Trump Trade Agreement A Grand Slam Home Run

Mexican and Canadian currency soars as a result of an agreement.

So for the libtarded left, this means Mexico's and Canaduh's purchasing power goes up and our products become cheaper in their country. They can buy more for less and we can sell more there for a profit.

But really any one with a brain knew this in advance and Trump had to drag these idiots kicking and screaming to do what was best for all three of our countries.

Hint, libtardos, Capitalism is forcing Socialism in to doing the smart thing for everyone.

The Mexican peso and the Canadian dollar are ripping higher after the new NAFTA deal

You macroeconomic ignoramus.

The reason the Loonie soared was because the deal was GOOD FOR CANADA.

And the Loonie was MUCH higher against the Canadian dollar in March and January then it is now...before Trump started this trade crap.

XE: CAD / USD Currency Chart. Canadian Dollar to US Dollar Rates

I strongly suggest you stop talking about this stuff...because you seem utterly clueless about it.

Ya, right, idiot. That's why the U.S. stock market soared at the same time and the 10 year Treasury sold off big time.

Lower dollar, we sell more exports, other currencies higher, they have more purchasing power.

We don't call you libtards for no reason.

The US Stock Market--your barometer--went up 149% under the 8 years of Obama with NAFTA and the supposedly strangling regulations of his administration. It is doubful Trump will see 100% doubling much less 149%.

It would if Trump could print money like Obama did (quantitative easing)


I thought the economy was booming; shouldn't the deficit be going down...not up if that actually were the case? More income for Americans means more income taxes for the government in our system.
Mexican and Canadian currency soars as a result of an agreement.

So for the libtarded left, this means Mexico's and Canaduh's purchasing power goes up and our products become cheaper in their country. They can buy more for less and we can sell more there for a profit.

But really any one with a brain knew this in advance and Trump had to drag these idiots kicking and screaming to do what was best for all three of our countries.

Hint, libtardos, Capitalism is forcing Socialism in to doing the smart thing for everyone.

The Mexican peso and the Canadian dollar are ripping higher after the new NAFTA deal

You macroeconomic ignoramus.

The reason the Loonie soared was because the deal was GOOD FOR CANADA.

And the Loonie was MUCH higher against the Canadian dollar in March and January then it is now...before Trump started this trade crap.

XE: CAD / USD Currency Chart. Canadian Dollar to US Dollar Rates

I strongly suggest you stop talking about this stuff...because you seem utterly clueless about it.

Ya, right, idiot. That's why the U.S. stock market soared at the same time and the 10 year Treasury sold off big time.

Lower dollar, we sell more exports, other currencies higher, they have more purchasing power.

We don't call you libtards for no reason.

The US Stock Market--your barometer--went up 149% under the 8 years of Obama with NAFTA and the supposedly strangling regulations of his administration. It is doubful Trump will see 100% doubling much less 149%.

It would if Trump could print money like Obama did (quantitative easing)


PS: Isn't the essence of deficit spending essentially the government's printing of money?

At the 11/15/07 presidential debate, Hillary Clinton laughed about NAFTA and said she could barely remember the debate over that devastating trade pact that the Clinton administration passed.
Mexican and Canadian currency soars as a result of an agreement.

So for the libtarded left, this means Mexico's and Canaduh's purchasing power goes up and our products become cheaper in their country. They can buy more for less and we can sell more there for a profit.

But really any one with a brain knew this in advance and Trump had to drag these idiots kicking and screaming to do what was best for all three of our countries.

Hint, libtardos, Capitalism is forcing Socialism in to doing the smart thing for everyone.

The Mexican peso and the Canadian dollar are ripping higher after the new NAFTA deal

You macroeconomic ignoramus.

The reason the Loonie soared was because the deal was GOOD FOR CANADA.

And the Loonie was MUCH higher against the Canadian dollar in March and January then it is now...before Trump started this trade crap.

