Trump Tries To Call Witness To Jan 6th Hearings

Actually what you do it confront him and then ridicule him... Drives him mental...
From his upbringing Trump is highly insecure and open to bullying. His father basically bullied him while Trump seeked approval. Victims of bullying often then do it to others and admire other bullies.

This is why Putin always had Trump number... Putin rules by bullying, it is a trait that is admired in Russian leadership... Being strong and not look weak... Trump much like his father relationship admires this and might even be inclined to seek approval somewhat.

Notice how Merkel had no time for Trump antics, that woman came from East Germany... She saw all that shit before..
Everything Trump has done has benefitted the American people. Everything the Democrats have done benefits only themselves by using resources tapped from the taxpayers who do not benefit from kingpin oligarches of sociocommunism.
January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6thJanuary 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th
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You sure nailed it!
Oh, ok. Cheney & Kinzinger both Republicans have their head up......

McCarthy was offered appointments on the committe but he walked away, & now has the balls to claim it's partisan?

See the hypocricy & stupidity on his part.
Republicans refused to take part in a sham where democrats were the ones in power to make the decisions such as which testimony is made public and which testimony is squashed. Democrats had it all rigged right from the get go.
Your propagandists have lied to you.

So, you're saying that democrats weren't the top dogs to make the decisions of which testimony is made public and which testimony was squashed? Republicans wanted to include investigations of why Pelosi turned down more national guard troops just before the riot but democrats refused to investigate that.
no it’s not.

1) there is no evidence trump even knew this person was a “witness”
2) no evidence of what they spoke about
3) trump isn’t even the subject of this “hearing”
4)no evidence this “witness” was material or what the “witness” knew m
5) no evidence this “witness” was going to testify ir really was a witness

this was just the dems being desperate to take away from 9.1 percent inflation and the fact nobody cares about their sitcom anymore

Yes, this will lead nowhere.
Poor Faun, you never heard of chilling now and then, have you. I grant to you the last word if it makes you feel better. :thanks:


Moron, you literally projected Republicans demand proof for them to believe but Democrats don't.

But that's just unabashed projection given you believe there was massive fraud in the 2020 election even though there's no proof of that.

I doubt it.
It is the law... Other countries have tightened this up a lot...

US doesn't seem to have something like CAB (Crininal Asset Bureau)

Each Country in Europe are creating these... Very focused on money, they are getting the most arrests in serious crime...

We are surprised Trump wasn't investigated by ARA ( UK CAB) for that development on his course in Scotland. It smelt money laundering, who invests that kind of money in a loss making exercise?
Everything Trump has done has benefitted the American people. Everything the Democrats have done benefits only themselves by using resources tapped from the taxpayers who do not benefit from kingpin oligarches of sociocommunism.

His high-pitched tantrum over losing the 2020 election has not benefitted the American people. In fact, I don't see how his tantrum could have been worse for us.
Republicans refused to take part in a sham where democrats were the ones in power to make the decisions such as which testimony is made public and which testimony is squashed. Democrats had it all rigged right from the get go.

Nice. Boycott the committee and then cry the committee is not fair & balanced because it lacks Republican representation. Yeah -- that's the ticket!
And, like Bannon, they would never let Trump testify live in prime time. They would have Trump testify so that they could edit everything and anything he said, like they have already done with his words. And, of course, they would make sure to only ask questions that would not give Trump any opportunity to defend himself.

ROTFLMFAO, they would LOVE to get that blithering idiot to testify on live TV. My god that would be freaking hysterical!
Everything Trump has done has benefitted the American people. Everything the Democrats have done benefits only themselves by using resources tapped from the taxpayers who do not benefit from kingpin oligarches of sociocommunism.
Give it a rest and get informed... Trump called Washington a swamp and then went there and tried to make a sewer...

As for your communism comment... This is why we can't have a serious discussion with you... Too fucking ill informed to know any reality...

Economically Trump was one of the worst Presidents in modern times... Even his supporters have to use average unemployment because he got it low and gave it back much higher... This is the equivalent of coming on in a game 20 points ahead and coming off 10 points down and claiming it a success because on average you were ahead during the game.

Moron, you literally projected Republicans demand proof for them to believe but Democrats don't.

But that's just unabashed projection given you believe there was massive fraud in the 2020 election even though there's no proof of that.

I have personal proof in my memory of reviewing a thought-they-were-not-being-watched Democrat precinct chairman bragging about who had voted the most times without being caught, and how many extra votes they inserted into their sundry precincts, coast to coast. And they erased everything they said the following day, because I thought of putting evidence of this in my computer, because I was too stunned to realize the polls were a place of merriment about stealing elections for Democrats. I would never join any organization that thought they could get away with cheating the American people out of winning all the people's elections. I had no idea the Democrats had gone deep state such a long time ago, but they practice omeurta on election day, in my humble opinion. I think people should observe honorable behaviors such as those recommended in Mosaic law, and by Christian laws, also that support the good tenets of the highest of good behaviors--honesty, integrity, devotion to rightness, and the very sheer delight I found in living in God's light which was simplified by the teachings of a Jewish rabbi named Jesus Christ who was described gently by Isaiah the prophet as "and his name shall be called wonderful, counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the prince of peace." Just seeing those words fills my heart and soul with joy. as do others who follow the same guidelines so foreign to those who brag about power, greedy larceny of the good things that belong to others, such as an election as I learned from reading secretive behaviors of a group of national and coast to coast Democrats who are so selfish that people who are dedicated to helping others do not want them in their friendship circles. That one reading those many years ago when i was learning to use a computer was an unforgettable shock to my little world of working for the good of others in the manner our savior Jesus described rather well in things written of him in the New Testament of the Bible. Bragging about crimes is bad for everyone, but it has the benefit of learning not to trust everyone, only those who adhere to the caring for those God calls us to help--the fatherless, widows, single moms who were abandoned by selfish and deceptive males, and those impoverished by societal collapse, including endangered species of the animal kingdom.
they would never let Trump testify live in prime time.

Is this one of those spoof post?

The Jan 6th folks would love nothing more than to get Trump on there and make him testify under oath.

Were you an actual independent thinker you would know that Trump is almost always his own worst enemy
Give it a rest and get informed... Trump called Washington a swamp and then went there and tried to make a sewer...

As for your communism comment... This is why we can't have a serious discussion with you... Too fucking ill informed to know any reality...

Economically Trump was one of the worst Presidents in modern times... Even his supporters have to use average unemployment because he got it low and gave it back much higher... This is the equivalent of coming on in a game 20 points ahead and coming off 10 points down and claiming it a success because on average you were ahead during the game.
You're so naive I am considering putting you on ignore for 3 days. Don't expect me to be fooled by those who fooled you.
I never said it was a rule, dupe. I said Pelosi would not allow pro Trump advocates on the committee. Some of you need to be reminded that this committee is doing nothing but using hearsay and truncated info in order to falsely indict Trump, just like the Democrats did with his so-called one-sided impeachment as well, that is only tactic now. It is not fair at all, it is purely a political lynching.
McCarthy had his chance. He has opted out.
You should direct your ire accordingly.

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