Trump tries and fails to use the nuclear option for his wall in the Senate

Once again the Democrats have proven to the world that they DO NOT represent best interests of Americans.
The Dems are representing the best interests millions of anti-American illegal alien moochers, human traffickers, drug cartels and the racist Aztlan Nationalist.
Pelosi and Schumer are saying
F U to the thousands of Families who have lost loved ones to illegal aliens and smuggled drugs.

How are Pelosi and Schumer doing anything? They’re not members of the Senate. It’s the Republican Senate which refuses to pass Trump's funding. The House passed it this morning.

Dumb Donald owns this shutdown, lock, stock and barrel. For weeks he’s said wants a shut down and it’s his way or the highway.
shumer is not part of the senate. folks you can't make this up. really the left are fking

Right wing garbage like you are fucking stupid.
These things must be borne in mind:

Trump told us he would be proud to own the shutdown. Here’s his chance to strut.

The last act of a Republican controlled House Senate and White House was to fail to keep the government open and build the infamous wall.

Thus it is shown yet again that today’s Republican can neither govern nor lead.

How very proud they must be.

And how ridiculously they will rationalize to save face in the midst of legislative incompetence
Of course they will not go to a Nuke option. Why would they
do that. The Dems don't sign the bill that the House passed
by midnite tonight, the Dems will own the shutdown.

The Prez cannot be blamed for vetoing a bill that he never received.
It’s Trump’s shutdown. He declared ownership of it at his disastrous meeting with Chuck and Nancy. You can pretend the Dems own it like you tried when Lyin’ Ted read Dr. Seuss like a toddler a couple years ago. It didn’t work then either.

It cannot be his, if they don't pass a bill. You'bout dumb ...Boy. The stereotype lives on
Of course they will not go to a Nuke option. Why would they
do that. The Dems don't sign the bill that the House passed
by midnite tonight, the Dems will own the shutdown.

The Prez cannot be blamed for vetoing a bill that he never received.

The President vetoed the Bill yesterday, that he had previously told the Senate he would sign. He did it because Rush called him “weak” and then Trump proved Rush wars correct in that assessment by caving in to his base.

The President owns this. No one else.

What Bill? The House never voted on anything You've been soliciting with
those Coons so much, you're starting to adopt their mentality.
Every Republican voting against funding for the wall should be thrown out of the party. Immediately. Then recalled by their constituents. Then shot by their neighbors.
No, any Republican voting against funding Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate should be commended.
It’s Trump’s shutdown. He declared ownership of it at his disastrous meeting with Chuck and Nancy. You can pretend the Dems own it like you tried when Lyin’ Ted read Dr. Seuss like a toddler a couple years ago. It didn’t work then either.
The democrats are the ones crying about a shut down would be horrible. All they have to do is give Trump a measly 5 billion dollars. And their precious goverment will not close. So they own it. I hope the goverment closes for a while, show people we can still survive.
All Trump has to do is sign a piece of paper. But he won’t. The shutdown is his :itsok:
I thought McConnell said he hasn't got 50 Republican votes to pass the bill anyway? Doesn't sound like it's going to make it to Trump's desk. Is it?
The House passed the bill
The Senate will not pass the bill, according to McConnell.

Is that right?
There’s a continuing resolution on Trump’s desk right now that he could sign anytime
The one that bumps the whole thing to February. When there will be a Democratic majority in the House. I have to say, if he's going to make a stand, now would be the time.

Of course. Pelosi wants this on Schumer, not on her. There is a compromise on the floor right now. 2.5 billion. Pelosi is giving lip service
that she won't go for it, but the House may go for it, if the Prez agrees
to sign it. Trump will not cave if this doesn't get done w/o money for the'
wall. There will be no CR in February w/o more money for the wall. That
will be on the House.

The President cannot veto a bill he doesn't get.
Of course they will not go to a Nuke option. Why would they
do that. The Dems don't sign the bill that the House passed
by midnite tonight, the Dems will own the shutdown.

