Trump tries and fails to use the nuclear option for his wall in the Senate

Can’t believe Chuck and Nancy are willing to make it worse for our border patrol on legal immigration. All it takes is common sense but these swamp demos don’t care. Shutting down the government keeps playing to their obstruction going on three years already. Sad!
It is tiny trump who would shut down the government. He said so himself.
For legal immigration.
Of course they will not go to a Nuke option. Why would they
do that. The Dems don't sign the bill that the House passed
by midnite tonight, the Dems will own the shutdown.

The Prez cannot be blamed for vetoing a bill that he never received.
It’s Trump’s shutdown. He declared ownership of it at his disastrous meeting with Chuck and Nancy. You can pretend the Dems own it like you tried when Lyin’ Ted read Dr. Seuss like a toddler a couple years ago. It didn’t work then either.
The democrats are the ones crying about a shut down would be horrible. All they have to do is give Trump a measly 5 billion dollars. And their precious goverment will not close. So they own it. I hope the goverment closes for a while, show people we can still survive.
All Trump has to do is sign a piece of paper. But he won’t. The shutdown is his :itsok:
I thought McConnell said he hasn't got 50 Republican votes to pass the bill anyway? Doesn't sound like it's going to make it to Trump's desk. Is it?
The House passed the bill
The Senate will not pass the bill, according to McConnell.

Is that right?

I have to believe that if McConnell had the 50 votes to pass the bill under reconciliation then they would do so. He also does not have the 50 votes to change the Senate rules to go with the nuclear option either, so that option is out. So, we will have a shutdown until either Trump or the Dems back down. What I'd like to know is what a shutdown really means in terms of what happens and which agencies and functions will stop working.
It’s his shitdown. Just becaise a minority of terrified racists want a wall doesn’t mean they get to hold the country hostage.
It's democrats that preach doom and gloom about a goverment shut down, but they are willing to let it happen over 5 billion dollars. Just think the longer the shut down. The more people will realize that they don't need goverment to live and realize liberals are full of shit. So it's a win.
Trump is willing to let it happen over $5 billion. You claimed your Green Eggs and Ham shutdown would be a win too and it was a national embarassment instead.
Lol, i hope it shuts down till next year. It will ruin your party. The embarrasment is people like you doesn't want to have laws enforced.
Keep laughing but when americans wake up to a democrat goverment shut down and go on with their lives anyway. They will realize they really don't need goverment.

particularly to rubes who don't know the difference between a noun and an adjective
Of course they will not go to a Nuke option. Why would they
do that. The Dems don't sign the bill that the House passed
by midnite tonight, the Dems will own the shutdown.

The Prez cannot be blamed for vetoing a bill that he never received.
It’s Trump’s shutdown. He declared ownership of it at his disastrous meeting with Chuck and Nancy. You can pretend the Dems own it like you tried when Lyin’ Ted read Dr. Seuss like a toddler a couple years ago. It didn’t work then either.
The democrats are the ones crying about a shut down would be horrible. All they have to do is give Trump a measly 5 billion dollars. And their precious goverment will not close. So they own it. I hope the goverment closes for a while, show people we can still survive.
All Trump has to do is sign a piece of paper. But he won’t. The shutdown is his :itsok:
I thought McConnell said he hasn't got 50 Republican votes to pass the bill anyway? Doesn't sound like it's going to make it to Trump's desk. Is it?
The House passed the bill
The Senate will not pass the bill, according to McConnell.

Is that right?

I have to believe that if McConnell had the 50 votes to pass the bill under reconciliation then they would do so. He also does not have the 50 votes to change the Senate rules to go with the nuclear option either, so that option is out. So, we will have a shutdown until either Trump or the Dems back down. What I'd like to know is what a shutdown really means in terms of what happens and which agencies and functions will stop working.
All I heard it costs tens of billions somhow
I honestly don't see why the Dems won't fund a partial wall,or fence, whatever they want to call it. They need a wall in places where folks are routinely flooding across. I believe they've got the eminent domain issues cleared, except for that Indian reservation which is half in the US and half in Mexico and refuses to allow the government on their land. They have been told by a federal court that their will be no environmental impact claims. It's green light all the way.
It is a sensible idea to put a barrier where there is a lot of border jumping.
Give them 5B and let them see how far they can get with it.

Could not agree more, 5B these days is nothin'. I would assume a deal will get done eventually after January 3rd when the Dems take control of the House. The parameters of that deal are TBD, who knows what they'll do but this thing could drag on for a long time. What I'd like to know is, what's the pain that somebody suffers when we have a shutdown. I read that something like 86% of the gov't has already been funded, so what's the deal with the other 14%?
I honestly don't see why the Dems won't fund a partial wall,or fence, whatever they want to call it. They need a wall in places where folks are routinely flooding across. I believe they've got the eminent domain issues cleared, except for that Indian reservation which is half in the US and half in Mexico and refuses to allow the government on their land. They have been told by a federal court that their will be no environmental impact claims. It's green light all the way.
It is a sensible idea to put a barrier where there is a lot of border jumping.
Give them 5B and let them see how far they can get with it.

