Trump tries and fails to use the nuclear option for his wall in the Senate

Of course they will not go to a Nuke option. Why would they
do that. The Dems don't sign the bill that the House passed
by midnite tonight, the Dems will own the shutdown.

The Prez cannot be blamed for vetoing a bill that he never received.
Republicans control the house, senate, and presidency. You need to learn personal responsibility and stop blaming others for your shortcomings.
if the senate (D)s are smart - they will offer their yes votes to fund the wall (that the (R)s would need to pass the bill) only if there is a vote on a bill to protect mueller & it passes which turtle boy refuses to bring to the floor.
The law called and the law won Trump is the most dishonest pos ever to enter our wh ,,,,,and he hasn't stopped

Some of us answer to a higher law than that if mankind.

I would suggest Mr Lincoln, FDR, Nixon and Clinton all exceed Mr Trump’s level of dishonesty and treasonous/unconstitutional behavior at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
[QUOTE="Issa, post: 21436148, member: 62493”]Lol ....unless if you live under a rock, illegals Cather food, cleaning, gardening, babysitting , construction, to most americans... why america is obese you think ?
Even the orange clown used illegals.

Then I must live under a rock. I’m 44 years old and have never worked with, employed or been associated with an illegal alien. In fact I go out of my way to avoid foreigners as much as humanly possible.[/QUOTE]
Why are you close minded ? Foreigners bring diversity, culture, history and lot of good things. I love where I live I get to practice my 4 languages almost daily, eat the best food, and so much more.
Why are you close minded ? Foreigners bring diversity, culture, history and lot of good things. I love where I live I get to practice my 4 languages almost daily, eat the best food, and so much more.

My family came to this nation to get away from the rest of this world. They didn’t want to be part of the Old World. They wanted to be part of a dream that some of them created and others hadn’t realized was dead before they got here.

I have a very set view of the world. It was imparted to me by my family and the events of my personal life. I speak one language. I hold loyalty to one nation. I answer to one deity. I see no need to change that. Ever.
cause he won his presidency on that promise. and you asked how mehico will pay. I just explained. you aren't the brightest bulb in the box are you.

BTW, do you know how much we spend on illegals who are already here? I bet you are on that as well. but you're a fking leftist, it's who you are.

Mexico paying for migrants is not the same as Mexico paying for a border wall, you fucking retard.
Every dollar not spent on an illegal is a dollar towards the wall.

lol that's a really creative way of trying to spin this.

You were swindled.
Not at all. Mexico is paying today


Nice selfi
Why are you close minded ? Foreigners bring diversity, culture, history and lot of good things. I love where I live I get to practice my 4 languages almost daily, eat the best food, and so much more.

My family came to this nation to get away from the rest of this world. They didn’t want to be part of the Old World. They wanted to be part of a dream that some of them created and others hadn’t realized was dead before they got here.

I have a very set view of the world. It was imparted to me by my family and the events of my personal life. I speak one language. I hold loyalty to one nation. I answer to one deity. I see no need to change that. Ever.
They have no idea of dreams
[QUOTE="Issa, post: 21436148, member: 62493”]Lol ....unless if you live under a rock, illegals Cather food, cleaning, gardening, babysitting , construction, to most americans... why america is obese you think ?
Even the orange clown used illegals.

Then I must live under a rock. I’m 44 years old and have never worked with, employed or been associated with an illegal alien. In fact I go out of my way to avoid foreigners as much as humanly possible.
Why are you close minded ? Foreigners bring diversity, culture, history and lot of good things. I love where I live I get to practice my 4 languages almost daily, eat the best food, and so much more.[/QUOTE]
Bullshit, bullshit, political correctness look at you
Why he want us to pay for it and he was chanting with his minions that mexico will send the check?

I don’t care who pays for the wall, I just want it built - YESTERDAY!!!!

Take the funding from the money we send to all these Central American ass-backward nation’s.
Take all the money trump took from his bs charities
You can’t spend five dollars for your country? Traitor
Why he want us to pay for it and he was chanting with his minions that mexico will send the check?

I don’t care who pays for the wall, I just want it built - YESTERDAY!!!!

Take the funding from the money we send to all these Central American ass-backward nation’s.
Take all the money trump took from his bs charities
You can’t spend five dollars for your country? Traitor
jc 456 just saying I'd rather wipe my *** with a ten dollar bill than give it to anything that'd help trump
Donald just Trump tried to use the nuclear option in the senate in order to get his wall, despite the fact that Mexico is going to pay for it according to himself.
Mitch McConnell said that the nuclear option is not going to happen, via his spokesman:

Ben Siegel on Twitter
We will see what happens down the road when both Democrats and Republicans in Congress start to worry about how an extended shutdown will effect the well being of their constituents and their chances for reelection in 2020.

