Trump Tries To Call Witness To Jan 6th Hearings

I have personal proof in my memory of reviewing a thought-they-were-not-being-watched Democrat precinct chairman bragging about who had voted the most times without being caught, and how many extra votes they inserted into their sundry precincts, coast to coast. And they erased everything they said the following day, because I thought of putting evidence of this in my computer, because I was too stunned to realize the polls were a place of merriment about stealing elections for Democrats. I would never join any organization that thought they could get away with cheating the American people out of winning all the people's elections. I had no idea the Democrats had gone deep state such a long time ago, but they practice omeurta on election day, in my humble opinion. I think people should observe honorable behaviors such as those recommended in Mosaic law, and by Christian laws, also that support the good tenets of the highest of good behaviors--honesty, integrity, devotion to rightness, and the very sheer delight I found in living in God's light which was simplified by the teachings of a Jewish rabbi named Jesus Christ who was described gently by Isaiah the prophet as "and his name shall be called wonderful, counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the prince of peace." Just seeing those words fills my heart and soul with joy. as do others who follow the same guidelines so foreign to those who brag about power, greedy larceny of the good things that belong to others, such as an election as I learned from reading secretive behaviors of a group of national and coast to coast Democrats who are so selfish that people who are dedicated to helping others do not want them in their friendship circles. That one reading those many years ago when i was learning to use a computer was an unforgettable shock to my little world of working for the good of others in the manner our savior Jesus described rather well in things written of him in the New Testament of the Bible. Bragging about crimes is bad for everyone, but it has the benefit of learning not to trust everyone, only those who adhere to the caring for those God calls us to help--the fatherless, widows, single moms who were abandoned by selfish and deceptive males, and those impoverished by societal collapse, including endangered species of the animal kingdom.

That's a long diatribe just to confirm what I said. You believe thd election was stolen even though there's no proof.
Nice. Boycott the committee and then cry the committee is not fair & balanced because it lacks Republican representation. Yeah -- that's the ticket!
huh? the gop didn’t boycott it, nancy wouldn’t let any of their members on..she hand picked a couple, liz for example, who she knew was planning a run for the oval office against trump
That's a long diatribe just to confirm what I said. You believe thd election was stolen even though there's no proof.
it was stolen…china interfered on the behalf of xiden. That’s the real issue..this jan 6 committee is merely a hoax to distract from that
CNN reports, "The House January 6 hearings have evolved from documenting a stain on history to a warning of a violent and tyrannical future that awaits if Donald Trump is allowed to again unleash America’s pent-up extremism.

"In the latest episode of its limited season television event, the House select committee on Tuesday traced Trump’s links to and inspiration for far right-wing groups that came to Washington to help his mob smash its way into Congress in early 2021. These were the forces that heeded the ex-President’s call to “fight like Hell” to thwart President Joe Biden’s election, including the Oath Keepers militia and the Proud Boys he once told to “stand back, and stand by” on national TV.

This continuing effort to undermine American institutions and the rule of law is showing that Trump’s threat to democracy didn’t end in 2021. Whatever impact the committee has on the ex-President’s future political prospects, and whether or not he ends up facing criminal charges, there’s a sense that while documenting Trump’s past transgressions, the committee is also racing to keep up with his new ones.

The public hearings are an effort to expose a seam of far right-wing extremism that exists below the surface of American political life, CNN.

In the meantime, the forum's Republicans remain totally silent about all this. Congressional Republicans are the quietest bunch of lawmakers in American history, and, if they say anything at all, it is to complain about inflation. According to a recent poll, 49% of GOP voters favor Trump becoming the Presidential candidate in 2024. The Democrats are doing all they can to ensure Republicans win control of Congress in November.

There is something seriously wrong with America.
There always has been something seriously wrong. It’s just that the internet has given voice and power to the worst elements that were historically kept in the margins by elites.
huh? the gop didn’t boycott it, nancy wouldn’t let any of their members on..she hand picked a couple, liz for example, who she knew was planning a run for the oval office against trump

You're lying again. She allowed 3 of the 5. McCarthy chose to pull them and boycott it. What a stupid thing to do as exemplified now by those on the right wanting more Republican representation.
it was stolen…china interfered on the behalf of xiden. That’s the real issue..this jan 6 committee is merely a hoax to distract from that

If no one has mentioned it, their blocking Trump's witness is a very bad look for Dems:
  • If Trump's witness is flawed in anyway, their exposing it would be a golden opportunity for Democrats!

  • So all that leaves is the only reason to NOT let Trump select a witness is because he would absolutely make the J6 committee look bad! Meaning they are HIDING something they don't want exposed to the world.
Which “Trump witness” has been blocked? :uhoh3:
You're lying again. She allowed 3 of the 5. McCarthy chose to pull them and boycott it. What a stupid thing to do as exemplified now by those on the right wanting more Republican representation.
nope it’s true
Nice. Boycott the committee and then cry the committee is not fair & balanced because it lacks Republican representation. Yeah -- that's the ticket!
It wasn't going to be fair and balanced. Democrats made the rules of what testimony they would look for, what testimony they would make public, and what testimony they would squash. They had complete authority to do whatever the hell they wanted and block whatever the hell they wanted.
Is this one of those spoof post?

The Jan 6th folks would love nothing more than to get Trump on there and make him testify under oath.

Were you an actual independent thinker you would know that Trump is almost always his own worst enemy
Trump is not an eloquent speaker and can say almost anything so he is his own worst enemy in that regard. Funny though that you would say everything coming out of his mouth is a lie and yet if he said something that sounded incriminating to you, you would take it as hard and true facts while ignoring everything else he said.
Trump is not an eloquent speaker and can say almost anything so he is his own worst enemy in that regard. Funny though that you would say everything coming out of his mouth is a lie and yet if he said something that sounded incriminating to you, you would take it as hard and true facts while ignoring everything else he said.

I would never say anything coming out of anyone's mouth was a lie.
Of course you lied. You almost always lie. You said Pelosi wouldn't allow any of McCarthy's choices but in reality, which you avoid like the plague, she accepted 3 of his 5.
She wouldn't play by the rules, and made her own rules up. This was a hoax from the get go

"Speaker Nancy Pelosi has taken the unprecedented step of denying the minority party's picks for the Select Committee on January 6," McCarthy said in a statement. "This represents an egregious abuse of power and will irreparably damage this institution. Denying the voices of members who have served in the military and law enforcement, as well as leaders of standing committees, has made it undeniable that this panel has lost all legitimacy and credibility and shows the Speaker is more interested in playing politics than seeking the truth."
It wasn't going to be fair and balanced. Democrats made the rules of what testimony they would look for, what testimony they would make public, and what testimony they would squash. They had complete authority to do whatever the hell they wanted and block whatever the hell they wanted.
That's right. Exactly as planned by the cult masters. So that you would discredit the hearings before they even started, then ignore them, once they did.

That is what they think of you. They think you are an aggressively ignorant sheep who will say what you are programmed to say.

And look at the results...
That's right. Exactly as planned by the cult masters. So that you would discredit the hearings before they even started, then ignore them, once they did.

That is what they think of you. They think you are an aggressively ignorant sheep who will say what you are programmed to say.

And look at the results...
Why take part in hearings where those in charge determine what testimony they want, what is released, and what is squashed?
That's right. Exactly as planned by the cult masters. So that you would discredit the hearings before they even started, then ignore them, once they did.

That is what they think of you. They think you are an aggressively ignorant sheep who will say what you are programmed to say.

And look at the results...
well, yeah they were discredited before they even started, but frankly the past couple weeks, have really just blew the entire lid off it

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