Trump Trailer Trash


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
He's done. What a dick. He's the most self-destructive asshole I've ever seen besides Dick Nixon.

Donald Trump says he did not mock New York Times reporter's disability
Republican front-runner twisted his arms in apparent imitation of Serge Kovaleski’s arthrogryposis as he reiterated controversial 9/11 claims

New York Times slams 'outrageous' Donald Trump for mocking reporter's disability

He let his daughter marry zee joo!

better to have been dropped into he deepest ocean than push your own daughter away from God
He's done. What a dick. He's the most self-destructive asshole I've ever seen besides Dick Nixon.

Donald Trump says he did not mock New York Times reporter's disability
Republican front-runner twisted his arms in apparent imitation of Serge Kovaleski’s arthrogryposis as he reiterated controversial 9/11 claims

New York Times slams 'outrageous' Donald Trump for mocking reporter's disability


The scumbag reporter deserved to be mocked. If you're going to author hit pieces about someone, then expect some incoming.
Carla and Sarah, he is beginning to lose traction and his opponents' commercials are coming out using his very vids against him.

I wonder if he will be down to 12% by January 1st.
Carla and Sarah, he is beginning to lose traction and his opponents' commercials are coming out using his very vids against him.

I wonder if he will be down to 12% by January 1st.

I suspect Ted Cruz will be the next flavor of the month, but I still want the Donald to keep up the good work...for Democrats.
Carla and Sarah, he is beginning to lose traction and his opponents' commercials are coming out using his very vids against him.

I wonder if he will be down to 12% by January 1st.

I suspect Ted Cruz will be the next flavor of the month, but I still want the Donald to keep up the good work...for Democrats.
Trump has been on top in the polls for 4 months now. He obviously isn't "the flavor of the month," dingbat.
Carla and Sarah, he is beginning to lose traction and his opponents' commercials are coming out using his very vids against him.

I wonder if he will be down to 12% by January 1st.

I suspect Ted Cruz will be the next flavor of the month, but I still want the Donald to keep up the good work...for Democrats.
Trump has been on top in the polls for 4 months now. He obviously isn't "the flavor of the month," dingbat.

Bookmarked, for future entertainment.
He's done. What a dick. He's the most self-destructive asshole I've ever seen besides Dick Nixon.

Donald Trump says he did not mock New York Times reporter's disability
Republican front-runner twisted his arms in apparent imitation of Serge Kovaleski’s arthrogryposis as he reiterated controversial 9/11 claims

New York Times slams 'outrageous' Donald Trump for mocking reporter's disability

Wow. The Left is terrified--absolutely quaking--in fear from a Trump presidency. How else to explain THREE threads on the man at the very top of this section?
Suck it libs. Get used to "Trump White House."
Carla and Sarah, he is beginning to lose traction and his opponents' commercials are coming out using his very vids against him.

I wonder if he will be down to 12% by January 1st.

I suspect Ted Cruz will be the next flavor of the month, but I still want the Donald to keep up the good work...for Democrats.
Trump has been on top in the polls for 4 months now. He obviously isn't "the flavor of the month," dingbat.

I'm afraid he probably did just sink his own ship.

The one thing he used to have going for him is the appearance, or air of honesty compared to career pols. I'm afraid that's shot now. Read this and tell me if you don't think he is just another guy letting power go to his head now. . .

How Come Trump Didn’t Mention Arab Americans Cheering 9/11 in This Interview Two Days After Attacks?
Trump says he saw US Muslims cheering 9/11. But he didn't mention that in this video two days later.
He got caught telling a whopper of an exaggeration, and now he needs to set the record straight. A few roof top parties is not "thousands" of folks celebrating. At the time 9/11 happened, I doubt he was even aware of those celebrations. . . .

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