Could not agree more, 5B these days is nothin'. I would assume a deal will get done eventually after January 3rd when the Dems take control of the House. The parameters of that deal are TBD, who knows what they'll do but this thing could drag on for a long time. What I'd like to know is, what's the pain that somebody suffers when we have a shutdown. I read that something like 86% of the gov't has already been funded, so what's the deal with the other 14%?
A bunch of overpaid federal workers won't get paid until the shutdown is over. BFD.
It’s Trump’s shutdown. He declared ownership of it at his disastrous meeting with Chuck and Nancy. You can pretend the Dems own it like you tried when Lyin’ Ted read Dr. Seuss like a toddler a couple years ago. It didn’t work then either.
The democrats are the ones crying about a shut down would be horrible. All they have to do is give Trump a measly 5 billion dollars. And their precious goverment will not close. So they own it. I hope the goverment closes for a while, show people we can still survive.
All Trump has to do is sign a piece of paper. But he won’t. The shutdown is his :itsok:
I thought McConnell said he hasn't got 50 Republican votes to pass the bill anyway? Doesn't sound like it's going to make it to Trump's desk. Is it?
The House passed the bill
The Senate will not pass the bill, according to McConnell.

Is that right?

I have to believe that if McConnell had the 50 votes to pass the bill under reconciliation then they would do so. He also does not have the 50 votes to change the Senate rules to go with the nuclear option either, so that option is out. So, we will have a shutdown until either Trump or the Dems back down. What I'd like to know is what a shutdown really means in terms of what happens and which agencies and functions will stop working.
All I heard it costs tens of billions somhow

My understanding is that the entire wall costs around $25 Bil. Trump is asking for $5 Bil to build a 217-mile section of that wall, where there are the most people crossing over the border. We are about to begin a political game of chicken, who will have the most to lose politically by sticking to their guns.
Once again the Democrats have proven to the world that they DO NOT represent best interests of Americans.
The Dems are representing the best interests millions of anti-American illegal alien moochers, human traffickers, drug cartels and the racist Aztlan Nationalist.
Pelosi and Schumer are saying
F U to the thousands of Families who have lost loved ones to illegal aliens and smuggled drugs.
Once again the Democrats have proven to the world that they DO NOT represent best interests of Americans.
The Dems are representing the best interests millions of anti-American illegal alien moochers, human traffickers, drug cartels and the racist Aztlan Nationalist.
Pelosi and Schumer are saying
F U to the thousands of Families who have lost loved ones to illegal aliens and smuggled drugs.

I'm 100% in favor of Mexico paying for our wall, as was promised by the retard you elected.

Hold him accountable to his campaign promises or shut the fuck up.
Once again the Democrats have proven to the world that they DO NOT represent best interests of Americans.
The Dems are representing the best interests millions of anti-American illegal alien moochers, human traffickers, drug cartels and the racist Aztlan Nationalist.
Pelosi and Schumer are saying
F U to the thousands of Families who have lost loved ones to illegal aliens and smuggled drugs.

I'm 100% in favor of Mexico paying for our wall, as was promised by the retard you elected.

Hold him accountable to his campaign promises or shut the fuck up.

I don't care if Mexico pays for the wall directly or indirectly.
We have a 100% right to control our border crossings and immigration.
Left Wingers are anti-American bigots for refusing to protect our sovereignty.
Donald just Trump tried to use the nuclear option in the senate in order to get his wall, despite the fact that Mexico is going to pay for it according to himself.
Mitch McConnell said that the nuclear option is not going to happen, via his spokesman:

Ben Siegel on Twitter
Don't people know we only spent 6% of 2018 money?
What does it say about a pantywaist country who cowers behind a wall.?
it securing our sovereignty. That's what traitor.
Once again the Democrats have proven to the world that they DO NOT represent best interests of Americans.
The Dems are representing the best interests millions of anti-American illegal alien moochers, human traffickers, drug cartels and the racist Aztlan Nationalist.
Pelosi and Schumer are saying
F U to the thousands of Families who have lost loved ones to illegal aliens and smuggled drugs.

I'm 100% in favor of Mexico paying for our wall, as was promised by the retard you elected.

Hold him accountable to his campaign promises or shut the fuck up.
they are right now. who's paying for all of those migrants at the border? hmmmm you ain't smart.
Once again the Democrats have proven to the world that they DO NOT represent best interests of Americans.
The Dems are representing the best interests millions of anti-American illegal alien moochers, human traffickers, drug cartels and the racist Aztlan Nationalist.
Pelosi and Schumer are saying
F U to the thousands of Families who have lost loved ones to illegal aliens and smuggled drugs.

How are Pelosi and Schumer doing anything? They’re not members of the Senate. It’s the Republican Senate which refuses to pass Trump's funding. The House passed it this morning.

Dumb Donald owns this shutdown, lock, stock and barrel. For weeks he’s said wants a shut down and it’s his way or the highway.
Once again the Democrats have proven to the world that they DO NOT represent best interests of Americans.
The Dems are representing the best interests millions of anti-American illegal alien moochers, human traffickers, drug cartels and the racist Aztlan Nationalist.
Pelosi and Schumer are saying
F U to the thousands of Families who have lost loved ones to illegal aliens and smuggled drugs.