XE: CAD / USD Currency Chart. Canadian Dollar to US Dollar Rates

I strongly suggest you stop talking about this stuff...because you seem utterly clueless about it.

Ya, right, idiot. That's why the U.S. stock market soared at the same time and the 10 year Treasury sold off big time.

Lower dollar, we sell more exports, other currencies higher, they have more purchasing power.

We don't call you libtards for no reason.

The US Stock Market--your barometer--went up 149% under the 8 years of Obama with NAFTA and the supposedly strangling regulations of his administration. It is doubful Trump will see 100% doubling much less 149%.

Trump doesn't have the luxury of zero percentage Federal Funds rate and the Federal Reserve taking on 4 Trillion on their balance sheet. And we won't know the full impact from improved trading relations for a while. What we do know is consumer confidence and business confidence is at all time highs. When the 10 year Treasury sells off that's a great indication of improved economic forecasts. Obama didn't have the balls to pull it off.

Libtardos are idiots and shouldn't be considered credible

Well, I was using your barometer. Perhaps you're the idiot. I thought the economy was booming; why the record deficit?
Why didn’t the Fed feel confident enough to raise the interest rates during Obama’s presidency when they have done so several times under Trump in less than 2 years?
Then, there's Trump ,major fuck ups.
Take one of his first major actions, pulling out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the sweeping trade deal conceived during the George W. Bush administration and negotiated by Barack Obama’s administration. It was an attempt to open long-closed markets like Japan but also to create a grouping that could stand up to China’s growing muscle in trade matters.
The other 11 TPP countries decided to keep the deal minus Washington, which simply means America will not gain access to those markets. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, while sweet-talking Donald Trump, also quickly struck a free-trade agreement with the European Union, creating one of the largest economic markets in the world and giving opportunities to Europe that might otherwise have gone to America.
“We cannot accept, as Europeans, that others – even our closest allies and friends – determine and decide with whom we can make business with or trade.” She indicated that others – presumably the Russians and Chinese – might join this effort. Were the European Union efforts to succeed, they would put a dent in the most significant element of American financial power: the unrivaled role of the dollar in the global economy.
Fareed Zakaria: Trump is hastening the arrival of a post-American world
So, Trump made a deal with Canada and Mexico, while losing out in the Asian and European markets.
The world moves on, without America and Trump.
Then, there's Trump ,major fuck ups.
Take one of his first major actions, pulling out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the sweeping trade deal conceived during the George W. Bush administration and negotiated by Barack Obama’s administration. It was an attempt to open long-closed markets like Japan but also to create a grouping that could stand up to China’s growing muscle in trade matters.
The other 11 TPP countries decided to keep the deal minus Washington, which simply means America will not gain access to those markets. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, while sweet-talking Donald Trump, also quickly struck a free-trade agreement with the European Union, creating one of the largest economic markets in the world and giving opportunities to Europe that might otherwise have gone to America.
“We cannot accept, as Europeans, that others – even our closest allies and friends – determine and decide with whom we can make business with or trade.” She indicated that others – presumably the Russians and Chinese – might join this effort. Were the European Union efforts to succeed, they would put a dent in the most significant element of American financial power: the unrivaled role of the dollar in the global economy.
Fareed Zakaria: Trump is hastening the arrival of a post-American world
So, Trump made a deal with Canada and Mexico, while losing out in the Asian and European markets.
The world moves on, without America and Trump.

Anyone who read Woodward's book about Gary Cohn trying to make the blob understand that when you have a consumer based economy, trade deficits are not an all together bad thing understands just how little the blob understands the economy.

There is this thing called the "law of unintended consequences". Lets hope some of the unintended consequences from having this moronic pervert in the Oval is some benefit to the American people.
A Bloomberg opinion hardly presents it as a cast iron win...

Ever have a big argument with your spouse, and think you won it? But then later realize that the momentary satisfaction of victory pales against the good will you lost? And if your spouse is miserable, you’ll probably end up miserable too. [...]