The Prez cannot be blamed for vetoing a bill that he never received.
It’s Trump’s shutdown. He declared ownership of it at his disastrous meeting with Chuck and Nancy. You can pretend the Dems own it like you tried when Lyin’ Ted read Dr. Seuss like a toddler a couple years ago. It didn’t work then either.
The democrats are the ones crying about a shut down would be horrible. All they have to do is give Trump a measly 5 billion dollars. And their precious goverment will not close. So they own it. I hope the goverment closes for a while, show people we can still survive.
All Trump has to do is sign a piece of paper. But he won’t. The shutdown is his :itsok:
Nope, he was voted in partly by promising the wall. We will see how long you can survive this shutdown.
It’s his shutdown. He’s already claimed it with his own words. Just because a small minority of terrified racists want a wall doesn’t mean they get to hold the country hostage.

If there is no bill to sign, he cannot be blamed for it. He has to veto a bill
first. You 'bout fucking stupid
Of course they will not go to a Nuke option. Why would they
do that. The Dems don't sign the bill that the House passed
by midnite tonight, the Dems will own the shutdown.

The Prez cannot be blamed for vetoing a bill that he never received.
Republicans control the house, senate, and presidency. You need to learn personal responsibility and stop blaming others for your shortcomings.

It takes 60 votes in the Senate. You didn't know that?
Of course they will not go to a Nuke option. Why would they
do that. The Dems don't sign the bill that the House passed
by midnite tonight, the Dems will own the shutdown.

The Prez cannot be blamed for vetoing a bill that he never received.

Trump owns the shutdown. He said so himself.

He said he would veto a bill that didn't have money for the wall.

Right now, there is no bill to veto. The compromise on the floor
is for 2.5 billion for the Border. If the Dems don't cave to that, there
will be no bill to veto. The Dems would have shut down the country
by not compromising

The Scrooge option cannot win.
Of course they will not go to a Nuke option. Why would they
do that. The Dems don't sign the bill that the House passed
by midnite tonight, the Dems will own the shutdown.

The Prez cannot be blamed for vetoing a bill that he never received.
Republicans control the house, senate, and presidency. You need to learn personal responsibility and stop blaming others for your shortcomings.

It takes 60 votes in the Senate. You didn't know that?
Who runs the Senate and is responsible for getting the necessary votes?
Of course they will not go to a Nuke option. Why would they
do that. The Dems don't sign the bill that the House passed
by midnite tonight, the Dems will own the shutdown.

The Prez cannot be blamed for vetoing a bill that he never received.
It’s Trump’s shutdown. He declared ownership of it at his disastrous meeting with Chuck and Nancy. You can pretend the Dems own it like you tried when Lyin’ Ted read Dr. Seuss like a toddler a couple years ago. It didn’t work then either.
The democrats are the ones crying about a shut down would be horrible. All they have to do is give Trump a measly 5 billion dollars. And their precious goverment will not close. So they own it. I hope the goverment closes for a while, show people we can still survive.
All Trump has to do is sign a piece of paper. But he won’t. The shutdown is his :itsok:
Nope, he was voted in partly by promising the wall. We will see how long you can survive this shutdown.

He was not. Immigration was not a major voting issue for most people. The people who voted opposed building a wall.
Yes it was, illegal immigrants are costing us a fortune.
McConnell is no dummy.

He would LOVE to use the nuclear option on legislation but he just lost the House and knows he could lose the Senate in two years. It's highly doubtful that the Dems would use the nuke option but if the Turtle were to do it now...he'd gain nothing. He doesn't care about the stupid wall and in three weeks the nuke option would be meaningless
Donald just Trump tried to use the nuclear option in the senate in order to get his wall, despite the fact that Mexico is going to pay for it according to himself.
Mitch McConnell said that the nuclear option is not going to happen, via his spokesman:

Ben Siegel on Twitter

Trump didn't fail....the Republicans failed......Trump isn't the problem, it is the cowardly, spineless republicans.....that is why the Republicans lost the House......the Republican normals understand that the republican party won't they didn't bother to turn out for them...
McConnell is no dummy.

He would LOVE to use the nuclear option on legislation but he just lost the House and knows he could lose the Senate in two years. It's highly doubtful that the Dems would use the nuke option but if the Turtle were to do it now...he'd gain nothing. He doesn't care about the stupid wall and in three weeks the nuke option would be meaningless

The democrats already used the nuclear option for judges, and if they have control of the Senate and need to pass something they will do it no matter what it takes......
McConnell is no dummy.