This is Trump's shut down. Nobody else refused to compromise. When people get angry, they will remember that Trump promised to sign the Bill, and then renegged, just like he did on the DACA fix that funded his wall. Trump makes deals, and then his base talks him out of it. Some weak ass negotiator he is.

Watching how he runs the country, it's easy to see why his businesses keep losing money and going bankrupt. Trump is a total fucking incompetent.

MThis is Trump's shut down. Nobody else refused to compromise. When people get angry, they will remember that Trump promised to sign the Bill, and then renegged, just like he did on the DACA fix that funded his wall. Trump makes deals, and then his base talks him out of it. Some weak ass negotiator he is.

You have that backwards. He makes a promise to his base, then negotiated away from that promise. Then the base is forced to remind him of his promise and reinvigorate his spine. No wall, no bill. Pure and simple. Yes, this IS Trump’s shutdown and I for one support it fully.
Of course they will not go to a Nuke option. Why would they
do that. The Dems don't sign the bill that the House passed
by midnite tonight, the Dems will own the shutdown.

The Prez cannot be blamed for vetoing a bill that he never received.

Trump owns the shutdown. He said so himself.
Of course they will not go to a Nuke option. Why would they
do that. The Dems don't sign the bill that the House passed
by midnite tonight, the Dems will own the shutdown.

The Prez cannot be blamed for vetoing a bill that he never received.
It’s Trump’s shutdown. He declared ownership of it at his disastrous meeting with Chuck and Nancy. You can pretend the Dems own it like you tried when Lyin’ Ted read Dr. Seuss like a toddler a couple years ago. It didn’t work then either.
The democrats are the ones crying about a shut down would be horrible. All they have to do is give Trump a measly 5 billion dollars. And their precious goverment will not close. So they own it. I hope the goverment closes for a while, show people we can still survive.
All Trump has to do is sign a piece of paper. But he won’t. The shutdown is his :itsok:
Nope, he was voted in partly by promising the wall. We will see how long you can survive this shutdown.

He was not. Immigration was not a major voting issue for most people. The people who voted opposed building a wall.
I'm 100% in favor of Mexico paying for our wall, as was promised by the retard you elected.

Hold him accountable to his campaign promises or shut the fuck up.
they are right now. who's paying for all of those migrants at the border? hmmmm you ain't smart.

Why would Trump threaten to shut down our government to pay for the border wall if Mexico is paying for it?
cause he won his presidency on that promise. and you asked how mehico will pay. I just explained. you aren't the brightest bulb in the box are you.

BTW, do you know how much we spend on illegals who are already here? I bet you are on that as well. but you're a fking leftist, it's who you are.

Do you know how much illegals contribute to GDP, in witholding taxes, sales taxes, gasoline taxes?

Are you aware that the numbers the right is feeding you fail to include the economic benefits provided by illegals, which are substantial?

Of course not, because it's not in the troll farm talking points. Christmas in St. Petersburg must be magical.
Oh bullshit you have absolutely no data for that comment. Ignoramis. Too fking funny you are truly ignorant

Ignorant lying Russians:

Immigrants as Economic Contributors: Immigrant Tax Contributions and Spending Power - National Immigration Forum

Undocumented Immigrants Contribute Over $11 Billion to Our Economy Each Year

Economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States - Wikipedia
Once again the Democrats have proven to the world that they DO NOT represent best interests of Americans.
The Dems are representing the best interests millions of anti-American illegal alien moochers, human traffickers, drug cartels and the racist Aztlan Nationalist.
Pelosi and Schumer are saying
F U to the thousands of Families who have lost loved ones to illegal aliens and smuggled drugs.

You are representing the best interests of white supremacists and neo-nazis.
Donald just Trump tried to use the nuclear option in the senate in order to get his wall, despite the fact that Mexico is going to pay for it according to himself.
Mitch McConnell said that the nuclear option is not going to happen, via his spokesman:

Ben Siegel on Twitter
Don't people know we only spent 6% of 2018 money?
What does it say about a pantywaist country who cowers behind a wall.?
it securing our sovereignty. That's what traitor.

You are the traitorous dog. Our sovereignty does not need securing. Fot you it is about making America safe for white guys.

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