Overall this is probably a better deal for the U.S., economically speaking. It may improve if Canada joins, and given the legislative calendar, Trump can be expected to present Canadian officials with a take-it-or-leave-it offer. Note also that many parts of the deal are likely to bear a resemblance to TPP.

But again: At what price? Canadians and Canadian politicians now feel slighted, and it will be harder for Canada to support U.S. initiatives, especially those led by Trump, in the future. It may be a long time before Canada feels like an even vaguely equal partner again. In the meantime, the U.S. and Canada have ongoing dealings and negotiations concerning water rights, border and migration issues, intelligence sharing, terror prevention, and presenting a (relatively) united front against other foreign powers, including Russia in the Arctic. The marginal gains in trade just don’t seem worth the deterioration in the relationship.
Because, basically, nothing's changed. Oh, some auto conditions, which may push manufacture of smaller vehicles out of the US, some IP restraints developed by Obama's administration for the TPP, some dairy with Canada, some environmental and labour with Mexico, and not until 2020 or so. Big deal.

Oh, the name, right, fair enough. 'Now it's a brand new deal.' What a doofus.
Ya know... I'd never post something as STUPID as you just did... really.. I mean don't you worry about people knowing how STUPID you are?
Because, basically, nothing's changed. Oh, some auto conditions, which may push manufacture of smaller vehicles out of the US, some IP restraints developed by Obama's administration for the TPP, some dairy with Canada, some environmental and labour with Mexico, and not until 2020 or so. Big deal.

Oh, the name, right, fair enough. 'Now it's a brand new deal.' What a doofus.

Let me get this straight. Trump was an isolationist idiot for even thinking he could negotiate something like this. Now he’s a doofus for actually negotiating it including minimum wages for auto workers of $16 an hour. Right.
Let me get this straight. Trump was an isolationist idiot for even thinking he could negotiate something like this. Now he’s a doofus for actually negotiating it including minimum wages for auto workers of $16 an hour. Right.
Let me straighten you out, since you request it. He's negotiated that auto workers in North America (Mexico) producing cars that qualify for no tariffs into the US receive an average wage of $16/hr. He's a zero sum idiot, who, because he has no good will to others can't recognise the concept. He will learn, no doubt.

Oops, I mean the USA will learn.
Mexican and Canadian currency soars as a result of an agreement.

So for the libtarded left, this means Mexico's and Canaduh's purchasing power goes up and our products become cheaper in their country. They can buy more for less and we can sell more there for a profit.

But really any one with a brain knew this in advance and Trump had to drag these idiots kicking and screaming to do what was best for all three of our countries.

Hint, libtardos, Capitalism is forcing Socialism in to doing the smart thing for everyone.

The Mexican peso and the Canadian dollar are ripping higher after the new NAFTA deal

That was after they went down because of negotiations dragging on.

This is not capitalism. It is government mandated socialism. What it means is that auto prices will go up. Cars that are made in Mexico will either be made overseas in countries where the inputs are so low that they can stand paying tariffs when they import back into the US or they will no longer be made. Cars that come from Mexico often have low profit margins so they cannot be moved to the US or even Canada. Some of the parts used in Mexico come from the US so there could be lower demand for US auto parts.
Because, basically, nothing's changed. Oh, some auto conditions, which may push manufacture of smaller vehicles out of the US, some IP restraints developed by Obama's administration for the TPP, some dairy with Canada, some environmental and labour with Mexico, and not until 2020 or so. Big deal.

Oh, the name, right, fair enough. 'Now it's a brand new deal.' What a doofus.

Let me get this straight. Trump was an isolationist idiot for even thinking he could negotiate something like this. Now he’s a doofus for actually negotiating it including minimum wages for auto workers of $16 an hour. Right.