He would LOVE to use the nuclear option on legislation but he just lost the House and knows he could lose the Senate in two years. It's highly doubtful that the Dems would use the nuke option but if the Turtle were to do it now...he'd gain nothing. He doesn't care about the stupid wall and in three weeks the nuke option would be meaningless

The democrats already used the nuclear option for judges, and if they have control of the Senate and need to pass something they will do it no matter what it takes......
They used the nuke option ONLY for lower court judges because of the unprecedented obstruction that McConnell was engaging in.

They could have used it on SCOTUS appointees but didn't.

McConnell of course felt no such compunction.

If Turtle uses it now he'll only be able to make use of it (with a Dem controlled House) for a DAY...for this one issue...and then it will be there for the Dems in 2020.

You may be stupid but he's not and he won't give that gift to the Dems for this stupid wall

McConnell knows how stupid this Wall debate is
McConnell is no dummy.

He would LOVE to use the nuclear option on legislation but he just lost the House and knows he could lose the Senate in two years. It's highly doubtful that the Dems would use the nuke option but if the Turtle were to do it now...he'd gain nothing. He doesn't care about the stupid wall and in three weeks the nuke option would be meaningless

The democrats already used the nuclear option for judges, and if they have control of the Senate and need to pass something they will do it no matter what it takes......
They used the nuke option ONLY for lower court judges because of the unprecedented obstruction that McConnell was engaging in.

They could have used it on SCOTUS appointees but didn't.

McConnell of course felt no such compunction.

If Turtle uses it now he'll only be able to make use of it (with a Dem controlled House) for a DAY...for this one issue...and then it will be there for the Dems in 2020.

You may be stupid but he's not and he won't give that gift to the Dems for this stupid wall

McConnell knows how stupid this Wall debate is

They didn't need it because the cowardly republicans always vote for democrat Justices.......and they didn't care about the last one under obama because they knew hilary was going to win.....
Of course they will not go to a Nuke option. Why would they
do that. The Dems don't sign the bill that the House passed
by midnite tonight, the Dems will own the shutdown.

The Prez cannot be blamed for vetoing a bill that he never received.

No President is responsible for more deportations than Barack Obama, an undisputed fact, and in the last two years of his administration there was a net negative of illegal crossings at the southern border.

Right wing media spared no expense a full two months with 24/7 coverage of the great caravan of terrorists heading towards the border, and Republicans lost the midterm elections by a landslide.

Including seats lost at all levels in the border states.

This is a losing issue for Trump, Republicans, and the right wing media.

In two more weeks when the Dems take control of the House, and those subpoenas start going out, the wall isn't going to be an issue anymore.

And the right wing media will be in full damage control mode.
Of course they will not go to a Nuke option. Why would they
do that. The Dems don't sign the bill that the House passed
by midnite tonight, the Dems will own the shutdown.

The Prez cannot be blamed for vetoing a bill that he never received.

No President is responsible for more deportations than Barack Obama, an undisputed fact, and in the last two years of his administration there was a net negative of illegal crossings at the southern border.

Right wing media spared no expense a full two months with 24/7 coverage of the great caravan of terrorists heading towards the border, and Republicans lost the midterm elections by a landslide.

Including seats lost at all levels in the border states.

This is a losing issue for Trump, Republicans, and the right wing media.

In two more weeks when the Dems take control of the House, and those subpoenas start going out, the wall isn't going to be an issue anymore.

And the right wing media will be in full damage control mode.

wrong....they counted turning people back at the checkpoints as deportations you doofus. And no, the Republicans didn't lose in a landslide...the democrats underperformed for a midterm..but thanks for playing.
Of course they will not go to a Nuke option. Why would they
do that. The Dems don't sign the bill that the House passed
by midnite tonight, the Dems will own the shutdown.

The Prez cannot be blamed for vetoing a bill that he never received.
Republicans control the house, senate, and presidency. You need to learn personal responsibility and stop blaming others for your shortcomings.

It takes 60 votes in the Senate. You didn't know that?
Who runs the Senate and is responsible for getting the necessary votes?

You can lead a horse to water...

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