How are Pelosi and Schumer doing anything? They’re not members of the Senate. It’s the Republican Senate which refuses to pass Trump's funding. The House passed it this morning.

Dumb Donald owns this shutdown, lock, stock and barrel. For weeks he’s said wants a shut down and it’s his way or the highway.
shumer is not part of the senate. folks you can't make this up. really the left are fking
Once again the Democrats have proven to the world that they DO NOT represent best interests of Americans.
The Dems are representing the best interests millions of anti-American illegal alien moochers, human traffickers, drug cartels and the racist Aztlan Nationalist.
Pelosi and Schumer are saying
F U to the thousands of Families who have lost loved ones to illegal aliens and smuggled drugs.

I'm 100% in favor of Mexico paying for our wall, as was promised by the retard you elected.

Hold him accountable to his campaign promises or shut the fuck up.
they are right now. who's paying for all of those migrants at the border? hmmmm you ain't smart.

Why would Trump threaten to shut down our government to pay for the border wall if Mexico is paying for it?
Once again the Democrats have proven to the world that they DO NOT represent best interests of Americans.
The Dems are representing the best interests millions of anti-American illegal alien moochers, human traffickers, drug cartels and the racist Aztlan Nationalist.
Pelosi and Schumer are saying
F U to the thousands of Families who have lost loved ones to illegal aliens and smuggled drugs.

I'm 100% in favor of Mexico paying for our wall, as was promised by the retard you elected.

Hold him accountable to his campaign promises or shut the fuck up.
they are right now. who's paying for all of those migrants at the border? hmmmm you ain't smart.

Why would Trump threaten to shut down our government to pay for the border wall if Mexico is paying for it?
cause he won his presidency on that promise. and you asked how mehico will pay. I just explained. you aren't the brightest bulb in the box are you.

BTW, do you know how much we spend on illegals who are already here? I bet you are on that as well. but you're a fking leftist, it's who you are.
Once again the Democrats have proven to the world that they DO NOT represent best interests of Americans.
The Dems are representing the best interests millions of anti-American illegal alien moochers, human traffickers, drug cartels and the racist Aztlan Nationalist.
Pelosi and Schumer are saying
F U to the thousands of Families who have lost loved ones to illegal aliens and smuggled drugs.

I'm 100% in favor of Mexico paying for our wall, as was promised by the retard you elected.

Hold him accountable to his campaign promises or shut the fuck up.
they are right now. who's paying for all of those migrants at the border? hmmmm you ain't smart.

Why would Trump threaten to shut down our government to pay for the border wall if Mexico is paying for it?

Because he lied through his teeth when he told his sheep that.
Once again the Democrats have proven to the world that they DO NOT represent best interests of Americans.
The Dems are representing the best interests millions of anti-American illegal alien moochers, human traffickers, drug cartels and the racist Aztlan Nationalist.
Pelosi and Schumer are saying
F U to the thousands of Families who have lost loved ones to illegal aliens and smuggled drugs.

I'm 100% in favor of Mexico paying for our wall, as was promised by the retard you elected.

Hold him accountable to his campaign promises or shut the fuck up.
they are right now. who's paying for all of those migrants at the border? hmmmm you ain't smart.

Why would Trump threaten to shut down our government to pay for the border wall if Mexico is paying for it?
cause he won his presidency on that promise. and you asked how mehico will pay. I just explained. you aren't the brightest bulb in the box are you.

BTW, do you know how much we spend on illegals who are already here? I bet you are on that as well. but you're a fking leftist, it's who you are.

Mexico paying for migrants is not the same as Mexico paying for a border wall, you fucking retard.
Once again the Democrats have proven to the world that they DO NOT represent best interests of Americans.
The Dems are representing the best interests millions of anti-American illegal alien moochers, human traffickers, drug cartels and the racist Aztlan Nationalist.
Pelosi and Schumer are saying
F U to the thousands of Families who have lost loved ones to illegal aliens and smuggled drugs.

I'm 100% in favor of Mexico paying for our wall, as was promised by the retard you elected.

Hold him accountable to his campaign promises or shut the fuck up.
they are right now. who's paying for all of those migrants at the border? hmmmm you ain't smart.

Why would Trump threaten to shut down our government to pay for the border wall if Mexico is paying for it?
cause he won his presidency on that promise. and you asked how mehico will pay. I just explained. you aren't the brightest bulb in the box are you.

BTW, do you know how much we spend on illegals who are already here? I bet you are on that as well. but you're a fking leftist, it's who you are.

Mexico paying for migrants is not the same as Mexico paying for a border wall, you fucking retard.
Every dollar not spent on an illegal is a dollar towards the wall. How long have you been this ignorant?
Dumb Donald owns this shutdown, lock, stock and barrel. For weeks he’s said wants a shut down and it’s his way or the highway.

I’m all for shutting the Government down. Everything but the US Military, Law Enforcement and the Post Office - PERMANENTLY.

Shutting the Government down won’t make me dislike the POTUS. Caving on border security will.

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