor voter is?

"... they are not registered to vote when they apply for a driver's license."
You accuse and state everyone is wrong then you prove you have no idea what you arguing!
From your link:

"President Trump encourages supporters to vote absentee-by-mail early, and then show up in person at the polls or the local registrar to verify that their vote has already been counted," Trump campaign official Tim Murtaugh said. "It’s amazing that the media can go from insisting that voter fraud doesn’t exist to screaming about it when President Trump points out the giant holes in the Democrats’ voting schemes.”

Hey you dumb stupid moron. This is the DIRECT quote from Trump:

"So let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system's as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote. If it isn't tabulated, they'll be able to vote," Trump said when asked whether he has confidence in the mail-in system in North Carolina, a battleground state.“
And precisely NOWHERE in there does Trump tell people to vote twice. Yet another epic fail for the OP.

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