That position could be disastrous. It will drive up the prices of automobiles for consumers. Cars that are made in Mexico will either be assembled in another country and shipped here or they will be dropped altogether which could lead to fewer jobs.
Because, basically, nothing's changed. Oh, some auto conditions, which may push manufacture of smaller vehicles out of the US, some IP restraints developed by Obama's administration for the TPP, some dairy with Canada, some environmental and labour with Mexico, and not until 2020 or so. Big deal.

Oh, the name, right, fair enough. 'Now it's a brand new deal.' What a doofus.
Ya know... I'd never post something as STUPID as you just did... really.. I mean don't you worry about people knowing how STUPID you are?

Why did you post something STUPID. We know you are STUPID because all Trump supporters are STUPID.
Mexican and Canadian currency soars as a result of an agreement.

So for the libtarded left, this means Mexico's and Canaduh's purchasing power goes up and our products become cheaper in their country. They can buy more for less and we can sell more there for a profit.

But really any one with a brain knew this in advance and Trump had to drag these idiots kicking and screaming to do what was best for all three of our countries.

Hint, libtardos, Capitalism is forcing Socialism in to doing the smart thing for everyone.

The Mexican peso and the Canadian dollar are ripping higher after the new NAFTA deal
Not a word of it on CNN yesterday as the Kabanaugh bashing continued.
Because, basically, nothing's changed. Oh, some auto conditions, which may push manufacture of smaller vehicles out of the US, some IP restraints developed by Obama's administration for the TPP, some dairy with Canada, some environmental and labour with Mexico, and not until 2020 or so. Big deal.

Oh, the name, right, fair enough. 'Now it's a brand new deal.' What a doofus.
Ya know... I'd never post something as STUPID as you just did... really.. I mean don't you worry about people knowing how STUPID you are?

Why did you post something STUPID. We know you are STUPID because all Trump supporters are STUPID.
My God... you're so fucking dumb you couldn't even be original. You had to copy as much of my post as you could. You obviously aren't smart enough to scratch your own tits.

Take a break, bubble head, I think you just overloaded your insect brain... you idiot democrat twit.
Because, basically, nothing's changed. Oh, some auto conditions, which may push manufacture of smaller vehicles out of the US, some IP restraints developed by Obama's administration for the TPP, some dairy with Canada, some environmental and labour with Mexico, and not until 2020 or so. Big deal.

Oh, the name, right, fair enough. 'Now it's a brand new deal.' What a doofus.
Ass hurt
Mexican and Canadian currency soars as a result of an agreement.

So for the libtarded left, this means Mexico's and Canaduh's purchasing power goes up and our products become cheaper in their country. They can buy more for less and we can sell more there for a profit.

But really any one with a brain knew this in advance and Trump had to drag these idiots kicking and screaming to do what was best for all three of our countries.

Hint, libtardos, Capitalism is forcing Socialism in to doing the smart thing for everyone.

The Mexican peso and the Canadian dollar are ripping higher after the new NAFTA deal

Dude, it makes some minor changes. That's about it.

It also increases government involvement in the economy by dictating content rules and wages. As the WSJ Editorial board noted this morning, it's a worse deal than the one we already had, but at least he didn't blow it up.

But of course, to Orange Jesus's worshipers, it doesn't matter because they believe everything he says.

Will the deal cut the $800 billion U.S. trade deficit that Trump has complained about? It definitely will. Because the U.S. trade deficit is actually only $566 billion. Will it stop Canada from taking advantage of America? Also, definitely, since we actually have a trade surplus with them. Lying about statistics that your base will never check clearly has its benefits. Will it create new jobs in America? Some, maybe. Not so many. Will it trigger a rebirth in U.S. manufacturing job creation? No. Those jobs were not exported to other countries, they were exported to the past. Technology is the issue and tariffs don’t make clocks run backwards.​

Trumped-Up NAFTA: Potus Wins a Few Modest Concessions and Declares Victory

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