Trump Tries To Call Witness To Jan 6th Hearings

One party's platform contains daycare, community College tuition, mandatory paid leave & family leave and wage hikes.

The other party's platform is to obstruct these things.Which is precisely what they did in the Senate.

I would say there is a difference. Anyone who doesn't isn't being honest.
From what I saw from the progs and BBB, I don't think they ahve shit.

But I agree the party of Mitch is not about workers.

WJC got it, I'll give the dems that much. Hillary's shelf life had just expired.
Apparently you cant even explain it, so why would I?


I already explained it. You just didn't understand. The reason you didn't understand, and still don't understand, was then explained in post #362.
From what I saw from the progs and BBB, I don't think they ahve shit.
Then you aren't paying attention. Read the platform.

Look at the bills passed by the house and killed in the senate.

One simple thing that would IMMEDIATELY and profoundly empower half the population economically (and their entire households) is daycare assistance.

One party voted for it, the other did the only governing move they appear to know: they blocked it.

This is reality.
So they are doing this show trial to make a law to prevent coups? I didn't know it was legal to overthrow the learn something new everyday.

We have never had this type of thing happen in the history of America. It's not normal for America. In other countries, it gets people shot and hung.
Bannon said he would testify live in prime time. The committee wouldn't let him because they would not be able to control which testimony makes the news and which testimony would be squashed. Same with the others. The committee has total control of which parts of testimony they want to make public.

I wonder what would preclude someone who testifies from walking out onto the steps of the Capitol and telling the reporters there everything he'd just said in the hearing...

I already explained it. You just didn't understand. The reason you didn't understand, and still don't understand, was then explained in post #362.
I understand that youre a retard who thought your "deep state" comment was smart and biting. It wasnt. It was boring and benal.
They never had a chance to participate. The whole thing was going to be totally controlled by anti-Trumpers. It was a sham from the get go and Republicans refused to take part in a sham where only anti-Trumpness rules would be followed.
They never wanted to participate, but still want to retain the right to complain about it. :rolleyes-41:
In any other first world country Rump would already be serving 20 years or more and so would his backers.
That would not be a first world country, it would be third world. It is the direction we are heading.

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